Confession for the Clueless

Story by GreenItzli on SoFurry

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When simply telling someone how you feel just isn't good enough for getting the point across.

Two classmates at a magic academy, one tiefling and the other lizardfolk, find themselves unsure of how to further their relationship. When simply telling someone how you feel just isn't good enough for getting your point across, sharp teeth make a crucial assist

Ice cream was a rare luxury in most places. Fresh milk, sugar, cream, and assorted fruits and other confectioneries on hand to carefully simmer and mix and eventually chill and keep chilled. Any single one of those things would be enough of a luxury in your average town but in a massive city overflowing with magic and psionics in even amounts in support of an academy that teaches magic and psionics, such exotic luxuries were common enough as to be served in an affordable hangout for those students.

It was the perfect place and the perfect treat for use in an overly complicated plan by one lizardfolk lad trying to admit his feelings for one tiefling lass.

So as Vylesh happily accepted a scoop of chocolate and cherries, Eztli took her distraction to admire her. He thought he was being tricked when the petite purple tiefling was assigned to his dorm. Well, petite only in height. She still had more than ample curves. All of it framed by long flowing orange hair and topped by curling horns.

And she was going to be spending the year as his dorm mate.

This was a delicate situation that required the utmost caution. Which had so far manifested as Eztli completely failing to make his feelings for her known, and Vylesh interpreting absolutely everything as purely friendly in nature.

The tall, black scaled lizardfolk licked at his own blueberry ice cream and narrowed his silver eyes as he thought over how all attempts had failed horribly so far.

Hey Vylesh want to get lunch together? All of our other friends are busy but that doesn't mean we can't spend some time together. Why sure Eztli, it sure is nice not having to be alone anymore. You're a great friend.

He thought at first that meant she only saw him as a friend, and he was prepared to be fine with that and yet...he had the overwhelming feeling she simply had no idea he had been trying to ask her on a date.

Staying up late together and studying many a night had let him get to know her quite well. She was from a remote corner of the world, sequestered in a woodland mansion with no company but her mother and the woodland critters she would befriend as a druid. That and your standard issue prejudiced townsfolk who looked down on anyone with fiendish blood in their veins.

Coming to a city of millions after being so sheltered her whole life had been a shock, to say the least. Not as many care about a bit of fiendish blood when actual fiends walk the streets. And in some cases serve ice cream.

The psionic lizardfolk telekinetically tossed a few coins to the frost fiend as Vylesh smiled happily while joining him at his side. He had asked the fiend before why exactly she had opened up an ice cream parlour, to which she responded that there was little more foul in this world or any other than tooth decay. And also she was in league with the local healer who specialized in curing said tooth decay. A secret to which Eztli shrugged off, as he had the benefit of infinitely regrowing teeth.

"Should we eat here or take a walk and eat?" Vylesh asked as Eztli was broken from his thoughts.

His turquoise crest twitched a bit as he mentally reaffirmed his plan. "Walk and talk. And eat. We spend enough time sitting in classrooms or sitting in the library, let's see the city!" He said as he walked her to the door, opening it for her.

See, in between studying and classes, they found themselves on life and death adventures a bit too regularly. It honestly just reinforced that she was a sweet and all too pure soul who cared deeply for her friends. An attractive girl can catch your eye, but it means nothing if her personality can't match.

And dammit she had it all. Her looks were downright distracting at times and after spending time with her and parting he felt himself immediately missing her company. Missing her wonder at a wider world and her drive to make it better. Even if she kept expecting others to look down on her and revile her.

So that's how he came to his plan. He had to make it crystal clear that he was interested in her. That he wanted her. Attempts at subtlety had failed. In his drive to take things slow and not screw things up, he had let this sweet tiefling keep believing that someone wanting to be friends with her was unlikely enough while wanting to be more than friends remained an impossible dream.

Vylesh, meanwhile, was just happy that Eztli was nice enough to take pity on her.

The first time he got her ice cream was after a sparring match. A sparring match which he won with little contest and that left her so weak that she couldn't walk afterwards. A sparring match that she lost so badly that Eztli had to think of her as completely pathetic. So much so that he had no choice but to carry her to get ice cream while she regained her strength.

Which just meant that she had to prove herself on adventures even harder. To study with him to show that she was trying to get better. To see more of the city with him so that she could be a bit more "worldly".

She focused on her ice cream while sneaking glances at the city. If she didn't gawk and stare all the time then it wouldn't be as obvious how sheltered she was. He might only be here with her because he felt obligated, but maybe if he felt a little less...obligated, he would finally be honest about how he really felt and she wouldn't have to keep fooling herself into thinking people were caring about her and not just worried about the fiend girl.

