Unseen Love - Aftermath

Story by LockeheartsLove on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains relationships between M/M. If you don't like this stuff...I dont even see why you're on this page to begin with.

Unseen Love - Aftermath

Ying sighs happily as he walked out of the school with his new love. Yings arm was wrapped around Theos as his head leaned against his shoulder, nuzzling it lightly. They hadn't stopped talking since they met.

'I....can't believe I never saw you before...' Ying sighed softly as he looked up at the larger cat with those large, beautiful violet eyes.

Theo smiled as he leaned down and licked the smaller wolfs ear, 'I don't like to make myself known..'

Ying whimpered softly, one because Theo was licking his weak spot and two, because they were standing infront of Yings house. Theo smiled softly as he leaned down and kissed the wolf gently, 'I'll meet you tomorrow before school'

Ying only nodded as he slipped inside of his house. He glanced down, blushing deeply as he saw a bulge in his shorts. He bit his lip as he heard his mom coming towards the door. He quickly darted upstairs and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door, panting lightly. He started to rub himself through the cotton of his shorts. He moans softly, ears twitching.

He quickly stripped his body of the clothing that covered it, revealing his beautiful white fur and slender body. His member bounced up and down some as he pulled down his boxers. His paws slowly started to rub on his chest, whimpering as he went over the lines of his small muscles with his fingers.

One of his hands played around with his nipple until it was nice and hard. His other hand, however, was finding the throbbing member. He gently started to stroke himself, stopping every moment to rub the tip of his cock.

His mind slipped into thoughts of his sexy little kitty cat: his voice, his smell, the feel of his golden fur, his lovely body.

Yings tongue hung out the side of his muzzle. His breathe was getting shorter and shorted. Sweat started to roll down his forehead. The precum leeking from his tip made his moments quicker. He knew it wouldn't be long till he released.

He reached down and grabbed his balls, making him yip a little. He started to roll them around in his hands. They swell as he released, howling quite loudly as his hot cum shot into the air, landing back down on his chest. He stummbled over to his bed, collasping. He reached up with shaking hands and started to rub his seed around his chest. Whimpering, he thought how great it would be to do things like that with his lover. His eyes slowly started to close.



Theo was walking through the park, smiling as he walked. He hummed lightly, feet seeming lighter than air. He purred softly, thinking of the sweet little wolf he met today.

'Hey Cat!!!!' A low sounding growl came from behind him as a shadow fell over him. 'Please....not him...anything but him...' Theo thought softly.

Theo darted around, gasping. It was him, T.J., the jock. He growls as he raised his might fist, sending Theo flying to the ground. T.J. towered over Theo as he picked him up, kissing the still stunned cat deeply. Theos eyes shot open, looking at the dog, a little confused, but mostly angry.

As T.J. broke the kiss, he smirked, 'How could you love that stupid little wolf when you could have me?'

'I've told you before...I don't want you..!!' Theo growls, cat ears twitching like mad as he tried to kick T.J. in his groin.

He dropped the cat, not because of the kick. That was just a useless struggle with Theo. He looked down, smirking a little at the fear he saw in the cats eyes. 'Drop the wolf.....and be with me.....' T.J. turned and walked off, leaving the cat still on the ground.

'Damn you T.J......' Theo whisperd softly as he slowly got up, dusting himself off. He glanced to the setting sun, 'What now....?' He whispered softly as tears rolled down his cheeks.


I'd like to thank Yiffstar again for letting me write on their page. I hope everyone is enjoying my stories. There's more to come. Comments are always welcomed. Thanks alot guys for the support.