Confession for the Clueless Ch.2: A Bit Tied Up

Story by GreenItzli on SoFurry

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After the events of Confession for the Clueless, a certain tiefling still needs some convincing. Her new lizardman boyfriend intends to make it crystal clear for her just how he feels about her.

Vylesh tried staring out the window again in a desperate attempt to keep her mind off of Eztli's newest gifts for her. She tried focusing on how beautiful of a day it was on campus. Which was to be expected when the whole of campus was sitting within a perfectly climate controlled demiplane. She focused on a butterfly flitting about a nearby flowerbed as she wondered if maybe she could wildshape into a butterfly to escape from this torture early. She did not focus on her classes which required too much thinking that was currently beyond her, something her professor loudly announced.

"Miss Nymnixi? Is this really that boring to you?" The older high elven man rhetorically asked. "Is the place monstrosities find themselves in ecosystems really something you believe yourself above? Something you don't feel the need to focus on?"

Vylesh's face went flush, part from the embarrassment and part from losing a bit of composure. She turned to her professor but specifically avoided eye contact while doing her best to hide behind a curtain of bright orange hair.

"N-No sir I...I was simply thinking about how, er...nature always seems to have its ways to adapt to monsters and other such creatures. It really is wonderful!" She said, quickly thinking up something insightful sounding. To be fair, this had been a previous thought of hers. It just found new use when she needed an excuse.

Her professor glared back, and what fellow students bothered to look over to her at being singled out seemed to be giving her sympathetic looks at their strict professor. Which was vital as Vylesh felt all of their looks boring holes into her like termites in wood, wondering if any of them would see something amiss.

The old elf scoffed slightly and gave a standard refusal to admit fault "Yes well still try to focus on the class at hand, Miss Nymnixi? Many a student thinks they have it figured out and that they don't need to learn anything new. And then years later I hear that they've been eaten by an owlbear." He said before returning to his long droning lecture.

Vylesh breathed a sigh of relief that all eyes were finally off of her, and that what eyes had been studying her no doubt saw her flushed skin as one of embarrassment. They were not wrong, and part of that had in fact been from being singled out in class after zoning out.

That most of her embarrassment was from the thin rope criss crossed and tied along her torso was something she wished to keep secret. Well, even that wasn't the whole truth. Specifically it was the rope that Eztli had got for her currently tied in an elegant series of knots along her torso, including some rope and a knot very strategically placed against her sex so that shifting around too much caused it to rub her in just the right way. It was also the ruby tipped gem plug he got for her currently lodged in her bottom and held in place by the aforementioned rope.

At first her mind was alight with panic and uncertainty when Eztli had brought out the rope and told her what he would be doing with it that very same morning. It was too obvious though how scared she was as he carefully tied the knots, as he paused and pulled her into a kiss while holding her in his arms before looking into her eyes and reminding her that she was his. He would hurt her only in the right ways to make her feel good and let her feel that thrill and rush of pain mixed with pleasure. To remind her who she belonged to. And he always had to take care of what was his.

Her face was dark red at hearing this as he kissed her once more after her breathing had slowed and her initial panic wore off. He pressed his scaled lips to her neck and told her to wait for a moment while he retrieved another gift he had gotten her, since she was being so good. She would swear she was now blushing and glowing red at that as she patiently waited. He held the ruby tipped plug to her, as she failed to recognize what it was and tilted her head in confusion.

"Give it a lick." He lightly commanded as she continued to burn in a blush. She obeyed and cautiously stuck out her tongue to lick the metal plug, thinking it vaguely resembled a hard candy made of polished steel. He gave her a gentle pat on the rump before pulling it away from her tongue and spreading her bottom slightly. A flicker of realization and shock flashed through Vylesh's mind as she tried to relax as she had been taught when he would penetrate her behind. The small metal plug was much smaller than even one of his shafts but it still fit snugly in her, causing her to bite her lip.

"That's a good girl." He complimented as he returned to tying the rope over her. It was snug enough for her to feel it pressing into her, but her breathing was carefully left unobstructed. That it happened to be pressing into some very sensitive spots and the small plug had her mind once again racing like lightning as she thought about having to wear this under her dress.

"It's only a short day of classes, and I know you can handle wearing these until we're both free for some alone time later. Understood?" He said with an encouraging smile.

Vylesh gave an uneasy nod, but remained determined. "Y-Yes sir!" She said before moving to pick out a pair of panties and bra for the day, wondering how they would fit over the rope pressing into her now.

As she was deliberating between designs and colors in the drawer, she gave a yelp as it was shut by that invisible force she was only now starting to get used to. As much as she could get used to the unseen hand of a psion exerting its influence at seemingly random. She turned to Eztli with a questioning look as he simply held up a wagging finger.

"Ah ah, only the dress for today." He said with a wicked grin as Vylesh felt she just might turn red forever at this rate.

Vylesh snapped herself back to the present, the reminiscing being a desperate play to distract herself from the rope now nudging itself against her clit. Every time it did so it sent a jolt through her system, causing her to tighten up and feel the plug inside of her. She let out a small gasp that she quickly played off as a cough, choosing to focus on taking notes to draw as little attention to herself as possible. This manifested as mostly nonsensical scribblings that she would hope might be mistaken as Demonic text.

