Granted a New Life

Story by Kutamo on SoFurry

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#1 of Oldies

AJ stumbles across a Djinn, or more commonly known as a genie, and of course is granted three wishes. Little does he know his wishes will grant him a whole new life to live.

The first 'Oldie' I'll be posting, something that was created in 2016 but is now seeing the light of the internet. I'm wanting to get some of my old favorites out into the world before writing up some new originals. Of course my writing has improved since then, so a decent amount of editing goes into each of these. I hope you enjoy!

The attic was dusty, and the window through which sunlight came in had some sort of oil covering it which bathed the whole place in an ugly yellow filter. There were a bunch of old pieces of furniture covered in white cloths, cardboard boxes with all sorts of miscellaneous stuff in them, and old doodads from Uncle Jay's travels around the world. AJ's dearly departed Uncle Jay had once been a sailor who had visited every port on the seven seas. After coming back he'd been a reclusive man, and had never gotten married or had family. He'd died a couple of weeks ago, and to the shock of everyone in the family, he'd left money in his will to half a dozen younger boyfriends he'd been seeing without anyone's knowledge. The house itself, and everything in it, he'd left to his favourite nephew.

As AJ was looking through his inheritance, he saw all kinds of exotic items. There was even a bronze cage that looked like it might be for a parrot or something, though he was pretty sure Uncle Jay had never owned any pets. The white furred wolf coughed every so often as he rummaged around in the attic, dust coming loose and floating up into the air. The wolf waved his hand in the air to dissipate the cloud of dust every time it happened as he looked around, glancing into several boxes. "Man, Uncle Jay sure had a lot of stuff. I never took him for a pack rat..."

The wolf continued going through boxes, not finding anything too useful or valuable, though he wasn't sure if he had the heart to throw or sell any of this stuff away unless it was pure junk. "Old newspapers...I think that is safe to get rid of." he comments to himself, adding it to the 'throw away' pile. Something in the corner of the wolf's gaze caught his attention. The sunlight was glimmering against a bronze box of some sort lying on the ground next to a big glass hookah. The box was carved with Arabic letters, and had a clasp keeping its lid closed. He moved over and grabbed the box and took it with him as he left.

Once out of the attic, the wolf went to the master bedroom and set it down on the bed. He decided to shower up first and cool down, exiting the master bath with just a towel around his waist. "Oh, right." He said to himself, having almost forgotten about the interesting box. The wolf walked over to the side of the bed the box was at and opened it up, looked in on its contents and pulled out a dusty....teapot? He wasn't sure exactly what it was, but it had a lid and a spout like a fancy old style tea pot would. He blew onto it to remove some of the dust, then used his hand to wipe away the majority of it. "..Is this gold?"

AJ didn't have much more than a second or two to look at the item hidden inside the box he'd brought down from the attic, when suddenly a wind picked up from seemingly nowhere. The dust covering the item, and scattered in the bottom of the box, all blew upward and seemed to fill the air on top of the bed for a bit. Then, it drew inward into a single clump. The light of the lamp in the ceiling seemed to grow fainter for a moment, but when it came back there was no sign of the dust from earlier. Instead, a huge figure stood in the room with AJ, right next to the bed. It was a seven foot tall blue-skinned creature of some sort, vaguely resembling a rhino. It was dressed in a robe tied up around its waist, its eyes glowed blue, and it had a powerful, imposing physique. It was looking around the room curiously, seemingly unaware of AJ's presence.

AJ had taken a step back, closed his eyes, and shielded his face with his arms when there was a sudden gust of air filled with dust. Had he left a window open or something? Once it died down, he lowered his arms and opened his eyes, coughing a few times from all the dust he was growing to hate. He was going to check the windows, but he was stopped in his mental and physical tracks when he saw a tall blue rhino in the room. The creature was looking around curiously, while AJ stood by in shock. After several seconds he found his voice to speak. "Uuuh...Who are you?"

