A See You Later

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#85 of Commissions

A story commission for Azil starring his fox artificer, Rusty.

It was hard for Rusty to focus on his notes. The fox's tail twitched and flicked behind him. Eyes darting from the pages up to the window and back. It seemed like the sun had somehow slowed down. Checking the sundial markings on his desk revealed that yes, almost no time had passed since the last time he'd checked. Granted, that had been mere seconds before, but it seemed like time was just crawling.

With good reason too. He was eager to pack and get on the road come morning. The todd had already packed his bags and had them waiting by the door for porters to take down the stables. Which he knew they would do promptly.

In the morning.

Which was a good twelve hours away.

At least it was approaching supper time. Well, not really but there was always something ready in the kitchen. Getting something to snack on was one of the ways he helped pass the time. The staff knew his habits well. So there was always something good waiting for him. "Perhaps they know me too well," he chuckled, giving his ample stomach a pat.

Rusty's ear twitched as someone knocked. "Come in?"

The door creaked open and Titania came in, a somewhat shy smile crossing her muzzle. "Thought you might be getting peckish, M'lord."

There was something about the zorark maid that always brought a smile to him. The fox leaned away from his desk, "I keep telling you to call me Rusty." Closing up his books, he pushed them aside. Nose twitching with the scent of the food she was bringing in.

Titania almost danced around him, setting the tray down with a flourish. "Was able to sneak a little something from the kitchen. Your father has been keeping a closer eye on it as of late though." A nice little tray of meat, cheese, fresh bread, and some fruits. She smiled as his face lit up, the todd nibbling at some of the offering on the tray. "Does it please you?"

"Very much, I was getting very peckish." He flashed a wide grin and offered her a slice of some wonderful summer sausage.

She smiled and stepped in. Instead of taking the sausage, she let her mouth wrap around it and his fingers. Nibbling on them in a way that made the overweight vulpine noble flush. His eyes shooting wide as her tongue curled about his finger and drew the treat into her mouth. Teeth grazed over his fingers. Applying just enough pressure so he could feel the shape of them and how dangerous they could be. Yet gentle enough to perhaps let some thoughts run through his head.

And what thoughts they were. She could almost see the gears turning in Rusty's head. A surreptitious glance down showed that both his heads were thinking the same thing. Oh she'd had her eye on him for some time. Well, many of the maids did. A great many of her station would like to have a bastard child from the noble, and what little perks it gave.

Not her though. She was mostly interested in Rusty for who she was. That slightly awkward, charming inventor. His nervous little laugh making her grin as she pulled away. "Getting friendly there..."

Just a whisper of magic. Being a zorark, Titania had a natural talent for illusions and trickery. All it took was a whisper to create an illusionary copy of herself still standing, smiling at Rusty. While she, now shrouded with a hint of invisibility, knelt before him.

Her illusionary copy smiled, "I merely wish to serve you, Rusty." The illusion draped its arms around his neck, the todd's eyes focused on it. Left to her own devices, Titania knelt calmly before him. Letting the noble fox wait a second. "Bring you your indulgences, keep your bed chambers, clean, and..." as the illusion trailed off, she undid his breeches. She took her time with it too. Rubbing hands over his groin, feeling the shape and size of him before pulling his pants open.

It had been some time since one of the staff had flirted with him. As with most nobles, Rusty was wary about who he might partner with. Though, well he had been a teen and even then it had been hard to resist most of those siren calls. Rather than risk sullying his familial name, he had dove harder into his research and work. Which lead to other rumors about him. Then his father taking him aside for a talk, and... well it was awkwardness all around.

Rusty's thoughts had distracted him enough that her words were only just starting to register when the hand came to his privates. The todd jumped, ears shooting up as his breath caught in his throat. His eyes darted from the vixen down, then back up. The maid smiled at him, her form wavered, and then she was kneeling before him.

Titania smiled up at him, her fingers curling about his exposed shaft. "A little something with your luncheon?"

