Alone at School: The Beginning

Story by Vortex of Genius on SoFurry

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#1 of Alone at School

Sarah tugged at her bra strap, trying to adjust it, as it was digging painfully into her chest. It felt as if her bra had grown too small, which seemed odd to her, especially since it happened within the last day. In fact, it had felt just fine when she put in on this morning before coming to school.

Sarah was alone with the rest of the freshman girl's volleyball team, wandering around the school. The rest of the freshmen, along with the sophomores and juniors, were off on some field trip in the city, at a museum or play or something. Sarah hadn't paid much attention to the announcement, since she knew she couldn't go. Her team had a state playoff game later that afternoon, scheduled long before the field trip was supposed to end. Therefore, they couldn't go, and instead had to have a full day of school, practically alone, since it was the last few weeks of the school year and the seniors had already graduated. Most of the school staff had also left on the trip, leaving behind just a few teachers to keep an eye on the girls.

These teachers more or less ignored them. All the girls on the team were well-liked by the staff of the school, even more so because they had won almost all their games. Most didn't feel it fair that they had to stay and do work simply because they were in a sport, and therefore didn't assign them any. They left the girls unsupervised, in fact, reasoning that they could get up to no harm.

The result was a dozen girls wandering around a large, empty high school, entertaining themselves as best as possible. At the moment, Sarah was sitting alone in a classroom with her friend, Maggie.

Sarah was a blonde girl with green eyes who hovered right around the five foot mark, with DD breasts. Her friend Maggie was also blond, although half a foot taller, with blue eyes and a slightly smaller bust. Both were slim, in shape, and not the sharpest knives in the drawer. At the moment, they were occupied with drawing on each others' arms.

This caused Maggie to notice when Sarah reached up to adjust her bra. "Having trouble, Sarah?" she asked deviously. Sarah knew she had always been jealous of her larger breasts, and noticed them rather frequently.

"I guess," she replied. "It just feels a little tight. I also feel a bit queasy. I think it was the milk I drank this morning."

The milk in question was one she had found in the cafeteria, sitting on one of the tables. She had planned on buying some from the food stand the school operated in the mornings, but a free one sitting unopened, with no one claiming it, was too good to resist. Sarah had never questioned that someone had left cold, unopened milk for anyone to grab. Nor had she suspected that there might be something in the milk out of the ordinary (which there was). She had drunken it quickly, and thought it was delicious. Now, however, she was regretting ever opening the bottle.

"Hmmm...maybe it was bad milk?" asked Maggie, staring at her chest. She had, indeed, always wanted larger breasts, even though hers were a respectable C, and had resented Sarah for having larger ones than her. Today, however, she found herself looking at them quite a bit, unthinkingly. She actually felt a bit of moistness in her panties! Was she a lesbian? Maggie had never thought so, but...there was something about Sarah that turned her on...

That "something" was actually a bundle of modified and enhanced pheromones. Sarah was emitting them unknowingly, and having a serious effect on Maggie (and Sarah herself). The less visual alterations had been made by the chemical in Sarah's milk already. Now the more visible ones were beginning, as evidenced by her larger breasts.

Sarah had noticed Maggie staring at her chest, and shifted uncomfortably. Had it been in any other situation, she would have called her friend out on it. Now, however, she really didn't mind. In fact, she almost enjoyed it...What? What was wrong with her? What was going on?

These questions were rapidly pushed out of her mind as sudden changes occurred to Sarah, and the pain from her breasts being constrained became overridden by the pleasure emulating from the fabric of her bra rubbing against her suddenly sensitive skin. Sarah nearly gasped at the sensation, and slumped back in her chair.

Her pheromones increased exponentially with her greater arousal, and the embers of Maggie's attraction to her suddenly exploded into outright lust. As Sarah fell back, Maggie rushed forward, pressing her body up against Sarah's. In doing so, she made contact with Sarah's breasts, causing even greater sensation. Sarah couldn't help from moaning this time, a sound that send one of Maggie's hands under her skirt to rub her clit.

"Sarah..." panted Maggie, rubbing her breasts against her friend's, "I really want you..."

Sarah could do nothing but moan in reply, the sensations overwhelming her ability to speak.

Maggie looked back down at Sarah's chest, noticing that her bust had visibly swelled. "That must be painful," she commented. "Let me help you with that..."

She reached down and ripped open Sarah's button-down shirt that was a required part of the uniform. Sarah's chest was laid open down to her skirt. Her bra was on the verge of snapping, straining against the breasts that were at least three sizes too large for it. Even more interesting, especially to Maggie, were the two wet spots on the fabric, one over each nipple.

