Lockdown fun

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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Hey, been awhile since i did any porn. i am actually kind of concern about the quality of it anyway.

I scrolled through the invoices. God they never seem to end. I leaned in my chair and rubbed my tired eyes for staring at the screen for the past few hours. I slowly started to rub my entire face. I looked out of my office window and saw that it was a pretty day outside. Sure would be nice to go outside right now.

Some time ago, a plague happened in another country and quite recently made its way here. The company did the smart thing once word of a pandemic was happening and immediately tried to set up a system so we can work from home. Before the first case was reported here, we had more or less already got used to doing everything online. By the time the government ordered us to self-isolate, we already worked out the kinks in the system so it would run more smoothly. Ever since then I have been working from a home office. The only reason I even leave the house now is if we need to go to the store for food and stuff. We are perfectly safe at home waiting till the government says they have a vaccine or something,

But by god it is so boring here. Before all this shit happened, I used to go out almost every day of the week. Rather if it was just to hang out with a friend or coworker, or even if it was to have sex with someone I met on a hook-up app, I was out a lot of the time. Since the order was placed, I had to stay indoors and I feel like I am going insane being cooped up in here. I am a behemoth for fucks sake, I am meant to be active with my life, not staying indoors till I am ready to drive my head into a wall for break out of boredom.

"I need a break." I heard a knock on my door. "Come in."

I see the door open to my son, Jude, dressed in a tee and shorts. He had inherited a dark blue fur color similar to mine own. He could probably pass off as a younger version of me if he didn't have that belly of his. Still, I loved the boy to death and spoiled him growing up. Honestly I think Jude is taking the lockdown better than me with all the games he's been playing. it wasn't much different to how he was living before. "So Dad," he said oddly, "are you free to talk now?"

"Sure," I answered, "I was thinking about taking a short break right now. Something on your mind?"

"I was wondering what we should do for dinner and wanted to see if you were in the mood for anything?"

I turn back to the computer screen. 2:35 PM."kind of early to be thinking about dinner, Jude."

"We-well, I wasn't in the mood to cook really so I figured I would just order something and pick it up later. I'm paying for it so I was wondering if there was any place you were in the mood for or something."

I can tell something was up from his body language. Jude wears his emotions on his sleeves, it is easy to tell when he is not being upfront with me about something or is afraid to ask something outright. The way he pulls his arms close to his body tells me he wants something more. "I'm not in any particular mood for any restaurant really." I answer, "You can choose where we can eat from tonight."

"I see," despite hearing my answer, Jude seemed disappointed and didn't immediately leave.

Yep he definitely wants something more out of me. The second the thought went through my mind, I probably figured out what he wants. "You're horny again, aren't you Jude?"

Jude stepped back, startled by my question. "What do you mean?" he avoided looking at me, "I mean, it's not that or anything."

My eyes turned to his ear, which had an obvious tell if he was lying. Sure enough, his ear is flicking about like crazy. I sigh, "you know Jude, you don't need to be embarrassed asking for this."

"But I am," Jude covered his face, "it's embarrassing and...I don't know. How can I even explain what I am going through right now?"

"You are an adult with adult needs Jude and sometimes toys don't satisfy those needs. There is nothing wrong with coming for me for help."

Jude groaned. "But you're my dad. I shouldn't be going to you whenever I want to suck a dick."

"Oh ho, so you are in a mood for daddy's cock are you?" I teased.

Jude groaned. "Dad, I don't even know how to handle these emotions right now. We crossed a line I know we shouldn't have that night. I know in some form, it was wrong of us to do it but, at the same time," Jude paused, "I don't care about it."

"What do you mean?"

Jude sighs, "I mean, I don't know. It might have been the drinks of that night messing with my head at the time but," he paused again and took a breath, "I felt powerful in some way that night. It was almost like, doing those things to you made me stronger in some way I can't describe. That's the only way I can describe it. Having sex with my father made me feel powerful for the first time and I enjoyed that feeling. I want to feel that powerful again but," Jude started to choke up, "I don't know what to do anymore. Dad, I'm scared."

Jude's really torn up about this. He may have just been an adult for a while, but he still hasn't really understood his urges yet. The urges most young men have at his age. The desire to be seen as strong and in control. The desire to push limits on things. Those urges are even worse when you are a behemoth, whose very nature values strength and power. Now that I think about it, Jude never was the kind to actually push limits or try new things unless someone urged him to. So him dealing with these emotions is something I should have expected at some point.

