Puzzle Heart - Chapter 10

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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Klaus and Scotty make it back to the northern hemisphere and a chilly Canada. Erotic stuff galore once again as the loved-up couple spend some quality time together.

I bet you're wondering whether I got him to try it.

I didn't actually manage to get him to fuck himself silly with the snorkeling equipment, but I did manage to make him cum again, splatter me with his hot spunk as I sat myself to all 9 inches of that rigid plastic pipe. I'm a fucking dirty fox I know; and I did clean and sanitize it before we handed it all back. Nah I'm not that fucked up; I kept it as a souvenir. I recognize how gross that would be and that not everyone likes ass as much as me!

Onwards and upwards my friends, and from the sublime to the very ridiculous we hurtle. I say that in the nicest way, but you have to remember at this point, my mind has been frazzled by so many different cultures in such a short span of time, that I am kinda pining for the States or England or somewhere where I can just tell the world I want to get off. Everything is spinning too fast!

Aaaaaanyway! We hop a couple of flights to get us around the flip side of the globe - I'm getting so good at airports now I feel like a pro - and before you know it, we're back on North American soil. Via Hawaii of course, which is technically north American too, but we always tend to think of it as its own little country. We stopped there briefly, enough time to try some more watersports - the kind with boards and snorkels and stuff. I'm not that brave yet!

Klaus and I weren't there all that long, although he had mentioned to me that I would look all sorts of sexy in a hula dress. I mean, how could I say no to that face? As you can probably guess, that happened! Hoo boy did it happen! Before I head on to the main event - which isn't even in Hawaii - I will let you in on our very brief layover in Honolulu. We took a hotel down by the Diamond Head monument, somewhere where we could see mountains and see all at once, whilst having the luxury of a bed, an actual, physical, real, _Icangetacomfynightssleep_bed... and a bathroom! Ta da! Man I'd been without one of these for weeks, perhaps a month. The time had passed us by. It's true that it means nothing when you're having fun, but it sure does fly.

So I'm having all sorts of fun just showering every quarter of an hour, whilst Klaus is lying on the bed watching some shitty morning TV with a brochure in his paw. Next thing I hear is...

"Hey babe, you ever thought of wearing a skirt?"

I mean really? A skirt again? For real? Is this guy for real?! I'm girly but not that girly! Am I?

I just stop stock still in the shower, letting the water hit my fur as I cast a Star Wars Darth Vader glance through the wall to see if my mind control powers work. Fuck! They don't change his mind or stop him thinking anything. My silence just reaffirms his ability to persuade me to do pretty much anything. So as you can guess, after we've had a day down by the beach catching some surf, the subject comes up again. Oh and by the way, I can dildo myself with snorkel tubes, but surf boards?! Girl, are you trippin'?! Uh uh! My horniness and ability to make Klaus come with a single playful moment of total public indecency aside, he mentions it over dinner that I should totally try out this place that sells hula skirts down by the beach.

"You really want me in one of those?" I stand there pointing at it as it hangs on the stall next to the very persuasive market trader.

"Are you kiddin?! It'd come off in one ... yank!"

Cue collective sigh as Klaus laughs at his own joke. Fuck me, he's been storing that one up for a looooong time. I guess I couldn't say no to a night of themed sex. Or perhaps he just wanted me to parade around like a girl for the rest of our trip. Who was I to say?! I'd learned so much on this trip, about places, people and myself, that literally 'everything goes' now. Not that this was unlike what Klaus and I got up to before. Remember the incidents with the kilt? Yeah, well I guessed that was coming back to haunt me. No such luck! I made sure Klaus got tipsy on Okolehao, and I lead him home for his after-dinner treat.

He flumped onto the hotel bed, propped to his paws at either side, staring at me with his tongue doing a number across his chops.

"Strip for me!" He murred underneath his breath.

And I gave him what he wanted, swishing myself around the room and losing pretty much everything I had on, save for the skirt that I had hidden beneath. Every move of my ass, his eyes followed. Every sway of my tail, he turned to get a better look. In the end, I straddled him in my straw skirt and took off his tie, before binding his wrists together around one of the four-poster pillars.

"Now, get on your knees." I commanded as I watched him slip from the bed in his half-undone shirt and his tented black trousers, falling to the base of the bed and at a perfect angle for me to keep me out of reach.

