The Protective Weregarurumon

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Weregarurumon has never been one to hold himself back, whether in a fight against an opponent or in bed with someone looking to take a tumble with him, however he doesn't have much of a choice in a new situation which is about to develop, seeing as one of his roommate's future hangs on a decision he will soon make.


Same Weregarurumon as:

It was another boring night for Weregarurumon, but that made sense, seeing as there were no fights taking place this evening.

Being a digimon that enjoyed the passion of battle, Weregarurumon loved going down to Black Hall Stadium - the city's premier underground fight club - and trading blows with other digimon that shared the same desire to feel both pain and fury surge within their bodies. There was just something oh so delicious about feeling one's fist crash into another's body; the sensation of bones creaking underneath skin as blood raced wildly within your veins was like an intoxication for the blue and white wolf, and no matter how often he found himself satisfying his need to feel pain inflicted on him, and then returning it twofold unto his opponents, he always desired to feel more.

It was hard to explain clearly but the sensation of struggling against someone in the caged arena brought about feelings of euphoria for Weregarurumon, the likes of which often left him almost dazed in a way. Underneath the white lights that shone down across his furred form, the bipedal digital monster lost himself as he danced in time with his opponents in a manner that could somewhat be considered sexual, or at least sensual in nature. The movements of his scarred body sweeping across the concrete floor, dodging and weaving and sidestepping around those who threw out passion filled punches and kicks, was coordinated in such a manner that he often found himself moving in time with those who had challenged him in a manner that made it seem as though he were attempting to become one with them. And then when he struck his fist out into their chest or was like magic being born into existence; the look on the opposing fighter's face, their confusion and shock mixed in time with fear and subtle excitement, filled Weregarurumon with a deep arousal that made his fur stand up across his body.

Perhaps this was all just a twisted desire his mind conjured up in order to justify the violence that he would continue to inflict on those in front of him, but it was one that urged him to continue pummeling his opponents until they either called for a surrender or fell onto the ground unconscious. The feeling of pride which flooded through his body was such that he would often be left howling a cry of victory, the likes of which would get the surrounding crowd shouting in joy alongside him. His three roommates often joked about him being a battle maniac, something for which he could not deny, and yet it was more than that.

Being paid out afterwards was didn't really matter all that much to Weregarurumon - unless he was obviously being cheated out of what he was owed, then his fangs would snap in front of someone's face - however he had to take the money in question, seeing as his roommates wouldn't tolerate him not paying his share on the apartment they were all living.

With that said though, he was glad that he had paid his rent up by three months because it didn't seem like there would be any fights going on for a while now thanks to someone coming in and busting up the underground circuit that controlled Black Hall Stadium. Weregarurumon never questioned who was actually running the show, so to speak, as that little detail meant nothing to him, however, the thought of not being able to fight for who knew how long made the wolf raise his head up and then howl at the rising moon from where he stood up on the roof of his apartment building in frustration. A few complaints could be heard throughout the quiet city, but Weregarurumon ignored them all in favor of venting the anxiety bubbling within his guts.

Had this been any other night then Weregarurumon would have released his pent up anger and need within one of his roommates via a good of ass pummeling, alas, everyone was out doing something or another tonight, leaving him to mull around in the apartment staring at the four wooden walls.

What he would give to be able to go out to the local gym tonight, but since it was so late the fitness center was closed, so...

Adrenaline raced through the wolf's veins as a stray fireball shot across the top of the building towards him. Weregarurumon jumped to the side on instinct, saving himself from having his face burned off, as the burning sphere came dangerously close to his muzzle. After he was sure that he was out of the way of danger, Weregarurumon shook his head and then reached up to caress his slightly seared fur. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, however, that was too close for comfort. The idea that his roguishly handsome features had nearly been permanently scarred brought a growl to the wolf's throat! The muscles within his arms and legs tensed as dark excitement filled his guts, so much so that Weregarurumon licked his suddenly dry lips in anticipation of what was to come next.