How was he going to argue with that? Especially as her fingers gently pushed his foreskin back, exposing his crown. A crown which she immediately began to roll her tongue around. Breath caught in his throat, mouth dropping open as she bobbed her head. Teeth only just grazing his tip before she pulled back with a widening grin.

A grin that doubled up. The air shimmered and a second Titania appeared beside the first. Looking for the life of him like her exact twin, just mirrored. Rusty, as well as the family as a whole, knew of her illusions. They were a favorite party trick around the holidays and celebrations. It was an odd feeling to have her illusion wink up at him. Then to feel her hand as it curled about his shaft. Despite knowing full well that she there was only one Titania before him; there was something about her magic. Something that convinced his brain that there were two of her before him. Especially as one dipped their head to groom his balls.

What started as a surprise knob gobbling was rapidly turning into something he'd never expected. Nor had he experienced it before. Granted, he'd heard rumors and whispers of men taking multiple women to bed. While true that there was only one Titania, her illusion was very convincing. A part of him wanted to ponder on just how she was tricking his mind. Though that part was rapidly silenced as her maw engulfed his length.

Titania grinned up at Rusty. It was fun to watch those gears start to turn and then bind. Most of the guys she had been with usually tried to take control or start coaxing her for more. Rusty was cute in the way that he just stared at her, awestruck as she had her fun.

If her toying with him had him like this, what she had planned was going to blow his mind.

Her illusion shifted, peering up at Rusty with a smile. Tongue bathing over the male's sac before drawing it into her maw. Humming around him as she suckled. Nice and slow, just teasing with the todd as her hand slipped around his base. It was a funny thing, guiding the illusion through what to do. Having it mirror how her tongue rolled against his flesh. Sure, she could have it change what it was doing, but far easier to just copy.

While her maw dropped lower over his cock, the illusion would roll it's head. Cheeks bulging with his orbs as it hummed. Each puff of her breath adding to the fantasy she was creating.

There was that low worry that Rusty would get distracted when he got to the big city. Get into his inventions and the scenes there. Then just forget about everyone back home. At least for a while, he was next in line for the lordship after all. Oh sure, he would eventually find himself a lady and all that, but... well Titania was among those that wished to curry favors with him. She was just a lot sneakier about it than her peers. Years of work had lead to this.

Rusty was panting hard as he looked down at the maid. Torn between wanting to grab her head and just hold on for the ride. It had been a little since he'd even paid attention to his own member. With everything that was coming up, well he'd been working himself dawn till dusk. Well, as much as he could work himself while just making notes until his brain felt like melting.

He'd been on his way to that when this happened. Now it just felt like his brain was frozen up. Titania's tongue was everywhere. Sliding over his crown then further. Her teeth only just touching him as her tongue snaked back and forth. All while that illusion stroked what wasn't in her muzzle and tended to his balls. It was enough to drive an experienced man mad. Rusty? Oh it was all he could do not to drool on himself as the maid gave him what had to be a world-class blowjob.

There was no possible way he was going to last.

"I..." was all he managed before throwing his head back. Eyes rolled back in his head as the nobleman gasped, his cock jumping into Titania's maw. She buried her muzzle against his groin and swallowed. Her tongue rolled against his underside. That slow, grinding press that could coax more seed from even the most stalwart of men. Rusty was certain she was going to kill him.

Titania smiled up at the nobleman as his head rolled about. She gave him a few more shallow pumps as his climax tapered off. Drawing back, the zorark maid let him see his cum as it rested on her tongue. She rolled it about a second before throwing her head back and swallowing. Her illusion starting to mirror the motion before it faded away.

Rusty stared at the maid, pants open and cock slowly softening. "That..." he panted. "That was unexpected."

"But," she curled her hand around his cock and stroked gently, "was it unwanted?"

He laughed, tongue sticking out slightly. "It was certainly most welcome." Rusty's hand shook before he reached down to stroke her head lightly. Fingers massaging just behind her ears. Each stroke drew a quiet huff from the maid as her eyes narrowed.