She was beginning to feel her excitement soak the ropes pressing into her, crossing her legs in the desperate hope that doing so would provide some form of relief. Sadly, these were only the desperate hopes of a desperate woman and the action only made the ropes press into her harder. Which of course made her clench around the plug for further indignation. Vylesh began to wonder if it was possible for one to die of embarrassment while struggling to keep her breath steady.

She had made it this far in the day, and this was her last class before freedom. Resolve gathered within her as her tail wrapped around the leg of her chair and she redoubled her efforts to continue scribbling on her paper. If Eztli believed she could make it, then she had to prove him right. That she knew he would reward her for making it through the day under these conditions was a nice bonus.

No sooner than the professor ended class did Vylesh start power walking towards the door as fast as she could, thoroughly ignoring some last second stern remarks from the old elf. She was too focused on finding a good crowd to lose herself in. Normally she avoided them as often as possible but as she kept up her brisk pace to join the crowds on campus she figured the sea of people talking and mingling and not paying attention to others was the best course of action. Until she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Vylesh!" Came the bright call of her dryad friend.

Vylesh bit her lip and sharply inhaled before giving her best attempt and sounding collected.

"H-hi Ac-cacia!" Her best attempt still wavered and faltered but hopefully she wouldn't notice.

"Are you feeling okay?" Acacia said with concern, raising a brow as she noticed immediately.

Normally Vylesh would be quite happy to run into her woman-shaped tree of a friend but under the current circumstances, any delay and any interaction felt as if it was risking discovery. She was only barely holding herself together as it was.

"Y-yeah just...a lot to study for over the weekend, kinda worried but ah-" She was cut off by a scaly arm wrapping around her shoulder as Eztli appeared with precision timing to save her.

"But we'll be hard at work studying all weekend even if she's doing fine and just worrying herself over nothing." He said with a lightly teasing tone as he gently poked her with his left hand as his right held her close. It just happened to be on one of the knots pressing into her. And she could swear she felt the ropes tighten up as she suppressed a gasp and nodded along with Eztli's distracting lie.

"Aww really? Me and some of the other druids were going to be having a little get together in the forest but I get needing to study." She said with a laugh. "Don't let her work herself too hard, alright Eztli?"

Eztli smiled and pulled Vylesh closer with his arm. "Oh don't worry, just the correct level of hardness." He said with a laugh as Vylesh once again swore she felt the ropes tightening. She forced a laugh herself to try and distract herself but found that was yet another action that made the rope press just the right buttons on her. Her tail coiled around her left leg just so that it wasn't wildly thrashing about.

Acacia said her farewells with only a slightly raised brow. Vylesh waited until she was out of ear shot to complain. "That was mean and you know it." She pouted as they started walking to their dorm once more.

"Yeah, but you liked it." He said as he pressed another knot and Vylesh was now certain that he was somehow controlling the rope that now rubbed itself against her clit and the plug in her rear to elicit a low moan that almost made her trip.

" are you doing that?" She asked once she had caught her breath as Eztli tried not to show too many teeth in that predator's smile.

"Oh, just a bit of magic rope is all. Can move or tighten with just a touch. My touch. Only the finest for my Vylesh." He said as he walked with her arm and arm, not pausing to give her a quick peck on her cheek.

Vylesh could only start turning deep red again and avoid his gaze while trying to remember how walking even worked, half stumbling along in the meantime. Eztli's firm arm around her kept her upright and walking in the right direction as soon she wasn't even focusing on where she was going anymore, her eyes just trying their hardest to focus on the ground and avoid eye contact that could possibly reveal the lust and need currently burning inside of her. Time was completely lost on her and by the time she reached the familiar elegant wooden door of their dorm room she had no idea how long she had been clutching at Eztli's side.

Eztli opened the door and led her in, Vylesh let out a long moan the very moment the door clicked shut. Student dorms were thankfully quite soundproof, as a college specializing in magical and psionic arts was fully aware of what students would get up to behind closed doors and sought to head off any possible noise complaints in the design rather than have any silly notions of telling students to not get up to any mischief behind closed doors.

Vylesh took advantage of this by falling to her knees and descending into moans after hours of pent up tension and need hit her all at once. Eztli kneeled down and kissed her forehead. "You see? I knew you could do it, such a good girl." He praised her while taking her hands in his as she blushed even further at the validation and triumph.

"D-Does that mean I can take the rope off now...s-sir?" She carefully added in the last part, hoping to please him and be released from this torture sooner.

Eztli looked off in mock thought as he hummed. "Hmmm well you have been very good...but I think you still need to earn it." He said as he flashed another grin with too many teeth while rising to his feet, keeping her hands in his and bringing her onto her feet. "Now, take your dress off for me."

She bit her lip and reluctantly let go of his hands, nodding, and slowly reaching behind her to undo her dress to let it fall to the floor. Her hands moved on instinct to cover her full breasts and now dripping sex. Eztli gave a warm smile as he reached out to lightly push her hands aside as his eyes roamed all over her.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, my dear. You're like a work of art complimented by an exquisite frame." He said while tracing his claws along the light green rope that contrasted so perfectly against her light purple skin and bright orange hair.

Vylesh couldn't catch a break from the blushing and started to wonder if she would just turn red forever one day, it certainly didn't let up as she moved her hands aside to let Eztli see her completely unobstructed.