Those blue glowing eyes fell on AJ, and then briefly moved to the box lying on the bed before coming back. "I am Xerthender. I am Djinn, a spirit of creation. The Maker bound me to flesh as punishment for my hubris, and made me serve the first one hundred and one mortals who find my vessel. Three favours you have of me, to request as you want. I will use my powers to make it be, but know that I may not invalidate the will of the Maker." His voice was grumbly, and had a slight echo to it, like a monster in a movie or something. Except this was real. When the creature moved, AJ could feel the air shift against his damp fur, and the floorboards creak a little under his feet. Every one of his senses was saying this thing was real.

AJ took a cautious step back when those blue glowing eyes looked to him, his ears staying up and alert as he listened. "Djinn? Three favours?" He paused, a light bulb going off inside his head. "Wait...Are you saying that you're a genie?" It was the only thing that made sense, any other explanation he tried to come up with couldn't explain how someone could just appear out of nowhere in his room. Not to mention that there was a lamp of sorts, and an odd looking creature standing before him. "So....I can get three wishes from you, and then you go back into the lamp?" The wolf asked, using the typical genie knowledge from fairy tales.

"Djenie? Yes", the being said. It wasn't behaving aggressively, but its voice was very strict and didn't sound very kind at all. "You may word them as wishes or commands, it matters not. I'll hear them all at once, and then I will carry out your will. Once it is done, I will return into my vessel, and you will be unable to tell anyone where to find it, or to directly give it to anyone." The genie looked at the towel around AJ's waist, and idly tugged on the clothing around its own. "The fashion in this age befits me well, it seems."

AJ stood by and listened, the genie was fairly calm, though strict and formal. When fashion was brought up, the wolf looked down at himself and shook his head. "This isn't clothing...I just took a shower." He replied, readjusting the towel and making sure it was secure. "Anyway...I just tell you my three wishes, you make it happen, and then go away? Seems simple enough." As surreal as the situation was, it seemed like it would be over and done with in just a few minutes.

"That is correct", responded Xerthender in its rumbly voice. It didn't comment on the shower. Who knew whether it even knew what such a thing was. "Know, however, that men who make grasping wishes will reap naught but grief", it added ominously.

"Grasping wishes? I wasn't planning on wishing for immortality, everlasting life, or to bring someone back from death." AJ responded, fairly aware of the rules of wishes, though he wasn't certain how true they were since they were based on stories after all. The wolf thought for a few moments to think of his wishes, having already had a good idea of what he wanted. It wasn't uncommon that someone would think of what they would do with 3 wishes, or a million dollars. "Alright well....I wish I was better looking, more manly I guess." He paused, "Then I wish for financial stability so I don't have to worry about having money problems aaaand..." He wasn't sure how he felt about his last wish he was about to make, but figured the genie would say something if there was a problem. " I wish I had a good boyfriend."

The genie listened in silence, and gave a very brief nod. "These are humble wishes, and not objectionable. Your uncle had similar ones." It uncrossed its arms and lifted one hand up. Lightning appeared, dancing amongst its fingers. "It shall be done."

"Wait, my Uncle made wishes too?" It would've made sense, especially since he had the lamp in the first place. He wasn't sure why he hadn't pieced that together on his own. "Whoa!" The wolf commented, taking a step back as sparks of electricity danced on the genie's fingers.

The lamp in the ceiling flashed bright as lightning, now, and when AJ blinked his vision back, Xarthender was nowhere to be seen. The box was on the bed, its lid and clasp closed. Somehow, AJ knew as soon as his eyes fell on it that he wouldn't be able to open it no matter what. Before he had much time to think about that, though, a wave of heat passed over him. He felt an odd tingling sensation on his cock and balls, which then spread all over his body. There was a faint swelling feeling, like he was ballooning up. Was it the first wish?