She smiled up at him and breathed out a quiet murr. Her tongue darted out to tease his tip. A quiet lap about his head then back. All while her hand ran over his shaft. Barely even using the tips of her nails to trace one of the veins along his length. Each pet enough to draw a shiver along the todd's spine. He chewed on his bottom lip to hold back the whimper. Titania's skilled touch readily bringing him back to full mast. She rolled her head slowly. Admiring her work as his lance was brought back to life in a matter of seconds.

"That," she breathed, "begs the question if you want more." Her breath washed over his still slick length, drawing shivers from the chubby fox. She lifted his cock and ran her tongue against his underside, "Unless you'd prefer that I go tend to my other duties?" Titania looked up at him through her lashes. Her lips just touching his tip in a sweet kiss.

Her knew very well exactly what he wanted to do. It wasn't very noble of him, in fact it was one of the most base desires of any male. He knew it, and he knew she could read him well enough to know what he wanted. There was that feeling that crept up his pine that she wanted to hear him say it though. The question then became; how long would she tease him? Doubtless she could bring him to climax in a matter of seconds should she wish. Judging from the glint in her eyes, she could tease him for hours still. Yet he knew her. Out of all the staff in the keep, he knew her best. If he didn't answer in a timely manner, then it'd be him and his hand for the evening.

"I believe..." he started slowly. Her ears perking as she looked up at him with hooded eyes. Oh it would be so easy to say that he wished to simply hurl her to his bed and ravage her without cause or caution. Though that might cause her to give him one then be done. No, he had to play this like a game. "My dear Titania," he ran his hand over her head; "I would love nothing more than to take you in a manly way. Though one has to wonder. Why now of all times?"

She hummed quietly and leaned forward. Her gaze dropping as she let her tongue glide over his flesh. Just enough to draw a shiver and healthy drop of precum from him. One which she lapped up happily. "You're about to go on a trip." She flashed a smile up at him, idly petting his cock. "I wanted to give you something to remind you of where home was. Nothing more."

Looking up at him, she planted slow kisses along his spire. "Do you want to take lunch here, Sir?"

Oh that look could melt the coldest man. "I think I might just might." He flashed a smile towards her, tail waving slowly behind him.

Her tail began to sway as well. Titania giggling up at him, planting a light nibble on his foreskin before she stood. The maid took a couple steps back and turned. "Could you do me a favor?" Her hips swayed as she reached back, "Can you undo those ties for me?"

That gave him more of a start than her blowing him did. It was one thing to be propositioned and seduced by one of his lady staff. Her asking him to help her undress was something entirely else. Though he supposed one did have to undress before carnal things happened. Well, save for the times where a lady might lift her petticoats and...


Her voice snapped him out of thought. "Sorry," he grinned somewhat sheepishly.

She flashed that smile again and turned to face away from him. Just lifting her luxurious mane of hair out of the way as he stepped behind her. Rusty felt a nervous jitter race about his gut as he started to work on the ties. Titania leaning back into his embrace with a playful hum of her own. The vixen's tail swaying against his chest and front, hips bumping back to his. All while she rolled her body just so. Garments slid from her form as the ties were loosened.

It was only a matter of moments before she was bare before him, yet the time seemed to pass instantly. She flashed him one of those playful smiles as she curled her form towards him. Just that arch and slow press. Such a simple motion yet everything about her riled him up. By the time she stepped forward, he was convinced that she could've given a horn to a snowman. That glint in her eye as she climbed onto his bed made his cock lift and pulse. His spire drawn towards her as if she were a lodestone. She smiled at him and brushed her hair out of her face as she shifted to sit on the bed.

His peers had joked that he was oblivious when ladies would flirt to him. If only they saw him now. Titania's _Come Hither_look would've been obvious to a blind man.

Rusty somehow stumbled out of his own clothing. Casting each piece of clothing to the four corners of the room before staggering towards the bed. The zorark maid didn't judge him. Didn't laugh at his awkwardness. She merely met his approach with open arms, inviting him to join her in bed. Whether or not if it was his bed, she owned it now.

It felt like she might have owned him too.