I got up from my chair and hugged Jude. he certainly got bigger, he's the same height as me. "Jude, what you are going through is completely normal."

"What do you mean?"

I stepped away from Jude and looked him in the eyes. "When I was around your age, I went through similar feelings when I first had sex. It's kind of hard to describe in a way. You feel more confident, more sure of yourself. Makes you feel stronger in a way. When we were doing it the first time, you were fulfilling urges that you weren't aware you had. Those urges help you grow as a person. I want to help you explore them healthy, if you would allow me to. "

Jude looked away from me, probably digesting what I had said. "I still don't know." he said, sounding uncertain, "What if we do something that makes me uncomfortable?"

"Look, I will level with you. You are going to be the person in charge here. Whatever you say, goes. You are in control here, not me. You have all the say in when we have sex and what kind of sex we will be doing. I am not going to offer up ideas or anything like that at all. You can use my body however you like."

"But what about you? What if I do something you are-"

I stopped him, "Jude if that happens, I will tell you upfront I do not want to do it. I want to help you grow but I will not force myself to do something I am against just because you asked. When I say no, I mean no. That goes for me and everyone else you might have sex with."

Jude turned his eyes away from me. I could tell he was thinking about something. "So you won't say no then?"

"Unless I am against it." good luck trying to find something like that.

Jude fell silent. A minute passes. "So um dad."


"Can I suck your dick?" he sounded a bit embarrassed but a bit more confident as well.

"Sure," I answered, "do you want me to be standing or sitting?"

"However you are most comfortable with."

"Well in that case, would you mind blowing me in my chair?"

"I don't mind."

I undid my pants and they slid onto the floor. I decided to not wear underwear today, so my son got a faceful of semi hard behemoth cock.

Jude turned his head away, like he was scared or embarrassed to look directly at it.

"Sorry, are you having second thoughts?"

"No it's just a force of habit, sorry. I usually turn away when I see you hanging your dick out."

"Don't apologize. I couldn't handle looking at real dicks at first too." I go back to my chair and lean back in it. I spread my legs wide enough so Jude can access my cock and balls more easily. "I'm ready when you are."

Jude swallowed and took a few steps forward. He got on his knees and moved his face close enough that I could feel his breath on my cock. It sent shivers up my spine. "So what should I do?"

"Whatever you want. Remember you are in control here." Before Jude's eyes, my dick was getting hard fast. If just having him breath on it made me this hard, I must have been more pent up than I thought I was.

"So um what do I do first?"

"Whatever makes you comfortable."

"I am clueless here Dad. Yours is the first dick I ever touched and I want to make sure I am doing it right."

I pat Jude's head, "Jude this is your first time doing this, you are allowed to make mistakes. Just do what you think works best."

"Um okay then." Jude inched his face closer to my cock. He started to rub his face against it. He inhaled the scent.

I lean back in my chair, relaxing my muscles.

Jude opened his mouth and I saw his tongue slither out. He ran his cold tongue over my balls. The tongue caressed my big balls, juggling them, pushing in them, overall playing with them.

"Mmmmm." I purred.

Using his tongue, he pulled one of my balls into his mouth and started to suck on it like it was a jawbreaker. It was so nice and warm in there. With one hand, he wrapped his fingers around my cock and slowly jerked me off.

"Hmmmm, you're doing great Jude," I said, "don't feel afraid to use more strength in your grip."

Jude tightened his grip on me, too much actually. Pain was starting to happen.

"Too tight Jude."

Jude let my ball drop from his mouth, "sorry."

"It's okay, you're learning." I look over Jude's face. He was a bit worried now, "here give me your hand."

Jude handed me his hand.

I grabbed one of his fingers, "I am going to try and show you something." I slowly squeeze my finger over his digit, " this is the kind of pressure you should use on me okay. Tight enough that you have a firm grip, but not tight enough to cause pain. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, I think so." I let go of Jude's finger. He slowly brought his hand to my dick before looking back up to me. He still looked uncertain.

I simply gave a nod with a comforting look in my eyes, or at least I think I was.

Jude wrapped his fingers around my cock and squeezed. It wasn't exactly the same strength I showed him, but it was still a nice feeling.

I let out a low purr, signaling I was comfortable and in no pain.