When AJ drew breath, he could almost feel a sense of strength coursing through him. As he looked down on his skinny arms, muscles were starting to push out from underneath the skin and the fur. Every time he inhaled, his chest seemed to stick out more when his lungs swelled. Inch by inch, even his eyes were rising higher as he gained height. He felt powerful. The shifting caused the towel around his waist to fall onto the floor, and when he glanced downward, AJ could now see his cock growing too. It grew erect, and as blood pumped through it, it started growing as well, at an even faster rate than the rest of him. A strange dull sensation washed over AJ's face, and his vision turned blurry as the shape of his skull began to alter. Two points of pressure appeared in his forehead, like something was being pushed through. It didn't hurt, but it felt very strange indeed. And down below, AJ's fluffy feet started to retract and pull together into two nubs.

AJ felt powerful and strong, each breath of air making the feeling grow stronger. It was an amazing feeling, and there was more to it than simply feeling strong. As he looked down, he could see muscle growing, his once skinny arms getting more beefy. Even his chest seemed to be growing out with every breath, certainly more manly than before. But he was quickly realizing there was more to it, noticing he was getting taller, causing his towel to come loose and fall to the floor. "Whoa.." he said quietly, astonished as he saw his erect and growing cock. He couldn't help but grasp it and give it a few strokes before his attention was shifted to his head.

"Nngh.." The changing wolf grunted, a strange sensation in his head, vision getting blurry as his face changed. The changes to his face distracted him from the changes to his feet, focusing on the two points of pressure on his forehead. The muscle, height, and cock gain wasn't surprising, but why did his head feel so strange?

A wave of new changes washed over AJ, and all his senses went a bit blurry for a bit. When it faded away, he was lying on his side on Uncle Jay's bed. Moving his head, he found something stuck to his head that was pressing into the covers. And then, when his feet touched the wooden floor, there was a clop sound. Something was definitely all different. When he looked down, he saw that he had hooves now, not paws, and when he felt his head there were horns growing out of it. A mirror by the door of the bedroom showed the truth: his form had changed into that of a buff, manly deer. Or... wait, his horns were curved and he seemed to have quite a lot of fur. Was he a reindeer? His cock was still semi-hard, and it looked like it might be ten or eleven inches at full length. Though AJ didn't know it yet, he'd later find that all the photos of him, as well as the memories of everyone he knew, had changed so that to all the world, he'd always been this way.

On wobbly legs, he made his way to the full length mirror and looked wide eyed at a reflection he didn't notice. What he saw in the mirror was a buff deer...or perhaps a reindeer? Definitely looked more like a winter coat kind of deal. He looked himself over, from the front and sides, even getting a glimpse of his nice rear. The once white wolf now gray and white reindeer had lost his long tail for a short fluffy stub of a tail, with antlers, and a buff body, not to mention his bigger cock and balls, which was only semi erect. He grasped it with one hand and lifted it up, much heftier than before, it had to be close to a foot long. Maybe 10 inches or so? "Damn, I'm hot." He said, his hand ceasing it's light stroking of his cock as he looked confused for a moment. "Really...Hot. Woah." His voice was deeper now, it definitely matched his new body.

AJ's body was adapting to his new center of balance, and learning to walk on hooves on its own, as his instincts too seemed convinced he'd always been a deer. As AJ admired his new appearance, though, suddenly something popped into his vision behind him in the mirror. Glancing over, he saw his own laptop resting on Uncle Jay's desk. He'd left the laptop home, but it was on the table now, running with its screen turned on. The internet browser was on.

AJ slowly adjusted to being hoofed as he kept looking at himself in the mirror, somehow growing comfortable with his new form, though unsure how he'd adapt to having antlers. "Eh-hum," he cleared his throat. "Damn, hot bod, big package, sexy voice." He said out loud, wanting to hear and learn his new voice. The reindeer's cock had grown fully erect once more, even leaking a bead of pre, but his attention soon shifted to something else. He turned around to confirm what he had seen in the mirror, his laptop sitting on his uncle's desk, opened and turned on to the browser.

