Born for Loyalty Chapter 13

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#25 of MLP 2

Straight Mane Pinkie, Nough said.

I hung up what I wanted Rarity to make. Stood back and smiled. Rarity may focus on dresses but this clearly proved she wasn't limited to dresses. Honest I think Rarity liked the challenge of doing it. The doorbell ran and I went over to answer it giddy with excitement. I opened the door and hugged my mom and ruffled squirt's mane.

"Hey, mom! How was the flight?" I asked her. She broke off the hug and smiled at me.

"Not bad Dashie bit not looking forward to the trip back. Just don't have the stamina I used to."

"Awww come on mom. You're almost as awesome as me." I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she smiled. Both of us chuckled for a bit before I waved a hoof. "Come on in and get a bite before you head back mom." She just smiled and walked as I headed to the kitchen to grill up some sandwiches. A few minutes later the three pegasi were at the table having a nice meal. Mom observed my house and she noticed the most recent addition.

"Well that new." She comments and I looked over my shoulder and smiled. I thought I would never again see the thirteen stripes alternating between red and white. Or fifty starts with a blue background.

"Yeah, my friend Rarity owed me a favor so I asked to make that flag for me."

"Well its pretty. I also wanted to thank you for looking after Dawn for the next few days. Your dad had some long shift at the factory this past week and the team is in a rest period so we are gonna take advantage of it."

"No prob mom. It works out. Applejack's hosting an event called the Sisterhoof Social and I wanted to participate this year since Dawn's old enough."

"A competition?" Mom asked.

"Yup." I replied with a smirk. She smirked back before getting up and stretching.

"Well you two have fun." Mom leans down a kisses Dawn on the forehead. "Be good for your sister." Dawn nods and I lead her to the door and give her one final hug before she took off. I closed the door behind me and found sis lounging on the couch.

"Say squirt, wanna hit the arcade?" I ask and before I knew it there was an impact on my chest and I had a pink stain there. "I'll take that as a yes." I chuckled out and lead to the arcade. The place as decent enough. Not as big as the one in Cloudsdale but it did it's job. Plus it was part of the bowling alley so it had a good crowd. The two of us played several games. Some teamed up, others against and Squirt manage to hold her own against me. We then played a game of bowling which I clearly won but Squirt did well. It was night when we headed back to the house. Both of us carrying Luna plushies from our arcade wins. I ordered some pizza for tonight's dinner. We relaxed and chatted and ate the pizza when it arrived. Eventually it was bedtime for Squirt. I tucked her in with new plushie. This room I always set aside for my sister when she stays a bit. I kissed her on the fore head. "Goodnight Dawn. " I said softly.

"Goodnight sis, love you."

"love you to Squirt." I then left her room and read for a few hours more before heading to bed myself.

The next morning found me cooking up some eggs and hay bacon. She loved being to have eyes and they her light enough to use her wings on. She took a pair out, cracked them on the edge of the pan, dropped the yoke, and began stirring. She repeated this one more time before pouring some chocolate milk for the both of them. " Dawn eggs are ready!" I yell over my shoulder. The get a groan as a response. I set the table with my usual speed and efficiency, but after a couple of minutes of no activity from my sister I went up to find her still sleeping. I smiled, no doubt an evil one as I left to grab something. Soon I snuck back in and to the side of her bed and raised the megaphone to my muzzle.[size=2em] "Rise and shine Dawn!"[/size] To Dawn's credit, she got some good air and almost hit the ceiling before landing on the bed. The glare she gave me was just adorable.

"Uncool sis, very uncool." Sis stated.

"Well didn't want your eggs and hay bacon to get cold." I said with a smirk. Then I found myself alone in her room. Chuckling at my sister's antics I headed down and found her at the table licking her muzzle. I dished her up and she was like a lion on meal. I was a bit more sedate in my eating. Sis slowed down half way through her second helping.

"So what's the plan today sis?" she asked between bites.

"Well got weather duties this morning but after school we can fly about for a bit."

"School?" Dawn asked with a hint of despair.

"Just because you are spending the week with doesn't mean you are free of school. I spoke with your teacher and Cheerilee and worked out your school work." Dawn faceplanted, thankfully not onto her food. I put a hoof on her shoulder and stop in a softer tone. "Hey, you're a smart pony. You will be fine. Eventually age will rob you of your strength and have to retire from what ever you do you have enough bits to last ya. I mean look at mom. She races all those years and when she started slowing down a bit she became the coach. She's saved some of that money for later or put it in something that can earn her money. Without education she wouldn't have thought of that." 'And unlike on Earth you actually are getting educated.' I quipped mentally.

"Fine, you win Dash." Dawn said with a frown.

"Nope you did, just not right at this minute." The rest of breakfast was silent on words and soon I was dropping Dawn off at school. And went to work. Today seemed kind for some reason. Assigned duties were light and nothing major from the Everfree . I had time to kill so found a nice cloud and took a nap. Need energy for my sister was out of school after all.