I was the subject of his affection, the subject of his lust, and I played on that for a good half hour more, swishing my skirt high and over his muzzle, keeping my ass away from him by mere inches. And I could see him struggling and straining against his tied paws to get at me, to get under my skirt and stick his tongue where every dog's tongue would feel at home. He could probably have reached up and torn his tie away with his teeth. He might have been able to slip loose from his bounds by simple strength. Maybe he was keeping himself there to humour me or to make me feel good; or perhaps it was the strength of his tipple that had rendered his brain mush.

Whatever the case, I played on his sensibilities, on that gorgeously horrible stain that grew larger and larger in his pants, where the head of his hard, wet dick hit the fabric and ached for release. I gave in to his bitchy whining and moaning eventually with a haughty huff and sigh.

I guess I can give you what you want I thought to myself, my eyes doing all the talking as I waltzed back over to my desperate dobe and turned.

I could hear him whimper for it, his throat squeaking with need. I simply touched my paw to his nose, tweaking it teasingly, before I spun, lifted my skirt and gave him the tail-high access he'd craved all night long. Oh man, to feel him go to town on my musky ass was fantastic; but to hear him was all the better. To hear him enjoy the smell of his mate was the best present I could ever have asked for. It didn't take long for my intoxicating aroma to have its effect; and perhaps that was down to me making him wetter and harder than ever with all that teasing.

Klaus must've been allowed the taste of his fox like a good doggy for barely a minute, when he growled and held his muzzle deep between me with his cool nose pressed against the muscle, the smell of hot semen stroking through the air, coupled with the sound of liquid pattering to the carpet. He moaned into my ass as he let go paws-free, the patch on his trousers going from glistening grey to white in an instant, the spurt held by the cotton as he creamed himself good!

It was good to get my own back, to have the control for once.

So where was I? Ah yes, North American soil. At least upon this soil stood hockey and kraft-dinner lovers. Yes, we'd hit Canada, America's party-hat. Oh man, that was mean! I just can't help myself sometimes.

So yeah, Canada. And I'm thinking, this is probably not the best place to be around September time. But hey, it's cold up here no matter the time of year. So screw it, I went along with whatever Klaus had in mind, although I had a sneaking suspicion that it involved yet more winging-it when I saw the size of the airport at which we were coming in to land. We'd flown Honolulu to Ottawa overnight, and camped on those ever-so comfy airport seats (not!) cos' I was absolutely out on my paws after a frickin' twelve hour flight! Other than that, flights to where we were headed only went out at very specific times of day; and we'd landed like an hour after the last one had gone. So we had to make the departure lounge our camp for the night, and that meant no paws on each other. That was a lot more difficult than ever I could have imagined. I mean, I love him but I never knew how much until we were stranded in public spaces with eyes watching us.

"We could always... you know... give 'em a show!" Klaus winked as he cupped his hot mug of tea, gesturing up at the security cameras.

No response.


Nothing but cartoon z's rose from my seat. I was absolutely out for the count, snoring my head off at a strange angle on the very unforgiving plastic seat. Ah well, I guess there'll always be another time. Klaus had told me about this bit of the story cos' obviously I don't remember him suggesting it. C'est la vie!

Come morning, we were the first to board our flight onwards. Destination was sunny Iqaluit on Baffin Island. That's the middle-of-frickin-goddamn-nowhere to any of you who haven't dared go further north than Tucson! And if you're the touristy type, you ain't missin' anything either! We slink into our seats on this Air Nunavut flight which seems to have had seen better days, before I notice that it's a propeller-driven aircraft; and that's when I get an even worse feeling about this whole thing!

"Relax babe, we'll be fine." Klaus just relaxes into his seat and closes his eyes, headrest back and staring almost full-on at the ceiling.

He always says that; and he's always right. I dunno. I guess I'm just real inexperienced at these things. I'm a small-town fox from a sleepy Indiana town that had barely even heard of jet technology let alone some of the places we'd set paw in on this trip. Perhaps I'd never leave that 'me' behind. Perhaps this was my tail and glands telling me not to leave it all behind.

