The Forgotten God (2/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Two treasure hunters seek out a recently discovered tomb in order to cash out a seven-figure paycheck. What they find is much more than definitive proof that such a deity existed...

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Teryx stood there stunned as the rubber sabrewolf shrugged. "I think I made myself pretty clear," Serathin stated simply. "I need a vessel to get out of the place and I can't think of a better one then a handsome rain dragon such as you, plus you can get a taste of my power as you ride along. Of course then there's your hyena friend, and since I really only need one vessel he would be perfect to serve us while I get myself back on my feet."

The rain dragon could hardly believe what he was hearing as the creature talked about taking him like he was making a list to go to the grocery store. He also found himself blushing slightly at being called handsome and also thinking about what it would be like to be part of a creature as powerful and sexy at the one sitting in front of him... though he quickly shook that thought from his head. When he looked back up though the rubber sabrewolf had shifted positions to fully display the large cock resting between his legs. Teryx found himself practically salivating for a second before he once more had to focus his thoughts and stared at the amused rubber creature.

"You can't just take people's bodies," Teryx responded. "It doesn't matter how powerful you think you are or if you were worshipped by others!"

"You were right, I was certainly worshipped by others," Serathin mused, sighing and rubbing his hands down his body. "They knew now to treat a sabrewolf, if I had a piece of jewelry for every time they begged me to have their mouth on these muscles or my cock inside them..." his eyes narrowed as the grin grew on his muzzle. "Oh wait, I do."

Teryx found himself swallowing hard as he glanced around and saw all the jewelry on display, realizing now what it was for. "That may be so," the rain dragon stated before puffing up his chest. "But I'm not just going to hand myself over to you."

"Well well, aren't we prideful," Serathin replied, causing Teryx to step back slightly. "Don't worry, I actually find that quite appealing in my host. Of course by the time we're done with this conversation you'll be begging me to be my vessel even if just for a taste of this member between your lips, knowing that you can't stand to deny someone as godly as myself."

Once more attention was drawn to the shiny black rod of the creature, Serathin idly stroking it with a finger as Teryx found himself swallowing hard once more. It really was impressive and even as he stood there he imagine what it would be like to be impaled on it, feeling it stretching him out in pure pleasure. Surely that was enough for him to let such a powerfully masculine creature take him over completely? Wait... no it's not, Teryx tried to think as he stepped forward, or is it?

As Teryx tried to find the words to tell the rubber god that he wasn't interested he remembered the hunter that had been completely subsumed... just like he would be, and he couldn't help but wonder just how much joy he got from that. He probably pleasured himself as he soon as he reached the shore, the power of the creature overriding his very senses as Teryx began to imagine himself in that very situation. Without realizing it he had already started to climb the stairs up towards the rubber creature instead of running back down the hall like he had intended. No matter what he tried to think about escaping the thoughts never coalesced enough to get his body to move, once more the rain dragon swallowing as he found the sabrewolf closer than ever, it was like... Serathin was...

"Inside your head?" the rubber sabrewolf chuckled, leaning down to get eye level with the approaching dragon. "You could say that I was already there. I had almost forgotten how corruptive my very touch is to some, especially weak-willed creatures such as yourself that desire having someone like me lording over them, and right now your mind is soaking in my influence just like the words that I'm feeding you right now."

The rain dragon thought back and remembered how the sabrewolf gained access to all the information of the outside world, looking up as Serathin wagged his tongue at him. Just as Teryx was about to swallow again he realized how frequently he had been doing it and decided not to instead, almost immediately feeling something begin to leak out of his maw. He put his hands up to the liquid and saw that it was shiny and black with just a few hints of purple in it, and with that knowledge he became aware that the liquid that he had initially wiped from his ears had not stopped coming out since they started talking.

"How..." Teryx said as he suddenly felt weak in the knees, finding himself falling right in front of the thick rubber legs of the creature before him. "How did you do this to me?"

"Do you think that those that worshipped me merely did so because of my striking good looks and sparkling personality?" Serathin replied, taking a hand and putting it through the lush mane of the rain dragon before sliding under his chin to face his head back upwards. "I gave those creatures dominion over this land, power and strength that they would have never known without me, and in return all I asked was their loyalty, their servitude... and their forms. As you can see I'm quite particular about my form, not that you're complaining."