Turning his face in the direction that the fireball had been shot from, the blue and white wolf found himself staring at a draconic silhouette draped in shadow; that he couldn't see the other's full outline was something of a concern to the digimon, since he should have easily been able to assess his assailant's form, given that the moon was more than half full tonight.

Before he could wonder why this was, Weregarurumon ducked out of the way just in time to miss another ball of orange and yellow fire being flung his way.

Once he settled his balance, the digimon closed his eyes and let out a massive howl, the likes of which made the air around him vibrate, Weregarurumon then jumped into the cold night air towards the draconic creature still hiding within the shadows. Kicking off of the air once he got into a good enough position to launch a counterattack, the bipedal wolf threw out his left fist, fully intending to serate whoever had just attacked him with the spikes on his gloves. Sadly he was unable to land his attack as massive wings spread out and then slapped at the air, pushing whoever the unknown person who was trying to assault him out of the way of his attack. Weregarurumon snarled in irritation when his knuckles kissed the top of the other building, shattering some of the concrete that covered the roof as he did so. Tilting his head upwards to look at his mysterious opponent, Weregarurumon was slightly confused by the antics of the draconic creature, and the fact that even while floating as they were against the white light of the moon he still couldn't discern any specific features that the other possessed.

Another fireball soon shot out at him at the digimon.

Jumping into the air after rolling away from the fiery blast which exploded outwards after touching down against the roof, the wolf sent out a roundhouse kick at the dragon-like figure. A flap of the other's wings helped the creature to evade his attack, much to the bipedal wolf's rising frustration. Shooting himself across the air with a swift kick, Weregarurumon bounced from building to building in his vain attempt to try and land a hit on the person fluttering above his head. That he was moving well away from his apartment complex was something that Weregarurumon was barely paid any attention to, as that was just how angry he was becoming at not being able to strike his adversary, who seemed to be laughing at him. It was hard to tell given their dark outline, but that was the sense the werewolf got after another fireball marched its way towards his chest.

Turning to the side saved him from having a smoking crater where his chest used to be, however even though he pulled off this dexterous move the straps which held up his shoulder guard fell off of the digimon's body from the heat of the flames, thus leaving his white fluff of a chest visible for all to see, well, more so than it had already been.

Being no stranger to partial nudity, what with him living with three other males, most of whom were happy to walk around the house in the nude, the wolf felt nothing but subtle relief as the cool night air caressed his downy white and blue fur.

It was just as Weregarurumon was about to unleash one of his signature moves on his foe that the dragon closed its wings and then dropped down into a darkened alleyway underneath the two of them. Not wanting to lose the other, the digimon folded his arms and legs together, thus allowing gravity to yank him down to where the other was. Or rather, should have been, as when Weregarurumon gracefully landed onto his hands and one knee he found that the dragon-like creature was nowhere to be seen within the trash laden passageway. Sniffing about the alleyway revealed that the other was still within the area, as he could both taste and feel the heat which had emanated from the flame soaked hands of the dragon.

Turning his head to the left, Weregarurumon let his golden eyes center onto a metallic door, the likes of which was hanging slightly ajar. Rushing in without thinking, something he would never do under normal circumstances, the bipedal wolf wound up stumbling down a long flight of stairs before he could stop himself. Thankfully his flight was rather short, as seconds later he found himself with his tail placed casually atop his head while his front was laid flat out across the cold tiles underneath his muscular form.

'Well, that sucked.' He thought while verbally releasing a painful groan.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be?" A deeply annoyed voice growled.

Pulling his muscular body out of the undignified position that it had settled itself in, Weregarurumon blinked as he stared into the scowling face of an annoyed looking ExVeemon, the likes of which looked fairly typical for his species, what with his flat belly and short, stout neck connected to a flat, almost box-like muzzle that bore a chrome horn along its end. What separated the flying reptile from others of his species was that instead of being light blue color as most of his kind tended to be, this Exveemon bore a dark red series of scales, the likes of which reminded Weregarurumon of spilt blood. And from the looks of the way the other was loudly cracking his knuckles it seemed as though he was indeed planning to spill some blood very, very soon. The thought of actually getting a chance to fight against someone else excited Weregarurumon enough to make his lazy tail wag against the back of his taut rump, however, upon remembering the lesson he had learned about wildly attacking others without reason or prompt from WarGreymon, the wolf decided to start a conversation instead of just throwing out his fist in greeting.