Nevertheless, we get airborne (just) and land at this tiny grey strip in the midst of all this white. Oh fuck, not snow again! I'd just left Hawaii in 85 and Thailand and India and all those wonderful warm places; and now I was faced with this?! Damnit! Remember when I said New Zealand was chilly; well, this place makes it look like freakin' Lagos in July!

A bit of detox he said.A bit of freedom and blasting fresh air that'll clear us out he said. Fuuuuuuck! I knew there was trouble when we landed and everyone starts putting layers on, wrapping their tails in tail-warmers and using not one, not two, but three bobble hats! That's gonna squash my ears!

"You'll thank me for it." Klaus's smile was wry, almost serious; almost, _are you really going to complain yet again_kind of thing.

I just shut-up, shying away and plodding about my business as if it were really that; business. Had this become a chore? Was I really tired inside as well as physically? How could I tell him? How could I approach this without ruining everything again, like I usually do?

Now don't get me wrong, once my eyes caught the outside - snow-blindness aside - it was very beautiful. You could see the town picked out in the prettiest little corrugated roofs. Reds, blues and greens stretched away like a mixed up patchwork quilt, peeling out into the ice, floes and drifts of snow. The white stuff was their greenery. The cold was their norm. This was their world, and I was well out of my depth. But, as per usual, once I got there, I felt that I was enjoying myself at the behest of no one and that I could ready myself for any adventure Klaus may have planned for us both.

With my fur layered and protected by snow clothes, my tail wrapped in a tartan warmer and my eyes protected with those cool wrap around UV shades, I joined Klaus in locking away the majority of our luggage at the airport. Took our usual back-pack of goodies, checked the weather and then headed out the airport, literally taking the street that lead up to it into town and beyond. Iqaluit Lane that lead away from the coming and going of the planes was more of a track than a road, but it was quaint and beautiful to a fox who'd never been this far north in his young life. There was a camp site on the route where the road dipped into Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, and this was where we were to stop and savour the Canadian wilderness. Much like our trip to Oceania and the gorgeous glacial valleys of New Zealand, this was our Northern version; a different kind of ice and snow!

"Ah come on, it's much more than that." Klaus giggled and nudged at me as we padded across the ice and the dirt towards the river.

Oh it so isn't! But that didn't mean I wouldn't enjoy it, even if everything was so barren and struck. And when I say that I mean, it seems almost cursed, grey and lonely. I have found out, above and with everything else this year, that beauty comes in so many forms. I'm the beholder, and in my eyes, everything has its own beauty.

"Even John?"

"Bleah! OK so maybe not John." I stick my tongue to feign puking, "he was gross!"

Gross fisherfoxes aside, it took us no time at all to reach our home for the next week or so. The terrain was rough and sprinkled with scree and rock, but if you were careful, you wouldn't break a claw. And there was our hotel! Well, I say hotel, I mean our hostel. Well, I say hostel, I mean our converted-shipping-container-that-looks-like-its-about-to-collapse-at-any-minute! I'm not shitting you either. It was a frickin' abandoned shipping container, converted to a sort of cabin with a single window and door to the shorter side and hoisted on a set of cast iron and wood stilts.

"You take me the most romantic places!" I put my paws together and fluttered my eyes as best I could.

"Oh quit your whinin'. I can still send you to heaven no matter where we lay our head!" He grinned and came over to me as we stood at the foot of the steps to the tub. I mean, the container. Damnit, I mean our room! "you OK babe? You know I'm just teasin' right?"

I just nod and smile bravely, my eyes thankfully hidden beneath my glasses. I was a little teary-eyed, and I think it was just all the travelling and stress of plane-hopping and globetrotting. All I could smell right now was the rush of peeling icy river water and stone cold stones. The frosty atmos had stifled our own unique scents, leaving us as mere shells, spectators perhaps in nature's playground, a wilderness that bore witness to our ancestors and the beauty of being untouched by paws.

"Let's get you settled in. You'll feel much better when we crank up the heat in this thing." Klaus climbed the steps, knocked the ice from the lock and undid the bolt, before padding on in.

First thing I notice. Fish!

"Wow, it smells like pussy in here!"

"Charming!" I giggle and shake my head. Klaus has this unnerving ability to point out things that he's thinking... out loud!