"But...I didn't take my laptop with me." He made his way over to the laptop and sat down in the chair, which seemed smaller due to his bigger size now.

The internet browser was opened on a Patreon page, with a big picture of some hot guy featured prominently. "A Patreon page for some hunk? Why is this..." He paused, "Oh." It had taken him a few seconds to realize it was him, still not 100% used to his new form.The headline read "AJ IS DOING CAM SHOWS FOR AN ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE".

The page featured several photos of him in risque positions, though not fully naked, and it advertised that he performed in front of his webcam four evenings a week. The performances themselves were free, but donors could get to request specific acts out of him, and the Patreon crew got to vote on the theme of the Sunday evening show every week. And then AJ spotted the income. People were paying him over 6000$ a month for this!! AJ scrolled down, cock throbbing at the lewd pictures of himself, which was an odd thing. It still didn't feel like him in those pictures, not only because those pictures never really happened, but because the reindeer, him now, was getting money shows. And apparently he made a lot of money doing it, six grand a month was more than enough to be comfortable and then some. Though he wasn't sure if he'd be able to jump right into this 'job' so easily, he would be giving shows to strangers over the internet after all. "Hm?" He noticed the email in another tab and switched to it, he found several messages from gay magazines or websites who were offering to do photoshoots with him for extra income.

"Is my new body and job a porn actor or something? Maybe they just all have seen my patreon or something.." He could always change to something else besides Patreon, he figured, but it was too soon to make a decision. His mind was overwhelmed enough as it was.

In the next few minutes, AJ soon found that all evidence of him online had changed to account for his new reindeer self. In his facebook photos he had the same poses and expressions as before, but a new species and appearance. He seemed to have all the same friends and family as before and being that he was adopted, none of his family members had changed species besides him, with one notable exception. On his facebook profile, there was a picture of him and a golden-furred male dog sitting on a park bench, smiling at the camera. The photo was titled "Me and Larry", and AJ soon found the profile of this Larry, who was apparently now his boyfriend. According to his facebook profile, Larry was a media agent by profession. There was a really cute picture of him at a swimming pool, which according to the description had been taken by AJ himself last summer.

He looked at several pictures of the canine, eventually leaning back in the chair after a few minutes. It was a strange thought, to have a boyfriend that he hadn't even met, but he had wished for it. Had this Larry already existed, and just changed so that they were together, or was he a creation? There wasn't anyway for him to know, since history itself seemed to have changed around AJ from his wishes.

Suddenly, AJ heard sounds coming from downstairs. Uncle Jay's house was two stories with an attic. The bedrooms and the study were on the second floor, while the living room, kitchen, laundry room and so on were on the first floor. Someone was moving around down below, making sounds like they were dragging something around.

AJ's fur on the back of his neck stood up. Did someone else have a key to the house? Was someone breaking in after reading the obituaries? He carefully stood up and started to make his way to the door to leave the room, careful to be quiet, which wasn't easy with hooven feet. His hooves stopped halfway to the door, soon realizing he was naked, glancing down to his low hanging orbs and now flaccid cock. "Shit.." He said under his breath, did he even have any clothes? He hadn't even begun to move in yet, today was the first time he had been over after hearing about how the house was his.

Before going to the shower, AJ had taken off his clothes and left them by the bed. Going over, he found them there as before. They had changed to accommodate his new body, thankfully."Why does this surprise me.." He spoke quietly, dressing into his old clothing, feeling a bit more like his old self. While he was pulling them on, he heard footsteps coming upstairs, and an unfamiliar male voice calling out: "Hey? Hey."

The reindeer turned to face the door when he heard a male voice he couldn't match to anyone he knew, doubting it was a burglar at this point. "Uh...Hey?" He called back.

