In the Enemy's Territory #4

Story by WolfyslaveIRL on SoFurry

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Hang in there, Nova. It ain't over.

Three nights. Anubis did not break camp.

At her final attempt to plead with him, he informed her he had already sent a homing drone back to his superiors to tell them she was captured. They were only another two day walk, but he had no intention of leaving until her heat was over. He did not want to have to fight off the other males as she would be irresistible to them. So he said.

Of course they might fall upon her like the filthy beasts they were, she thought to herself, giving in to their base instincts and having no restraint. They wanted to live like animals, and it was why they had been banished into the mountains centuries ago in the first place. They had no place among the civilized. Lacking in culture and common decency, ruthless and cruel.

Honestly, she expected him to be the same. To breed her. He sure liked talking about doing that as, after all, she was his slave now. When it came to what he did, though, he showed a greater restraint than she thought he'd be capable of. Every time he took her he made certain she was ready and wet, practically on the verge of begging him.

Never would she give him that satisfaction, she promised.

When he did break camp, she was unaware of it for he used that sweet smelling drug on her while she slept, keeping her unconscious until the evening. It wasn't that he couldn't keep going, seeing perfectly fine in the inky darkness. As he put it, he was simply in no great hurry and just wanted to make sure the litter took before her heat was over.

The next night, before they would reach civilization, he stopped again in the forest but now he seemed different. On edge. It did not take very long for her to know why. In a growl that seemed disappointed, he informed her that they were close enough for his radio to work and that her side had officially surrendered.

That night, he did not build a fire and he left her to her thoughts. It seemed he had some of his own, staring up at his M.A.S. as though he wished it had a throat he could tear out as he had with the gregnin they had feasted on.

The morning was dim. A thick fog swirled into existence to drench the landscape like a moist blanket. Nova could hardly see the M.A.S. that she was chained to even though it loomed before her on the trail that it made.

Before they had started walking, Anubis had changed her soft ropes to the large metal cuffs he had. It dawned on her that he had used the ropes because they were a whole lot more comfortable than the military issued shackles and muzzle she was wearing now. Had he made her wear these from the start, she would be scarred for she was already feeling raw by the time they saw the walls and towers for the base through the lifting mist.

After verifying himself at the gate, he left his machine with them and marched her to a building where she was left in a small room, chained to a chair. She didn't know how long she sat there, alone in the quiet, but she sure needed to be relieved.

She dared not try to call attention to herself, though. Every wolf she had seen was significantly larger than the wolves she was used to. The females were as large as a plains male. Of course they were so sized, having to compete with other predators that generally avoided the cities and towns of her people. They lived wild so they needed the strength. She had doubts as to their tenderness.

Contemplating calling out for a guard now, she startled when the door swung open. Anubis was smirking at her. Casually waving a document, he bared his teeth in a cocky grin as though he had won some sort of high stakes game. "You are now my very own P.O.W.: 'plunder of war,' and my leave is effective immediately. It's good to be the general's son."

Thankfully, she did not have to ask to use a latrine; he needed to use one, too. The outhouses were crude, but what could she expect from savages? Why, just as he marched her towards another exit of the base as hurriedly as he could, she witnessed two fights break out; in one she saw the female sink her teeth into a male's hand over an argument of whose turn it was to use a tool. Animals.

"Oh, Annie!" sang a female's voice some distance behind them.

Anubis froze and sucked in his breath. "Shit." He glared down at Nova. "Say nothing." Not waiting for her to respond, he spun around and presented an aloof but annoyed persona. "What is it, Terra? You know I hate when you use that name. We are not pups."

The brawny gray and brown colored female sauntered to them, standing with a saucy stance, a hand on her tilted hip. A leather holster kept a long knife at her thigh and a gun on her other hip. She was tall enough to look Anubis in the eyes, yellow and piercing as his were. She cocked her head with a teasing smile. "It gets your attention, doesn't it, Annie?"