"Hey Vylesh, I had been meaning to parents were having another diplomatic ball and of course I'm invited." He said deciding to get right to it while they walked. "I can bring someone with me and I want that person to be you." He stated as plainly as he could.

Vylesh somehow found a way to almost choke on her ice cream before she could respond. "O-oh! N-no that's fine! I don't know too much about diplomacy and politics and I would hate to get in the way!" It was the absolute last thing she needed. An opportunity to show yet another thing she couldn't handle? Never.

Eztli quickly hid a sigh before pressing onward with the attempt. "Really its nothing to be concerned about. The politics is all on my parents, we get to just enjoy the food, drink, and entertainment! Just a nice date for us." He said as he directed his eyes towards her while he kept walking and studying her to see how she was taking this.

"N-No its fine! I really prefer adventuring parties anyway!" She said with a laugh while missing the last sentence he spoke. Instead she was caught up in imagining herself at a fancy party. All those high society people to judge her every social misstep? Never.

The idea that he could be asking her on a date was completely failing to register. This was simply a friend...or rather someone taking pity on her, taking further pity. He was simply being polite is what she told herself as she focused on eating more of her ice cream. Eztli taking interest in her? Impossible...even as a part of her mind dared to dream of such impossible things.

Eztli's eyes focused in as he looked down to the tiefling, noting how she was blushing and clearly nervous. He was one of 20 children born to 5 mothers and one father. Most of his siblings were a completely different species to him through the miracle of magic. It was a household where one had to get quite adept at reading faces.

It suddenly clicked for him.

This wasn't her only wanting to be friends, this was her believing he only saw her as a friend. This was her doubting herself when he knew what a wonderful woman she was. This was her nervously laughing off a situation rather than take a chance and possibly misread it.

Really this was his own fault for not being clear with how much he wanted her.

Well, that settled that. Eztli had been saving this as a last resort but he had run out of options. She left him no choice but to make sure there wasn't a single doubt left in her head.

Time to take command of the situation.

"Oh no..."

Eztli quietly lamented as his ice cream cone "fell" to the sidewalks of the city thanks to a little telekinetic push. Vylesh looked on, giving a sympathetic smile now that her thoughts could focus on something else.

"Y-you know I wouldn't mind sharing the rest of mine..." Vylesh shyly said. Eztli had been so nice to her, and he was a good friend. Or at least nice enough to pretend to be her friend. It only felt right.

"Are you sure? I did get that for you..." He said tilting his head at her.

"O-of course! I'd hate for you to not have something yummy to eat!" She said with a happy smile.

Eztli's eye studied her as he gave a grin, reaching out a hand to rest on hers as she held the ice cream to elicit a blush from the tiefling. "Well, if you insist." He said with a wry grin, flicking out his long forked tongue to give a lick.

Vylesh caught herself staring as his tongue coiled around the ice cream, and she could swear she caught him winking at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as she felt herself blushing. "Don't you want anymore?"

Her voice caught in her throat as she gave a meek nod and a small lick while desperately avoiding his eyes that seemed to be staring right through her. She felt the scales of his fingers against her own smooth skin.

They were cool, not like the warmth of skin. And yet it was still...comforting. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind as she ate the ice cream still. Though from the cool feeling of his scales, and the icey treat she somehow found herself getting warmer. Warmer and-

"I thought you said I could have some as well?" Eztli lightly teased as he gave a toothy grin while pointing out how all of the ice cream had disappeared.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention and it tasted so good and I- Oh!" She was caught off guard and the air taken from her lungs as he took a hold of her hand and pulled her into a nearby alleyway.

"I suppose I'll just have to find something else sweet to eat." He said while flicking out his tongue, this time he was close enough that she could feel it tickling the corner of her mouth.

"Eztli! I didn't mean to and...this is just so inappropriate..." She said while she avoided his eyes. Avoided having to admit that as terrified as she was, she was also excited. Eyes that bored right through her, but focused solely on her with a longing she had never felt before. Claws that could tear her apart but were lightly pressing into the delicate skin of her arm just enough for her to feel a delightful sting. And teeth that by all rights should make her want to flee in terror, but only made her want to feel them pressing into her. Claiming her...

Her thoughts were broken as she felt herself lose control of her arms as they were pinned above her head by some invisible force as Eztli hovered close to her face. She turned away from his intense gaze, trying to break free of the force holding her in place but found herself only helplessly struggling while she felt his breath on her neck. A slight whimper escaped her lips as she felt his forked tongue slowly drag across her neck.

