Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 33

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#33 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

Guidance Heart decides she needs a change to her life

Chapter 33: A Guiding Hand

Guidance Heart Raccoon couldn't sleep. This was becoming a recurring problem, insomnia. She didn't toss and turn much in her sleep so she just waited until she heard Anger Heart drift off then got up to go warm up some milk. When that didn't work she would dig up an old anime DVD or switch to a stream service and watch a few episode of a favorite anime or an anime movie.

An hour into 'Ninja Scroll' she felt Anger Heart sit down next to her. "Fourth nights in a row. What's wrong, dear?"

Guidance fumbled with the empty milk mug, "Too much on my mind, I can't stop thinking."

"What about?" Anger Heart turned to face her, leaning sideways on the couch.

Guidance set the empty mug down and paused the movie. "I don't want to keep being a Magi."

Anger Heart started and nearly fell forwards, "What?"

"I don't want to be a soldier anymore, not after this ends." Guidance Heart sighed. "I'm not much of a fighter, actually I think I've gotten worse lately and I don't like fighting, especially after what happened in Paradise Valley..." Guidance looked down at her hands, then clenched them to stop them from shaking. "I'll talk to Love Heart tomorrow but I..."

Anger Heart leaned over and hugged her. "It's alright. Do what you have to do, and if Love Heart says no I'll convince him otherwise. We didn't ask to be soldiers, Germaine, and if you don't want to fight you don't have to."

Guidance was stunned, hearing her human name for the first time in years, then hugged back. "Thank you, Alex." After a moment they let go and stood up. Guidance yawned and stretched. "I think I can sleep now."

Anger Heart watched her go for a moment then plopped back down on the couch, "Now I can't sleep." He sighed and started up the movie again.


Guidance Heart sat with Love Heart in the leader's office in the Hall of Hearts. Love Heart sighed, "You know, I keep trying to live the 'retired life' and I keep getting dragged out for more work." He gave a weak smile, "So what do you want to talk about, Guidance?"

"I want to stop being a Magi." She took a deep breath and stared at the desk in between them, "I can stick it out until No-Heart is defeated but after that I want to do something else, something more like the other Care Bears."

Love Heart was quiet for several seconds before he spoke again, "If that's what you want, then go ahead."

Guidance raised her head to look him in the eyes, "Really?"

Love Heart nodded, "Yes, really."

Guidance leaned back, stress draining form her as she did so. "What if everyone freaks out, like with Patient Heart?"

Love Heart sighed. When Patient Heart Liger had told the rest of the Care Bear Family that he wanted to be a veterinarian instead of helping kids, a lot of them had freaked out and there had been a small fight over his decision, with some even blaming his parents for his attitude. Love Heart had sympathized with his decision, as the Magi themselves stood apart from the rest of the Care Bear Family, but they had stayed out of what was a family matter.

"If they have a problem then I'll set them straight. We were chosen for this but we didn't ask for this." Love Heart smiled, "I'm more like Pace than everyone else, I chose to step back to be a father."

Guidance Heart managed a small giggle, "Right. Sometimes I forget you're second generation."

Love Heart chuckled, "So what do you want to do when this is all over."

"Well..." Guidance Heart weaved her fingers together, "I remember when I was living on earth, I know a lot of teenagers were lost and looking for their way in life, and with how Pace was trying to find his own way... I think I want to help them, be a guidance councillor for teenagers and older kids. Kids who don't just need day-to-day help but help finding out what they want to do with the rest of their lives."

As she spoke, Love Heart stood up and walked around the table to put a hand on her shoulder, "I think that's a great idea, Guidance. When this is over, when I'm sure we have a future to look forwards to, I'll try to find something to set you up on Earth with."

"Thank you." As Guidance was about to leave, Love Heart spoke up which made her stop.

"I just want to ask, please stay with us until the fight is over. I don't want to stand in your way, Lieutenant, but I still need your help."

"I will." Guidance felt her hands start to shake, "I'm scared, I can't stop feeling scared after what happened in Paradise Valley, but I'll hold the course like I said I would."

"I know. Sorry, I'm just scared too, scared there won't be a future for any of us," Love Heart said. They stood still for a minute before Guidance left and Love Heart sat back down.

"I wonder... would my kids want to do something like that if I had raised them differently?" he sighed, "Guidance, I think I might need your help after this too..."

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