The laugh seemed to echo in Teryx's ears as he tried to focus on what was happening, but it was becoming harder to think the more he took in the majesty of the male before him. As the hand guided him upwards he could help but think just how amazing those shining muscles were, or those striking features... they were truly worthy of a god. "But..." the rain dragon tried to say as he felt his resistance melting away as more of the liquid latex dripped from him and coated his fur that he pointed at. "You... poisoned... me... my... mind..."

To Teryx's surprise he felt himself get lifted up, his head pressed directly against those purple pectorals as once more Serathin's muzzle hovered mere inches from his face. "My sweet little dragon, I did nothing of the sort," the sabrewolf whispered into his ear. "My corruption can only thrive on those that want it, creatures so willing to give themselves to me that the very thought of it starts the process. The only thing that latex leaking out of you shows is how much you desperately want to be a part of me, to lose yourself in me, to become me..."

Teryx found himself shuddering as those words slid deep into the recesses of his mind, anchoring there with everything else as he was put back to his feet. Why was he fighting this, the rain dragon thought to himself as he pressed his hands against the thighs of the alpha male, and this time his inner voice did not come back with a response. There was no answer other than this was where he belonged, Teryx leaning forward and licking the rubber skin of the dominant male as he once more felt a hand against his head. The touch was electrifying and all it did was make him want to be deeper in the embrace of this perfect specimen, this Adonis of creatures, this alpha of others... of him...

"I see someone has seen the light," Serathin stated with a chuckling, stopping the rain dragon's nuzzling and licking of his body to bring him back up. "Of course I need one last test of devotion, a sign you're willing to give up all your other silly thoughts and desires and focus on my worship. If you do that then you will indeed be a worthy vessel and I will give you the honor of becoming my host."

Teryx found himself grow intensely excited by the prospect, as though wanting to have this powerful creature take his body was the only thing he could think of in his life. When he asked what this sign of devotion was the rubber sabrewolf merely gestured to the fully erect rubber cock that jutted out between his legs, but as the rain dragon was about lunge for it a finger was suddenly placed on his muzzle that made him stop as he heard Serathin ask if he really wanted it. "Yes, more than anything!" Teryx exclaimed. "Put your cock anywhere inside me, I am yours!"

"Oh really?" Serathin asked, still keeping the dragon back even he could tell the other male was getting antsy. "Tell me how devoted you are."

"My only place is between your legs or at your feet!" Teryx practically shouted. "I'll be your servant, your slave, anything to feel the touch of you, my master, and your dominance of me. I will worship your body from the time the sun rises until the moon sets, everything I am is yours to command and I will relish every second of it!"

"Oh I know," Serathin replied with a smirk as he pulled back. "I just love hearing you say it."

With the path cleared Teryx leapt at his prize like a starving man at a loaf of bread. To have been denied the ability to serve his master had been maddening and now he was finally able to prove just how capable he was as he licked up and down the shiny shaft. The slight squeak of tongue against rubber was music to both male's ears as Teryx showed how properly he could worship such a godly tool, eventually getting up higher on his knees to angle his mouth downwards and take it in. Though it was rather large the rain dragon tried this best to get as much of it in as possible, the black rubber still leaking from his maw oozing down the shaft as he managed to lick and suck on the head.

As the minutes passed Teryx found himself able to get even more stuffed into his maw, feeling it stretch as he tried to push as much of it into him as possible to please his master. To his surprise he soon found himself able to get nearly halfway down, though his head felt more like a sleeve around it as it started to go down into his throat. Even though he knew there was no way he should have been able to fit it he eventually managed to get all the way down to the hilt, his neck practically straight from impaling himself on the shaft as he could feel every throb of pleasure coming from the male that owned it.

Just when he was about to try and bob his head up and down on it Teryx felt a hand on his head to get him to stop once more, causing him to look up in confusion at the rubber sabrewolf. "You have more than proven yourself, my vassal," Serathin stated, the mere words practically causing the rain dragon to cum right there as he was lifted up. "It was also a means to start preparing you; while you have been getting corrupted by my mere presence it takes a little extra for your body to handle being my host. Now that you have been properly seeded it's time for you to take your rightful place inside of me."