A sigh whispered into his ear as they lay on the bed. Her gentle touch guiding the todd atop her. Legs welcoming and guiding him closer. Cheek brushed his before she shifted. Just a little touch angled his head so their muzzles could meet in a kiss. Titania guided him through the intimate moment. She allowed him to take his time without letting him linger.

The kiss was electric! His fur bristled under the contact before her tongue shyly met his. The barest of licks that both invited and lead him. Lips parting until their tongues could meet. Hers sweeping elegantly around his. Leading the todd in a dance that left him groaning quietly. The warmth of her surprising, drawing him in. Her fingers combed through his hair and pulled him closer. Rusty's hand mirrored hers without thought. Breath coming in faster pants now as her scent and flavor invaded his senses. Sweet, earthy, feminine, everything he desired without knowing it.

At some point her fingers traced his member. The touch making him jump and gasp. A quiet giggle lifted from the vixen as she played with him. Fingers traced over and around his tip. Just letting precum mat fur and let her digits glide over him. Slow. Methodical. He found himself wondering how many males had been lucky enough to find themselves in the position he was in.

She wasn't going to let him ponder on that too long. Body arched under his as she guided his manhood lower. Allowing the todd to feel her warmth as he nudged her entrance. Plush fur and warm lips barely gliding against his tip. A bare hint of a tease before she nestled him there. Rusty's breath came in shorter pants as she murmured something into his ear. Body arched towards him as she whispered the sweet nothing to him. Lips brushing his flesh as she arched ever so slightly.

"A...ahh!" Rusty gasped out as he drove in. The motion was instinct. A deep seated, primal need that drove the male forward. Titania breathed a gasp into his ear. Gripping his shoulder as his manhood speared into her depths. Warm, tight walls readily spread around his member. Her loving tunnel gripped, fluttered, and relaxed. The squeeze of her thighs letting him know how good he felt as he stretched her with his girth.

She breathed out a contented noise and lay back. Hooded eyes inviting him to take her.

It would be easy to say that he tried to be a gentleman. Wrong, but easy. The todd's cheeks burned as he looked at his maid. Maw hanging open as he pressed in. His thrusts coming somewhat awkwardly at first. While he had laid with a woman before, there was something about this experience. Something that made it feel utterly different from his past experiences. Each of his thrusts was met with a lift of her hips. A quiet moan that whispered into his ears. Experienced though she may be, Titania was far from some whore. She was not being paid to make him feel better about himself. There was a genuineness to her noises and motions that drove him wild.

Her legs pressed to his flank. Body arching to meet his thrusts as she breathed out her pleasure. Hips meeting his as the todd's heavy sac slapped off her backside. Arms looped about his neck as she drew herself up. Insides quivered about his manhood as he drove so deep. It was enough to make even the greatest of men falter.

Rusty was far from a great man.

"Titania... I..." he managed to gasp out. Thrusts growing unsteady as he tried to hold on. It was too much for the fox. Between everything that this moment meant and just how she was responding for him. He could feel his body tightening.

Her legs curled about his core and puled him tighter. The vixen arched with a gasped, "It's okay."

Rusty's fevered brain could only assume that she meant that it was safe to finish inside of her. Or was she saying that it was okay that he was nearly done? Or was she...

"Ahh!" he gasped, all thoughts lost as he pressed forward into his partner. Pent up sac leaping as it delivered his second load into the eager vixen. He felt a strange thrill race up his spine as he unloaded into the zorark. Countless speeches from his father on how he shouldn't do this. How he never had to go bare into a serving girl unless he knew that it was safe; and how to even be wary then. Didn't want little bastards running around, after all. Yet he found himself rocking against her despite that warning. Perhaps in spite of it.

Titania hummed and pressed up into him. Her cheek rubbing over his as the vixen unwound a hand from his back. Biting her bottom lip, she smiled up at him and slid her hand down. A shuddering gasp slipped from her as her fingers started to play over her body. Rusty perking his ears curiously as she squirmed under him. Breath coming in faster, shallower pants before... "Mmmmm!" she arched towards him with a breathless noise. Thighs shaking against his side before she slowly settled back with a smile. "There we are," she purred. "Both have one."