Then I woke the sun had moved position and was clearly afternoon. I got up, stretched and headed for the school. I got there just as they were being dismissed. I saw sis with the newly minted Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were AJ's and Rare's little sisters while Scootaloo was Cheerilee's half sister. Scootaloo was a big fan of mine and a lot like my sister so no surprise they would hang out. "Hey sis." I called out. Sis lit up and ran over and I rubbed her mane. "You good to Cheerilee?" Sis just shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"You're Rainbow Dash's sister!" Scootaloo asked shocked. I hugged sis with my hoof with a proud smile.

"Yeah, she is. Glad you two met each other. But any plans you have will have to wait. We have got some training to do."

"Training?" Sis asked me.

"Yeah, for the Sisterhooves Social AJ's family is hosting."

"Oh yeah. We're totally going to win." She said with the family smirk.

"You know it." I hoofbumped her. "See ya around Scoots." I turned away from Scoots and lead sis to my work out area. It was a nice plain next to a small lake and Whitetail Woods. "Alright let's start stretching." Sis nodded and the sisters began their warm ups. Being daughters of a famous racer stretching was second nature to them. In minutes their muscles were lose and ready. I started us off with laps around the edge of the clearing. While I could keep a faster pace easily I chose to keep sis at my side. We did that for an hour before I gave us a ten minute break. Did was panting a fair bit more then me but she was younger and despite the pant she smiled at me. I couldn't help but return it. After the break I had us race within the woods, weaving through the trees to there was a small opening in the forest. Both of us her panting and hot from the run. " You ready for our next exercise squirt?" I asked her. She gave me a look that said 'Really!?'. I smirked at her and before she could act grabbed her and tossed her over the edge.

And into the lake below.

Sis sputtered before she got a hold of herself just as I cannonball in dunking her with water. I broke the surface and grinned at her. "Swim time!" Sis looked at me deadpan before a smirk creeped on her lips and suddenly I was hit by water. The fight was on. Water was flying everywhere for the next ten minutes before both of us laid on our backs and floated in the now calm pond seeing the sky. A blue sky with a cloud here and there made by yours truly. It was nice and peaceful as they floated neither keeping track of time.

Finally I got us out of the pond and did some flying to set us off on the way back to my place as the sun was heading for the horizon. Once home I worked on dinner while Dawn did homework. I did have to stop to help her out with a problem or two. After a nice meal and a fun conversation we played bored games for a couple of hours before sending her to bed. I tucked sis in and gave her a kiss on the forehead she sighed and smiled and soon drifted off to sleep. I took care of paperwork before hitting the hay myself.

That was most of the week for us. School/job, exercise, homework, and fun time before sleep. Finally it was the day of the social and school was out since a good portion of the student body was participating. After a good breakfast the two sisters headed for Applejack's farm. When they got their an obstacle course as up and it was big and elaborate. Interesting since big and elaborate was more Rarity's thing. The only things I see that match those words and Applejack is her farm and family. Speaking of the mare, I saw her greeting some of the guests around. I waited till she ended her conversation with a mare as I strode up. "Ready to lose Applejack?" I asked. She swung around and her frown turned into a smirk.

"Oh really? I think not. Me and Applebloom won last year and you weren't there."

"This time I have the best sister ever with me." I rubbed Dawn's mane. Applejack chuckled.

"Well we'll see. No matter what, glad ya came." She then put a goof around my neck. And leaded in close. "Ya ready for da P- A- R- T- Y?" She whispered in my ear. I smirked at her. "You know it. Surprised we have kept it a secret this long."

"Yeah just a few more days to go. Rarity will pass the package to you and you need to get it to the barn."

"Got it, this will be fun. Especially after I beat you today." Applejack just laughed and have me the 'Yeah right' look. Soon all the team's were by the starting line as Granny explained the course. It started with a small sprint to a series of tires. Where they got the tires I had no clue. From there it was pie eating contest, just great. I hate pies. From that was a larger bucket filled grapes which we had to stomp into juice. Then enter a chicken coop and with both are nuzzles balance an egg and bring it to the designated area without breaking it, and finally some hurdles before a Sprint to the finish. Certainly challenging and me and Dawn did some last minute stretches when we got to the start line. Granny started the race and we were off.

We had an easy lead with Applejack and Applebloom second. IWe go through the tires with ease keeping our lead but the pie area slowed us down, especially me since pies aren't my thing. Applejack, she and her sis just knock the pie into the air and swallowed whole. What the hell, are they related to Pinkie or something!? We eventually finished our pies and raced to the chicken coop. Using only our muzzles we picked up an egg and slowly and in sync we brought it over to where we were supposed to place it. That done we raced through hurdles setup up and gunned it for the finish line.

Two seconds after Applejack and Applebloom did.

I was breathing heavily while sis was panting as the crowd cheered for Applejack and Applebloom. Sis looked down and I went over to comfort her. "Hey, we're not going to win every time but we got close and we'll win next time sis. You got byme?" Dawn gave me a smirk and hugged me and I returned it.