Nova could not help but smirk. She hoped the thick leather and metal muzzle she still wore that covered most of her face would hide her irrepressible amusement. She would have to save this ammunition for later.

"And honestly, that's the first thing you say to me?" Terra continued. "Not even a 'Hello, dearest sister, so glad to see you alive' from my favorite brother? I'm hurt." She pouted, her ears to the sides, giving him the saddest puppy face Nova had ever seen on a grown wolf.

It was enough to break even Anubis. "Shit, Ter-Ter, stop," he grumbled fondly, his stiff posture relaxing. "I'm sorry. It's really good to see you. I'm relieved that you made it, and I'm glad you're the first face I see coming back." He glanced around, tensing again. "I was just trying to get out of here before Gray sees me."

Terra scoffed, crossing her arms, her lip up to bare a fang in disdain. "Gray already went home. He tugged on mother's strings the moment you went off on your mission. You think that pussy would stick around when he doesn't have to compete with you?"

Anubis snorted, flicking an ear and muttering mostly to himself. "Not when he's got a harem of bitches to torment."

"Speaking of which." Terra fixed Nova with those eyes, looking her up and down without bothering to hide her judgmental expression. "Did you really use your mission to go pillaging for a grasser? There's going to be plenty of fresh slaves to chose from in a few weeks."

Nova knew well the derogatory term she used. Plains wolves were very good farmers, but not everything they grew was for food.

"And Gray can have them all," Anubis growled. "I will see you at home, Terra."

"You took leave?" Truly she seemed surprised. Glancing down at Nova, some realization came upon her, and her brow furrowed. "Oh, I get it. Mother's not a fool, you know. She's going to have her eyes on your bitch in an instant. She'll call you soft."

Rolling his eyes, Anubis turned, his grip still firm on Nova's arm. "It's nothing new. I'm sure the carriage is waiting by now. Keep 'em in their places, sis."

She sighed then smiled, calling to his back. "Don't you know it! Take care of yourself, Annie."

He grumbled as he marched them away. At the gate, she was freed of the shackles and muzzle.

A carriage fit for royalty waited for them. Its shell was made of red wood so finely polished that Nova could see her reflection as she approached. The craftsmanship alone was beyond anything she had seen before. Three large beasts of burden snorted and shook their square ears, snorting with frustration at being held back. With six long legs and nostrils on their chests, the brown and white striped fuzzy creatures no doubt enjoyed the running side of their job. They honked and made attempts to pull at their harnesses. Within, the benches and floor were covered in numerous, luxurious pelts of every sort of beast.

The floor was exactly where she was made to kneel at his feet. At least it was softer than the ground. Anubis told the driver to take them to a destination she didn't quite catch.

The ride was mostly smooth and fast. For several minutes, Anubis stared out the window until he let out a long breath and looked down at her. "We are going to see Mustava, the slave maker. You are not to speak."

Frustrated with the circumstances, Nova growled quietly and muttered under her breath, "I haven't spoken all day."

She flinched when she saw his hand from the corner of her eye, but there was no need. He caressed her cheek, down her jowl and the delicate curve of her neck. "It will only be until we get home," he replied to her softly. Reaching down, he took her hand so he could inspect the raw spots on her wrist. His touch was tender. "This will be an uncomfortable day for you, but once we are home there will be a feast and I have a very comfortable bed."

"It's a great day for you," she countered as boldly as ever, though she still looked down at the pelt under her.

His hand cupped her muzzle and made her look up at him with a jerk. Those brilliant eyes had a sadness in them that was not reflected on his wrinkled face, his growl warning her she was close to going too far. "Listen, mutt. As we speak, my side is razing much of your towns, burning farmland and taking slaves. I don't think you want to be in the middle of that anymore than I do. Just do as you are told and do not speak unless directly spoken to with expectation of response."