"Well it does!" He exclaimed, heaving his rucksack to one corner and setting about closing the door and cracking the window, "we're gonna have to balance that with putting the gas heater on. We'll freshen it up first, then close it out and put the gas on."

I just nod and slump my bag into the same corner, rubbing my paws in their gloves together for some extra warmth.

"Wow, ten whole degrees! Aren't we lucky?!" I'd seen a mercury thermometer left on one dusty shelf near the door and read off its smudged surface.

"Just you wait 'til night time. Then it'll get real interesting!"

"You're... you're gonna keep me warm right?" I waltz over to him with a grin, playing a paw down the zip of his jacket.

"It wouldn't be right to leave you all cold." He murred. Man that voice does things to me. We just sink into a kiss, stood holding each other in the dark, dingy cabin.

I will give it this... it was clean and dry. And to be honest, that was all I wanted. That, and dick. Boy did I need some hot cock filling me, keeping my pistons oiled. I guess my first thoughts had jumped to that and whereabouts would be the most fun to fuck. I smiled bravely, looking around, but to be honest there was no nuance about the place. It had been an industrial container for paws' sake! Not sure what I was expecting. The hard floor, or perhaps the wall would have to do. Sigh! Nothing like an old fashioned I guess. Guess I got used to mixing it up whilst we were away.

I don't know what it was about the place as a whole though, but whenever I set a paw outside, it felt like I was falling. The area was wide open, filled with sky and endless shallow-rolls of land. The grey of rock and silvery, heather-flecked tundra crammed your eyes to the point of dizziness. You could honestly lie down anywhere in Iqaluit and gaze upwards, and be anywhere in the world. The barren beauty made one feel so... empty. You were so far away from everything, that it made even the hardiest of city boys feel like they were the only one alive. I guess you could call it loneliness, even with my mate at my side. And that's not to say anything bad about Klaus. I... I just couldn't escape this feeling, like we'd reached the end of the earth, the end of life where rivers, waters, air and earth came to die. Wow that's dark!

But it was what was going through my head and tail every day we were there. And for all my bravado when we first set paw in our admittedly very cosy improvised home, I just didn't have the energy to screw around.

My mind was at a loss. Well, Klaus _had_said he wanted to detox more, defragment that special head of his and feel the touch of the wild all around him. This was about as remote and wild as you could get. I couldn't imagine anywhere better matched. And damn, was nighttime dark out in Canada, fuck me! It gave you the feeling of being all the more isolated.

I think it was our second day there that Klaus was out of our cozy hidey-hole before dawn, leaving me to sleep-in and take advantage of the extra room in our double sleeping bag. I had grown used to having to change into my clothes whilst still hidden in the bag. It was too frickin' cold to get out naked and change! The daylight was grey and misty, clouds dotted about the landscape like dabbing cotton wool balls tending to the blessed and the wounded. The door had to be kept shut, so I was on tip toes to gaze out the long window that had been cut into the corrugated side of the container, my nose snuffling through thirty years worth of dust and cobwebs. Ewwww, a spider! Fuckin' gross!

Klaus leaves me with a dark - if dry - home to look after with but the creepiest of animals to keep me company, and the nonsense purr of our gas heater. I'm so lucky!

I kid. But to be honest, I was kinda feeling that homesickness starting to build again. Not for the UK or even for anywhere else we might have drenched or sun-scorched our fur; but home, back in the backwoods of Indiana. I sigh and heave myself back to the floor, my paws wrapped around myself as I settle on that lonely looking push broom in the corner to do some tidying. In between sips of hot orange squash and perhaps a dried, crumbled-up cereal bar (they hadn't survived the journey!), I peeked my nose out the door, eyesight struggling with the melon-y light, my ears swept back and almost frozen by the bitter gusts.

My paws were too warm and dry and fed-up with hiking to venture out. Doubtlessly Klaus would bring back many a tale of his wilderness walks; and I was right. I think he got back at like seven or eight at night, his handsome black fur hidden in the ruff and comfort of his puffa-jacket. It was too difficult to tell, so I just relied on instinct; that is, light outside equals day, and dark equals bad, cold old night!

"You look positively frozen, babe"

He wanders in, takes his gloves off and guns straight for our little heater. I'm there huddled around it, its weak orange glow mixing with the blue gas flame to create a throb of colour up against the metallic dusk. I didn't respond, my eyes just lost in the machine, surrounded by black on all sides; and by him too, my black handsome stud of a dog. Oh fuck, why did I have to be such a pussy?!