"Now that's a delicious sight." He said licking his lips and slowly walking in a circle around her. Vylesh only held still as she slightly trembled, feeling as though he was a hungry predator circling before striking.

He stopped and took a few steps behind her as he rubbed at her shoulders and kissed her neck. "Tasty as you look, I think it's only fair you have a taste of me for a change. Gives you a good chance to earn that rope coming off, too."

It took Vylesh a moment to realise what he was talking about, but once she did she felt a small smile creep across her lips. That other day in the alley he had made her feel so good with his lips and tongue, and she had been so caught up in all of it before she realised she felt an overwhelming need to return the favor. To make him feel good. To taste him. Taste his seed. That she would finally be free of the rope was almost forgotten as she found herself licking her lips.

"I-I want to make you feel good, sir. J-Just like you made me feel good..." She lightly moaned as his clawed hands carefully massaged her shoulders.

"Oh? Is that so?" He whispered in her ear.

"Y-Yes, I want to t-taste you...sir..." She felt all the blood rush to her head as the words left her mouth while her tail thrashed back and forth.

Eztli smiled before planting a last kiss on her neck before withdrawing and turning her around. His warm smile steadied her nerves as he gently pushed her down onto her knees. She stared as he stepped back and started to unbutton his pants, pulling them down just enough for his twin members to spring free. With a gulp she was now eye level and faced with their size as she wondered for a moment how she was going to manage this. Though as she fidgeted on her knees the rope pressed the plug into her bottom and she was reminded of how she had taken him in tighter places before.

Her heart felt like it was about to leap from her chest and do laps around campus, and she felt it skip a beat when she gently placed her small hand on his top shaft. She coyly glanced up to him as she started to run her hand along its length, feeling the smoothness of it in comparison to the hard scales of the rest of his body. If she wasn't looking up at him as she did so, she may have missed the short gasp from Eztli as his all too pleased expression broke for a second to show one of pleasure.

And it clicked for her, what she could do, as she slowly began to run her hand along his length. Her small smile spread as her heartbeat slowed so that she could bring both hands up to grip his top shaft. She slowly began to stroke his manhood with both hands, mesmerized for a moment as she felt it get harder and saw it get a bit bigger in her hands. She gulped once more as the challenge somehow got bigger in every sense of the term, but was encouraged by Eztli's audibly quickened breathing.

"Does....does this feel good when I do this?" She asked while continuing to slowly stroke his top shaft.

"So very good, and don't be afraid." He said while trying to keep his breath steady as her soft hands ran along the length of his manhood. His hand gently cupped her face and he gave another reassuring smile. "Remember, I'm quite resilient."

Vylesh silently nodded and eyed her prizes. Her thumb ran over the mushroom tipped head and she heard another short gasp. She had only just started and she quickly found the thrill of eliciting those responses from Eztli. Her tail slowly swayed across the floor of the dorm in time with her strokes along his shaft. The swaying of her tail caused the plug and the rope to shift slightly, but this time she was not alone in her pleasure. She moved one hand from the top shaft to the bottom and stroked them both with a slightly quickened pace, pausing at the end of each stroke to run her thumb over his mushroom tips.

Eztli let out a happy sigh of pleasure as he gently rubbed at her shoulder again to urge her on. Vylesh broke from her intense focus on his members to look up to him for reassurance, to which he flicked his forked tongue out at her in the middle of a grin. It gave her a thought, however, that she would have never dared to think of until recently.

The other day, he used his tongue on her. To bring pleasure to her sensitive mound. To have her writhing and squirming. To have her struggling to contain her moans and whimpers. Would it feel just as good for him for her to do the same? Her tongue stirred in her mouth as she talked herself into it. He had tasted her and brought her such pleasure, and now it only felt right to return the pleasure to him.

No, it wasn't just an obligation for her as she focused her gaze on his tips. She wanted this. He had wanted her so much as to taste her sex in an alleyway, and couldn't even wait for the privacy. And until that day she was convinced that none could even want to be her friend. But she did want to make him feel that good.

So she leaned in and lifted his top member. Fighting every bit of shame and indignation still left in her, her mouth opened and her soft tongue rolled from between her lips to slowly drag along his top member as slowly as he had first licked her. Her efforts were instantly rewarded with a low moan from Eztli.

"Is that...acceptable?" She said as she pulled her tongue away, hoping that she was in fact doing alright.

"No, it's amazing." He said looking thoroughly pleased. "You're incredible, you know that Vylesh?"

At that, the switch was instant for Vylesh. She focused once more as she let out her tongue to lick at the upper tip while speeding up her strokes on his bottom shaft. His praise and his arousing moans spurred her on. She dared to be a bit bolder as she leaned forward to take the tip into her mouth and gently suck on it.

Vylesh began to stroke his lower shaft with both hands as her tongue flicked against the sensitive upper tip and she continued sucking at it. Her right hand paused at his lower tip as her thumb traced around it, as it rubbed at the underside where the shaft met the tip he let out a loud grunt and she felt his stance sway.

She hummed, sending vibrations down the upper length as she ran her tongue along the same spot she had just discovered on the lower. His grip on her shoulder sending claws into her flesh stung, but she continued moaning happily around his manhood at how good she could make him feel.