"The name's Weregarurumon." The werewolf smirked as he slapped the palm of his hand against his plump pectorals like some tribal creature preparing to go off to war.

"That's nice to know." The words did not seem to meet the Exveemon's brown eyes as he continued to glare at the other. "Now what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I was chasing after some dragon that had been throwing fireballs at me earlier this evening. Is he in here?" As he asked this, Weregarurumon's head flipped backwards and forth, his long ears swiveling around like mad in an attempt to try and listen out for the other. He then blinked when a thought occurred to him, a thought which made him glare at the winged dragon in front of him.

"I didn't see anyone but you come in here." The digital reptile huffed out a puff of grey smoke as he noticed the wolf slightly scowling at him. "What's that look for?"

"What is this place and who are you?" Weregarurmon looked the dark red digimon up and down several times over, noting that the other was wearing a tight blue and white thong across his massive hips, before silently wondering if this was his assailant. It didn't seem like it, as the silhouette he had been chasing after had been much sleeker in size, at least from what he could see of it, but then again...

"I'm a bouncer here at this club." Those words made the bipedal wolf take a step back in confusion.

"We're in a club?" Lifting his nose and then breathing in, Weregarurumon found himself awash with a number of scents, some of which made his black nostrils burn as they entered down into his lungs.

Before the Exveemon could say anything he found himself quickly turning around when a large shadow crossed over Weregarurumon's body.

"Hey, what's going" A towering lion wearing a black pair of jeans trailed off as he blinked in bewilderment at the wolf.

"Leomon?" The wolf digimon stared at the rainbow maned feline whose mouth had dropped open ever so slightly in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here." Leomon said without thinking. He then grunted in despair as he watched his friend/flatmate's face go through several different emotions all at once.

"Wait! This is the super secret place that you wouldn't tell anyone about?" The wolf asked with an almost puppyish bark as he playfully smirked at the taller male.

"Yes, but I..." Before Leomon could get anything more out of his muzzle, both he and Exveemon found themselves blinking in surprise as they watched Weregarurumon race past them through the open doorway that the lion digimon had just walked through.

"I take it he's a friend of yours?" Exveemon asked with a deadpanned smirk once he came to terms with what exactly had just happened.

"Yeah, sorry about this." Leomon grimaced while rubbing against the back of his shaggy head, when he rolled his blue eyes down to the floor this told the winged dragon everything he needed to know about what the other was thinking at that particular moment.

"It's no scale off my back, but you're explaining to the boss why he's here." Exveemon chuckled darkly as he walked past the lion.

"Wh-whoa! Wait a minute now!" Leomon roared in panic as he chased after his coworker.

Meanwhile, within the halls of the club's private area, Weregarurumon bound up and down about the dimly lit area, sniffing anything and everything he could, all the while wagging his tail back behind him in excitement. To other digimon, it might have been something of a shame to allow oneself to be completely guided by one's programmed instincts, but the wolf digimon didn't feel anything of the sort when he went wild like this. He loved to dive down deep into the programming which controlled his actions, allowing the data to thereby send him off on a happy-go-lucky adventure, the likes of which always led him to someplace new and exciting. Popping his head into various rooms, Weregarurumon noted several interesting features of the inner areas set before him.

For one thing, most of the people inside the building were digimon of very high rank, something for which was rather odd, given that megas were rather uncommon within the city. For another, all of those digimon that he came across - many of whom were slightly curious over his presence given how he was dressed - were male. The wolf found himself quickly becoming aroused by this fact, and that was before he happened to notice that many of the digimon in question were dressed in colorful underclothing, the likes of which left very little to the imagination; the various packages which swung in between everyone's legs looked quite hefty, leaving Weregarurumon to huff and wag his tail excitement.

