Legend of Krystal - Rebirth: Rough Start (Intro)

Story by Vic Sidious on SoFurry

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#1 of Legend of Krystal - Rebirth: Rough Start

This is a fanfiction based on a fan project. Go figure.

I hope you guys like this reimagining of a classic porn scenario. A famous blue vixen crash-lands on a remote planet. Stranded with a primitive civilization, and no immediate means of rescue, a vulnerable, desirable heroine has to rely on her wits, cunning, and willingness for compromise in order to make it through the turmoil.

I'm just kidding. She just needs lube. A lot of lube.

If you like this particular take on the setting, please keep in mind that most of these characters are not mine. Check out the LoK: Rebirth project. I think it looks really promising. Also, their dev team is really cool. Great guys.

Anyway, with all that introduction, I say we dive in.

Don't worry. It may be an 'intro', but there's plenty of fucking.

Legend of Krystal - Rebirth: Rough Start


Her ship was totaled. No way to signal for help. No blaster, no knife, no weapons at all.

Krystal was stranded. Alone on an alien planet.

The young, blue vixen tumbled out of the wreck, with nothing salvageable, save for what she was wearing: a tight, dark flightsuit and a slightly torn bomberjacket she managed to pull out of a flattened cargo locker. The flightsuit had a communicator on its wrist, but the screen was cracked, now serving as nothing other than a clock set to the calendar of a different planet. Maybe if she found the right materials, she could fix it, but her ship didn't have those parts. Repairs would have to be for another time, in another place.

With nowhere to go, and no idea how to get there, she set off.

The crash site was in an unfortunate place, dead in the middle of an expanse of jungle with no obvious landmarks or breaks in the foliage. The canopy blocked nearly all sunlight, and the trees and vines kept her sightlines to less than five meters in any direction. Tactically speaking, she was helpless. I have to get some better sightlines. Now.

After a few minutes of wandering, she got her wish. Almost too good to be true, a clearing opened up in front of her. The treeline and the canopy above all opened up into a magnificent display of sunlight and greenery.

Though it was sweltering and humid, the sky was perfectly clear, as blue as her fur. Not a cloud in sight, but no contrails either. This was a remote planet. No regular patrols. If she wanted to get rescued, she would have to make for her own survival until she was found.

With a sigh of daunted determination, Krystal stepped forward, over a wide bed of vines and leaves.

Some branches underneath snapped and gave way.

She was in the hole before she even knew she was falling.

"Hello?! Anyone!"

Krystal crawled to the other end of the pit, hoping to find some sort of handhold or foothold she might have missed from the other forty-eight times she had searched. Nothing, yet again. No roots, no stones, no vines sturdy enough to support her weight. The walls were more than twice as high as she was tall. Utterly helpless.


At first, she had hesitated about calling attention to herself. Clearly a hostile planet, any attempt to ask for help would also be asking for trouble. But still, whatever species was out there, they could make traps. If they could make traps, then they were intelligent. If they were intelligent, then perhaps they could be reasoned with.

And hopefully, they don't eat other intelligent life forms...

Krystal grabbed one of the vines that she had tried to use as a rope, and instead used it as a grapnel. Whipping it up and out of the hole, she tried to make it catch onto something, to no avail. Still, she kept at it. At the very least, it would help attract the attention of passersby.

After a few minutes, she heard some commotion up above. Multiple sets of footsteps were closing in on the pit, all from the same direction. Likely a patrol. Krystal didn't know whether to jump for joy or prepare to fight.

A voice called down to her, deep, unmistakably male.


It was language she couldn't understand. It sounded like a warning, so Krystal backed herself up against the wall of the pit, and tried not to look intimidated.

With a grunt, it sounded like one of the men jumped, and a second later, the rest of the trap's flooring gave in, in a shower of dirt and dust. Krystal blocked out the harsh sunlight with a raised hand, and watched as the newcomer landed in a crouch, then slowly rose to his full height.

He was reptilian, well over seven feet tall, and with a musculature to match his immense height. His scales were as green as the jungle, save for his chest and abdomen, which bore a bright, even yellow. He wore little to conceal his body, just a loose loincloth and draped down to his knees, and the occasional strap around the arm or leg, which sported a carving knife and a few empty pouches. In his claws, he held a spear far too big for her to wield easily.

A hunter, perhaps?

"Peace!" she said, squinting, hands raised. "I mean you no harm!"