The carriage came to a stop as she turned her eyes away from his in deference. There was simply nothing else she could do right now but obey. His thumb stroked the side of her snout before he slipped a much softer leather muzzle around her mouth and head, tightening the buckles. Clipping a leash to it, he opened the door and stepped out with her.

Glancing around, she was surprised and impressed. The building they stood before was as elegant as any she had seen. Made from the mature, living trees of the forest, there were stone walls stacked with mathematical precision that made mortar unneeded anywhere the trees were not close enough. The ceiling was just the canopy but very little sunlight made it through the thick foliage.

Before they even entered through the large doors, carved with the image of whips and chains, Nova's nose quivered at the smell. Going in only made it stronger. Terror. The fear of countless others who had been forced here before her. The well packed ground was smooth and level, but there were spots darker than others and they did not smell like blood.

In the receiving room was a wall of small cages and in each was a slave, not all of them plains wolves. Hell, they weren't even all wolves! What they did all share was the morose expression on their faces, not bothering to peek up when Anubis entered.

At the desk was perhaps the burliest wolf Nova had ever imagined. Dark gray and off-white, covered in scars, he was looking at some sort of square contraption, growling to himself as he twisted it every which way. Only when they stood right in front of him did he bother to look up, glaring at Anubis with beady black eyes. Sniffing the air, he gave a cold grin.

"Ah, Anubis Zaroff! Been a while. How'd the war go? This mornin' someone said we won." His accent was thick and drawling.

"About three days late on the news, aren't you, Ivan?" Anubis replied with thinly veiled disdain.

"Well, I've had my brain boggled by this thing!" He held up the multi-colored square with its many smaller squares. "Found it on the otter bitch a week ago. Haven't figured it out."

"That's because otters are smart." Anubis snatched the thing from his hand. Ivan snarled but quieted quickly when he realized the other wolf knew what he was doing with it. He then held the toy out, all sides the same colors. "No wonder you've never moved up. Not good for much else when the slaves are smarter than you."

There was some timid life in the cages. Ivan's growl killed it in an instant. He then bared his yellowed teeth in a grin that was not friendly. "It's good ya don't come by often. Think yer so smart." Taking it back and dropping it on the desk, he stood, a good head taller than Anubis. His eyes looked Nova up and down intently. "Bringin' Mustava a side project? Looks submissive enough. Leave 'er here, kin have 'er broken in a week...."

"No," Anubis growled flatly. "Is he busy?"

Ivan fixed him with an odd look then turned without a word, heading through a doorway. As they waited, Nova could tell Anubis was tense. He did not look at the slaves that could only shift back and forth on aching paws.

A terrible scream was hardly stifled by a muzzle. The tall stone walls of the place echoed the sound. All around them the slaves shuddered and whimpered softly.

Through the doorway came an even taller tricolored wolf. He had a great many scars, yet he seemed charismatic, giving Anubis a warm and friendly smile. "Anubis! It's good to see my nephew survived the war! I just received your mother's order for a dozen of the best slaves that will be coming in, but you beat the shipment!" His deep voice was clear and pleasant but it made Nova shudder. Everything about him screamed dark and violent.

"I'm not here on any business for her, so you need not worry, uncle."

"Ah! Then what can I do for you, sir? I still need to get all my equipment ready as starting tomorrow I will be very busy."

Anubis tugged Nova forward. "If you could spare the time, I'd like a collar made for my war catch."

Nova felt Mustava's intense gaze from tip to tip. She dared not look up at him. All of a sudden, she was really looking forward to that feast and bed he was talking about. Sounded a whole lot better than here. If she acted as these slaves, perhaps she could get out of here faster.

"Plain but pretty. Would you like her pierced and branded?" How casually he said that, like she wasn't even a living thing.

"No," Anubis responded sternly. "Just a collar. A golden collar. She carries my litter, and I wish to keep her for my own use."

"Oh? Your personal breeder, eh? If you want to be her only one, I can have her broken for you without anyone defiling her."