He reached down to kiss me between the ears, my nose twitching with the soft scent of sweat that came out from under his coat and thermals, but also with the distinctly piscine smokiness of dinner.

"I found this dude up near the mountain. He was selling arctic char, couple o' bucks a bundle!" Klaus unfolded a handy little plasterer's table in readiness to prepare our tea, "thought it might be nice for our dinner."

And still I was silent.

"Don't you think?"


"It'll be good for our dinner?"

"Oh... oh yeah." I quickly smile and rub my paws together, before my eyes get lost again, a pair of obsidian pupils floating on the magma of worry and topaz heat.

I hear him put down his knife and sling the bundle gently to the wooden surface, before those big footpaws came padding over in my direction.

"Scotty?" That soothing voice struck through me; and now I don't think I could stop myself.

"Hmm? Yes hun'?" I sniffle and dab at my eyes before plastering what was totally the bravest smile I've ever mustered in my life.

"Scott honey, what's wrong? You... are you crying?"

"Me? No... no I... I keep staring at this thing, keep trying to get myself closer to the warmth and it makes my eyes water."

I can't look at him at this stage, feeling his warm breath pant across the left side of my neck; and my vision just started to fade all the more, blurred with puddles of tears that were just not gonna' stop.

"Babe, please. Tell me what's got you upset." He rounds me, coming to sit cross-pawed opposite, a paw held lovingly on my left knee.

I just sniffle and look skyward to blink out my tears, that horrible hot feeling flushing through my muzzle as I know I'm about to burst.

"I... I... oh I don't know." I sling my head down into my lap, my legs already pulled up to my chest, sobbing with shuddering shoulders into the little warmth I could muster from my own pelt and clothes, "I'm... s..sorry. I.. I'm sorry."

I could see his ears flop backwards and his muzzle drop a mile. I'd disappointed him again. Fuck this! Damn it, I'm so stupid.

"Scotty honey, please don't cry. Here..." he crawled over the floor at me, urging me to turn slightly and lie back down onto the nearby sleeping bag, "lie back babe. Lie down here with me and tell me what's up."

I resist at first before I let his paws push me back onto the cool, dry duvet, the smells of his wet fur, his stale breath, fish and grit hitting me all at once.

"I..." I stop and breathe deep, wiping my eyes again with a vacant paw, "I... I guess I'm just overly tired or somethin', and... I guess I'm just missing home."

"You... you're homesick?"

I shrug and feel the tears come again, covering my muzzle with my paws to stop him from seeing me like this.

"Honey, it's ok. It's totally ok, mate."

"It... it is?" I mumble with a trembling maw, fighting the urge to just breakdown in pieces.

"Of course..." Klaus adjusted himself to lie with his paws pointing towards the heater, his handsome head propped to his right elbow. His left paw held softly to my tummy, wrapped and layered beneath three shirts, a sweater, one jacket and paws only knows what else!, "... but you have to tell me, babe. If you're unhappy I..."

"No no! I'm not unhappy." I flinch to lean myself upwards, leaving Klaus at floor level and propping myself up on both paws, the fur on my head flattened where I'd lain, "please I... I'm not un-happy. I just... I just want... I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

"You want to get back to somewhere where tails wag the same as yours, they smell familiar and there's no strange lingo or grub to throw your stomach into a total spiral!"

He cut me off, but he was right. That was exactly what I had in mind. I just nod, turning to my left to look down at him, his muzzle struck with an understanding if concerned smile. There's a pause in our conversation as we just smile and stare into each other's eyes, before he leans up to get back to his feet.

"I'll take care o' ya' babe!" He heaves himself to his feet, lingers a kiss between my ears and gets back to preparing our dinner.

"Are...are you sure?" I swivel as I'm left seated on our sleeping bag, my ears pinning again in deference.

"Of course Scotty." Klaus's eyes are lost in carefully trimming our fish supper, before that handsome muzzle turns at an angle, gazing down at me, "I want you to enjoy this trip, and it's high time we did something that you want to do rather than me drag you around."