"There you are", the voice responded, and a man stepped into the doorway. It was a middle-aged panther in jeans and a t-shirt whom AJ didn't know, but he acted like they'd met before. Moving into the room, he looked around, stroking his chin. "This is the master bedroom, huh? So do you want it to be this one, or another? Or should I call Larry?" He was carrying a toolbox of some sort in one hand, and after putting it down he started to take a closer look at the space.

AJ looked to the panther with a curious expression, looking the feline over and taking note of the toolbox that was being carried. Had life, or rather his new life's past self ordered for something to be fixed or installed? But if that was the case, why did the panther know Larry? Did Larry live with him? "Oh, uh.." He replied, snapping himself from his many questions buzzing in his head. "Sorry, can you remind me what we're talking about? Been a bit busy...and all, lately."

The panther gave AJ a curious look. "Well, sure. Larry and you wanted to turn one of the bedrooms of the house into a studio, with multiple cameras set all around it. So you can, uh, perform there, and the viewers can select their camera angle freely." He lifted a hand and gestured at a few points around the space. "If I were to do it here, I'd put one on top of the cabinet, one above the doorway, one right here on the nightstand for a close view, maybe drill one into a bedpost... and then one in a top corner to give a top angle view." He shrugged a little.

AJ nodded his head, "Oh, right, of course." He looked and followed to where the panther indicated to all the potential camera locations. "If you think this is the best room for it, then I'll go with your judgement. " He didn't know anything about camera angles, not much anyway. Things were overwhelming enough as it was, he figured he'd just leave it up to the panther. Who was this panther though? Had he been hired by himself, his new life's changed history past self?

"All right, then. I guess I'll get to it", the panther said and chuckled a little. "Larry wanted to meet you downstairs, by the way." He patted AJ on the shoulder and gave a knowing wink. Moving past the reindeer, he started to inspect the room even closer, taking out a tape measure, a little mirror and a few other things from his toolbox to measure the angles and positions in the room for the cameras.

AJ raised an eyebrow as he was given a wink from the panther, not understanding the meaning behind it. "Alright, thanks. Let me know if you need anything." He gave one last glance to the panther as he began to work before heading out of the room. The reindeer was stopped briefly, antlers hitting the top of the doorframe, having to duck down to fit through and making a mental note to remember to do so. He made his way to the stairs and made sure to take hold of the railing as he carefully descended, not wanting to trip due to his new feet. The big guy was rather nervous, meeting up with his boyfriend which he knew nothing about. His wish was for a good boyfriend though, so it must be a good thing. He probably should have been a bit more specific, however..

Arriving downstairs, AJ found the dog from those photos in the living room, carrying in furniture from a van parked outside. It seemed he was moving into Uncle Jay's house. Planting a comfy-looking armchair on the floor, he spotted the reindeer. "Oh hi, hun", he said with a beaming smile. "Find anything good in the attic? I've almost unpacked my stuff. We'll move your things later, but thankfully there's enough furniture here to live with." While he talked, he approached AJ, and after getting in touching distance he gave him a peck on the cheek. He smelled of sweat from moving all that furniture.

AJ stopped at the bottom of the staircase once he saw the canine, definitely a corgi, glancing over to the front door and out to the big van. He gave a quick nod to the canine, "Hey, you." The reindeer put a smile on his face, not wanting to seem too strange. "Oh, the attic. Nothing too special, lots of old junk." The corgi looked even more handsome in person than in the pictures. He kept his smile going as he was given a quick kiss to his cheek, doing his best to not show how awkward the situation was for him. "So you're almost all moved in then?"

"Yeah, things are shaping up. You're gonna stay here tonight, right? We could christen the place", Larry said and winked. "Your uncle was some sort of a gay sex monster, right? I bet we're gonna find a hidden closet of sex toys somewhere in here." He chuckled a little and squeezed AJ's ass playfully before moving off him. AJ tensed up when his plump rear was squeezed, his stubby tail twitching.