Realizing that he was putting a lot of his weight down on her, the todd rolled onto his side with a grunt. "But I had two..."

Her finger silenced him. Gently tapping his nose as she lay beside him with a smile. "The first one was on me," she winked and wiggled into the covers with him. The vixen started to move towards him but stopped, hesitating.

She practically melted into his embrace as he wrapped an arm about her. "So why do this? Why now?" he asked, nuzzling her hair.

"Well..." Titania hesitated. That little moment where the confident, sweet maid faded and left someone more vulnerable. She stroked his chest slowly and nuzzled under his chin. "I wanted to give you something. You're going off to the city and I just wanted to give you..." she trailed off as they slid closer under the covers.

"A goodbye? I'm not leaving, just going on a little trip."

Titania's nose rubbed his chest as she shook her head, "No, I know it's just a little trip." The zorark sighed and buried her dark furred face into his chest. "I just didn't want you going there before I could..." she trailed off again and shifted. Her head dropping to the pillow so she could gaze into his eyes. "Before I could give you a... A see you later. A gentle reminder of what's waiting for you here when you pull your nose out of your notes."

He wrinkled his nose and smiled, "Never seen you flirt so openly." Whiskers twitched, "Unless I'm misreading this." Heavens, he hoped he wasn't misreading this.

Seems he wasn't, as evidenced by her contented sigh and a wiggle. The vixen twisting within his grip to press her spine to his front. Humming happily as her eyes narrowed. Rusty hesitated a moment before putting his arm around her, exploring the softness of her stomach and chest. "Well..." she started and stalled. "I mean, you're a lord and I'm a maid. Always saw the others approach you and you just startled. Started learning about you and it's fun being around you." She took his hand and played with his fingers a minute. "So decided to take it slow and see where it went." Guiding his hand to her breast, she sighed happily as he followed her lead. Fingers sliding over the soft mound and across her teat. "Then your trip came up and I got worried..."

Rusty's fingers hesitated a moment before he wrapped his arm tighter about her. He followed her guidance and let his grip roam over her chest until he found her other breast. Gently teasing the vixen with his touch in hopes of drawing more of those sweet moans. Each one barely able to slip past her lips as his fingers toyed with her.

"I..." he started, stopped, and let his head rest on hers. "You know me. Perhaps better than I know myself. Pardon the crudeness, but I doubt I'd find someone that I'd want to stick it in while there." She shook with a soft laugh. "Even if I did, father likely has a woman or women lined up to be potential wives." He sighed, nuzzling between her ears. Rusty started to say something, but yawned right into her ear. "Oh... forgive my rudeness."

Titania's jaws stretched wide enough that he could hear her muscles creak. "Has been a long day." She turned to nuzzle his chin, "Would you object to a little rest, Milord?"

His eyes were already starting to droop, "A rest sounds wonderful, and call me Rusty." There was something so nice about her soft warmth as it rolled against his. He breathed deep of her scent, "At least here in private." And he was out like a light. Soft snores drifting into her ears as the vixen smiled to herself. Her hand joined his over her breast. Drifting off slowly with a quiet hum.

A thunderous banging made the todd jump. He was blinking away the sleep as the third strike sounded from his door. A mere second later, his father flung the door open, "Ah here he is!" The older fox bellowed, "When we didn't catch you at dinner, we were worried you might left already."

Rusty started to sit up, only then remembering that Titania was in bed with him. He stopped halfway up and looked for her. Rubbing his eyes to disguise the glance down. He couldn't see the zorark vixen, but he could feel her. That soft warmth as it pressed back against him. She was squirmed tight under the covers, trying to tuck her form as close to his as possible to hide.

"No, I was just..." he stalled as her soft rear pressed to his lap. "Just tired. Didn't sleep well last night." The todd gasped, then tried to cover the noise with a laugh. Certain that she was hidden, Titania had taken to teasing him. Her rear pressed tight to his erecting manhood until she was grinding him between her cheeks. "So had taken a meal here earlier, and just fell asleep." He covered his maw, trying to force a yawn to hide the moan she coaxed from him.