Weregarurumon wasn't a bottom by any stretch of the imagination, but he did have a great appreciation for being allowed to slobber over his flatmates' groins whenever they were hard up, especially Leomon's. The lion digimon had a sexual appetite, the likes of which often made him decide that it was okay to lounge around the apartment stroking himself off while seated in whatever piece of furniture he happened to be closest to at the time.

More than once had the rainbow maned feline been caught by either Weregarurumon or the War brothers humping his hips into one of his gargantuan hands while curling his toes against the carpet laid out across the livingroom floor. Getting splashed in the face by a burst of the lion's jizz was seen as something of a badge of honor by Leomon following his large nuts jerking themselves upwards; it was almost impossible to avoid swallowing some of the frothy white spooge, given that Leomon used those slightly expensive stimpacks which augmented one's sexual fluids. WarGreymon often chided for doing this, as the meticulously clean orange dragon didn't care to have lion cream all over 'his' nice clear floor and ceiling. Of course the rainbow maned feline would always apologized afterwards, but Leomon never seemed to get the lesson at the end of the day, as he would keep on committing the same atrocity over and over and over again until one of them, usually BlackWarGreymon, ended up spanking his big bubble butt.

As he continued to walk down the hallway, Weregarurumon wondered if that's what the lion digimon really wanted.

The white and blue wolf let out a affirmative grumble from deep within his throat when he caught a MachGaogamon getting ploughed hard and deep by a Centarumon who had him folded in half in the middle of a tacky looking dressing room while his clawed hands clenched firmly onto his meaty thighs. The helmet wearing digimon snorted in annoyance when he noticed that they had company, however his muscular hips refused to pause in drilling a thick hole deep within the backside of the smaller male who he was holding onto. MachGaogamon chuckled once he noticed that they had an audience. He then wiggled his firm tush in Weregarurumon's direction before coiling his arms around his lover's upper body. Whether to keep the other in place or to show off his own possessiveness was something that Weregarurumon couldn't be sure of, though to be honest he didn't really care, as could be seen by him nodding to the pair and then slipping his way further down the backside of the club.

"Weregarurumon!" The sound of Leomon's voice calling out for him made the wolf turn around just in time to see his taller flatmate running up towards. "Stay away from that door." The lion commanded right before forcibly pushing the other back with his bare chest right.

A spark of black desire coursed through Weregarurumon upon feeling the other's forceful touch, as he was still somewhat eager for a fight, given that he had yet to stumble across the dragon-like figure who he had chased down earlier. He shook that infatuation away though, as one, Leomon was not a fighter and thus attempting to hurt the feline would have made the wolf feel like a heel, and two, causing a fight in here might get the lion fired from his job. Of course, curiosity was an emotion that Weregarurumon was known to be easily arrested by, and so he teasingly smirked at the taller feline, who in turn scowled back at him, as his golden eyes shot over to the brightly lit white door with the letters PV6 painted on it.

"There's something going on in there that I shouldn't know about?" The wolf asked while hiking a pink clawed thumb towards the motionless door.

"Yes, something for which I will get in trouble for letting you interrupt." The rainbow maned feline grunted as he shoved the blue and white digimon further away from the white painted barrier.

"Oh really? Now I want to know even more about what's in there!!" The wolf chuckled while wagging his tail restlessly behind his back, he then playfully reached his hand out towards the door, though he had no intention of actually opening it.

"Absolutely not!" Leomon growled, narrowing his eyes as he grabbed at the warrior wolf's wrist.

"Why are you trying to be so hostile?" Weregarurumon teased while casually divesting the other's hold on him.

It wasn't like the lion to be so shy and aggressive, usually he was the flirty and carefree of all of the digimon who lived together within their flat, a fact which annoyed the stern and taciturn WarGreymon no end sometimes.

"Because you're not supposed to be back here and I could get in trouble if the boss..." Leomon said right before he found himself looking into the beady eyes of the one digimon in the entire network he did not want to see right now.

Weregarurumon raised an eyebrow at his companion's look. He then flipped himself around once he realized that the other wasn't focused on him anymore.