The reptile before her tilted his head, confused. Clearly, he didn't understand her. He looked back, and up.

Above, up at the rim of the pit, stood a second hunter, a silhouette against the searing sun. Krystal couldn't get a good look at him without moving for a better angle, but she stayed put. No sudden movements. She didn't want a fight.

Much to her relief, the second hunter shouted back to her in her own language. "You female, yes?" A thick accent, and broken grammar, but perhaps he could hold a conversation.

"Y-yes!" She assumed a more relaxed posture, gesturing towards herself. "Yes! I'm female! A fox--er, vixen!"

"Vixen..." The second hunter jumped down and joined the first. He had a slightly darker shade of green to him, but his chest was grey like stone. He tapped his own chest with his fist. "Me named Turuk." Then, he bumped the other with the same fist. "Brother. Viruk."

Viruk, the bigger of the two, grinned, revealing a wide set of meat-eating fangs. His tail swayed smoothly behind him. It seemed to be a universal sign of approval.

"Well, Turuk and... Viruk?" Krystal hoped for a diplomatic approach. She stepped forward, and extended a hand, slowly. "A pleasure to meet you both. I am Krystal, and I am in your debt."

Viruk stared down at Krystal's hand, then whispered something sidelong, to his brother. There was a bit of bickering between them, before they appeared to come to an agreement.

Turuk cleared his throat, and Krystal readily listened with an optimistic disposition.

"No... weapon."

Krystal understood his caution, and replied, "I have no weapons--"

"Hands..." Turuk raised his own hands, then added, "...up?"

"Hands up. Very well." Krystal complied. "I mean you no harm. I want to be friends."

Another pause. More bickering. It seemed Turuk had an easier time speaking than he did listening, which Krystal understood. She knew a few languages herself, and none of them had come easily.

After another agreement between the two brothers, Viruk shifted his grip on his spear, and Turuk gave another command.


That one word made Krystal instantly dislike this planet. No longer smiling, she asked, "Excuse me?"

"Strip now. No weapons."

"I... I have no weapons. No need to search me."

"Strip now. Do this." Turuk demonstrated, shrugging out of his straps, before stepping out of his loincloth. His brother followed suit, laughing with enthusiasm.

"No. Stop. I know what you mean! I just don't want to _do_it!"

It was no use. They couldn't understand. And even if they did, they wouldn't care. Soon enough, they were both naked, and tossing both their clothes and weaponry up out of the pit.

Against her better judgment, Krystal couldn't help but stare. Neither of them had sheaths, like her last boyfriend. Instead, their genitals hung in the open air, like on her first boyfriend. Their cocks looked smooth, save for a few barbs around the glans.

"We no hurt you," Turuk said, gesturing hurriedly to her body. "Now, strip."

This went bad quick_,_ she thought. Regardless, Krystal knew that she'd rather undress herself than have either of them do it for her. Besides, they promised not to hurt me.

Tentative, the vixen reached up, behind her back, and found the smart zipper, which only opened at her touch. If either of them tore the suit off her, no doubt they'd damage it beyond repair.

As she undid the zipper, she turned her back, not willing to show them her breasts just yet. Neither of them were having that. The bigger one, Viruk, grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her back against the dirt wall with a predatory snarl.

Krystal struggled, for a bit, but it was clearly no use. This incorrigible reptile was twice her size and three times her weight. Even with a weapon, she would barely stand the slimmest chance.

"Hmmph!" She shrugged his hands away, and continued to expose herself. "Fine."

Viruk got an eyeful of her tits as she revealed them, jaw dropped, tongue dangling. He clearly wanted a taste of her.

"Oh, if you're that perverted..." As a spiteful gesture, she grabbed his hand and brought it up to her breast, groping herself with his hand as proxy. When Viruk started to laugh, she shoved his hand away, which he allowed. "There. Satisfied?"

Viruk backed away, arms crossed, cock hardening.

Growing more and more irate, Krystal bent over and kicked her way completely out of the suit, then stood up and threw it at them. It landed on the ground between them, and they ignored it.

No bra. Only white-and-blue striped panties. With no sign from them to stop, Krystal continued debasing herself.

"Stop." Turuk came forward, and put a hand on her shoulder.

It came as a relief. Perhaps they were satisfied. Krystal stood up straight. "There. May I speak with your leader now--? Hey!"