His mother gave his father's chest a swat, "See? Told you that he wasn't going to miss a meal." Titania shifted under the covers. Her gentle fingers guiding him between her thighs so she could squeeze his cock. Each brush grinding him between thighs and slit. "Now come on," his mother tugged at his father's tunic, "let the boy rest."

No sooner did the door close and their feet padded away than the covers seemed to puff out. Titania threw them back and giggled, "Barely got an illusion up in time." She squirmed against him.

The warmth of her slit making the todd groan. "You're very naughty, you know that?" Rusty groaned, precum dripping onto her thighs. Maybe it was some instinct. Maybe it was an accident. All he knew was that his hand came down on her backside with a firm clap.

She gasped, jumped, and then her thighs clenched around him. The vixen twisted and gave him a look that had him worried. For a second Rusty feared he'd gone too far. Her muzzle split into a grin, "Oh, I'm naughty am I?" A little shift rolled her more onto her belly, "Going to put the naughty vixen into her place, Milord Rusty?"

Even someone as oblivious as he could pick up on some signs. "Oh I think she's right where she wants to be." He let out a playful growl and shifted to his knees. The maid readily rolling onto all fours, her body stretching happily atop his feather bed.

Guiding him to her warm entrance as she looked back. "It's safe," came the near whisper.

He wasn't sure he could have stopped himself even if it wasn't. Both hands came down on her backside with twin claps. Each one prompting a moan and twitch from the vixen. Her body arched towards him, offering herself up even as she guided him into her body. Rusty hesitating just a beat as her entrance spread over his tip. The overwhelming warmth welcoming him once again.

Tightening his grip, he drove his full length into her. His larger frame clapping off her backside and driving a yipped, "Ahh!" from the zorark. Her insides clenching about his. Fingers dropping down to drum over her own clit. Massaging her pleasure pearl as his body began to beat off her backside.

His thrusts were frantic, almost feral. Each pound met with an encouraging moan and buck from the vixen. Some part of him said he should probably take it slower. That part was readily quashed as she uttered a moan and gave him a lust-filled loo that drove him forward harder. Her tail tickling his chin as she arched towards him. Biting into a pillow to keep from calling out as she writhed under him.

Logic and thought was banished from his mind as the todd leaned forward. Chin on her shoulder as he gripped her thigh tighter. His hand flew up to the headboard, joining hers as the pair braced themselves. She arched and drove to meet his thrusts. The tip of her fingers tickling his shaft and stroking his balls, all while massaging her own clit. His growls and moans met with her breathless yips. Bodies rolled together, trying to get the male as deep as possible.



Animalistic sounds broke from the pair as he slipped forward. Claws scoring the headboard as she was driven to the bed. His legs pressed tight to either side of her hips as he hammered faster. The todd's ample weight getting thrown into each slam as his cock throbbed. Her cries quickly growing muffled as she was pressed into the bedding. Eyes rolling back in bliss as she trembled. Her climax soon crashing over her. Muffled yips and restrained bucks signaling her finish.

Instinct drove the todd forward. Teeth finding purchase against her neck as he drove into her. Barely managing to get a few partial thrust out before throwing his weight against her. She cupped his sac as he buried himself in her, massaging his orbs as they jumped. Feeling every shot of vulpine cum he was pumping into it.

Rusty almost collapsed, but caught himself before he drove her into the bed. Weak-kneed and panting, the todd rolled over before he'd finished. His cock popping free and matting her backside with a couple shots. "Ah!" she gasped at the mess. Twisting about to groom his length.

Her skilled tongue darted up and over his cock, tracing every last inch of it as more cream fired across her muzzle. "You..." he gasped, "are going to drain me dry."

Titania grinned up at him, "Maybe that's the idea, Rusty." She winked and licked up his shaft, suckling on his tip with a very naughty glimmer in her eyes. The vixen's humming making him shiver and gasp. Oh she was going to be the death of him at this rate. Yet you'd never hear him utter a word of complaint.