Anubis shook his head. "No. I have broken her my own way. I only need a collar and you are a master of the craft, uncle. It's why I come to you."

Mustava chuckled. "Very well. A golden collar for your prize. Only pillaged the one?"

Anubis smiled. "Why drag them through the forest when in a month there will be plenty of new slaves trained by the best slave maker in the region?"

Barking out a laugh, Mustava held out his hand. It was missing the entire pointer finger and half of the middle. "I will take your bitch and have a very fine collar put on her. Give me an hour."

Nova knew the moment her leash left his hand, she no longer had his protection. Mustava was not gentle as he pulled her after him though the doorway from which now wafted the terrible stench of burnt flesh and fur, growing stronger as she was taken out of Anubis' sight.

Anubis feared he may pace a trough in the floor. Ivan had gone to the back with his boss, so there was nothing else for him to do. His ears strained to make certain he did not hear her whimpers or cries. There were plenty of those going on, mostly muffled by the way the place was built. The smells that wafted out were mildly foul, but only because he was far enough away from them.

It was passed the hour. He had forced himself to stand still. Just in time, too. Through the doorway, Mustava came with Nova in tow. She seemed like a different wolf and not because of the exquisite, leather-lined collar of gold and gems that now adorned her neck or the fact that her societal braid had been cut off. Her expression was haunted and she couldn't stop trembling.

Anubis had to contain himself from snatching her leash from the other wolf's hand. "As always, your craftsmanship is unsurpassed, uncle. The emeralds are stunning."

The big wolf grinned. "I thought you might like that. I must compliment you, Anubis. You've trained her well in a short time. She was such a delight. I would like to know your secret."

"Ah, they call them 'secrets' for a reason," Anubis countered with a smile. "But, her training is not yet complete, so I thank you for your time, and I'll waste no more of it. Put it on my tab."

"Your own?"

"My slave, my tab, if you would be so kind." With a cordial nod, he turned away.

"Very well. Always pleasant to do business with family. Please give my regards to your sister when you see her." There was something even more dreadfully sinister in his drawl that made Anubis suck in his breath and hurry his pace out of there.

Once in the carriage, she willingly sank to her knees. She continued to quiver as Anubis removed her muzzle. "What did he do?"

For a long moment, her tremulous breathes were all they could hear. At last, she could only whisper, "My sisters will go through there."

It took just as long for Anubis to respond in a gruff voice as small as she felt. "Yes."

She could hold herself together no longer. Hot tears rolled down her snout, splashing on her hands in her lap. Her throat was swollen and hoarse. "You are monsters."

A low growl was his only response, but it didn't sound the least bit threatening. Staring out the window, he let her cry at his feet. She did not cry for very long. The day was late, but it was far from over and she knew she needed to conserve some strength.

She could feel the gentle slope as they went up a winding road. Perhaps the trip was long, though it seemed short to her. Suddenly startling, she sat up straight and glanced about in a mild panic, realizing the sun was nearly gone. A canteen was thrust into her view.

"We're almost there." His voice sounded strained, anxious even, but it certainly wasn't happy.

Gratefully she drank, nearly emptying the bottle. Her thirst relieved, she willed her hunger to wait. Especially when Anubis took her head to put the muzzle back on.

"Listen closely, mutt. My mother and her family made their fortune on trading slaves, and she will not hesitate to end you. It will take very little for her to decide that you are disposable. You are allowed only one chance to look upon her, after that you must keep your eyes down at all times around her. If she requires you to speak, always call her 'Mistress' or 'Alpha.' Do not dare speak back to me in anyone's presence and you _will_call me 'Master,' understood?"

Too tired to even care at this point, Nova sighed and nodded. This time, the leash was hooked to the gorgeous collar. When the carriage came to a stop, he stepped out and waited for her to follow. She had not felt so weary in all her life.