The reptile spun her around so that she faced away. Then, he stick his finger down the waistband of her panties and tugged them down, only a little. "Strip." He then gave her a double-pat on the ass to get the point across.

"Oh, now, you want me to turn my back. Of course. How stupid of me."

She gave them what she wanted, now too annoyed to wallow in her situation. She gave them a full show, raising her tail as she dropped her panties down around her ankles. Then, she kicked them up into her hand, and threw them at her captors, just as she had with her suit. "Happy now?"

The panties landed on Viruk's nose, even covering one of his eyes. With a flick of his tongue, he slurped them into his mouth, chewed on them a bit, and spat them onto the ground. By the look of him, he was definitely happy.

With nothing else in his way, he marched up to her, pinned her against the wall by her throat, and put his other hand down between her legs, before shoving a finger up, into her.

"Ack-hck!" Krystal tried to get a word out, even a syllable, but she couldn't, and Viruk didn't care. He kept probing her, as if somehow it were a mutual idea. She tried to shove his hands away, but he was far too strong.

All the while, Turuk stayed back, stroking himself as he watched them.

Just as Krystal's nipples started to harden, Viruk let up, pulled his fingers out, and let her go. Gasping and quivering, the vixen doubled over, clasping both hands over her clenching, abused vulva.

Turuk approached her now, standing shoulder to shoulder with his brother. They both looked down on her, with nothing but the worst of intentions on their minds.

"You strip," Turuk said. "Good. Good strip. Now..." He patted his brother on the shoulder, giving him the go-ahead. "Now we fuck you."

Before she could even react, Viruk picked Krystal up, spun her around, and pinned her face-first against the wall, with both of her feet off the ground. At some point, during all of that, Viruk's cock had forced its way inside her.

"No!" Krystal braced herself against the wall, too startled by the sudden intrusion to even fight back at first. She rode out the first few thrusts without a struggle. Then, as Viruk started grunting, she reached back, trying to break his grip. No use. This was happening, and it was going to happen.

Even so, Krystal pushed back against him, and tried to break away. As he kept rutting into her, she felt herself getting tighter and tighter. She started straining, then groaning, then moaning. Then, she screamed.

Viruk tensed up, and shot a load straight into her womb, but there was no denying it. He made her cum first.

For a good while, he kept her up, and she felt his cum dribbled out of her, dripping onto her feet, then pattering against the leaves beneath her.

Viruk pulled out, then let her drop. With all the grace that could be expected of a defiled vixen, her legs gave out from under her, and she flopped onto her back, staring up at an uncaring blue sky.

Krystal stayed quiet, only hearing the sound of her own breathing, and Viruk's low, subdued chuckle. They let her lie for a bit, probably just to think about what had just happened.

"Y-..." she tried to say, as she propped herself up on one elbow. "Y-you just..."

Turuk lowered himself down to the ground, then crawled over to her. With a pointing finger, he said. "You good." He pulled her knees apart, and positioned himself over her. "He fuck you. Now I fuck you."

"Wait, wh-what?"

She wasn't given time to make a suggestion. Turuk just wrapped her up in a tight embrace and drove his cock in. She squealed, and tried to kick him away, but he was just as insurmountably strong as his brother, and her feet couldn't find traction against his scales. No doubt she was only turning him on even more.

"Haaahhh. Good slut." The reptile grabbed her jaw and turned her head away. His tongue licked her as he fucked her, and she was all out of ideas. No tricks, no tools, no weapons. She would just have to ride this out.

"You made a terrible mistake, just now." Krystal stayed on her back, back rigid, fists clenched in the leaves. "I'm going to--" she gasped "--someone is going to come for me. They'll--hah!--they'll find me, and you'll pay for this. You hear me? You'll both pay for this."

Turuk wasn't listening. He was busy exploring every inch of her cunt with his tongue. He held her ankles, one in each hand, and he watched her as he kept probing. Every gasp and shudder out of her sent an obvious thrill through him.

When he was done, he brought her knees together, turned her onto her side, and tugged out of her in a single go. It made her moan, and arch her back, which made him smile.

Viruk said something, in that hideous reptilian language. Both Turuk and Krystal looked up, and saw him standing on the edge of the pit. There was a quick, efficient exchange of words, then Turuk looked down on her and said. "We go now. Village."

"Village? Are you--?"

She wasn't given any time to ask questions. The reptile swept her up in his arms, stood up, and tossed her up in the air.