"Hmmm, even sweeter than ice cream." He said in a low growl.

Vylesh weakly protested. "E-Eztli! Someone will see us!" The main street wasn't too far off and just one passerby bothering to look down this alley would see her in a very compromising situation. His clawed hand on her chin, turning her to face him broke this thought.

"Well, if you're so worried about someone seeing, you know I can fix that." He said and the last thing she saw was a toothy grin before a familiar bubble of Darkness overtook her.

He was adept at manipulating the shadows themselves, and had more than once used this to everyone's advantage to hide them in a Darkness so strong that not even those with regular darkvision could see through it.

She felt one clawed hand lightly press into her jaw, lifting lightly before she felt teeth lightly graze her neck. Her breath sped up, knowing that while no one could see her there were still so many people just a short way away. But she could see nothing, only hear the sounds of a busy street and her own panting, and of course teeth and claws teasing her skin.

Finally, she felt another claw tear at her dress. She tried to protest but her words were overtaken by a gasp as she felt teeth press lightly into her shoulder.

"Ah ah, you won't be needing this anymore." Eztli spoke into her mind, as deft claws darting down her side made short work of her dress before it fell to the ground. His claws rested on her thigh for a moment, lightly pressing in to let her feel that delightful sting that reminded her she was completely under his control. Her breath sped up even more as she felt those wonderful claws start to trace up her thigh.

Some pesky dark purple undergarments were the only things in his way now as she trembled, and not even she knew if it was fear or anticipation. Though her face flushed as she started to think that it could be both. Eztli's hand on her jaw moved a clawed finger over to gently rest on her lips.

"No one should be able to see us unless they can see through enhanced darkness, but everyone can still hear us." He spoke again directly into her mind as he bit into her shoulder to test her. She gave a small yelp as her tail thrashed about before biting her bottom lip as his claw pressed into her top lip in a warning.

His claw on her thigh had been sitting agonizingly still, but at the yelp he began to trace it along the edge of her panties. Eztli let out a low growl as his teeth pressed more into her shoulder, and with a few precise slashes of his claw he was catching her panties as they fell off of her.

"Since you're such a bad girl and can't listen to orders, you won't be needing these anymore." He said while pocketing his dark purple trophy before his claw went back to her side. Her tail tried to trash around in protest, but was caught by his own tail entangling it. She tried to close her legs as a last line of defense, but he was too quick in digging his claws into her hip to catch her off guard. For her part, she didn't yelp that time while her eyes shot open. But it did give him just enough time to place himself between her legs and press her into the alley walls as his claws remained in her and drew small beads of blood.

He released her from his bite. "You know, I can stop any time you want." He whispered into her ear while flicking out his tongue against her earlobe. Though she couldn't see a thing, her eyes still darted over to where she could hear passersby. His claw on her lip still kept her quiet as her mind was given a moment to race at light speed. This was all so new to her. He was her friend, and until today she was certain that he was just a friend. That he would never see her in such a way. A part of her was still trying to convince herself of that. Despite having her nearly naked in an alleyway. Despite his and her tails being entwined. Despite his tongue slowly dragging along her neck. Despite him pressing himself against her right now. Despite the growing hardness she was feeling in his pants. Despite the claws still drawing just the slightest amount of blood from her thigh.

She was completely at his mercy and by all rights she should be terrified. And yet...

"I can stop, though that doesn't mean I want to. Because what I really want is you, my tasty little treat." He said before flicking his forked tongue against her neck again as her thoughts came to a screeching halt while her heart skipped a beat. This was all too new to her, she knew nothing about any of this. But what felt so right to her was that he wanted her. The realization hit that he was taking her now, making her his. Claws drawing beads of blood on her outer thigh was Eztli marking what was his.

"Don't...don't stop..." She barely managed to say before she felt a nibble at her neck, and scaly lips pressing into that spot. "That's a good girl." He growled out as the invisible force holding her hands above her head seemed to tighten. Vylesh found her lips couldn't help but curve into a small smile and felt blood rush to her cheeks as he praised her. Though as he stopped pressing himself in between her legs she let out an involuntary, barely audible whine. A pointed claw to her lips was enough to keep her quiet.

"That's it, be a good girl and keep quiet. Because good girls get rewarded." He spoke into her mind again as he began to kiss and lick his way down her neck and shoulder, and eventually down her chest while his hands rested on her hips. One hand left her jaw and the other removed from her thigh as his claws made short work of her bra. The lacey fabric fell to the ground as Vylesh now felt completely exposed, even in the complete darkness. A part of her lamented her shredded clothes, but the thought was quickly overtaken by the feeling of Eztli's lips making their way down to her breasts.

