Wartorn Earth

Story by doomgamer on SoFurry

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Welcome To Hell

I pull the trigger and pull the slide back on my sniper rifle. The fox soldier on the other side of the street had not even a moment before his head exploded on the wall behind him. The tanks on either side of the corpse fox turn their turrets towards my direction. "Ah, shit," I said, as the section of wall right beside me blew out, sending me flying against the wall behind near the door. The tanks continued their onslaught into the room, as move to the door frame the tanks attack finally makes the roof collapse in on its self. I reach the door, just in time to escape this. Slinging my sniper rifle over my shoulder, I bolt down the stair and down the hallway hoping not to run into any patrols.

As I run though the hallways of the apartment complex, I hear the clicks of boots on concrete that told me a patrol was coming round a corner. I ducked into an empty apartment on my right and waited for them to pass the apartment. As the patrol gets closer, I watch them though a window, the patrol is made up of, a brown rabbit, a gray wolf, and 3 different colored foxes. I slide a new clip of armor piercing rounds in, and step outside the door aiming with my rifle at the grenade the gray fox is carrying around his belt, mumbling "They'll never know what hit them," the grenade as the round went in to the casing, the blast killed most of them instantly, the young rabbit, lived just long enough to drown in his own blood a few seconds later. Knowing the other patrols would have heard the blast I started to run to the bomb site using a different route so as not to run into another patrol.

I made it to the control room within a minute or two of being discovered, I met no patrols on my way here. I pull out my thumb drive, and put it into the comp. and find the drive listing and start a program labeled WtH.exe. I then drop down though a trap door in the floor and start running towards a sewer junction. It takes me 5 minutes of navigating sewer system after sewer system to get to the junction. When I reached the junction, I feel a small shaking, almost like an earth quake and dip my head in respect to those that just died in the explosion. "Rest In Peace, and May God have mercy on my soul," I say rather calmly. The black fox in walks my direction smiling ear to ear as pats me on the back lightly and says, "Well he won't have mercy on their souls, I can tell you that!" he pats my back once more a little harder, before walking back though the tunnel. His is known only by the name Soul Reaper. He stands rather tall with a slender but muscled body, he, like the rest of us, wears a trench coat with our coat-of-arms on it, the coat-of-arms being a golden shield, with a war hammer and bastard sword crossing in front of it.

As I moved father into the tunnel I heard a brown female dog shout "Hey, it's you, 45!!" The mummers started almost immediately coming from the crowd behind him, some of the more distinct one were about how he earned his, name how he sniped 45 different people before the enemy found his position but as the crowd talked amongst themselves, he was awe struck that so many people knew his name, but also his past. Just as the crowd started to get loud a black wolf, yelled at the top of his lungs, "'ay yall shut your traps now, before I shoot them closed." The male wolf was of a good heavy set build, a scar traveling from the top of his left eye to the bottom of the other, his assault rifle slung over his left shoulder, making it seem he was left handed.

"Now, I believe our new commander has somethun' to say," the black wolf yells before, waving his hand in my direction. I see everybody's eyes turn in my direction as I begin to address my new 'forces'. But before I begin, some fur yells at the black wolf "he can't be our commander, you are Sarge." The Sergeant Bullshit, as he was called responded, rather quickly and in a voice that made my fur stand on edge. "Now you listen here Ill have you-" before he finished the sentence interrupted, "I got it Sarge" which stopped him from chewing someone out, as I turn to start addressing the audience, "Ok people apparently I was just elected to the position with out my permission. I was never one for command, so sarge I believe your troops want you in command." I stopped to get closer to my brothers ear, before continuing, "Plus bro, you always did a better job leading anyways." Then I bring my voice up so every one can hear over the shouts. "Give me a rifle and a place to snipe and I'll be fine, I would rather execute a plan rather than plot it. So, Sarge, get your ass up here and take command over your troops." I moved out of view, Sarge stepped up to talk, he had a dumb struck look on his face as he started to speak.

"Thanks 45' I'll take it from here, Ok boys move out yall know the plan!" A chorus of "Sir, yes sir" echoed in the back ground as Sarge pulled me over to where Soul Reaper stood to discuss our roles in the plan. "Ok y'all are my best infiltrators" He had to pronounce every syllable, and me and Soul, about burst out laughing, before he shut us up. "I got. Soul tell him our plan before y'all leave." He turned to follow his troops out for combat, when he said over his shoulder, "Oh, and you better make it out of the alive you two." Leaving us two standing there, laughing our asses off, before soul started by giving me hug, "Hey man it's been a while since I last seen you," He said releasing the hug. "Likewise man, I see those government pigs treated you decent." He responded flashing one of the rare smiles for him. "Those herbivore wouldn't know the difference between, a good plan and a bad budget." I laughed a good one before, we got down to business. "Ok, 45' grab some C4 and a side arm, oh and get some ammo." He said as he went to go get his stuff. I grabbed enough C4 to nuke the Dictators palace, a silencer for my rifle, and a 9mm pistol.