Sarah, meanwhile, had done her best to shed her shirt and the vest she had worn over it, per the school dress code. As they both came off, Maggie reached around her to undo her bra. When she did, the thing went flying, as Sarah's breasts finally broke free, hanging freely almost half a foot out from Sarah's chest.

Maggie was momentarily entranced by Sarah's chest, allowing her friend to struggle to a more upright position. Then the taller girl was back to fulfilling her lust, one hand furiously massaging her slit while the other fondled one of Sarah's breasts. Sarah gasped again, reaching up to grab her other breast with one hand while her other one tried rather unsuccessfully to pull her skirt down to get at her own clit.

Neither girl noticed the black and white hairs sprouting all over Sarah's body, or the pinkish swelling occurring above her stomach. Small horns began pushing out of Sarah's forehead, while a nub began swelling out from the base of her spine.

Sarah's hand found this while trying to remove her skirt, momentarily shocking her out of her lustful haze. She fell back into it almost immediately, however, as Maggie's hand found her nipple and squeezed.

Milk squirted out of it, splashing Maggie and causing her to gasp in surprise. Then she giggled. "Sarah, you're making milk!" she exclaimed happily.

Sarah finally managed to speak. "Maggie, please...the pressure..."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Suck out the milk..."

Maggie was more than happy to oblige, leaning to suck on one breast as her hand milked the other. The liquid splattered all over Maggie and Sarah, speeding up the smaller girl's changes. Hair grew rapidly now, a tail popped out of Sarah's behind, and the bump on her stomach became a noticeable swell, with the beginnings of its own nipples on it.

Sarah was in heaven. The sensations all over her body were incredible, and were driving her mad. She climaxed, a gush of liquid soaking her panties and skirt, which were still mostly on her body. She put one of her hands, now with just two fingers, a thumb, and large black nails on covering the ends, on Maggie's hand. "You're...such a good little...bitch..." she whispered.

Maggie paused for a second at this, and then looked up at Sarah. "We should get you out of these clothes!" she said. Then she pulled Sarah out of her chair and proceeded to yank her skirt and panties down around her ankles, laughing at their wetness. Sarah's shoes had been removed earlier for comfort purposes, and her socks were shredded by her new, hoofed feet. Fur covered her entire body except for the pink area on her stomach, now a rapidly filling udder. Her tail had extended far out behind her, swishing about rapidly.

Maggie didn't even notice these changes, except for the udder, which now drew her gaze. "Oh...maybe I should help you there..." she whispered, her tongue now hanging several inches out of her mouth.

Sarah could only nod as she fondled one of her still-full breasts. Maggie wasted no time, diving for Sarah's crotch. Her mouth suckled at Sarah's udder, while one hand explored Sarah's slit and the other tugged at her own clothes, which were still mostly on and drenched with milk.

Sarah mooed with pleasure as the milk flowed from her nipples. Her ears elongated and migrated to the top of her head, while her mouth and nose elongated into a snout. She blinked, and her eyes changed from green to brown. Simpler wants and needs flooded her mind, pushing out much of her human brain. Her transformation was complete.

Maggie's, on the other hand, was just beginning. A tail was also sprouting from her rear end, though this was longer and furry all down its length, rather than Sarah's tufted one. Hair sprouted all over her body, black on her back and tan on her stomach. Her feet became digitigrade paws, with black claws sprouting from the tips of her toes. Her hands also became paws, with the pads on them adding new sensations when she stroked Sarah's udder. Her ears became triangular, and moved to the top of her head. Finally, her face sprouted into a muzzle, her cold nose causing Sarah to giggle.

Maggie paused for a moment, panting. She took stock of her new body, but wasn't the least bit worried by it, as evidenced by her rapidly wagging tail. Then she felt another change sweeping over her. She looked down at her chest, and watched as six more nipples sprouted in two lines down her belly. These quickly swelled out into six new breasts, while her original pair also grew larger.

The two changed girls glanced at each other. Maggie could smell the pheromones in the air, and became even hornier than before. The pause lasted less than five seconds. Then Maggie dove back in, eager to continue "helping" her best friend. Sarah continued mooing in pleasure and stroking her breasts.

They were soon interrupted again, however, by a gasp from the doorway.

Katie had been roaming the school halls for a while now, looking for some of her teammates. The tall, black-haired girl had taken a minute to step into the bathroom, and when she came out, the rest of her team was gone. She suspected they had ditched her on purpose.

Katie had never fit in with the rest of the squad. The only reason they like her at all, in fact, was because she was one of the best players on the team, and was also rather quiet. Katie was smarter than all the other girls; in fact, she was one of the smartest people in the freshman class. The other girls, of course, disliked her for that. Katie also lacked their figure; while she was tall (a little over six feet), she was not as attractive, with only A-cups and a narrow figure. Sure, guys liked her; she was currently dating a nice guy. But she didn't inspire the same sense of near-worship that the other girls did from the boys of her class, or even some of the teachers.