Her bobbing back and forth and stroking continued to move the rope against her flesh. It made her moan still as the now thoroughly soaked rope and knot rubbed at her clit as the jewel plug made her bottom feel nice and stretched. Vylesh drew back as Eztli let out another low groan to switch things slightly as she grew bolder still.

A hand went to his hip to steady herself as the other went to his top shaft to slowly stroke, and she quickly took the bottom shaft into her mouth as her tongue twirled around the tip and she gradually worked on getting more of his shaft into her mouth. She took advantage of her spit still on his top shaft to stroke harder and faster, his louder and louder moans causing her to happily hum more and more as she thoroughly felt the length and thought about how it would soon be stretching her out and reaching her deepest depths.

"Oh fuck, don't stop...Vylesh..." Eztli moaned out, eyes shifting between slamming shut and rolling back in his head.

Vylesh couldn't contain herself, slurping and sucking on him like a starving beast as her tail flitted about behind her. She felt a tap on one of the knots near her shoulder as the rope shifted again to send a jolt through her system to force a loud moan to vibrate around his shaft. It was only through the tiny shred of restraint she had left that she did not knick his sensitive shaft with her overly sharp canine teeth. She wanted to be a good girl after all, and she would feel too awful if she bit him in such a sensitive place. She much preferred to leave all of the biting to Eztli.

Her lust filled gaze rose to meet his own as she saw a needing, hungry look in his eyes. As her bright yellow eyes locked with his own silver eyes she attempted to take as much of his lower manhood into her mouth as she could, slowly swallowing more and more until it hit her throat. Eyes still locked as Eztli's panting and gasping sped up, Vylesh held her eyes shut for a moment before opening them once more with tears of determination starting to stream down her cheek as she carefully controlled her breath and Eztli licked his teeth in between gasps for air and moans.

Vylesh let out another hum as she felt herself getting close. Hours and hours of rope against skin and her most sensitive parts being stimulated had left her overly stimulated. The rope now sliding against her flesh and rubbing her still had her worried she wouldn't last until she had succeeded at her mission.

She pressed on, rubbing at that sensitive spot on the top shaft as she bobbed up and down on the lower shaft. Vylesh felt drool running down her chin and thoroughly ignored it and moaned louder as she squirmed at the rope still shifting on her. Time was running out as her dripping sex signaled she would soon lose herself entirely. Her efforts doubled as she stroked the upper manhood harder and faster while bobbing faster on the lower, taking the massive shaft as deep into her mouth as she could.

Eztli loudly moaned as her tongue, lips, and soft fingers were determined to make him feel as good as possible. His claws dug into her shoulder near her bite mark as he felt himself getting close when she switched things up on him again.

Vylesh remembered his moans and groans from the other day, and had a feeling he was getting close. Pulling back with a slight smirk, she kissed both tips as she moved her hand to his lower member.

"Forgive me...sir. I-...I didn't want to waste your seed." She cooed before giving a long lick to his top manhood. "P-Please let me taste you and...and...and mark me with your seed..." She would find herself more self-conscious about such lewd talk if she wasn't so far gone in trying to please her man. The rope kept circling her flesh and she had to finish him soon before she would let herself do so.

Eztli smiled and showed a few too many teeth before giving her a final command. "Then be a good girl-" He said and took another breath. "And finish me off." He near growled out in a low tone that struck at Vylesh's core until she could feel her need dripping down her thighs in pure lust.

"Y-yes sir." She said before sucking and slurping and licking him for all her worth. Her delicate hand gripping and stroking the lower manhood as she aimed it at her chest. Eztli's hands taking a firm grip of her horns caught her by surprise, and her eyes shot even wider as he pulled her down onto his shaft to let her feel the full length of his member invade her throat as she kept stroking the lower member as though her life depended on it.

She squealed as his girth stretched her throat and tears streamed from her eyes as the throbbing mass pulsed, threatening to overwhelm her as she started to have trouble breathing. Instinctively, she remembered to breathe through her nose to alleviate the choking sensation as the initial shock transitioned into excitement.

Vylesh continued stroking the lower member as she sucked and slobbered as though she were possessed. Desperate to bring him the kind of pleasure he had brought her. The kind of pleasure he deserved.

It was all too much for Eztli as he let out a loud final groan and cried out her name as his climax hit him, his seed starting to gush down her throat and onto her large purple breasts. Her own moans followed as she finally let go and felt her own orgasm wash over her after hours of sweet torture.

The pulsing of his seed down her throat had her gagging and clenching her eyes shut as she focused on swallowing the salty liquid. His lower member continued to spill his thick milky fluid onto her chest, white contrasting with the purple of her skin and the green of the ropes. Eztli relished the sight as he struggled to keep himself standing through his orgasm crashing through him.

After several moments of continuing to empty himself in her and on her and his legs nearly giving out from the pleasure, he felt Vylesh start to greedily suck and lick for more before he pulled her off of him. Her mouth hung open as she panted and felt what milky white fluid she hadn't swallowed run down her chin and onto her breasts. She felt his gaze rest on her once more as she averted her eyes with tears still streaming from him. A blush burning back into her cheek.

"Just couldn't get enough, could you? Hmmmm such a good girl." Eztli said between gasping breaths. Vylesh's hands unconsciously moved to rest on his thighs for support as she continued gasping for breath.