The sight of a Digitamamon wearing a black tailored suit coming up to the two of them was something that surprised the wolf, if only because their kind normally didn't get all dressed up, not unless they were trying to make a mockery of the strange attire that humans like to put on. When the walking egg looked upon the two of them, Weregarurumon could feel the tension radiate throughout Leomon's body, so much so that his fangs gnashed slightly in response. Being the protective digimon that he was, Weregarurumon didn't like it when his companions became scared or anxious around him, as it meant that something or someone was presenting themselves as being more dangerous than he was, and that fact could not be allowed to stand!

Flexing his claws as the other digimon came their way, Weregarurumon's temper began to rise higher and higher within his mind as he heard Leomon begin to whimper ever so slightly.

"And who is this supposed to be?" The walking egg asked in a low voice that was awash within a mixture of annoyance, anger, and curiosity.

"H-he's nobody special, Mr. Sunny. Just a customer that was asking about one of the rooms here, right?" The fear in Leomon's voice made Weregarurumon nod without thought.

"Oh really?" When the other digimon looked him up and down, Weregarurumon found himself puffing out his white furred chest rather proudly in a vain attempt to show himself off. "He looks rather poor, no offense." It was quite obvious that the walking egg was not at all sorry for his comment. "Honestly, he seems like someone who would be better suited dancing on stage with sluts like yourself."

It was the calm and casual manner in which Mr. Sunny made his statement that nearly dropped Weregarurumon to the floor, and not so much the words which were said. He and the others in the flat might have silently called the big lion a couple of dirty names whenever they thought he was just out of earshot as a joke in order to ruffle his fur, but there was never a moment in which any of them seriously wanted to hurt his feelings or wound his ego, however that was not the case here. This impudent Digitamamon carried a very high level of contempt for Leomon, the likes of which made the wolf's lips wrinkle ever so slightly. Whether the other understood what this look meant or not seemed to be something that was never in question, given the even toned look that Mr. Sunny kept centered onto the other digimon.

"He's..." Was about as far as Leomon got before Weregarurumon ripped himself away from the shuddering lion to stomp directly into the Digitamamon's personal space.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me, buster?" Weregarurumon asked with a growl. "Because if so, then I'm more than ready to clock you in the face." The wolf raised his fist up to emphasize his point.

"Weregarurumon!!!" Leomon all but screamed, causing several heads to pop around the side of the hallway to have a look at whatever was going on here.

"Of course not." The owner of the club spoke in a quietly yet confident voice. "Though with that said, are you looking to pick a fight with me, because I can assure you that if you are that you will lose, since I don't play fair." In the next few seconds Weregarurumon found himself taking a slight step back when three Stingmon came around the corner.

While the wolf knew that he could take the guys in question, as they were nothing more than champion level digimon, a quick sniff of the air revealed that there was about shade wearing bugs. There was something...corrupt about them and not in the moral sense. It didn't really matter though, because he was soon hauled backwards by two familiar looking yellow arms.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sunny, but I think my friend here...I mean this customer is..." Leomon's next few words literally tumbled out of his muzzle as he tried to explain himself, however it was painfully clear that he had just made a major mistake.

"Ahh, so you lied to me." The walking egg admitted with an almost mockingly hurt tone coloring his voice.

"N-no, sir! I..." Leomon began to babble but was silenced with a look.

"You know my feelings about whores like yourself trying both my patience and intelligence." Mr. Sunny said while looking past Weregarurumon to Leomon.

"Y-yes sir, but I didn't..." Once again the lion began to try and talk his way out of this situation, but couldn't as the other digimon silenced him with a look.

"Perhaps I should have you working downstairs for the next couple of nights, since you have obviously forgotten how to treat your betters, bitch."

Weregarurumon's golden orbs slowly began to bleed red as anger overcame him. Who did this asshole think he was insulting his friend?!

"N-No sir!! Please, I...!!" The feline pleaded, nearly bawling his big blue eyes out as he did so.

"Then do yourself a favor and get your cum hungry ass ready to go out onto the stage while I have a talk with this gentleman here." Leomon ran off around the side of the hallway before anyone had time enough to fully process that he was gone. Once he was though, Mr. Sunny smirked at Weregarurumon. "Now then, I think we should have a quick chat."

