Curiosity in Clothing Part 1: Into The Closet

Story by Zemeo on SoFurry

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#1 of Curiosity in Clothing

Curiosity in Clothing Part 1

Into The Closet

This is my very first story in a planned series, so any criticism would be appreciated. Thank You.

Just a FYI when I say she and am referring to him, I meant that to express the fact that he is now suppose to be a she. K. :)

It was Friday.

The bell rang as Max was running out of his classroom. Max was a beautiful young wolf. He was 14 years old with sort of long bluish hair. Max hit up his locker to put his backpack away. With no homework this weekend and his parents being gone all next week, he couldn't wait to some fun with his friends after school. As he was closing his locker his two friends, Paul and Sam, came around the corner. Max headed towards them giving Sam a high five while Paul just punched him in the shoulder. Sam was Max's best friend since he was 8 and could always count on him for almost anything he needs help with. Max was somewhat weak and Sam would always stick up for him. Sam was a cat, 14 years old and was a little taller than Max with short red hair. Paul, which recently Max wondered why he was his friend anyway (more of Sam's friend if anything), was a fox and was 15 years old. He was taller than them both and had short orange hair. Paul always somewhat picked on Max and was mean to him sometimes for being weak. Max really didn't like it.

As they were walking down the hall, Max told them about his parents being away all week. He invited them to come over later and for the weekend to hang out. Paul and Sam enjoyed the idea and agreed to come over after their football practice. Max was so excited they were coming he smiled at the thought. They talked for a little more until Max saw someone at the end on hall. A female wolf that he had had a crush on ever since he saw her. As Paul and Sam rounded the corner to the gym, Max break off from the pack and headed for her.

"H-hey there Kristie, w-what's up?" Max asked, nervous, talking to the young wolf.

"Oh, hi Max," the spunky, feminine wolf responded. Kristie was very thin wolf, the same age as Max, with long blond hair and longer ears then most wolves.

"S-s-s-so, ummm Kristie?" Max asked nervously. " S-so my parents are gonna be gone this weekend, a-and I was wondering i-i-if you wanted to come over to my place to, ummmm, you know, hang out?"

"Sure, that would be fun," she responded with a smile. "Well, I'll see you Saturday at your place." She turned and walked downed the hall leaving the smiling and relieved wolf behind her.

Max starred at Kristie as she exited the school, psyched about his date this weekend. He thought about it the whole time as he was biking home.

When he got to his house, he opened the door and went right to the kitchen to get some snacks ready for when his friends got there. As he went for the fridge he saw a note on the door. A note from his parents that stated they would be back next Sunday and that his sister would watch him until they got back. He was kind of bummed about having his sister be his babysitter for the week. His sister always made him do all the house work when his parents weren't there.

His sister's name was Lily and was 16 years old. She had short black and red hair and Max always thought that she kind of dressed like a slut. She always wore short skirts and tops that almost covered nothing. She would also wear boots with heels and so much jewelry that he always heard clings from her as she walked.

As he put the note back on the fridge he heard the clinging again. He turned and saw his sister walking downed the stairs into the living room.

"Hey Max I'm going to my friend's house for the weekend. Try not to fucking burn down the house while I'm gone OK?" She grabbed her keys and walked outside to her car not before slamming the door shut.

Max walked to the window as she walked down the driveway to her car. He looked closely at her skirt. It was short, black and frilly. He watched it swing as she walked. When she turned to get into her car Max saw her shirt, also black but also very tight. He looked at the outline of her breasts in that shirt. So round and perfect. He was always interested in what she wore. Very interested. So interested that he starting to get a slight bulge in his pants. He looked down at his pants, and then looked up to see his sister questioningly starring at him through the window, wondering why he was starring at her. He moved out of her view as she pulled out of the driveway.