Just as she felt his tongue flick between the valley of her breasts and the involuntary rise of her chest to meet his tongue, he pulled away. She softly pouted in the darkness for a moment as she felt a hand leave her hip, only for it be replaced behind her head as she felt his scaly lips press into her own. The surprise only lasted a moment before she found herself lightly moaning into the kiss. Eztli's tongue prodded against her lips, and Vylesh parted them in return. A few days ago she knew nothing of this sort of thing and yet here she was naked in an alley, telekinetically bound, and his long tongue now exploring her mouth. His forked tongue flicked against and coiled around her own terribly inexperienced tongue as she lost herself in the kiss. His tongue and her tail wrapped around her own, she felt as though she was all the more his. He was far from done though, as he pulled away from the kiss as her mouth was left open and silently begging for more attention.

His own dark vision let him see her pleading, desperate look for more. He rewarded her with a kiss to her forehead. "You know, I've been wanting to do that ever since I first saw you." Eztli said in a low voice as he removed his hand from behind her head, placing it back on her hip as he moved to nip at her collarbone.

"Then I got to know you, and found you just as beautiful on the inside as you were on the outside. And I decided that I wanted that sweet little tiefling all to myself." His lips kissed lower and lower, returning to the valley between her breasts as he began to lick around them agonizingly slow.

Vylesh's mind was on fire. From the sensations. From his words. To be wanted, needed so badly. "Then take me." The words came as a surprise even to herself as they slipped from her mouth. And in the darkness, Eztli smiled.

"Normally, I would have to punish you for making such demands out of turn. But, since you've been good..." He teased as he brought up a hand to delicately trace circles around her right breast with his claw as his forked tongue flicked out against her left nipple. Vylesh bit her lip to stifle a moan as she felt her nipples harden at the sensation while her tail still tried to thrash about in excitement, still finding itself held in place by his own tail.

It was a small thing, but it was another way for him to keep her in place. To remind her she was his right now...but what about later? Would she still be his then or was he only satisfying a temporary hunger now...

As he was so adept at doing, he once again broke her thoughts as he took her nipple into his mouth while gently taking her other nipple between his claws. She sharply inhaled at the dual sensation of his lips and tongue gently tasting her as his claws began to press in more and more on her other nipple. Eztli's claws relented as he gently sucked at her left nipple, while cool scaly fingers took her right and gently squeezed and twisted. Vylesh swore that if anyone could see in here, they would see the normally light purple tiefling instead be a thoroughly flushed burgundy.

She bit down hard on her lip when she felt his claws press into her hardened nub again, and she could swear they were drawing blood as she tasted the blood of her own lip. And like the pain of when he had sunk his teeth into her shoulder, and the other nips along her skin, she was caught off guard by how this pain felt so....good. When he withdrew his claws to instead lick at her hard purple nub with his tongue the feeling was a delightfully sweet sting of pain and pleasure and fear and comfort all rolled into one. He could tear into her, devour her, at any time. Instead, he was making her his. After a lifetime of barely knowing another soul, of being alone with none to care for her she had someone to want her so much as to claim her and make her feel like this.

Eztli, for his part, was savoring the sweet saltiness of her flesh mixing with the hints of iron he tasted in her blood. He carefully licked at the tiny pinpricks he made on her nipple, the notch on his forked tongue catching on the nub before slowly running its entire length over the light wound. A light mark to let her remember this occasion, that she would feel for days to come with every shift against fabric. He wanted her. He needed her. And he had to make her feel that. Had to claim her. He was not so much a man of words, but of actions.

So he lightly sucked at her nipple as he placed his hands on her hips once more, before starting to kiss his way down her belly as he heard her breath faster. Anticipation and fear swirled in her mind. She was a druid. She knew the basics of biology. None of this had been something she knew anything about until a few days ago when she found...those books. This felt so good but, his teeth were awfully sharp, and he was getting awfully low...

Eztli sensed her fear as her legs stiffened and her belly tensed up against his kisses and licking. She couldn't see him, but he looked up to her still to see a slight look of fear on her face. As much as it excited him, he had to do this the right way.

"This is all new to you, isn't it?" He asked.

" that a bad thing?" She asked, suddenly the most self conscious she had ever been in her life. She couldn't see a thing in this darkness but her eyes still darted around as she could just feel him staring into her soul.

"No, not at all. Just makes this more fun." He said with a short chuckle. "But I do need you to be a good girl, and trust me. Alright?" He said turning serious for a moment, shortly before flicking his tongue against her belly to ease the tension a bit.