Soul yells toward me, "You ready 45'," He says teasingly. I respond in an equally joking matter, "Jacked up, and good to go sir!" Stomping my foot on the ground and saluting. "Alright," He said containing his laughter, but I was already on the floor laughing, hugging at my sides, "Then let's go" Soul picks up his gear and heads out of the base, looking over his shoulder to see me right behind him, weapon drawn and still smiling. Following not far behind him, I was scanning in front of us for threats, because as we reached the open air, we spotted two hostiles way far from their base. Soul drew his weapon, but I stepped up and lightly tapped his shoulder telling him I would take them out. Raising my own sniper to bear and taking one deep breath, as I shot both my enemies in the head, they fell like stones with, not a sound or flash of light escaping; the silencer did its job., Once they had hit the floor we dragged them out of sight and changed into their uniforms, modifying the ID's to boot to give the look of more importance.

We started to head to our objective, which was a secondary outpost, west of the rebellion's main objective, the building holding the dictator; Even Jhonk, and some other higher ups in the military. When we got there no one questioned us as we walked in. We set charges out of sight; I placed a backup charge near a thin wall, for a plan B if the detonator were not to set off the charges. When we were out of charges we left without a word, and were not challenged. Once we were a safe distance away we tried to blow the charges. I hit the button on the detonator, not once but twice, but nothing happened. I turned to Soul to see if he knew what had happened. But all I saw the barrel of his gun. "On the ground 45'," he said forceful and sad sounding matter, the remorse obvious. I lowered my self and charged him letting the bullets fly past me.

I reached for his side arm before he could. I grabbed it and ducked under the swing for my head, using his speed I tugged at his arm and let gravity take over; he hit the concrete with a thud. , I put the gun to the back of his skull and said "Now tell me why you betray us, what purpose did you have," My voice was shaky and unsettled. He replied close to tears, it was evident in his voice, "They...they have my family. If I don't help them with the sabotage and the information, they promised to kill them. 45'... no Zags you have to believe me." My gun lowers a fraction from his head, which was all he needed. He bucked his hips and threw me off him and then he climbed over on to me before I could react I slid the gun away before he could grab it. He then pulls my 9mm, and points it in my face tears streaming down his, "I'm sorry Zags, but I must." He pulled the trigger but didn't see that safety was on I did, mine always has the safety on till I need it.

This time I buck my hips which gave me the time to flip him onto his back. I then disarmed him, my combat knife at his throat, "Then I will see you in the heavens above John." I slid the knife under his, Adams apple. He chocked on his blood for a minute, not dying fast enough, I grabbed his dog tags and never looked back to see, his body disappear from this world still choking. I ran to the building that look to have a good vantage point so I could use plan B to blow the place to pieces. At the final floor of the building; I load my sniper with the good armor piercing rounds, and attach my infrared scope. seeing the small heat source that was instant noodles heating up, I left by the bomb on the second floor near the north wall. I fire my rifle, after aiming to the left of the heat source, without hesitation. The bombs went off almost in unison, the place was up in smoke in seconds. I packed up my rifle, and went on my way dropping the disguise as I went. I pulled out my phone and called Sarge up. "Sarge we got...complications."

"What type of complications?"

"The traitorous kind."

"Do WHAAAAAT?!?!?!"

"Soul spilled the beans," I said ducking behind a corner out of sight of a patrol, "to the enemies, they know and may be coming your way."

"Shit, is he still in this world."


"Did you at least grab his tags."

"Yeah I got them."

".....Good. Thank You 45'"

"No problem Sarge." Click, I put the phone up and kept going. I encountered no fur on my way there. When I got to the square, I look around me in amazement, the regiment the enemy had sent was totally wiped out. He would have stood there longer but, Sarge came out from a building and waved me in. "Ok Sarge, I'm going to assume ya'll reversed ambushed them right." Sarge nodded. "Ok then shall we continue as planned."

He nodded, then spoke, "Alright lets get this shit on the road you guys know the plan MOVE OUT!" He yelled to the troops, before turning to me to speak personally. "Where are the tags," HE held his hand out for them, he then pocketed them, "Damn now I know how Crusade felt, when Decimate died." I patted him on the shoulder and squeezed friendly. When he turned his head in my direction I smiled, and he smiled back I pulled him out of the chair gave him his gun and shoved him out the door.

"Go on your troops are waiting." I said following him, he answered over his shoulder, sarcastically.

