Born for Loyalty Special: Final Flight

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#23 of MLP 2

A tribute to my late Grandpa who I loved very much

It was a bright and sunny day. And she HATED it, but it was what he wanted this way and she will respect it. She had her wing over her sister. Dawn was already crying and leaning on Dash which she was more then willing to do. They entered their grandpa's mansion, turns out her family was more well off then she first knew. But she had fun in this place during her second childhood. Gramps always had this place over the same lake. Story goes he fell in love with grandma at this lake and they spent a few decades in this place before she died. Looking in the upper right corner remembered helping gramps with his model of old Cloudsdale down to even miniature prepaid in colored armor. She was partial to the red armored ones. She remembered times in the kitchen when gramps spoiled her and Dawn with shakes ,cake , and other treats. Or the balcony where they watch sunsets or the beautiful landscape. The times they flew all over the area. The sound of laughter from their mouths as they flew with gramps. Watching gramps repair stuff to keep himself busy. Sadly those days have long passed. They move into the ballroom. There rows of chairs were setup facing the wall length glass which was removed for today. They had used this room for many parties but she wished for something else but this. Near the now missing windows was gramps lying on state. The pain that has been on his face the past year gone. His body literally fell apart on him the last year. He couldn't even live this place for most of it. Half the times she left Ponyville was to visit him.

Now he was gone and today is his funeral. She and Dawn took seats on the front row and soon the service began. A priest from a group that worshiped Celestia spouting words that were supposed to comfort us. It didn't for me. Her mom Firefly got up started to say something but started crying instead. Her dad pulled her away. Dash got up to the podium. "Gramps was a good pony. Greeted everypony with a smile, spoiled me and my sister. His spirit always strong and youthful. His spirit never failed his body did. Even at the even he made ponies smile. I'll miss him, I'll miss him very much." She looked at his body. "Goodbye gramps." She stepped away and back to her seat.

After a few more words she, her dad, her mom took the body outside and together they summoned storm clouds over them. When it was black as night she and her parents, with tears in their eyes moved in sync from a week of practice they bucked the cloud and three bolts of lightning struck her grandpa's body turning it to ash. Then her mom went to the ash and used her wings to blow it into the wing. His final flight.

After a few minutes the three ponies joined Dawn and cried at the loss of a loved one.

In memory of my Grandpa who recently passed away. I will miss him.