Much like the place of horror, this building was made of the forest with perfectly placed and polished marble stacked high. The double doors here were expertly carved with the images of chained wolves under the feet of others posed heroically with whips.

The guards were large and sinuous. They sniffed the air and saluted as he entered. He did not knock and the door had no lock.

The inside was grander than Nova could have expected. A magnificent marble staircase went up over the walls to lead further into the estate. There were doorways to either side of the foyer and hallways to either side of the stairs. The lighting was a mixture of artificial and natural, mostly given off by a mammoth chandelier that hung overhead made of crystals and bones.

Glancing around, Anubis seemed relieved and began to head for a hallway.

"Nubbie! Nubbie, you're back!"

Hackles stood as stiffly as the rest of him. A low growl bubbled out of him. "Yes, Gray, I'm back." He spun around, snarling at the wolf behind them. "At least I waited until the war was over, you pathetic coward."

Nova glanced up, hoping she wouldn't be obvious as she was mostly behind Anubis. A solid, chocolate brown wolf stood in the opposing doorway. He was a little taller than his brother but with not nearly the bulk. One thing they did share were the eyes.

Gray let his jaw drop dramatically, acting injured. "But, Nubbie, I got shot!"

Anubis narrowed his eyes suspiciously, looking him up and down. "Where?"

The other wolf smirked and pointed to his rump. "Right in the ass. You'll have to get close enough to kiss it to see."

Baring his teeth, Anubis was not amused. "If I get any closer, I'll tear a hole in your ass visible from across the room!"

Grinning as though he had just won a game, Gray lilted loudly enough to echo through the canopy, "Oh, mother! Ah-Nu-Nu is home! Alive and whole!" Then he threw back his head and let out a powerful howl. There were other howls in response scattered throughout the estate.

Anubis put his head in his free hand and growled. "Are we pups again?"

Snickering, Gray's eyes landed directly on Nova and they lit up as though he had spotted some sort of treasure. "Nu-Nu! What'd you bring home? When do I get to try her?"

Now he became dangerous. "Not for sharing."

Gray was perplexed. "What the fuck? We always share! What's different about this one?" He started towards them to get a better look at Nova.

She immediately looked down at the ground, her heart pounding. All her weariness left her, trembling as she fought the urge to retreat.

"I will bite you, Gray," Anubis threatened, bristling.

"Aww, but Nubbie..."

"Stop calling me that!" He lunged and snapped at his brother's cheek, close enough to get hairs stuck between his teeth. Gray recoiled, baring his teeth in return.

A most autocratic feminine voice silenced them both. "Boys, please. No blood tonight. Gray, listen to your brother. He has only been asking you to stop since you were children."

Standing at attention, Anubis turned to keep Nova as much behind him as he could. Daring a peek around him, she really wish she hadn't.

Slowly sauntering down the stairs was the most terrifying and majestic wolfess she had ever seen. Her peerless, hazel gaze was frigid and dispassionate. Throughout her silky black hair were same gems and beads as her prominently displayed societal braid. Tumbling down the side of her face was a forelock of crisp white hair, standing out against the same luscious brown as her son. Both of her hands were so pristine, one ending at her forearm and the other at her elbow. Starting at her chin, as striking as freshly fallen snow, that white flowed down her throat to the plume of fur that cascaded between her breasts. She was perfect in every sense of the word, from her posture to the lay of every strand of glossy fur. Like a moving statue. Perhaps even as soulless as the stone.

Nova had thought she was afraid of Mustava. He had been so amiable and enthusiastic as he kept her on the constant verge of believing he would do something dreadful to her against Anubis' wishes. She had been terribly mistaken. Every instinct told her this arresting Queen of devils was worthy of her place at the top of the food chain. She honestly would rather be looking at the ground.

"Anubis, my dear son. It pleases me that you have returned. I heard many tales of your deeds in the war. They always were the highlight of my day." She shot a glare at Gray as she approached her sons. "At least two from my final litter turned out to be war heroes."