Teryx was practically shaking in excitement as he was helped up onto the rubber creature's lap, feeling his rear brush up against those perfect abs while he got into position. For a few seconds the rubber cock he was likely about to ride stuck up between his own legs, dwarfing his own before it disappeared behind him once more. The entire time Serathin continued to whisper what a good vessel he was going to be, how strong he was going to feel, how nice it'll be to submit and it made him shiver so much that it was like his body was jello. When he was brought up and felt the head of that cock resting against his tailhole he saw that his quivering hand wasn't just due to excitement, his fingers starting to melt together.

As Teryx looked down at himself his entire body appeared to be having a similar effect, gasping slightly when he saw the deep blues and light blues of his body starting to melt into one another as his entire body began to sag. "Am I... melting?" he asked, looking back at Serathin. "What's happening?"

"You're not melting, at least not in the traditional sense, merely making you... compatible," Serathin stated, taking advantage of the distracted state to slide the dragon down on him and causing him to squim in his grasp from the pleasure. "I'm not just going to envelop you and walk you around like some sort of puppet; not only do I need a strong physical form but a willful essence as well. Soon two creatures will be one and I will be truly reborn, forgotten no more..."

All Teryx could do was moan as he slowly slid down the shaft that spread open his tailhole, his gooey insides stretching easily around it. While he had continued to retain his form his entire body felt tingly and it was getting harder to move with every second his transformation continued. Of course he didn't need to move anywhere, his own mind quickly told him, he had this powerful male to do that for him. All he had to do was bask in the pure bliss that his master gave him in exchange for being his host, feeling his increasingly unstable form shudder as Serathin licked up his neck before plunging his tongue into the dragon's stretchy mouth.

Soon it became hard for Teryx to distinguish how deep the rubber sabrewolf had pushed into his body, feeling his increasingly amorphous body stretch to accommodate it, until he finally felt the thighs of the other male press against his own. But even when he thought he had bottomed out the rain dragon suddenly felt himself sinking even deeper, gasping as his legs began to flow into the ones beneath him. He could start to see purple and black latex creeping over his body as the sabrewolf god assimilated his form, and as he did their shared legs looked almost swollen before the rubber seemed to shift and smooth itself out. For a few seconds it looked like they had two pairs of feet until Serathin raised one foot and used it to push down the blue one hovering above it, causing the draconic appendage to balloon with growth as the same thing happened on the other side.

"Oh Master," Teryx gasped once the thick rubber tongue left his mouth, pressing his hands against the bulge in his stomach that was Serathin's cock to continue to give them both pleasure. "I can feel you inside me, controlling my body. So deep..."

"It is not me inside of you," The rubber sabrewolf corrected, adjusting his posture so their combining hips could continue to grow unimpeded as Teryx felt the large black and purple tail coil around his own. "It is you inside of me continuing to serve even as we merge together, though I think I would like to keep one aspect of ours separate." The rain dragon's muzzle suddenly become frozen in pure euphoria as the large bulge that had been increasingly stretching the skin above his groin suddenly formed into the cock that he had been riding up until that point, settling just above his own ridged own. Though the two appendages remained separate Teryx's member did get slightly thicker to match the one next to it, though it retained the ridges it had before.

Even though it became too tempting to touch Teryx suddenly found his hands brought to the armrests of the thrones, pinned there by the black rubber of the hybrid's arms as their fingers twined together. Both males groaned loudly as Serathin pushed down, the muscles of his arms swelling as they absorbed the ones beneath it. When they disappeared completely the stripes that had been near the rain dragon's wrists appeared in the black rubber, glowing with green light as the ones higher up on Serathin's beefy arms disappeared. They were truly merging together, Teryx managed to see even in his pleasure dazed state, looking down to see similar markings on his feet while the purple rubber on his legs became tinted with blue while the outer black rubber became a dark purple instead.

At this point there wasn't much left of Teryx's own body, especially as he felt tendrils of the color shifting rubber creep over his chest and push him deeper into the rubber body behind him. "Yes..." Serathin huffed as his abs thickened into a hard eight-pack while his pectorals thickened the second the blue body of the rain dragon disappeared into the rubber. "Do you feel the strength? My power flowing through you?!"

"Yes!" Teryx shouted, though his voice was muted as their shared shoulders plumped up and left only his head. "Take me Master, take our body!" A flowing blue mane sprouted from the neck and chest of the merged creatures as their heads drifted together, the last part of Teryx letting out a blissful sigh as it touched the cheek of his lord. The second the rubber touched his head it began to draw in, their jaws connecting together as their minds touched and swirled together as one...