Krystal screamed. She reached out with every limb.

Then Viruk caught her, and held her close to his chest. It was then his turn to bother her with his tongue. Face and breasts. She was too busy trying to stop him to even try and break free.

With no effort at all, Turuk leapt up out of the pit, and landed gracefully with both feet on the open ground. He then started collecting their things--his and his brother's only--and started strapping it all to himself.

Of course, Krystal thought. Give him back his knife, and it's within arm's reach of me. She tried crossing her arms over her tits, but it did little to stop his tongue. There was no denying it. She was just fucked.

Once the brothers were ready, Viruk draped Krystal over his shoulder, and started walking. With one hand firmly on her ass, he made sure to give her the occasional squeeze.

Krystal looked back as she was carried. Her suit, her communicator, everything, all left in the pit. They already had the only thing of hers that interested them: her body.

The two brothers shared a group tent with over a dozen males their age. Viruk introduced the vixen to all of his peers with a proud display of groping and prodding, all while Turuk explained to them in hushed tones. Krystal couldn't understand a word of it, but by the end of his little speech, every male in the tent was awestruck, jittering with anticipation amongst themselves, and Krystal had a strong idea what was in store.

She was right. Every last one of them had a turn. She spent the next few interminable hours getting dragged around by her hair, getting bent over a table, getting her ass slapped or groped, or just plain getting fucked.

At first, Krystal tried to fight, but after the third or fourth wombful of lizard cum, she lost the strength to push back, and started to get used to the rhythm of their thrusts.

At least they had lube. Some strange paste that Krystal had never seen before. None of that mattered. It worked. At the very least, it never hurt when they fucked her. It only felt good.

Unfortunately, that meant Krystal couldn't tell where the bad ended and the tolerable began.


Turuk was having his third turn of the night, and he had already gotten himself drunk two turns ago. This time, he was taking her right on top of the feasting table, surrounded by his fellows, who were laughing it up amongst themselves, no doubt telling jokes or stories, perhaps at her expense.

"You are goood sssluuut..." his voice dragged on as he kept bucking into her. At this point, they didn't even need to pin Krystal's arms down. She was lost in the rocking motion, listening intently to every wet smooching sound that their hips made whenever he bottomed out. Her legs were tucked up, feet resting on Turuk's abdomen, but she wasn't pushing away. She was done with that. Maybe she had forgotten how.

"We rape you. Me keep you. Me rape slut! Ha ha haaah!" Just like before, Turuk hunched forward, and started licking her all over. Tits, neck, jaw, cheek. A few hours ago, Krystal would have considered that disgusting. Now, she was just waiting for an end point. Maybe then, she could think through just how she felt about all of it.

The tent flap flew open. The laughter stopped. Turuk stopped thrusting, but didn't pull out. In a hammered daze, Krystal let her head roll back, and look at the tent's upside-down entrance.

Another male had arrived, the biggest one yet. Muted green and grey, with icy-blue eyes that set him apart. This new reptilian looked around in disgust, then let out a single, roaring syllable of an order.

All the males around the table scrambled, and stood in formation along one wall. Turuk didn't move. He was frozen with fear.

The blue-eyed one stormed across the room and punched Turuk in the throat, before grabbing him by the shoulder and shoving him across the room.

Krystal laughed and bucked with the confused stimulation. That cock slid out of her so quick.

The blue-eyed reptile was shouting now, berating everyone around him. Krystal mustered up all the strength she had, and sat up on the edge of the table, watching the large reptile shout down all the other smaller ones.

He seems nice.

Once he was done, Blue-Eyes sent them all running with another shouted syllable. In a few seconds, Krystal found herself alone with him, not sure what to do. She settled for covering her nudity, even though her modesty seemed like a lost cause.

Blue-Eyes walked over to the nearest bed and bundled up some furs in his arms. Then, he walked back over to Krystal, and wrapped her in those furs.

"I am the Chieftain's guard," said Blue-Eyes, indifferently, with near-perfect pronunciation, "and he wants to meet with you."

Krystal didn't reply. She just stared. What, does the Chief want a turn?

"But first," the guard picked her up and carried her outside. "let's get you cleaned up."

After a few minutes of walking, Krystal heard the sound of a waterfall. It was after dark now, so she didn't bother trying to see where they were going. She let it all pass by, trusting this new reptile, whoever he was. He hadn't raped her yet. That was a start.