"That's a good look for you." He said of her hair gone wild as sweat and his own seed coated her purple skin, green rope still clinging to her and having finally stopped its shifting about. She removed a hand from his leg to wipe a tear from her cheek in a futile attempt at regaining a tiny bit of dignity.

"Ah ah." He said as he quickly caught her wrist before she could wipe her tears away. "That just shows your dedication, and what a good girl you are." He said in a firm yet comforting voice, his eyes betraying his still unsatiated hunger. "So, so beautiful..." He said before licking his lips and looming tall over the much smaller tiefling.

Vylesh finally closed her mouth in a satisfied smile. A lifetime of believing herself completely undesirable, and here she was with her man's seed both filling her belly and covering her body. She should be mortified and trying to hide away, but in this moment he could only sing her praises. His still stiff members told her the desire was not absolutely not being faked, and she basked in the pride at having been responsible for this obscene display.

"I...I hope that was good enough for you...sir." She couldn't help but let out a final bit of doubt, that she could have done better. That she could be better. That he could find better?

Her negative thoughts creeping back in were banished as he quickly got onto his knees next to her to plant a long kiss on her cheek. "I told you, you're mine. I want you, and I claimed you. You're all that I could ever want." He said as he gently traced his claws along the length of her arm as she gave a shiver.

When he reached her shoulder he tapped at a knot as the rope went slack and near instantly untied itself from Vylesh. And though it took her by surprise, she still nodded with another blush as she breathed relief at being free from that torturous rope.

"Y-Yes sir. S-sorry sir I ju-" Her words caught in her mouth as he grabbed her tail, yanking lightly to get her attention as she gave a yelp.

"Hands and knees." He gave a stern look and an even sterner command.

"S-sir?" She froze as she wondered if she had offended him in some way.

"Hands and knees. You still don't believe me, so I still need to prove it to you." He released her tail and gave an immediate swat to her bottom to cause her to give a little jump.

Vylesh gulped, taking the opportunity to lick her lips to taste the last few drops of his seed as she got onto all fours and pushed her rear out, wondering what he had in store for her.

She heard him standing and removing his clothes, the light thud of his leather vest followed by a few clunks of his boots being kicked off and finally his pants hitting the ground. It was a small thing, and despite all that she had experienced lately it still excited her. She dared to glance back over her shoulder in another rare moment of boldness to get a good look at Eztli, taking in his scaled form with a small bite of her lip.

She saw him move his clothes to the side as he caught her eye and gave a slight smile. "No peeking." He said as his tail slapped against her rear to elicit a yelp from the tiefling as her head snapped back forward and enjoyed the sting of his tail like a whip.

Eztli gave a few more lashes of his tail to her bottom as Vylesh yelped out and clawed at the ground, relishing the rush she got as the sting faded into euphoria and let out a soft moan and tasted a bit of blood on her lip from biting it too hard.

Too lost in the pleasure of it all, she missed the sound of him dropping to his knees behind her but felt the gentle caress of his hand along her back and along her tail with his left hand. The slaps of his tail against her supple flesh had been fairly light yet stinging, by comparison when he brought his hand against her bottom it made her instantly cry out in shock. And before she could completely process it he gave her another hard slap to her rear as she gave a cry which melted into a pleased moan.

"You're mine, that means I care for you." He said as he gave her another hard spank that left a distinct maroon print on her purple rump.

His hand remained there, rubbing the print and dragging his claws along her flesh just shy of breaking the skin. As his claws reached down to her thigh he drew his hand back to give another hard slap as he gripped her tail in his left hand.

She gasped and cried out once more, involuntarily shifting a bit on all fours before being yanked back by her tail and held in place.

"This is for not believing me. I have to correct you when you're being bad." He said before giving several more hard slaps with his large scaled hand. "And you do want to be a good girl, don't you?" He questioned, her tail firmly in hand.

"Y-Yes...of course!" Even through the haze of her stinging bottom and the euphoria that currently consumed her, she knew that well. The idea that someone could want her so much, and care for her in such a way was still bizarre to her. And yet as much as she had a hard time believing it, she felt an intense need for just that.

"Good." He took her tail with his right hand, and gave several hard slaps with his left to her left cheek as she cried out again, wincing at the sting and shivering as she felt his claws gently rake down her bottom again. All before another hard swat.

Eztli smiled slightly at the hand print he had left, spanking her again in the same spot the very moment it started to fade. He gently rubbed at the spot afterwards, releasing her tail to run his hands along her still stinging rump and thighs. Vylesh happily sighed at the feeling of his scales against her skin.

"Hmmm, think you've been punished enough?" Eztli nonchalantly asked as he continued kneading and grabbing handfuls of her flesh.

"...more." Vylesh surprised herself as her lips produced the words before her mind had caught up. Her face went maroon as she realized what she had said. But she didn't even think of trying to take it back. Because she had been enjoying that delightful sting of his hand against her flesh, and the feel good rush that followed.

Thinking on it even more, she realized how focused on this she was. How she hadn't been thinking about anything else. Of worrying about classes or adventuring or any other worries aside from accepting that someone could want her. And even that was starting to pass, the worry not as strong.

She felt his hands stop, and leave her legs as he walked on his knees over to her side. She cast her gaze downwards, feeling as though she may have done something wrong. His left hand on her chin, gently turning her head to look up to him and seeing him smiling quickly alleviated that fear.

