Max and Merle- Prequel

Story by Neko Masume on SoFurry

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Well It's my first try as a yiffy story so enjoy, I have a few more in progess, one of them being the other part of this.. so enjoy

--woops had to edit this, I uploaded the rough draft on accident ^_^

Max a yound wolf in highschool, raced home after getting out of class, a happy grin on his face as he ran faster and faster.... He thought over and over of Merle a beautiful, female wolf, of his same age... the two had been friends for ever and Merle had finally decided to go out with him.... by now he was racing up the stairs to his room, as he entered his room he dropped on to his bed.

The more he thought about it the more aroused Max became,... he thought about what would happen as thing progress and then his mind filled with the thought of sex with Merle, a grin appeared on his face, and he soon found that he was not able to control himself any more, he hastily began stripping his clothes off... as Max lay on the bed he started to stroke his member and dream of what Merle was doing to him... He saw her beatiful body come into his room, undress herself and move over next to him.

As he continued to gently paw, his cock fully emerged from his sheath... he imagined Merle taking it into her muzle and gently play around with it... the thought made him moan, as he began to stroke it faster he drifted back into his dreams he saw Merle going down on his member, He could alomst feel her tongue swirling around his member, and soon felt his load swell in his sack.... as he started to cum, he imagined Merle guzzling his load down her muzzle.

He lay there a few minutes happy as to what may be in store for the future and wondered how this day could get any better... he bliss was only interupted, by a phone call. As he picked it up and answered it, an even larger smile came to his face as he heard Merle's voice on the other end.