Once she was gone he got up and sat on the couch. Max continued to think of his sisters clothes. All the ones that she ever wore. The skirts, shirts, tops, jeans, boots, and the occasional dress. He sat there thinking about them. He sat there for a bit thinking until he noticed that slight bulge coming back in his pants. He got up. Walked upstairs. Went down the hall to his sister's room. Opened the door and went to her closet. He opened it to behold all her clothing. He starred at the many tops and skirts hanging there and the many, many shoes on the floor in their boxes. He thought what it would be to wear some of them. He secretly had always thought about it.

He looked at the clock on the bedside table. It would be at least 2 hours before his friends football practice was over and they would be over. It seemed like enough time to him to maybe try some of his sister's clothes on. He took his shirt and pants off and threw them to the ground. He then took his underwear and socks off and threw them to the floor. Standing there in his nudity in his sister's room felt weird. As he walked into the closet he went to her drawer. He opened the top drawer to find her bras and panties in there. He shuffled through some of them and found a nice pair of red cotton panties with black frilly lace around the sides that said BITCH on the back in black letters. He found the matching bra that went with the panties on the other side of the drawer. He took them out and closed the drawer. He placed the bra on his sister's bed as he started putting the panties on. He slowly pulled them up his legs to his hips. He maneuvered his tail to get them all the way on. A perfect fit. The feel on them on his butt and sheath made him shiver a little. He then picked up the bra and put it on. Never having put on a bra before took him a while to put it on. He looked into the mirror in front of her bed. With his long blue hair he sort of looked like a girl with a flat chest. He took his socks off the floor and stuffed them into the bra making him look like he had small breasts. He really looked like a girl now. He went back to her closet and curiously looked through her skirts till he found one he thought looked good.....and that he liked. It was a semi-short pink one that was soft to the touch. He didn't want a very short one to wear; he didn't want to look like a slut, at least not right now. He found a top that was also pink but had the words Slut Puppy on the front and was just small enough to cover his entire chest and get over his fake boobs. He put the skirt on slowly, slipping his tail under the bottom back of the skirt with the front of the skirt stopping just above his knees as he got it all the way on. He then put the top trying to get it over his muzzle. They fit him perfectly. He went to the sock drawer and found some black pantyhose and put them over his long legs. He took a pair of short heel, leather boots and was surprised to find that they fit him. He turned to his sister's jewelry box on the dresser and opened it to reveal earrings, rings and bracelets. He took a pair of hair clips and stuck them in his hair to get it out of his face. He then put a pair of dangling earrings on his ears, trying to snap them on. He saw a collar on the dresser that sort of looked like a doggie one. He put it on around his neck. He looked into the mirror to only see not what he thought was him but a beautiful, young wolf girl. He thought the wolf in the mirror looked gorgeous. He couldn't believe he was looking at himself. He named the girl in the mirror......Amy. Amy smiled at herself and gave a little wink. She spun around in the mirror watching the skirt twirl. She ran her hands down the top of her breasts along her flat stomach to the bottom of her skirt, enjoying the feeling of her clothes. She was so happy she gave a little sexy pose........only to hear a SNAP!

Coming back to reality, Max turned to see that the snap came from Paul's camera phone. Max stopped dead in his boots. He stood there, fully dressed head to toe in girl's clothing, in front of his best friends.

"Wow Max! I can't believe it, you look like a total babe," laughed Paul. "Fucking fag!"

Max's face suddenly flushed red with humiliation and sadness as Paul stood there taking pictures with his phone. He felt like dying.

"Max....w-what are you doing?" asked Sam, curiously examining him.

Max fell to his knees, trying to hold back the tears of embarrassment and what he knew would come.

"Heh, wait till everyone at school sees this shit," chuckled Paul.

These words struck Max in his heart for it was what he dreaded the most at that moment. The whole school would see this.

"PAUL, NO!!!" yelled Sam. "You can't do that; it would ruin his life forever."

"I don't care!" replied Paul.