Vylesh squirmed and gave a slight squeak at the tickle of his forked tongue against her belly. "I-I do..." She said, hearing a low growl in response that sent a shiver down her spine that radiated to her core.

Eztli gave a toothy grin as he gave a thought, and Vylesh's bound hands above her head dragged her up. She yelped slightly before she bit her lip again, and Eztli took the opportunity to kneel between her legs and lower her thighs onto his shoulders. He heard Vylesh's breathing speed up in both fear and anticipation.

Vylesh's mind was swimming still by how fast everything was happening, until she felt his warm breath against her womanhood. She imagined she must have been a bright magenta by this point. "W-wait what are you- Ah!"

She bit down hard on her lip to suppress a moan as she felt his long tongue flick out against her clit for a brief moment, before taking advantage of his forked tongue to run each tip along the edges of her entrance. He could tell she was excited, and took the opportunity to run his tongue along each side of her entrance to savor every drop of her excitement. He brought his hands up to wrap his claws around her delicate thighs, holding her in his grasp with his claws lightly pressing into her skin to remind her not to squirm too much

Though she still tried her best to do so, especially when she had to bite down so hard to suppress her moans. Eztli's claws dug in a bit more into her thighs, blood beading around them as he finally slowly ran his tongue along her slit as agonizingly slowly as he could. Vylesh broke a bit as a small cry escaped her throat and she futilely twisted against her telekinetic restraints. It was unlike anything she had ever felt or expected before. Her biology textbooks had taught her nothing of such intimate acts. Nothing of the euphoria from his tongue lapping at her folds that was forcing her body to respond in ways that felt like she had completely lost all control.

He relented for a moment, and her hips responded by moving against his tongue. Against his claws on her thighs, pressing in and providing a delightful sting. It didn't matter, she needed to feel that sensation again even at the cost of the claws keeping a grip on her thighs. She heard a low chuckle as Eztli smiled and lashed his tongue across her sex with increased hunger and urgency, enjoying her reactions far too much.

Eztli's claws gently raked across her thighs as he started to dip his tongue inside of her, revelling in the sounds of Vylesh whimpering as she tried her best to contain her light gasps and squeals. Eztli withdrew his tongue for a moment to give another slow lick, ending with the notch of his forked tongue catching on her clit for a moment.

He spoke into her mind again. "Careful, I think someone glanced over this way. Be glad that a bit of darkness in an alleyway doesn't really raise any concerns. But do enjoy yourself, my dear." He teased her before his tongue dove back into her dripping sex, meeting resistance as it entered her tight virgin hole.

Vylesh responded by quietly gasping for breath as much as she thought she could get away with. Even as she felt herself held up by that invisible force, she bucked against his hungry licks as she stifled her own moans. His claws continued to rake along her thighs, matching it with faster licks and dipping his tongue deeper into her folds, meeting that resistance he was going to relish breaking soon. She felt her tail finally released from his own tail's grasp as it darted about shortly before wrapping itself around his leg and squeezing hard to spur him on while an unfamiliar pressure built in the pit of her stomach.

Eztli's ravenous feasting on her delicate womanhood coupled with claws digging into her flesh was driving her close to her first release. Her mind was overwhelmed feeling his tongue swirl against her inner walls and her hips moved even more desperately against him as her arms still helplessly struggled against her psionic restraints.

"E-Eztli I f-feel someth- I-I can't take-" She felt her body begin to shudder as her back arched into his face. Suddenly her restraints were dropped, an arm quickly pulling him closer into her as her hand gripped his crest.

"Cover your mouth." Eztli commanded before sinking his tongue into her, his licks unrelenting as Vylesh felt the pressure in her stomach drop, pent up desire erupting on his face and covering it in her juices as a wave of pleasured surged through her petite form. Her moans were only just contained as her hand clamped over her mouth while she wriggled and squirmed against his unrelenting tongue. Eztli reveled in the feel of her hand gripping his crest and the oh so delicious joy of making Vylesh melt in his hands.

He ran his tongue over her in one final agonizingly slow lick before pulling back slightly to lick at where he had drawn blood on her thighs. The slight sting only barely registered with Vylesh whose mind was still a fog. Eztli lifted her up and off of his shoulders, her tail reluctantly letting go of his leg, setting her down and holding onto her as she wobbled on her feet. The alley wall served as support for her as she recovered in the darkness.

His light kiss on her cheek caught her off guard, and though she couldn't see him she could feel the presence of the tall lizardfolk looming over her. Sizing her up.