With a bit of a jolt, the guard sat down by the water, and guided her so that she lowered in gently, feet first.

The water was shallow, only halfway up her thigh, but it was more than enough for her to bathe. The guard held her hand the whole time, to keep her balance. Her left leg just couldn't stop shaking.

She washed herself as best she could, in the light of a half moon, with the stranger watching her every move. She didn't mind so much now. Compared to the last few hours of treatment, this was pleasant.

Krystal paused, mid-brush, as she was scraping some dried cum off her thigh. She said to the guard. "Do you want a quick go before I finish up? Now's the perfect time."

"If that's a joke, mammal, then I am both disgusted and impressed."

His brusqueness came as a shock. He had seemed like such a hero before. He let go of her hand, so she could make the last few touches.

"What," Krystal countered. "You don't think I'm pretty?"

"I hold no opinion of you one way or the other, off-worlder. The Chief wants you cleaned and brought to him, and I obey his commands. That's all."

"I see." With one last wipe of her vulva, Krystal climbed out of the water and shook herself dry, which finally got the guard to flinch. She held out her hands, palms up. "I suppose, now, you may take me to him."

"And I will. Can you walk, or would you rather I carry you?"

"I... well..." Krystal looked down the dark jungle path, and felt unsure. "Carry me, please."

This time, Krystal looked around as best she could as she was carried. Through the village of hide tents and huts by torchlight. Under any other circumstance, it might have been comfortable, or even cozy. Now, she was just on edge. No idea what to expect from this chieftain, but for some reason, she felt a sense of optimism. Something, something, nowhere to go but up.

Just outside the edge of the village, past a fuming shaman's tent, was one of the largest tents yet. It also looked like it had been here the longest.

The guard set her down yet again, and pulled the fur away, leaving her naked yet again in the night air.

"You will go in alone," the guard said. "And you may not conceal yourself in some cloak."

"You think the Chieftain will be insulted?"

"I think he'll understand the circumstances."

Krystal entered the Chieftain's tent with an unbeatable sense of hesitation. The firelit interior was nice and warm, but she still found herself fighting off a chill.

As she turned and looked, she spotted the Chieftain immediately. In the center of the tent, he sat on a throne made of wood, wicker, and bone. His clothing and armor was the most extravagant yet, and he wore a helm made from the head of some great fanged creature. For a Chieftain, he certainly looked the part.

From across the tent, Krystal couldn't tell where his eyes were focused on her. On instinct, she covered her breasts.

"Do not hide yourself from the Chieftain. The Chieftain must see all."

Krystal understood, and lowered her hands to her sides. "May I approach?"

"You may."

With his permission, Krystal walked closer, step by measured step. He was bound to give many, many commands during this conversation, and she intended to make a good first impression. This wasn't the time to act big.

About four steps away from the throne, the Chieftain said, "Stop here, and kneel."

Krystal stopped, and lowered herself on both knees. She kept her eyes low, on the floor.

"You may look upon me if you wish, but I will not force you to."

"Much appreciated."

The Chieftain didn't speak, not for a while. He let the moment, the gravitas of his presence, linger for a while before he said, "We are Razorclaw."

Krystal had read that name before, somewhere in a mission file. It seemed inconsequential now.

The Chieftain continued. "I doubt you've had the opportunity to learn much about us, so now you know..." he sighed "...the name of our tribe."

He stood up from his throne, took a step forward, and knelt down on the floor, in front of her.

"My name is Jakuul. Tell me your name."


"'Krystal'," he repeated, then rose to his feet. He began pacing around her, in a wide circle. "Before, you had no status, no merit. Now, the Chieftain knows your name, so now, you have status. Now, you have merit. Do you understand?"

It must have been some sort of custom. "I... I understand."

"Good. It is the most important rule you will ever learn. When those young hunters used you, it was not a crime against you, it was a crime against me. Now, if they use you again, in the same way, it will be a crime against you, as well as me."

Krystal nodded. Already, a major improvement.

The Chieftain broke off from his circle, and picked something up from a dark corner of the room. It was fabric, synthetic. It took a moment for Krystal to recognize it in the low light. Her flightsuit. She almost spoke up, almost asked for it back. She decided not to risk it. One false move, and she might get placed back into Turuk's care.

"Now, tell me, Krystal, off-worlder of low status." Jakuul held out the sleeve of her flightsuit, showing her the embedded comm device, the cracked screen, the blinking numbers. "Is this how your people tell time?"