"PLEASE DON'T!" pleaded Max, looking up at the cat and fox with tears running down his face onto the Slut Puppy shirt. "PLEASE PAUL, I'LL DO ANYTHING! JUST PLEASE DON'T!"

"Hell no, this is too funny for me not to!" said Paul.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS PAUL?" screamed Max still crying.

"Yeah right," smirked Paul.

As Paul shut his phone and placed it in his pocket, he turned to leave the bedroom. Max ran over, grabbed him, begging him not to leave. Paul pushed Max onto the floor as he tried to exit the room. Sam grabbed Paul's arm, "Dude, stop it!"

There on his butt with his legs on the ground like a M, hands in front of him, crying, Max shouted once more, "PLEASE PAUL, I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!"

Paul turned to once again decline him, when he saw what he hadn't noticed before. A female wolf crying and offering him anything. A female wolf. He starred at her for a second looking at her fake breasts and thin legs. He knew that she was really a male and was Max, but the illusion was too much not to notice. He stood there, thinking.

"Anything you say?" Paul asked.


"Ok then. STOP CRYING! NOW!" yelled Paul.

Max cleared his tears from his face and looked up to see Paul standing above.

"You will do everything I say all weekend with no complaints or refusals or I show everyone the pictures of you. Got it?" said Paul.


"YES MASTER!" demanded Paul.

Embarrassed and confused, Max replied, "Y-y-yes, M-Master."

"And you shall call Sam Master too. You got that?"


"YES?" shouted Paul as he struck Max across his face with his hand. "Yes what?"

Holding back the tears Max cried out, "Y-yes, Master."

"Now that's a good girl," Paul said gently patting the young wolf on his head. "Now what's your name pretty girl?"

" name i-is....." totally blanking in his head for a name.

"Now I know you sound better than that young lady," stated Paul to Max.

Trying to speak in a feminine voice, Max thought of the name he gave the girl in the mirror.

" name"

The fox and cat's ears twitched at the sound of the lovely voice on the young, female wolf in front of them.

"Oh such a sexy name. Now come here closer," demanded Paul.

Confused, Amy slowly crawled closer to him, never taking her eyes off his face, stopping in front of his waist. She then noticed the giant bulge coming from the young fox's jeans. Her eyes widen as she looked back up at his face. He had a sort of evil smile on as he starred at her.

"Unzip my pants and pull them and my boxers off," demanded Paul.

Sam and Amy both were stunned by the request.

Amy knew she couldn't disobey. She slowly brought her hands to his hips. Paw shaking, she unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. She gently pulled them down trying not to touch the giant bulge. She grabbed the side of his boxers and pulled them down too. As she looked down at his feet, getting out of his pants and boxers and throwing them to the side, he grabbed her hair and brought her head up to his waist. Amy starred at the penis that was presented in front of her, unsheathed and semi-erect.

"Lick it," said the fox in a sly voice.

Amy started to shake. She brought her paw to his penis. A slight touch to it made it twitch and startled her. She then grabbed it with her first 3 fingers, trying not to grab it completely. It felt warm and soft. It suddenly got straighter as he told her once more to lick it. Amy brought her muzzle close to the fox's cock. Stuck out her tongue. And with tip of her tongue, she touched the bottom tip of the fox's cock. It felt warm and twitchy on her tongue.

"Run your tongue along it," said Paul.

Amy then took her tongue off the tip and moved underneath to the middle of the now fully erect cock. She pushed the front of her tongue against it and run it all the way to tip. She again felt the taste of it. Curiously, the taste didn't bother her. She then went to the middle and ran her tongue up it again, slowly using more of her tongue every time she did until she was using her whole tongue.

Sam and Paul both looked in amazement at the young wolf on her knees licking the cock.

Amy then grabbed the entire cock in her paw and started from the bottom, licking it all the way to the tip. A light moan came from the fox as she did it more and more.

"Suck it bitch," said the fox.