Jude started to jerk me off. They were a bit awkward but I got off to worse really.

This goes on for a while, pre leaking out of the head and making it way down the shaft. Jude pace became more consistent and easier. Then he lets go.

"Get sore?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jude flexed his wrist, "didn't realize how much effort it took. Porn made it look easy."

"Porn is designed to be that way." I look down to my penis. It was still hard but was nowhere close to cumming. "You can use your other hand if you want."

"Well I was thinking about doing something different."

"Your mouth?"

He nodded.

"Alright then, if that is what you want."

Jude lined up the cock with his mouth, "any words or advice you want to say?"

"Mind the teeth, angle is everything, you are actually going to suck it when it is in your mouth, and only take as much as you can handle. Trust me on the last one. If you try and take more than you can safely handle, you will definitely gag. Start at the head and slowly work your way down. There is no shame if you can't handle all of me. "

Jude swallowed, "okay then." he took a breath and engulfed the head of the penis.

I purred. It was nice and wet in there. I felt the tongue rub against the head.

He pulled back and dove back down. Bit by bit, Jude slowly started to get more of my cock each time he went down. Besides my feelings of lust, I was also feeling proud of Jude handling my cock like this. I love my son dearly and am always willing to help him grow in ways he never expected. If sucking daddies cock helps him grow, I am sure to lend him mine anytime he wishes.

Then it hit me. The urges. The feral and primal part of my brain acted up and it was giving me a command. Dominate. Overpower. Take control. Grab his head and make him choke on my cock.

"Fuck," I muttered as I tighten my grip on the arm rests figthing these urges. This is my son's first time. I will not let these urges ruin that moment.

Jude pulled away, "Dad you okay?"

I calmed down, "Yeah I am. I was just trying not to cum so quickly." I loosen the iron grip I had on the armrests. There were scratch marks in them.

Jude got a smile on his face, "Was I that good?"

"Yeah, it wasn't bad for your first time. With a bit more practice, you'll get guys cumming in your mouth no problem." I just realized what I said, "unless that is not what you are going for."

"That's fine, I like the idea of guys coming for me." we laughed at his lame joke. God he inherited my bad jokes as well.

After the laughter died down I looked Jude in the eyes, "So how do you want to finish me off?"

"Well um," Jude turned away from me.

"Kind of late to feel embarrassed now."

"I know. Just trying to word it right."

"Just tell me what you want. I am sure I can figure it out."

"Well um," Jude looked back at me, "I want you to paint my face."

I was lost on it, "paint your face? Can't say I heard of that before."

Jude looked a bit embarrassed, "sorry, i just blanked on the word. It is cumming on someone's face."

"Cumming on the face." I muttered before it clicks, "You mean a Facial?"

"Yeah that it."

I smirked, "so how do you want to do it? You want me to handle it or you?"

"I would like you to do it. Sorry."

"Don't apologize son." I reached out and scratched Jude behind the ear, "you did pleaty enough for today. Leave the rest to me." I stood up from my chair and grabbed my own cock. I started to jack off in front of Jude. my cock was still wet from being inside Jude's mouth. I jerked hard and fast in front of my son. Soon I got the feeling, "Jude I am pretty close. Are you ready?"


I aimed my cock and blasted my son with my cum. A lot was coming out all at once, mostly because I had been pent up for a while.

I look down and see the jizz covered face of Jude. there was more white on him then blue. Jude stuck out his tongue and tasted some of the cum. "Salty."

I grabbed a box of tissues and handed it to him, "here, we should try and get as much as we can off before it dries." I pulled a few out and started to wipe him down, "dried semon on fur is a pain to clean out." I got most of it before it dried. Still there were trace amounts of white in the fur. "I got as much out as I can, but you should still wash your face when you can."

"Thanks for that dad." Jude stood up. I noticed he was pitching a tent in those shorts.

"So now that my needs are taken care of, you want your done?"

Jude stepped away hiding his erection, "what no! Wait I mean-"

"It's fine, I understand. You'll let me when you want to." I give a quick peck on the cheek, still tasting a bit of my seman on his fur. "I'll be here if you want to go another round with me."

"Okay." Jude gave me a quick kiss on the lips and hurried off. I sigh and pick my pants off the floor. On second thought no. I drop the pants again and go get my chair. I pulled the chair so it was in front of my monitor and sat down. Now back to the boring invoices. I thought to myself as I continued where I left off.