Krystal was impressed. It was either a good guess, or the Chieftain possessed a sharp intellect. "Yes, it is."

"Please, explain it to me, starting with this smallest unit."

The strangeness of the request caught her off-guard, but she did as she was told. She explained how seconds filled minutes, and minutes became hours. As days filled weeks, she explained her homeworld's calendar, to which he listened intently.

Finally, at the end of her explanation, the Chieftain asked her, "And how old are you, Krystal, in federation years?"


"Twenty-one federation years. Recently?"

"Two months ago."

Jakuul was silent for nearly a minute. His claw traced along the crack in the screen. "Fourteen cycles," he said to himself. "You are fourteen cycles old."

He was calculating it all in his head, having learned the systems just now. Not just an impressive intellect. This Chieftain was possibly a genius.

"If your kind ages like we do, then you are of prime age for the Vholakohi."

Krystal shuddered at that remark. It almost sounded like a threat. "I'd really like to have my clothes back now."

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

"What do you mean? They're right there."

"And right now, they're not yours to take back. Think of your position right now, off-worlder. Here, you have no people, no weapons, no safety, nothing. You may think that the Razorclaw welcome was... demanding, but there are other tribes on this world who would have done you far worse. The way I see it, either you choose to have a tribe, or no tribe at all. Which will it be?"

A simple binary choice. Either a tribe, or no tribe at all. Both ideas seemed equally terrible.

Eventually, Krystal decided. "By choosing no tribe, I risk a repeat of today's events, don't I?"

"Or as I said, far worse."

The vixen shuddered. "I suppose I have no real choice. I'll take a place in this tribe, until I complete my mission and find a way off this planet."

Jakuul nodded. As she was speaking, he had already made his way across the tent, and opened a chest. From inside, he pulled out a parcel, wrapped up in some furs. "Then there is one last choice to be made. If you are to fill a role with this tribe, then there is only one that I can think of that would befit an off-worlder of low status. You may approach."

Krystal stood, and joined the Chieftain at a side table, where he opened the parcel and laid out its contents.

Clothes, and incredibly skimpy clothes at that. A two-piece, colored gold and white, with the occasional diamond-shape tribal motif.

"This looks like something those brothers would have me wear."

"In a way, it's a similar role." Jakuul folded the parcel shut again. "The Vholakohi is technically an archaic tradition, one that hasn't been filled for years. Still, it will be observed, and you will be protected, somewhat. Anyone in the village who abuses you will be punished severely, directly by me."

"Vholakohi," Krystal repeated. "What does it mean?"

"There is no word for it in your language, but essentially, it means 'the Chieftain's Pet'."

That made Krystal's blood run cold. "I already dislike it."

"I am using this tradition as a technicality, to keep you safe, off-worlder. If you choose this, I promise not to use you. It will give you power to deny the desires of any male under my command, and you have my word that I will not take advantage. Wear this, and assume the role, and you will have at least some protection."

"And I assume there's no alternative?" Krystal said. "There's no other role for me?"

"As of right now, there is but one other choice: you leave this tent now, and I return you to the care of Turuk and his brother."

"You what?!" Krystal tried backing away, but Jakuul grabbed her by the wrist, in a grip that she couldn't break. She tugged and strained, but he wouldn't let go.

"Those brothers would continue to use you, but they would also protect you. It would be in their best interest to keep you safe and healthy."

"So they can go on fucking me."


"That's it?" Krystal demanded. "Those are my only options?"

"While you remain with this tribe, yes."

Krystal paused, and thought it over. "Fine. I'll be your 'pet', in title only."

"There is one last thing, a requirement I haven't told you yet."

The Chieftain let go of her, picked up her new clothes, and walked back to the center of the tent, to his throne, and sat back down.

"The Vholakohi is a tradition, a sacred tradition." Jakuul held up one of the garmets, which looked almost perfectly her size. "It's a violation of that tradition for you to wear these," "unless I have been inside you, at least once, and have brought you to climax."

Krystal remained quiet, and she watched him for a tell. Instinctively, she brought her tail around and concealed herself. He looked serious, and though he had reason to lie, it was also probably that he wasn't. Even if it was some trick, it was still better than the alternative. It would only be one time.

And besides... she admitted to herself, he is... rather handsome.