Sparx huffed as he struggled to get through yet another narrow passage that had been partially caved in by the ice, the hyena struggling a bit before he got to the other side. It had felt like hours since he and Teryx had gotten split up and made him wish he had a watched as he continued downwards with his light in front of him. He had gotten a bad feeling that something had happened to his friend while they were separated, which continued to persist until he found one of the marks that the rain dragon had left behind to point the way. Even though he breathed a sigh of relief at the sign of life he quickly followed the path to make sure that there wasn't additional help that was needed.

"Don't be so paranoid Sparx," the hyena said to himself under his breath. "For all you know Teryx already found evidence of the forgotten god and is just waiting for you to catch up. Hopefully it's not too big, not such how much wider we can make those passages but we're not bringing up any statues anytime soon."

As Sparx made his way into one of the larger hallways he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard shouting. Though it sounded like Teryx there was something off about it, like he was yelling after having just woken up or something, and he couldn't tell what was said from the echo alone. When he called out Teryx's name there was no response and that nervous feeling he had felt before came back with a vengeance. Though he knew that it was dangerous to barge into an unexplored area he mustered up as much courage as possible and ran down the hallway as fast as he could towards the noise.

The hall turned out to be longer than Sparx had anticipated and by the time he got to the end of it he stopped short to catch his breath and see if he could spot anything. The entire area glowed with an eerie green light, but as he looked closer he saw that it was coming from glowsticks that littered the ground. Teryx must have been there then, but why hadn't he responded to him when he called? Part of him wanted to call out again, but instead he remained silent in case there was something other than his fellow relic hunter as he moved forward once more.

Stepping inside the room his eyes immediately were drawn to something highly reflective sitting on the throne, like a creature made out of polished stone or something. Strangely it also appeared to be vibrating, though the distance only allowed him to see the legs they were twitching back and forth. "Teryx, is that you?" he said as he took one of the glowsticks near him and tossed it up onto the platform. "You better not be trying to scare me again!"

As the glow stick hit the top of the platform it became very clear to Sparx that it was not a statue sitting there, the huge, thickly muscled creature shined like it wore a rubber suit and was very clearly a male from the two cocks it had been stroking until the hyena interrupted him. "Sparx?" a voice called out, also definitely not the rain dragon as the creature stood up and began to walk down into the light created by the glow sticks. "We've been waiting for you."

The hyena quickly found himself backing up against a wall as the creature became more revealed the further down it got, its rubber body a deep purple with a blueish purple chest that almost looked too muscular to be possible. Even as it walked down Sparx could see the body continue to shift and pop, growing even thicker as the muscles continued to grow. As Sparx shouted to stay back and tried to shift towards the hallway he began to notice things about the creature that were familiar, like the patterning of stripes on his arms and legs, the gradient on the tail and arms that went from a deep purple to white, and as the chest was exposed a bright blue mane. That, plus the ridged cock that he had seen before, caused a mixture of confusion, fear, and outright panic in the hyena.

"What are you?!" Sparx shouted as the creature paused his descent. "What did you to my friend?!"

"Sparx... we're hurt..." the creature said as he finally came down the last set of steps, causing the hyena's eyes to practically bulge out of his head as he saw the familiar blue markings and the maw of the rain dragon on one side save for a growing saber tooth while the rubber sabrewolf's muzzle was still pushing into it from the other. The golden eye of Teryx was also still only partially merged into the green one of the sabrewolf as their shared mouth moved as one. "Don't you recognize an old friend when you see them?"

The next sound was the scream of the hyena as it echoed through the chamber, lasting for a good minute as the creature continued to stare at him before seemingly realizing his error. "Oh, pardon me..." Serathin said with a smirk as Sparx began to hyperventilate, pressing his hand against the side of his head that still had remnants of the rain dragon and smoothing it over until both sides were uniformly the rubber sabrewolf, save for the glowing golden eye as the creature smirked. "There, that better?"

The hyena just remained frozen for a few more seconds before his body finally listened to his brain and he went running back down the hall. "Hm, I guess not," Serathin replied before flexing his new muscles and taking off after him. Between the augmented body of the two merged creatures and the fact Sparx was already exhausted it didn't take long for the huge rubber creature to get in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Get away from me monster!" Sparx shouted, backing away as the shaking beam of the flashlight revealed the predatory, almost manic look in the face of the beast in front of him.