"I...I never thought it would feel that way...or that you could use your tongue like that..." She whispered before hiding her face in her hands bashfully while still panting and catching her breath. The sound of Eztli unbuttoning his pants caught her attention as her thoughts began to race again.

Eztli took her hand and the thoughts stopped. "Turn around, bend forward, and put your hands on the wall. Now." He commanded in a low voice, licking his lips and tasting her juices as he gazed at her with a wild lustful look in his eyes.

Vylesh gulped, his hand squeezing hers gently before releasing it. She couldn't help but miss his touch already as he did so, but a growing need and his commanding tone had her quickly obey his order with a silent nod. The wall was cool and coarse on her hands as she bent over to plant them firmly upon it. Shivers made their way down her spine as she somehow found a way to feel even more self-conscious.

She imagined herself to look rather silly like this, and couldn't help but feel she was doing something wrong. Or at least more wrong than having her very first time be in an alleyway hidden in Darkness. Perhaps he would find this display too foolish, she thought to herself. Perhaps he would simply leave her here-

"Mmmm, such a beautiful sight." Eztli lightly whispered before licking along his teeth hungrily, dissolving her fears but sending another rush of blood to Vylesh's face in the process. He quickly finished kicking off his pants and boots while admiring the sight of the tiefling presenting herself to him, that she was trembling made her all the more appealing. Because in spite of the fear and hesitation, the sight of her glistening folds and juices already dripping down her thigh let him know how much she wanted this. His hand found its way to her rump, grabbing a handful and kneading roughly as Vylesh froze up.

"I told you to trust me, remember? I promise I'll make you feel as good as you deserve to feel, but you need to trust me. Understood?" He said, speaking into her mind again in a firm and reassuring tone while his other hand lifted up her tail to get the best view of her.

Vylesh could swear that she was going to die of embarrassment as she felt her tail lifted while his scaly hands kneaded her bottom. Darkness still prevented her from seeing a single thing but she kept her eyes focused on what she imagined to be the ground as she gulped hard. All she managed to squeak out was a quick "Y-yes sir!"

She wasn't sure why she called him that, but with how he kept commanding her and how whenever he did so she felt herself melt a little bit it just seemed right. Eztli bared a sharp, toothy grin at being called this. Both of his shafts twitched and got somehow harder than they had already been at hearing her call him that.

Were it not for the fact that he had to keep them both quiet, he would have responded by being as unrelenting as possible. Alas, that would have to wait for next time. Instead, as he roughly grabbed handfuls of purple flesh and spread her to get a look at his target, he resolved to make this extra memorable.

He held her tail tight in his grasp, lightly rubbing at it with a thumb which he found elicited more shivers from her. On a whim he pulled at her tail lightly, grinning as she bit her lip and gave a little jump. He made a mental note of this while a dozen mischievous ideas flashed through his head. His other hand got in a final squeeze of her soft flesh before lightly raking across her behind. Just enough to leave red marks, not enough to break the skin. That was for later. His own breathing quickened as he felt thrilled at the idea of leaving his mark on such a delectable work of art.

He glanced over to the entrance of the alley, and seeing no one decided to take a bit of a risk. He brought his hand back a ways before giving a hard slap to her bottom. Scales on flesh made a sound loud enough for passersby to hear, though if any did they ignored it as something beneath notice in the city of doors. Vylesh, caught completely off guard, gave a small hop and yelp at the sudden stinging sensation. Her hands remained on the wall as her hop caused him to pull on her tail again, another slightly painful sensation that mixed with her stinging rump. She drew her legs together, crossing them as she stood while he held her tail still and she waited for the sting to subside.

She was not prepared for the rush of adrenaline mixing with the euphoria that followed the sting. Her heart was thumping in her chest and before she could think about such confusing sensations she felt him lightly nudge her legs open with his knee. The heat in her face and sex were nearly unbearable as she was once again fully exposed. Eztli leaned forward, holding her in his arms as his top shaft rubbed against her glistening slit. A clawed hand cupped her breast as another arm went around her belly and he growled in her ear, making her spine tingle.

"I'm going to take both." He said before flicking his forked tongue against her ear and releasing her from his embrace, righting himself as he took both members in his hand and raised her tail once again. "Ready?"

"Y-yes...please take me...sir..." She panted out in a desperate need for him to fill her, to connect to her and make her all his. To be wanted and needed. To have someone desire her so, and take what they wanted. To be the one someone wanted. Her breath sped up, and as he rubbed one then two heads at the entrance to dripping sex she had a sudden realization of what he meant by 'both'.