I"Hooowwwee, I thought that chicken egg would so you down." I gave her a smirk.

"Please Applejack, both racing and stunt flying require fine feather manipulation and body dexterity and both of us are daughters of a high end racer. That was never going to slow us down. You won this year but we plan to win the next one." Applejack chuckled at that. "I look proving you wrong." I just laughed at that and with nudge to my sis we took to air and waved goodbye as we headed back to my place where we shared a bath and clown around a bit before ordering pizza for dinner. It was a nice relaxing dinner for them after an exhausting day.

I was tucking Dawn into bed when she complained. "I'm not sleepy sis." I have heard this complaint before and knew just what to do. And as with Equestria's typical buck you to logic the right music kistarted playing. "When the night has come, and the land is dark. And the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid, oooohhhh I won't be afraid. Just as long as you fly, fly by me. Oh Dawn! My Dawn! Fly, by me! Ooohhh fly by me! Oh fly, fly by me. Fly by me." I sang my version of Stand by me and when I looked back Dawn was out like a light with small smile on her muzzle. And went over agave her a peck on the forehead. "Goodnight sis." As I left her room I commented. "Works every time." g

It was morning of the second to last day that sis was going to be with me and it was going to be fun. Yesterday They were at Gummy's birthday party and had a blast and today was Pinkie's birthday and the gang had plan long and hard for today and give Pinkie a surprise birthday party. Not and easy feat to do since it's PINKIE we are talking about but so far the hyper pink pony didn't know.....or pretended to not know for our sake. I just got Flutter's presents when Pinkie popped out of nowhere inviting us to Gummy's after birthday party this afternoon. "As in this afternoon, afternoon?" I felt like I just became part of a gag asking that for some reason.

"Yes, why do ponies keep asking that?" That explains that. "Because it's sudden Pinkie and I have something special planned with my sister before she heads home." "Oh, well I can get that. What about you Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked with an edge of hope. Did she forget what today is? Flutters rubbed her forehoof and looked away from Pinkie.

"Um......well...seee.........i....Have to house sit." Pinkie looked confuse. "Whose?" She asked. "Harry's." "He has a house?" "Well, it's more like a cave." "That makes sense." I commented. "Well cya girls have things to do." With that I dash out of there.

Hours later I was walking the town getting some last things for the party and I saw Pinkie in a hay pile and said hello...... Then realize what I just did.

I just barely hear her call my name as I took to the air going full bore to AJ's barn. "AJ! PINK PROBLEM!" I tell when I get into view. I zip in and AJ closed the door. Not even a second later there was pounding on the door. AJ opened it and I heard Pinkie's voice. The two talked a bit before AN said loudly. "Lots of construction." I rolled my eyes and I knock my hoof against a nearby pillar as others made sounds. It seemed to work as Pinkie left and got to our real work, putting up banners and streamers, setting out snacks, and of course setting out the presents. I was then sent out to get Pinkie.

When I got to her place I was creeped out. Pinkie's mane was just flat .....and was her coat darker? "Hey Pinkie, I need to take you to AJ's." "Well I don't want to go. I am just fine with my friends right here." She gestured to....a bag a flour, a dust bunny, a pale of onions, and....a pile of rocks!? She even talked as them and...what was with her eyes? She was starting to creep me out. "Look Pinkie, you really need to come with me." "NO!" I started pushing her but she fought back and we stalemate till I slipped and flew into stuff. I picked myself up a bit angry.

"Okay, gloves are off!" I grabbed her tail in my mouth and pulled her to AJ's. Figures she would weigh a ton when she doesn't want to move. Stupid physics breaking pony.

Took me a while but I finally dragged her flank to the barn and knocked and the door opened. "About time ye got here." AJ complained. "Well she's heavy when she wants to be." I replied.

"Well why would I want to go to a defriending party!?" Pinkie exclaimed while staying mid air and waving her legs. "Defriending? Pinkie, read the banner." I replied. Pinkie looked at the banner which said 'Happy Birthday Pinkie's. She looked around more and saw the cake, the snack table, and the presents.

"But, that thing with your sister Dashie?" Pinkie asked.

"She's right over by the snacks and that thing was celebrating your birthday. We wanted to make this a surprise and you make that hard to do. So Happy birthday Pinkie." Pinkie looked around and with a sudden burst she was her bright puffy self again and wrapped up everyone and I to mean everyone into a none crushing hug.

"Thanks girls for throwing this awesome party!"

The next day after I dropped of my sister back to mom and dad I exhaustedly returned home and made another entry.

Dash back again. The party went well after the misconception that Pinkie thought we were dumping her as a friend. That mare sometimes . Anyway everyone including Zecora loved my chex mix but all failed to get the recipe out of be and Pinkie adored the presents she got and it was well into night when it started breaking up. Did enjoyed it till she passed out with the crusaders so all in all the party was a success. Now to get some rest.