She had been walking past the classroom when she suddenly felt attracted to it. She told herself it was the fact that the door was slightly ajar and noises were issuing from inside; it was actually a cloud of pheromones, produced by Sarah and Maggie both, now, that she had walked into, and that had directed her into the classroom, towards the pheromones' source.

She pushed open the door and found two lesbian, anthropomorphic animals having sex in the classroom. Desks were pushed back, chairs lay on the floor, and a cow stood, gasping and fondling herself as a dog sucked at her udder and finger-fucked her pussy.

Katie, of course, gasped in shock, even as one hand flew down to rub her suddenly wet clit. "What the...?" she started, trailing off as her sudden lust hit her full force. She found herself unconsciously taking a step towards the two, and immediately stopped, confused.

Maggie didn't even glance up, but Sarah took notice of her. "Oh, Katie," she said, her voice lower than it had been before, "You're just in time. Mmmmaggie needs sommmeone to help her mooo-ilk me."

Katie was confused by what Sarah had said until she realized that, for some reason, the cow was dragging out her m's. Then it occurred to her why.

Sarah's mind had been altered. She was thinking more like a cow than a human. That must have been what happened to Maggie, too! What was going on?

A part of her brain panicked over this incredible turn of events. An ever-decreasing part. More and more, she wanted to join in, to surrender to her urges, to forget her problems. Let her thoughts simplify, like the two girls in front of her had. The logic in her was even more panicked by this, and screamed at her to run. But it was overridden, and Katie walked towards the duo as if in a trance, removing her shoes and vest as she approached. Her shirt came next, along with her skirt. Her hands had begun working at her bra strap when she reached Sarah, and immediately one came around to help her suck at the cow's breast. Warm, delicious milk flowed down her throat, and she lost herself completely to the lust.

Sarah finished unclothing Katie even as the black-haired girl drank her milk. Immediately, Katie's hand plunged into her own slit, working it furiously. The girl's muffled moans sent vibrations through Sarah's breast, making her climax a second time. Meanwhile, Sarah's milk was already going to work on Katie, altering her body as well.

The changes began with her head. Her face extended into a small muzzle, topped with a small pink nose. Whiskers grew out from either side of her face, tickling Sarah's breasts. Her pupils became slits, while her ears crawled to the top of her head. Her black hair seemed to be spreading all over her body, taking the changes with it. Her breasts swelled, while three new pairs sprouted down her chest, like they had on Maggie. Her hands became paws, with retractable claws. A smooth, furred tail sprouted from her rear, whipping about furiously. Her feet also became digitigrade paws, making her even taller.

As her changes finished, the three sprang apart. They looked at each other: Sarah, the cow, still leaking a bit of milk; Maggie, the German shepherd, leaning back on one paw as the other caressed one of her breasts in the third pair and her tongue hung out of her mouth, panting; and Katie, the cat, one paw still moving in and out of her slit, slower now, as she calmly groomed the other.

Sarah was the first to speak. "That was...amazing," she said simply. Her breasts no longer strained with milk, at least not as badly; much of it had been consumed by the other two girls, and much more lay spilled on the floor or splattered all over the room. Still, she didn't feel fully sated. The lust was still there, just...contained. She could think clearly.

Maggie looked around unclearly. "Ummm...we should...uh..." She tried to formulate a plan, but failed. Her already average IQ had taken a hit with her transformation, so she gave up and looked to the other two for direction.

Sarah was still recovering, and slightly in shock over her transformation, unlike the other two, who had completely adjusted. She hefted one much larger breast with her semi-hoofed hand, feeling its weight, while her other hand explored her udder, which she had trouble seeing over her large assets. She was in no shape to figure out where to go next.

Katie suddenly took charge. "We should find the other girls," she said matter-of-factly. The two other anthro animals looked at her.

"Why would we do that?" asked Sarah, suddenly a bit self-conscious. She was naked! And a cow! They would surely make fun of her for that!

"To spread the gift," Katie explained. "If we had this much fun, imagine how much they would, too! Plus, all of us together..."

Maggie was eager for more sex. "She's right! We should do that!"

Sarah was still a bit unsure. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Of course!" Katie practically shouted, her tail whipping back and forth impatiently. Then she sprang up. "Come on, Maggie, help me out with her." Maggie also got to her feet and together the two girls each grabbed one of Sarah's arms. "Come on, Sarah, we need to you to spread the transformations!"

The cat and the dog dragged the cow out of the room. Sarah didn't protest. She was still a little floored by it all. Together, they went off in search of their teammates.