"That's a good girl. Now, I want you to count them, alright?" He said letting go of her chin and moving his hand to her shoulder as he gave a hard slap to her rear.

Vylesh didn't have the time to think on what exactly he meant, quickly figuring it out as she let out another cry. "Ah-! Mmmm-One!" She said after biting down on her lip.

Another hard slap, another number. After several she felt her legs start to wobble but she endured, counting out each hard spanking and enjoying every second of it. Enjoying being given an order, following it, the pain and pleasure mixing in her mind. His hand gently massaging her shoulder as his other hand did its best to turn her rump completely maroon. By the time she had counted out twenty she was gasping for breath.

Eztli took her chin in his hand again, angling her face to see Vylesh completely flushed and hair all wild. "Such a good girl." He cooed as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, and felt her melt in his hands as she gave a glowing grin while still breathing heavy.

"I had to punish you, but I still need to show you how much I want you." He said while gently rubbing at the stinging flesh of her bottom. "And how much I need my Vylesh. And after that, you do need a reward for being such a good girl."

He gave her forehead another kiss, pulling his hands back but pointing to a nearby plush animal fur as he remained on his knees. "On your back."

Vylesh gave a quick nod, eagerly laying down on the furs.There was the same anticipation that came with seeing what Eztli had in store for her, but by this time she was fully trusting him that it would be delightful.

Eztli knelt between her legs, carefully placing his hands on her thighs and gently prying them apart to give him better access to her as he licked his teeth while eyeing her up. The hungry look in his eyes and sharp teeth gave Vylesh pause for a moment of panic as instinct told her to run. Higher thought and burning lust coalescing made her stay, that need to be his and experience whatever he had in store for her. In defiance of her own sense of self-preservation and modesty, she opened her legs fully and moved her tail out of the way as she looked up to him with a coy grin.

"Please sir...take me..." She wasn't able to hold eye contact through it all, and she felt herself burning up as she said it.

He leaned down, his hard lengths grazing against her mound as his flicking forked tongue tickled at her ear. His right arm planted firmly to the side of her head to hold himself up while flicking his tongue out again. "You're already mine, but since you need to be reminded..." He said in a low growl as he carefully pulled the gem plug from her bottom, her toes curling slightly as her pucker held at it until it popped out. Though she immediately missed the feeling while he set it aside, she knew she would be getting something better soon as he took his hard shafts in his hand, rubbing the head of each against her soaking wet sex.

Vylesh's tail swayed between her legs until she felt Eztli's tail meet hers, quickly entangling it as she felt his hard manhood start to press into her wet folds and her tight pucker. She angled her hips slightly to help ease him into her. Vylesh's arms were lying on either side of her head balled up into fists as he eased himself into her slowly and clearly enjoying her soft moans as he did from the pleased look on his face.

Eztli chuckled as he lowered himself a bit to let Vylesh cling to him as he sunk his shafts into her inch by agonizing inch. Already gasping and whining as he did, he broke her careful concentration and composure with a small nip to her neck. Her tail held his own tighter as she yelped and felt him give a final hard push as he buried his lengths down to the hilt inside of her. She did her best to relax as he had told her previously as she took several deep breaths and closed her eyes to focus on adjusting.

It didn't last long as he quickly pressed his lips to her own, his tongue darting into her mouth as her eyes went wide. With his free hand he firmly grabbed at one of her balled up fists, interlacing his fingers with her own as she melted into the kiss. Her eyes lazily closed as she focused on the intense kiss, his scaly lips against her soft supple lips, his tongue wrapped around hers, their fingers and tails interlaced.

His trick of catching her off guard and getting her to relax was successful, as he started to slowly withdraw from her. Vylesh moaned into the kiss as he started to move, her holes clenching tight at having started to adjust to his girths that were now being pulled from her in an attempt to keep him in her. To feel as much of him stretching out her womanhood and her tight pucker as possible.

When only the heads remained in, Eztli quickly thrust back into Vylesh down to the hilts again. She gave a loud moan into the kiss as her eyes shot open. Her hand gripped his as the walls and ridges of her holes were quickly stretched back out again by his large girths. He broke the kiss as she gasped for air, grinning down at her as he started to build a slow and steady rhythm of pulling out of her holes slowly and roughly thrusting back in. And each time Vylesh was close to having the wind knocked out of her as her womanhood and her rear were repeatedly stretched out in such a delightfully rough fashion.

Vylesh covered her flushed face with her free arm, biting her lip as Eztli continued his steady thrusting into her harder and harder, forcing her into the rug as he kept a tight grip on her hand and her tail. With another hard thrust that was near overwhelming, Vylesh bit down on her forearm to muffle a loud moan. Eztli paused his hard thrusting, plucking her arm from her mouth as she began to wriggle against him. There was a desperation in her hips moving and grinding against his, trying to feel his large girths stretch her out and touch against every bit of her velvety walls and tight ridges as she could. She gave a light mewling whine as she looked up to him pleadingly.

He gave a short but firm thrust to stop her gyrations as he quickly pinned both her hands above her head using his own, he leaned down to growl into her ear. "I know you just can't get enough, and I just can't get enough of you either. But you're mine." He said as he gave another quick thrust to elicit a gasp from her.