Surprisingly to herself, she opened her mouth without hesitation and put the cock into it, stopping at the middle. The feel of it on her lips made her shiver a bit. She closed her eyes as she curiously examined the cock inside with her tongue, feeling the bumps and warmth of it. She pulled it out of her mouth, stopping at the tip. Then going back down to the middle, again going down farther each time. She slightly started to enjoy the taste of the cock in her mouth. The fox grabbed her by the sides of her head making her go faster.

Sam just stood there. Watching what was no longer his friend but a beautiful young wolf suck his friend's cock.

Amy went faster and faster as Paul motioned her too with his hands still grabbing her head. The fox moaned louder and louder as he felt the warmth of her mouth on his member.

Amy was still sucking when she felt her panties suddenly getting pulled down from underneath her skirt.

She opened her eyes and looked to her side to see her best friend Sam on his knees pulling them down. Pulling the cock out of her mouth she quickly shouted, still in her feminine voice, "Sam, what are yo..." Before she could finish the fox stuck his cock back into her mouth.

"I didn't say stop. Now you just continue there while Sam gets his turn with you," said Paul. "Be gentle same, I'm sure it's her first time."

Sam pulled the panties all the way down. He grabbed the wolf's tail and moved the skirt to reveal her petite tailhole. The site of it drove the cat crazy. He didn't even notice the ball sack underneath it. He took his pants off and released his cock that slowly unsheathed itself as he watched the wolf. He slowly grabbed it and pushed it against that wolf's tailhole.

Amy closed her eyes and waited for what was about to come.

Sam gave a push as the front of his member entered the wolf.

With the cock still in her mouth, the wolf groaned at the pain.

The cat pushed further in until his entire cock was in her ass. He was comforted at the feel of the inside of the wolf. He pulled out as Amy gave another groan. He pushed it back in and pulled out starting slowly as the wolf groaned at each pull. The pain was unbearable to Amy but it slowly stopped the more the cat pushed in and out. He started going faster, grabbing onto the wolf's hips. In and out in both her mouth and ass, Amy slowly felt own cock unsheathe. She started to get aroused by the feel of the two cocks at each end of her.

Paul and Sam completely forgot about the situation as they fucked the wolf's holes. They moaned louder and louder as they came closer and closer.

Amy's cock was now fully erect as she was now getting into it. The sucking of the fox's cock, moving her head on her own, and moving her hips with the cat's cock. She forgot about everything. The room she was in, the blackmail that was presented, the loud clinging she heard a bit ago.

As the fox was about to reach his climax he gave a loud grunt. Amy then opened her eyes as she felt a warm seed hit the back of her throat. She tried to pull the cock out of her mouth but the fox held her head onto it as he came inside. The warm seed coming from his cock quickly filled her mouth until she couldn't breathe. The fox pulled her mouth off his cock as he grabbed her muzzle and held it shut, shooting the rest of his load onto her face and Slut Puppy top.

"Swallow it!" the fox yelled.

The wolf wanted to resist but she was running out of breath and couldn't open her muzzle with the fox holding it shut.

She swallowed. Almost half of the load went down the throat as she tasted the warm, creamy seed.

It didn't taste totally awful.

At the moment she felt the same warm sensation fill her tailhole as the cat behind her came inside. The cat also gave a loud grunt, almost a meow as his load filled the wolf. Sam pulled out and shot the rest onto the back of her tail and skirt.

She finally open her muzzle as the rest of the cum dripped down her chin.

"Lick all up," the fox said.

Amy licked her lips and swallowed the rest of it. The thought of her swallowing the seed and having it inside her ass arroused her and made her penis twitch hard. She couldn't believe what just happened.

She was completely covered with cum as she heard that cling again.

"That was quite a show there Sam, Paul.......and Amy!" chuckling at the end.

The three furs turned to see Max's Sister Lily standing at the door with her digital camera filming the scene that had just happened.

Lily giggled, "Oh, this should be fun."

To be continued....