the bobcat's dilemma [ part II ]

Story by Cyanideure on SoFurry

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The water sprang out from the faucet and the feline was shaking slightly in anticipation for the comforting warmth of the water in the dead of winter. It would console her for what she did. The faint odor once again made its way to her sensitive nose, making it twitch with a pang of regret. A small tear forms in her eye and begins to fall, but is soon after washed off from the shower water. The feline closes her eyes and steps gingerly to get more into the shower's open arms, getting instantly drenched in the warm caress of the facet. A muffled murr escaped her maw after exposing her body to the pleasant water. The bobcat cleaned herself up to get rid of the stench, went about her business of taking care of the stained sheets by tossing them in the washer, and headed back to bed where she slept soundly until morning came.

Sarah made a measly income from working at the local computer and appliance store as a cashier. It wasn't anything astounding and didn't pay all of that greatly, but it was a summer job that helped her fund her college career. As sad as it was, she absolutely needed this job to get by or else her school loans would consume her. The young feline awoke from a blaring alarm, yelling its time of 5:45 at her. At least on a positive note she would get out early enough to still have plans for the night. An early 6:30 AM shift hung above her head as she made herself get up and get into that dreaded uniform. It was simple, but simple enough that it lacked the individual taste that she so liked. It was a simple green polo with the lame company name and a silly little pocket. The pants were just a simple pair of white slacks to make this even blander to her. Sarah made a sour face in the mirror after finishing getting changed into the days' clothes. A quick breakfast of a cup of coffee on the go and a doughnut was enough to satisfy her stomach as far as breakfast was concerned.

Luckily, her assistant manager was extremely kind and let her keep pretty much any food or drink behind the counter that she worked, so no problem if she didn't finish in time. The store was extremely slow for the opening hours, but this relived the bobcat, for she felt like customers had a knack for purposely driving her crazy with silly questions and rude behavior. The feline worked her shift for a few hours until her lunch break and went to the local pizzeria for a quick sandwich and drink to grab to bring back to work. She felt the urge to go to the bathroom on the way back to work from her break, and even though she took a little bit more time getting her food, she was sure she would be fine. She confirmed it to herself and stepped in the door to see a hefty line formed behind one of the registers. Her manager was in at this point, which resulted in a heavy sigh from the now distraught bobcat. Henry was a jerk to everyone and was one of those individuals that would always be. She wiggled her whiskers, only to be greeted by her hot-headed manager staring her down. The lion gave a hasty point at his watch and then pointed to her register.

Sarah rushed off to her register, not wanting to be fired for only being a few minutes later from lunch. A half an hour went by and there was still no sign of the line diminishing. The young bobcat shifted uneasily in place, bobbing up and down slightly at her post. She had to go kind of badly at this point, but the line seemed to be constant. A realization of the 2-hour sales event today hit her along with a panic that she needed to sneak off to use the restroom. A drop of sweat wet her forehead as she rang the next customer up, looking to the other active register and then back to her own. She contemplated making a run for it, a break to the restroom and then back, but she felt her boss's eyes beating down on her every move. The coffee and drink from lunch really began to take their toll on her poor body. A surmounting pressure on her bladder made her cringe as she rang up a customer's headphones, almost making her drop the item. Just then, a wave of pressure hit her aching bladder. The panic in her grew as she felt a drop begin to dampen her panties. She was sure that the baby blue pair she was wearing was now darkening beneath her work pants.

She gave an uneasy forced smile to the customer as a longer spurt slipped its way out of her. The warm pee tickled her leg fur all the way down her right leg, until being absorbed into her sock. Under her breath, a whimper escaped as the next customer moved their way to the register to make their purchase. The middle aged hyena gave the bobcat a hesitant look, noting that something seemed wrong with her.

With a bit of concern, before placing his printer paper on the counter that he was holding, he inquires, "Are... are you alright?"

Somehow, through a tight forceful grin, Sarah nods slowly, just as she feels her control slipping away. The only fortunate thing however, was that from being behind the counter, the damp patch on her white slacks was hidden. With tears forming in her eyes, she knew she was on the brink of losing it where she stood. A steady stream was now leaving her body as hours of pent up liquid dribbled out of her. The warmth began to spread as she placed the printer into a bag and completed the transaction as if it wasn't happening.

The hyena snatched his bag and left, being replaced by a female fox with an Ethernet cable. It was happening to the poor bobcat, the hissing became louder as her attempt to contain it failed. It rushed out of her small form full force, making an audible hiss that made the fox freeze up with her mouth open. The hiss may have been difficult to pinpoint, had it not been for the obvious smell of pee emanating from the cashier. Sarah closed her eyes tightly and flew her hands to her crotch. There is no way this was happening, this couldn't be real. She closed her eyes tightly, wishing it would turn out to be another dream.