"No, I don't feel dragged around, Klaus." I get to my feet and slink behind my mate, our very dim shadow blurred and smudged by the restricted light and the fast disappearing sunshine outside, "I'd just like to be able to show you some cool things about where I'm from."

"I have just the thing in mind!" Klaus didn't turn, just concentrating on the food.

I never saw the sly look on his muzzle, the one he told me grew out of his naughty head the moment I'd mentioned home.

"You do?" I smile and sniffle, nuzzling the top of his back as my paws wrap around his waist from behind.

"Mhm. But there'll be no letting on." He swivels in my very limited grasp; I can never hold him very long before he takes delicious control of me, "I owe you a surprise and a surprise is what you'll get."

He dabs a fishy-smelling paw to my nose in jest, and I can't help but blush and smile. And no matter how much persuasion I tried, no matter how frickin' filthy my offers of sex were, Klaus wouldn't divulge what he had planned for me. All I knew was that he had our flights booked to Chicago, showing me the tickets on his United app. Man the internet service sucks out there! You know when it was like dial-up only? Well this was the same thing! When you'd stay up all night to leer after sexy tail, and see like four guys?! Jesus Christ almighty!

"I guess there'll be no pictorial stimulation for us!" Klaus giggled as he wandered a paw across his android to see if we had any more signal for the night, "I'll just have to settle for what I have here!"

He turns to me, and I frown as I see that big yummy muzzle coming at mine.

"Uh uh!" I do the finger wag and get all sassy with him, eventually placing my paw over his gob, "what do ya' mean ya'll have to 'settle'?!"

"Perhaps I meant settle as in the piece of furniture." He grins and licks his lips.

"Huh?" I'm real confused now.

"Yeah, you know..." Klaus gets to his feet again and stretches, that cute nub tail wagging and twitching through his heavy jeans; and now he turns over his shoulder to look down at me, left sitting finishing my meal on the floor, "... as in, I'll just have to sit on what I have here!"

Oh man, he's so frickin' naughty! My pants just got tight again, pushing up the blanket I'd pulled over my lap for warmth as we ate.

But Canada wasn't over for us. Sure I'd been kind of cubbish and whined to go home - and I kept thinking that no matter how much Klaus reassured me that he never saw it like that - but there was one more thing he wanted to see before we left.

It was that same night, probably around eleven, that he nudged me with an elbow whilst we were sat there finishing a couple of mugs of packet cocoa.

"Come on you. You need to see this." He hot-paws it for the door and is there ready to open it out to the cold.

"Hang on just a sec... just a... yep." I adjust my jacket, zip myself up, hoist up my pants from being shuffled as we lay on the floor and re-wrap my tail, "ok I'm ready!"

I giggle as I put my paws on my bobble hat and have it perched in preparation over my head as Klaus opens the door, presenting the gloriously slate-blue outdoors to me as if he were a doorman to a posh hotel.

"Go on." He murmurs softly, "head on out. You'll love it."

I just smile and blush, slipping my hat down over my pert ears and pad shyly past a bowing Klaus, my eyes dark at first as I'm consumed by the chill of night.

"What am I supp..."

I just stop, my laughing as I pad out of our makeshift hotel ceasing in an instant; and now the cold feeling of my feet across the mixture of tundra, grit, gravel and grey was just gone.

"Isn't it incredible?" Klaus joins me, his big paws slipping around me from behind, his head lain over mine as we both look skyward in awe.

"It's... it's amazing."

I gasp, my muzzle open as I watch the silent waltz of the most vibrant greens, yellows and blues careen across the sky, a spectacle few get to witness; and here I was, in the middle of the wilderness watching the strike of the midnight sun across our planet, filling my eyes with colours that I could barely describe to you even now. And who was I with? Just the most amazing partner a fox could ever wish for.

I'd looked skyward and prayed before; but this, the incredible sight of the Northern Lights, just knocked my tail off! If I was thinking or praying or begging for anything at that moment, it was that the warmth of his arms around me wouldn't stop, and that the powers-that-be could do me a favour by keeping us like this no matter where we were.

And that was it. It didn't matter where we were, what tummy bugs I picked up from strange food, what cultures shocked me, pleased me, fucked me over or helped me; we were still one and the same, partners and lovers.

It was context on an unearthly scale; and I loved it!