"You do as I say, and I'll make you feel as good as you deserve. And my Vylesh deserves only the best." He growled, flicking out his forked tongue and licking along the edge of her ear.

"Now I know you just can't help but move against me, even as I try to fuck you into the floor." He said while gyrating his own hips, stretching Vylesh out as his girths moved in her and tried to hit even deeper depths. "So I want you to...resist." He said as he released her hands. With a short thought and a bit of telekinesis, the soft green rope that had wrapped her up all morning long flew into his hands.

With a short few taps of his claw, the magic rope bound her wrists together as the other end quickly shot across the floor to wrap around a leg of a nearby couch. Vylesh's eyes briefly darted in that direction as she once again gave a token attempt at pulling away, only to find her hands were thoroughly secured.

A firm scaly hand giving the smallest squeeze to her neck brought her attention back to him, as he leaned down to give her another passionate kiss. As he pulled away she found her mouth still hanging open, tongue desperately searching for his. He leaned down to whisper in her ear once more.

"I want you to struggle, and 'fight back'. If it gets to be too much, and you want me to stop, you squeeze my leg with your tail three times okay?" He softly instructed her as he released her tail from his own tail's entanglement. "Wrap it around there now, and give it a try. Okay?"

Vylesh's breathing sped up. Her heart raced. Her face flushed. And her tail gingerly wrapped around his lower left thigh just above the knee. She blinked a few times, looking into Eztli's eyes with a nod as she gave three quick squeezes to his leg.

"That's a good girl. I want to hurt you in a good way." He kissed her forehead as he propped himself back up.

She gave a small smile and a nod as she tried to not overthink this. A large predator had her tied up, his two manhoods currently buried in her womanhood and her bottom, his hand around her neck, his eyes staring directly into her soul.

Her breathing steadied, and buried beneath the initial pangs of fear she Her man who cared for her and couldn't get enough of her had her tied up, with his hand around her neck. His shafts were buried in her holes and he was moving against her as she felt him throbbing inside of her. That was her doing. Her effect on him. He wanted her staying right where he wanted so he could have more of her. He wanted her struggling against him just so he could take her in new ways.

To claim her.

Her tail around his leg meant she could stop this at any time. She could stop if it was too much...but she wanted to feel how much she could take, how much he could give. She was his and he would protect what was his with his own life.

She bit her lip as she started to pull against the rope and shift her hips in an attempt to pull away from him. It went against the haze of lust she found herself in, but as he started to move against her writhing the sensation was addictive.

"Such a good girl, even when you're struggling against me your body betrays you." He said as he gave another short thrust for effect. She felt her juices leaking from her sex and providing some welcomed lubrication for her rear as he withdrew quickly once more before giving a hard thrust while his hand started to press in on her throat.

He had been buried to the hilts in her for so long that as he pulled out and thrust back in her body fought at every step. Her walls clenched down tight to keep him in her and when he quickly thrust deep into her again she was still clenching at his manhoods and painfully tight when he filled her once more.

Vylesh tried to cry out but Eztli's hand around her throat drowned it out into a labored squeal. The rush of pain followed by pleasure was made all the more powerful as it was amplified by the added layer of raw fear that came with his hand tightening around her throat. She tried tensing herself up as he asked, to make it harder for him to enter her. To keep his thick manhoods from stretching her out.

The plan failed to keep him out as he thrust both lengths deep into her once more, but she was rewarded with a guttural groan from Eztli as her attempts made her somehow even tighter. All Vylesh could manage as he penetrated her was another strained squeal as her arms flexed against the rope.

"I told you to struggle, or is your body just unable to resist?" He said as he pulled out of Vylesh's near painfully tight holes until even the heads left her. She tried to cross her legs, make herself tighter still as she flexed to move away from him.

Eztli prodded at her still dripping sex, juices flowing freely as his lower head prodded against her tight pucker. As she flexed her legs against him in a final attempt, he roughly buried his manhoods into her in one fast motion.

He grit his teeth for a moment before relenting and letting out another loud moan. He loosened his grip on Vylesh's throat as he penetrated her, the rush of blood and air to her head mixing with the overwhelming pain and pleasure of Eztli stretching her out so swiftly that she saw white as she let out a scream that devolved into moans as she felt her body shake. In her desperate shaking and writhing she once again attempted to push away from him.

He responded by pressing in on her throat again, and started to build up a steady rhythm again of meeting her resistance and attempts to move away from him with hard thrusts that pushed her harder into the plush furs covering the floor. Eztli increased the pressure on her throat, speeding up his thrusts as he let out another long and low groan while drilling her supple purple body into the fur rug.

Vylesh squirmed under his brutal assault, insatiable lust and genuine fear mixing as her struggling increased. She both wanted to escape and wanted him to go harder. Both desires aligned as she kept struggling against his manhoods stretching her open with each thrust. The pleasure was overwhelming and she felt her tail tighten around his leg, through a haze of pleasure and fear she relented. But not before she felt him slow his thrusts ever so slightly when he first felt her tail tighten around him.

It was only for a moment, and concern flashed across Eztli's face just as quick. The moment passed, and he slammed his shafts deep into her with a loud groan as his hand held firm on her throat as his ravenous domination of her body continued. She felt her body start to shake and tremble as her legs no longer tried to push him away, and running on pure instinct she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer.