After a brief, sharp inhale, Krystal relented. "Fine."

"Phallus, finger, or tongue. You are allowed to choose."

"Tongue," she said, a little to quickly, making herself blush. She felt the need to explain further. "It seems the least likely to hurt."

"And you'd be right."

Chieftain Jakuul then rose and approached her with an irrefutable purpose.

Right there, on the floor of the Chieftain's tent. He laid her back, pulled her knees apart, and penetrated her with his tongue.

Through it all, Krystal tried to relax and take it with some dignity, which was difficult. There were witnesses. Two of Jakuul's most loyal guards were brought in, in order to formalize the proceedings. They watched her every move, her every twist and twitch, but for the most part, they looked indifferent.

Though one of them was undeniably getting hard.

Jakuul kept a surprising amount of composure, considering his current situation, between her legs, licking her with fervor. Whenever his tongue delved inside, it made those same obscene squelching noises, reminding her of Viruk and Turuk. Those two would see her later, wearing the traditional garb, and they would know what had happened here.

Perhaps this was the worse choice.

Too late to turn back now.

Jakuul reached forward and grabbed Krystal by the hips, pulling her in closer as his tongue lunged ever deeper.

"Oooh!" the vixen mewled before covering her mouth. It was all part of the ritual. She didn't know who she was fooling. She couldn't fight the orgasm coming on. It seemed foolish to even try. She thought of arousing things, in order to bring it on faster.

The soft caress of her first love. The way he held her with care, while still taking such powerful control. The way he would grunt and grown in her ear.

The way those two Razorclaw made her strip down before they--

Krystal clenched down around the Chieftain's tongue. She was hurtling toward the edge with no way to stop it. She tried to keep quiet, but as it hit her, she couldn't hold it in.

The vixen arched her back, locked her legs around Jakuul's neck, and let out a little falsetto squeak. It was embarrassing, hopelessly embarrassing.

But it was done.

Gently, Jakuul pulled his tongue free, and set her back down on the floor. He left her there as he went to go get her new clothes.

"You have done well," he said, as he reclaimed his throne. "Now, come here. I will put these on you."

First was a strapless top, held in place only by the curve and firmness of her breasts. The fabric twisted around in the middle, but it was clearly part of the design. It made her feel vulnerable. Any real attempt at running, and it was bound to slip off.

Second came the set of bottoms, which clung to her like a set of panties. The chief made her stand as he tightened them around her, using a tassel on either side that ran through and tied off at a metal ring on either hip. The rings lined up perfectly with the white markings of her fur. In a perverse way, it looked like it belonged on her.


The Chieftain let her go and sat back, appraising his work. Krystal also gave herself a quick once-over, chest, hips, ass. Under other circumstances, she would like the outfit. It would have looked beautiful if it wasn't so intentionally demeaning.

"You..." Jakuul hesitated, and chose his words carefully. There was something in his words that wasn't there before. "You look the part."

"I bet I do. The part of your bedslave."

"That may be your role, but you will not be sleeping with me. There is a tent for the unwed females, and you will be sleeping there. They will care for you."

"I... Thank you, Chief Jakuul."

"There's no way to fix this cameltoe, is there?" Krystal remarked, mostly to herself.

"A camel-what? What is that?"

"Nevermind." Krystal tried to adjust the fabric a tad, to no avail. "I'm ready to go to the females' tent now."

"I will have a guard take you there." The Chief stood. "One last thing." He placed a hand on her shoulder, claws resting against her soft fur. "You have a role now, a protected one, but it is not a high role. I know you realize that."

"I do."

"Now, you will be given tasks, to help the tribe. You will report to Meiri. Speak with her, as soon as you arrive."

"I will."

"Here is the important part." The Chief placed his other hand on her other shoulder, looking straight into her eyes. "You are still of low status. If one report reaches me, in which you fail to fulfill your daily duties, I will have no choice but to demote you. There is only one status below your current status."

Krystal finished his thought, breaking eye-contact. "No status."

"Correct. No doubt the likes of Turuk and Viruk would enjoy that outcome." Jakuul bent forward, and whispered one last warning in her ear. "Keep your wits about you, and do what you must."

Krystal was then escorted to the females' tent, by the same guard that had saved her last night, and all along her walk, Krystal's mind was far away from her original mission. Now, she worried over her imminent, immediate future.

Whatever you do, Krystal, she warned herself, don't fuck this up.