Her mind flashed with panic as her eyes went wide. "W-wait...both?" She only had an instant to pant that out as she felt him press the upper head against her pucker and the lower into her womanhood. Fear gripped her as her tail attempted to thrash about in protest, only to find itself still in his firm grasp. She bit down on her lip as she felt him slowly start to press into her, and nearly screamed as she felt him break past her maidenhood.

Eztli grit his teeth as he felt himself claim her virginity, and his twin lengths inch by inch stretch out her walls to fit his girth. It was now a challenge for himself as well to not cry out as she gripped him like a vice. He rested a hand on her hip, digging his claws in slightly to steady himself and her as her legs shook at his invading members.

"Be a good girl, and relax for me." He grunted through gritted teeth before remembering to use telepathy. "If you don't relax, this is going to hurt a lot more." He said while holding himself still in her and raking his claws down her side.

Vylesh tasted blood from her lip once more, nodding in response as she steadied her breathing. She focused on his claws raking along her side, the light stinging sensation serving as a distraction from the painful adjusting to Eztli's size. She took a few deep breaths, relaxing herself and arching her back to push her rear into him more. That this pushed him further in elicited a muffled moan out of her and had her tail coiling around his arm. Her own reaction came as a shock once more, as the pain gave her a rush she was unused to.

That overwhelming sensation followed by euphoria washing over her, made all the more intense as she had no sense of sight to distract her. She kept up her deep breaths as she felt him pushing further in, and felt a bit of pride at the groan she heard from him.

That was her doing, she made him feel that. He had her almost literally under her thumb, making her feel things she never even dreamed of and losing herself in pain and pleasure. And she could still make him lose himself in the moment.

"Keep going...sir." Vylesh panted out as she still adjusted to his shafts stretching out her holes.

Eztli's grin spread until every tooth was visible. "Ah ah, you're gonna have to beg for it."

She gave a sharp inhale before a long exhale, trying to keep calm as she still felt herself being stretched and trying to adjust to him. "I-....p-please keep going, sir."

"That's a good girl." He said and with one final push into her, found himself buried to the hilts inside her. "See? All in. I knew you could take them." He praised her as he lightly patted her behind.

Vylesh couldn't help but let an overly pleased grin spread across her lips as she felt her own lust for more rise. Her tail was firmly wrapped around his arm as she moved on instinct and ground herself back against him, feeling his thick members stretch her out.

Not one to disappoint, Eztli gripped her tail and pulled her back into him as she once again stifled a moan by biting harder at her lip. "Well, since you just can't get enough..." He teased before starting to slowly withdraw himself from her tight depths.

Vylesh was confused for a moment and gave a slight whine as she felt him withdraw after promising more. She felt her tight holes grip at him as he withdrew until only the heads remained in her. He let her adjust for a moment before starting to plunge himself back into her, faster this time as he let out another groan at how tight her walls were gripping him. From this he built a slow steady rhythm of slowly withdrawing from her before plunging back into her to the hilts.

As he pumped in and out of the pain was slowly being matched by the divine sensation of his members rubbing against the sensitive velvet of her womanhood and the tight walls of her rear. Her own nails scratched at the alley wall as her mind was overwhelmed with a potent mixture of pain and pleasure, his members rubbing against all the right spots and the intense feeling of fullness at her body trying to adjust to his massive size. His claws digging into her hip and keeping her in place, pulling at her tail when he would make a very deep stroke and make her eyes bulge while struggling to contain her whimpers and moans. The barely contained groans escaping from gritted teeth. It was already too much and she felt her legs shaking and starting to falter.

Just as they were about to give out she felt him lean into her and move his hand from her hip to around her waist to hold her up. He nipped at her ear and growled "Not yet."

He held her still as he started thrusting in and out of her once more, the only thing keeping him from going faster being the worry someone would hear scales against flesh. Vylesh found herself slowly adjusting as she lost herself completely in the sensations, moving her hips into his thrusts to feel as much of him in her as possible. To feel him touch every bit of her insides. To feel his scaly chest against her back and his arm around her waist holding her up after her legs had gone out and her arms weakly kept her propped against the wall. To be held in place as he sped up his increasingly desperate quickened thrusts, grunting in her ear and no longer withdrawing almost all the way out of her before a thrust. He needed to feel her and he couldn't hold back enough for slow thrusts now.

Eztli detangled his left arm from her tail to wrap around her chest, grabbing and kneading at a handful of her full breasts. Vylesh felt fully connected with him as his twin shafts plunged in and out of her with long and deep strokes, and as much of his scales in contact with her skin as possible. Her tail wrapped around his waist to pull him closer to her, and his own tail wrapped around one of her legs in response.