"Oh really?" Weregarurumon raised his fists up before pumping his gloveless hand into his opposing palm. "About what exactly?"

"About what I should do with your friend." The wolf cocked an eyebrow at that statement. "Haha, of course you don't understand, by the looks of you, you seem like a simpleton." Weregarurumon snarled in response to those words. The sounds of wings buzzing prevented him from going any further with his animalistic threat. "In case you weren't readily aware of it, I own that whore, both in body and mind."

"What are you talking about? And stop calling him a whore." Weregarurumon growled at the same time his long tail snapped behind his back.

"No." Digitamamon chortled. "And I mean that the little slut sold himself to me a long while back due to some debts or another, and so he belongs to me until he can pay me back for the money I loaned him, plus the interest which is occurring on it."

"It figures that you would be a loan shark as well as a wannabe mobster." Weregarurumon spat.

"Haha. How cute. With that in mind, I think I should double what he owes me so that I can keep him working here indefinitely, seeing as he brought a stranger into my property." The gargomon threatened.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Weregarurumon snarled, in his mind he was plotting on putting the Digitamamon and his three goons down with one good roundhouse kick.

"I don't care if it does or doesn't, however, I have a proposition for you." The walking egg smirked.

"Oh really?" The wolf placed one of his clawed hands down onto his hips at the same time he glared at the other. "Do tell."

"That whore has been drawing in a big crowd of...shall we say wild customers as of late thanks to a couple of advertisements that I've been putting out on the street, however he's been vehement about not taking on any private shows after what happened the last time he performed for a client."

"Last time?" Weregarurumon racked his brain for what the hell the other was talking about.

His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he recalled one moment in particular that had gone by nearly three weeks ago.

Leomon was normally a bundle of energy, the likes of which could light up the main street of the city, and yet one day after getting home he had suddenly become quiet and listless. Weregarurumon and the others had tried to talk to him but he refused to speak to anyone, choosing instead to go to his room and lock his door. The sounds of sobbing and whimpers had made BlackWarGreymon literally break the door down in order to get into the bedroom to see what the problem was, which was in itself quite telling of how worried the other had been for their flatmate. Weregarurumon hadn't gotten the full story, as he had been out fighting at the time, but from what he had been told by WarGreymon, apparently Leomon had been hurt rather badly by someone while on the job. The wolf had never found out who said person was, but the wolf got the distinct impression that the two brothers had handled the situation well enough.

"Yes." Digitamamon said rather flippantly before continuing with his statement. "Despite my...earnest suggestions he won't work alone anymore. So I'm thinking that perhaps you should join him, both on stage and in the back working here for a couple of nights in order to make things right for his little fib." Weregarurumon found himself slightly perplexed by what had just been suggested to him.

"What happens if I say no?" The wolf was more than well aware that things wouldn't go well, but he wanted to test the walking egg's conviction as best he could before submitting himself to this madness.

Mr. Sunny merely chortled in response to the question.

Weregarurumon couldn't help but shiver at that.

"Fine, let's say I play your game instead of busting you in the face, what happens then?" The wolf already knew that something was up, that was obvious, but he didn't have a clue as to how deep down the rabbit hole he was about to fall.

"Well, first I would make sure not to increase the slutty kitten's debt to me, and second, perhaps if you agreed to stay on I might even reduce his debt by taking what you'd be making working here and putting it towards what he still owes me."

"You wannabe pimp." Weregarurumon growled. "You're trying to blackmail the both of us." Which in itself was rather impressive the longer Weregarurumon thought about it.

"What can I say, I see opportunity in every venture." The gargomon chuckled. "Now then, what do you say?"

"Fine." Weregarurumon growled.

"I'm sorry, is that a yes or a no?" Digitamamon asked in a sugary sweet tone of voice.

"Yes." Weregarurumon snapped.

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Weregarurumon's Story

Weregarurumon liked to fight. No. He loved it. He loved the thrill of battle as he ducked and weaved around his enemies. He loved the feeling of pain that surged all throughout his scarred body whenever he took hits and kicks from his...

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