"Monster? Me?" Serathin replied, laughing loud enough it echoed through the hallway. "Thanks to your friend I am a god once more! With his essence coursing through mine we are unstoppable, a force of nature greater than even the volcano that took me down the first time! In fact after I'm done with you I'm probably going to punch that volcano right in its stupid face for DARING to defy me!"

Sparx continued to back away from the draconic creature, eventually falling backwards. "What... what are you going to do to me..." Sparx said as he found himself staring directly into those glowing eyes as he could see a glimpse of his friend in the golden one. "You... you wouldn't kill your friend, would you Teryx?"

"Of course not!" Serathin replied, watching the hyena stop backing away as he continued to lock his gaze with him. "Teryx may be my vessel, but that means he can't be my servant... at least not in the traditional sense. What he can do is increase my power to the point I'm radiating corruption, making those lesser mortals around me want nothing more than to serve me."

Every time the strange creature said serve Sparx couldn't help but see himself at the foot of that throne, doing things like rubbing his master's feet, massaging his body, pleasuring him... even though the thoughts seemed foreign to him he couldn't help but dwell on them as the fear and adrenaline drained away from his body. He couldn't serve this creature, the hyena thought to himself, no matter how sexy or muscular or shiny or powerful he was. As those strange thoughts continued to bounce around in his skull he failed to notice the shiny black liquid starting to run from his ears, or that his hands had started to rub against his crotch as Serathin moved up to him. When the hyena did see that grinning face again it managed to prompt enough of a response to run, only to be pinned underneath the powerful muscles of the rubber creature as it pounced him.

"Let's face it," Serathin said he felt he male squirming underneath him, feeling the arousal grow with every word he spoke while taking his claws and cutting away the pesky clothing that got between them. "Teryx couldn't even handle me and he was a very, very proud dragon, even now I can feel his chest swelling with pride that you will be one of my acolytes while he is the vessel. Now as I'm sure your aware a god needs his worshipers, and you will be the first to join my flock since my corruption has already started to seep into your very form.

Sparx tried to shake his head but his thoughts were overwhelmed by a sudden desire to serve, a need to give himself completely to this powerful male pressing against his suddenly naked form. Their chests continued to rub together as Serathin shifted the hyena and stared deeply into those eyes, boring straight into the soul of the male beneath him as Sparx felt his legs being raised. The black rubber that had been leaking out of his muzzle started to drip out of his mouth as the sheer presence of this male had him quaking while on the floor. Without even realizing it his lips began to move, swearing himself to the rubber god on top of him and to use his body however he liked.

"That's a good servant," Serathin praised, the compliment sending a shiver of pure delight down the hyena's spine. "As a reward to both of you I'm going to give you your new form with Teryx's cock."

The hyena gasped loudly as the tip of one of the two rubber members standing straight out from the groin of the other male began to slide inside of his tailhole. His body soaked in the tainted seed being fed to him as the creature seemed to penetrate him not only physically but mentally as well, feeling his thoughts being twisted so that they focused purely on the one rutting him. His mind and body were so soaked in corruptive pleasure Sparx didn't even notice the dark purple and blue rubber assimilating his fur, covering him completely until it looked like he was in a latex bodysuit complete with mask molded in the image of his master.

Once Serathin was done creating his first convert he pulled back, taking a second to admire his handiwork. To anyone else Spark looked like some sort of gimp, which even as he watched shifted with growth to get a more muscular state, with a mask modeled after the sabrewolf, complete with teeth as markings similar to the rain dragon appeared on his body along with the mane of synthetic fur. "This is the form in which you are to serve me at all times," Serathin explained to his newest acolyte. "While you are out in public you will be able to retract to your former self, though I still expect you to address me properly while we're out, but when you are alone with me or with the others that I will soon convert to join you I expect you to show me your new true self."

"Yes Master Serathin," the enthralled Sparx said quickly, bowing low after standing up. "Is there anything you wish for me to do now?"

The once forgotten god let out a sigh of satisfaction as a grin crossed over his muzzle. "We're going to have to see about meeting with that one that had enough money to send you here on the first place," he stated before reaching down and grabbing the smooth ebon rod between his legs. "But first I do believe you've only used your body on one of my shafts, I think before we leave you're going to show the other one a bit of pleasure too..."