"Mother! Why do you look at me so? You know I'd rather be in the family business!" Gray protested the insinuation.

Nova trembled, feeling that callous gaze fall upon her. She must look awful, she thought, having not groomed properly in nearly two weeks. Her last bath was back in the woods, and she could feel the crust of salt her tears had left on her fur. Tired and slouched, she really didn't know if she could appear any more submissive.

"It would seem your brother is beating you in that endeavor, as well."

"He said he wouldn't share...."

The matriarch put up her hand, quieting him. "Enough. Your brother is home, and you are picking a petty fight over a slave. Go inform the kitchen master to prepare a feast immediately."

Gray opened his mouth to protest again, but Anubis beat him. "Actually, mother, the feast can wait until tomorrow. It was a very long mission, and a very long war, and I'd like to get civilized and rest. Just a light meal for tonight."

"Did you hear that, Gray?" their mother stated with elegant ire, pointedly looking at him. "Be a good boy."

Gray growled and, baring a fang, shot a glare at his brother. Anubis did not look at him but the corner of his mouth curled up smugly.

"Go and rest, my son," the matriarch said to him once his brother had stalked away. Her tone really didn't sound like she cared one way or the other. "Tomorrow you must regale us with tales from the battlefield. And bring your pet. I wish to inspect your catch, to better understand your tastes. Good night, Anubis, and welcome home."

Taking a deep breath, he maintained his stiff and proud pose, staring directly ahead, hands behind his back as she returned up the stairs as gracefully as she had descended. "Thank you, mother. It's good to be home. Good night." Quickly he retreated with Nova on his heels, just as eager to escape her presence.

Further into the house was a large, heavy door that lead to a fully enclosed section with a tall roof, made of stone and logs. The place was neat, pristine, almost lifeless. Luxurious pelts covered everything from the floors to the walls. There was a massive fireplace, many trophies displayed on the shelves around it. The furniture looked hardly used. She really didn't bother to look around anymore than that.

Once the door latch clicked, Anubis changed. With a deep breath, he relaxed, turning to her. He seemed about as tired as she was. "That ended better than I was expecting."

Slipping the muzzle off, he stroked her fur as though he wished to remove evidence of it being there. "Gray must've made her upset today. Worked out for both of us." Turning away from her, he wandered around, sniffing the air then growled and bristled. "Fucking Gray, coming in here when I'm away. Just like him."

"My brothers would have hugged me." Her voice was barely above a whisper, yearning and exhausted.

His response was subdued like he did not wish to disturb the quiet of the place. "Gray and I have never gotten along. He goads me and then calls for mother when I retaliate." He growled to himself. "I can't believe I missed. I was going to rip his face off. Would have been satisfying."

"Can-Can I use a latrine, M-Master?" How strange the word felt, no matter how quietly she said it.

Perking up, he indicated for her to follow him further into the house. It was a mansion all to itself. They went down a corridor, past a few doors and they came into a large room. The steam was thick here. A rocky pool in the middle of the room was fed natural hot spring water that trickled down an expertly stacked rock face, all made to look as natural as possible.

He motioned towards another door off to the side. "In there."

Once relieved, she returned to find Anubis sitting in the pool, the water to his chest. He beckoned her into the relaxing warm water. Drawing her into his lap, he nuzzled her cheek, one arm wrapped around her while the other lay over her belly. "The food should arrive soon."

She was too tired to care about eating, or even about getting clean, but she did not protest his touch or any of his requests of her, which were only to clean herself off and find something she could stomach from the feast that was laid out for them in the dining room. It was enough to feed a small pack.

After pecking enough to satisfy him, he at last led her to another room that had an enormous bed made of the finest down mattress and pelts set on a platform, large enough for many wolves to share. Nova had a feeling he shared it with no one. Tonight, though, he shared it with her, holding her tightly.