"Sir, YES, SIR!!!" He said running, his voice laden with sarcasm, ahead of me. I followed trying to catch up with him, but he had a good head start. When we get to the street with the building where the dictator and his generals are meeting we separate. I take the other snipers, and direct them into buildings with opposing views and good hiding places. I take up my position, as Sarge gets his forces into place. We get ready and wait for the meeting to end, 20 minutes later still nothing, I thought we had missed it, but I saw the doors burst open as they walked out.

"Hey 45' there they are, I see them, Dictator Kirk, and his five generals lined up like ducks in a row." Crusader said over the radio on the snipers channel.

"Roger, the rest of us will take them out in quick succession, starting with me in order. Kirk, 1st general, 2nd General, 3rd general, 4th general, and 5th general, take them out in that order. In 3....2....1...fire!!!" I pulled his trigger, my rifle kicked and the dictator fell not one heart beat later, the generals fell right after the dictator, not in the order I had wanted but they fell all the same. Then the snipers focused on other targets around them, as Sarge's troops, flood the plaza and kill them. When the smoke cleared the enemy lay dead or dying. I was about to pack my sniper up and leave when one of the snipers radioed in that there was an entire platoon coming there direction, plus a tank squad.

"Shit, Sarge I hope you heard that!"

"I heard; take up position that is probably the Dictators ride. When they get to the square, tell me, then start firing."

"Roger." I put my sniper on the window facing the enemy, and loaded armor piercing rounds and I waited. The platoon moved rather slowly, they looked almost bored, though my scope. Once they reached the square, I informed Sarge. Not five seconds later the square was engulfed in explosions, the first couple of tanks fell, along with the troops directly behind the blast epicenter. I fired into the tanks the were still moving,, using my infrared scope to take out the drivers then the gunners. Once the smoke had settled the troops were hiding behind buildings and opening fire on Sarge's forces, as they returned it in kind.

The fire fight lasted for a while, every time one would poke his head out, we sniped it or Sarge's forces shot it. Their counter sniper almost pulled the trigger at me before his head exploded. Once the square was silent, and the dead were counted. We took control of the meeting place and used their ammunition, and guns placements, to set up just incase their reinforcements came. When they came the first couple of divisions showed up to take the place...lets just say it was a massacre. The rest of them came with white flags raised.

"Grandpa," A young black wolf asked "what happened next?"

The old black wolf chuckled some, "Curios 'ay."

"Yes we are." The middle aged wolf responded. "Just go ahead and tell us you wouldn't tell us earlier when I was a kid." The room was a simple log cabin, the old wolf was sitting in the chair, while the middle aged wolf and his wife sat on the couch across the room, and the young wolf sat on the floor.

"That is because there isn't any more to tell, they surrendered and we won. The current one in power is Sarge's kid, Frost. After my brother passed...well it broke the kid's heart that the immortal Sarge could really die." The old one got a real sad look on his face. "Well I'm going to bed." He gets up out of his chair and heads back to his room to sleep a sleep he would never wake from.

At the old wolfs funeral, his grandson was there and in awe as the president walked in to pay his respects, to the child's grandfather. When he passed the grandson he looked him directly in the eyes and smiled, before speaking. "Son, your grandfather was perhaps the best...no is the best sniper to have ever walked this planet. He was a great man and uncle," The grandsons jaw hit the floor, as Frost continued, "what you didn't know, wow, my father was Sarge I'm quite sure he told you that story, they both told me and your dad that story." A sad look crossed his face as he remembered his father and mother. He was about to continue as the funeral started.

The preacher, Crusader, got up to the podium, and began. "We are all gathered here to day to lay to rest a great man, his name unknown to most was Zags Tis Toe. He was a great man and left a great legacy on this world. His legacy can be described with one word, Forty-Five. He has left a taped message to let his loved ones know his feelings." Crusader put a CD in the DVD player behind the podium and started it. The old wolfs face appeared on the screen.

"So, I guess I am no longer among the living. Which would explain why you're watching this. Frost if you stay in power please I beg of you don't make a memorial for me. That would just be over kill, no pun intended, no wait yes it was." The room laughed some. "Now my child you better take damn good care of your kid and your siblings, and your wife. Now that I got my post mortem wishes over and done with, I just have one last thing to say, live the rest of your lives without me and be happy, this old coot is going to join his wife and his brother. Goodbye and good luck." He visibly saluted, and half of those in the room stood and saluted back, to the dead man, riding on wings to his brother and wife.


Like hell its the end...I am working on more for this story setting, but considering no one on deviant art will leave comment I cant know what to either fix or what to do next.....I mean I have alot of good stories in my head but no one will even read the shit so I get bored and go play video games because i get no support so.....some one plz leave a comment......PLZZZZZZ