Vylesh felt that pressure from before begin to build in her stomach as her breath sped up. A gasp of air escaped and Eztli could feel she was close as her legs started to tremble. With barely contained pleasure she whimpered out "E-Eztli I-" before his hand darted from kneading her breast to clamping down over her mouth.

His thrusts sped up as he tried to get as deep into her with each stroke, feeling himself getting close and gritting his teeth while trying to feel every last bit of her vice like grip before his release. "That's it, let go. I-...I can't last much longer." He barely remembered to speak into her mind to keep some semblance of quiet. "Let go with me, NOW!" He let out a low groan as he grit his teeth so hard he thought they might break, plunging into her tight rear and velvety womanhood with one final desperate thrust.

Vylesh finally lost control and let out a long and low moan into his large hand clamped down over her mouth. She convulsed and squirmed in his arms, hanging in his embrace as she felt his thick warm seed shooting into her and filling her rear and womanhood. The sensation of his pulsing shafts filling her up with his milky fluid. She felt the pressure in her stomach release like a dam breaking and wash over her, her juices spraying out over his lower mass while her tight walls contracted around his manhoods. Clenching and milking him as she climaxed.

Eztli panted heavily, sucking in air through his teeth as he felt the last pulse of his seed spill into her before taking a deep breath. He held her close in his arms for a moment, tail wrapped around her leg, enjoying the closeness as they both recovered. Another moment passed and with a firm grip on her he looked around and spied a nook of the alley where they would be better hidden.

Reluctantly, he withdrew himself from her slowly. Savoring the last of her depths gripping his members as the heads popped out. Vylesh protested with a soft whine as she felt his tail uncoil from her leg before she was carried somewhere. Decency would have normally caused panic but instead she was still basking in the afterglow.

Eztli walked them over as his tail made sure to grab his discarded pack. Pants and boots would have to be retrieved later. For now, he walked them over to the small nook and set them down gently with Vylesh in his lap. He reached over and pulled a blanket from his pack, throwing it over them as he dismissed the Darkness.

Vylesh recoiled a bit from the sudden return of light, and from the momentary panic at no longer being hidden in the shadows before realizing they were more hidden here. She breathed a sigh of relief, leaning her head back against him while being mindful of her horns.

"T-that was incredible..." She said with a mischievous grin, her hair all a mess, her body covered in sweat, and the feeling of his seed and her own juices mixed with the blood of her maidenhood running down her leg.

"Yeah, you are pretty incredible." He slyly replied while finding her tail with his own before quickly entangling them once again.

As she sat snuggled against him, his seed leaking from her holes and tails tangled together she somehow managed one final bit of doubt as she furrowed her brow and asked "E-Eztli...does...does this mean you want to be with me? Or...was this something that was just for fun?"

Her thoughts raced. There was no way it could be anything else, right? He was just saying these things, he only wanted her for a time, he just-

Eztli brought a hand up to one of her horns, gripping it as he tilted her head to expose her shoulder. The other hand clamped down over her mouth again as he bit into her shoulder just hard enough to draw blood as Vylesh's eyes went wide and she screamed into his hand. There was a flash of pain shooting through her again as she let out a cry into his hand. What she really didn't expect was that now familiar feeling of euphoria that followed. It felt...good. As did the sweet sting of his tongue running over the bite marks, forked tongue licking at her blood. He withdrew his hand from over her mouth and released her horn, once again wrapping his arms around her.

"There," he plainly stated. "Now you're marked as mine. All mine." He rested his snout on her head between her horns before continuing. "Don't heal them away, because it shows the world someone cares for you greatly and wants you all to themselves."

Vylesh was still slightly in shock from the bite as her mind processed this. He wanted her. He didn't just want her but he claimed her. Marked her as his. Her mind was still reeling from this as she settled into his embrace with a happy smile and a pleasant daze.

They sat there for a time before a thought occurred to her. "Why didn't you drag me into this part of the alley? With less chance of anyone finding us?"

"Not as much fun." He casually answered. "And did you really expect me to wait the few extra seconds to drag you over here when you're so irresistible? Don't be unreasonable, my dear." He teased.

She lightly pouted, but silently admitted to herself that it had been quite thrilling. "And what about my clothes?" She asked.

"Oh, I suppose I'll have to get you some new ones to make it up to you." He teased again with a chuckle. "In the meantime, this blanket should keep you covered on our way back to the dorm."

Her eyes went wide at the thought of having to make her way through the streets wearing nothing but a blanket and she began to protest before Eztli cut her off.

"Don't worry, darling. When we get back, we can have even more fun in the dorm." He said and the sly grin was audible.