"That's it, give in. Break for me." Eztli growled out between grunts and groans.

Vylesh felt herself getting close, her adrenaline hitting a high as the painful sensation of his large members felt like they were splitting her in half. The wave of pain crashed into one of euphoric pleasure as her mouth hung open, her tongue lolling out as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started to lose herself completely.

Eztli had to focus, gritting his teeth but with eyes still focused on Vylesh as he drove his members deeper and deeper into her soaking wet sex and her tight rear with each thrust. He leaned down closer to her, his breath warm against her face as he savored each thrust. The velvety walls of her womanhood leaking her pleasure down to the tight grip of her pucker to ease his thrusts. Her legs working on instinct to hold him closer to her, to take as much of him as she could. He could feel her shaking and trembling and knew she was close as he carefully held her throat tighter in his grasp.

"You're mine, Vylesh." He grunted between the last frantic thrusts. "MINE!" He near roared at her as she broke completely.

Her legs locked around his waist, desperate to feel his manhoods fill her depths one final time. Eztli released his grasp on her throat as his arms wrapped around her to pull her against him. His manhoods, buried as deep into her as he could gushed his seed into her holes. Vylesh gasped at the feeling of air filling her lungs as his milky white fluid filled her tight rear and womanhood, she flexed her arms futilely against her restraints in a desperate attempt to hold him close. Instead her shaking legs holding him deep inside of her as his pulsing girths sent her even further over the edge, awash in pain and pleasure.

Her eyes shut hard as a wave of pleasure overtook her from her core to her extremities. Bound hands balled into fists, toes curled, and tail wrapped tight around his leg as her eyes shot open again when she moaned his name aloud. His arms wrapped around her, pressing their bodies together as her mind was completely lost. She arched her back to feel her breasts press into his scaled chest. A lean athletic build wrapped in scales providing yet another divine pleasure to overwhelm her senses. Her hard, dark purple nipples pressing into his chest and stimulated by the rough scales moving against her as they both rode out their climaxes. A duet of moans and groans in one another's ear as they savored every feeling to the last.

The final drops of Eztli's seed were milked out of him by Vylesh's orgasm overtaking her, her tight holes clenching still to feel his invading lengths still pulsing within her. She felt the ropes binding her wrists untie, and she immediately took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him. They held eachother in an embrace, riding out the adrenaline high until they both felt the exhaustion begin to set in.

Eztli panted hard as he tenderly held Vylesh in his arms. "That's a good do you believe me? Or should I claim you again?" He playfully threatened.

It took Vylesh a few moments of gasps and absent mindedly tracing her fingers along his scaly back before she softly whispered back, "I believe you, but you know I won't say no to more..." She cooed, surprising even herself.

He gave a hearty chuckle, the vibrations reverberating into Vylesh's core as she held him still with arms and legs refusing to let go. "It's tempting, but you wouldn't make it." He said as he held her close still with one arm, propping himself up to get to his feet with the other.

"I...I might..." She lied, not wanting to admit that as enjoyable as this had been it had left her mentally and physically exhausted. So much so that it barely registered that she was being lifted now.

She instead focused on his softening members still buried in her. She hazily lamented that they were no longer stretching her out and making her feel so thoroughly full, but her legs, arms, and tail still clinging to him showed she was still not ready to let any part of him go just yet.

Eztli walked the pair over to their bedroom, a bit of telekinesis opening the door and shutting it behind them. Another application of that invisible force threw the sheets aside as he carefully set them down and snuggled her in his arms.

"I mean every word of it, Vylesh." He said, turning a bit more serious for a moment. "I want you. I want you to know that I want you. I want you to know that you're all that I could ever ask for."

He delicately traced his claws along her back, sending a shiver down her spine and through her tail. The slight tremble in her tail still wrapped around his leg brought a small smile to his lips as he continued. "Whatever it takes, I want you to know how special you are to me..."

Vylesh hugged him tight as they lay on their sides together, awkward arm and leg placement be damned. She had been claimed. Someone wanted her enough to claim her, someone cared enough to pour their heart out to her. The fluttering in her chest met with the wave of pleasure that was only finally starting to subside as she felt a sense of peace overtake her. Peace and his scales against her skin.

"Eztli I...thank you." She spoke softly, starting to doze off in his arms. A satisfied smile on her face as a light move of her hips confirmed the feel of his softened members still trapped inside her by her embrace. "Forgive me for not believing you?" Her drowsy question came as her eyelids fell heavy.

"Of course, Vylesh...I love you..." He said, perhaps too early. Though only he could think this after having just ravished her and having her in his arms. His twin members, though now softened, still buried inside of her holes. He managed to worry even more as he didn't hear a response.

He pulled his head back slightly to see her eyes closed, and felt the soft breathing and utter relaxation that came with sleep. His mind started to race and tail swished about on the sheets as he wondered if she had heard him before dozing off, and he promptly decided it could wait for later.

It was... most likely still mid day, if he had not completely lost track of time. That was not a guess he felt confident in making, and the sleeping tiefling woman in his arms and his own exhaustion at having just broken the poor thing was starting to set in. A final bit of telekinesis to cover the embracing pair up with the sheets and blankets, and he felt himself quickly dozing off as well.