Dead to Me, Chpt. 2

Story by DNide4Evr on SoFurry

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#2 of Dead to Me

Chapt. 2

Tony picked up on my changed mood, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Um yeah, Tony" I started this would be really awkward because I was stuck on him until his knot shrunk a little so I could get off, but I did push away so I wasn't leaning on him, "Look Tony we've tried a relationship before it didn't work, it never dose"

Tony's ears flattened on his head, "Oh ah then sorry I said I love you then" I nodded and we spent another awkward half hour before I could get off him. He dressed quickly and left, I didn't bother to get dressed I went straight to my shower and washed myself off. Standing under the stream of water I got to thinking about the time Tony and I had tried a relationship, it was a disaster from the start, I don't know what it was about us but we made fine friends but when it came to being a couple, it just didn't work. I sighed, who cares I chased him out he's gone and we don't have to worry about it.

I started to shampoo my fur when I heard my cell phone ringing, "You fucking kidding me!" I yelled for no particular reason and quickly jumped out the shower and ran to my phone, suds still on my fur and grabbed the phone, "Hello" I said hastily as I put it to my ear, "Hey it's Dom, I was wondering are you free tonight"

"Depends why you ask"

"Wondering if maybe you'd like to go to a club or something"

"Sure why not"

"Great! 9 then maybe"

"Yeah I'll meet with you at your place I know where you live"

"Yeah cool so you then, bye"

"Bye" he hung up before I did, I smiled and put the phone down. Remembering I was still covered in suds I went back to the shower to finish cleaning myself off.

When I got out I realized it was only seven o clock, what the hell am I supposed to do for three god danm hours?! I got my answer when I looked over to my couch and saw Tony had left his shirt here, I really should see if he's ok he didn't seem to take my rejection to well. I walked over to it and pick it up looking it over you would have never guessed that Tony could fit into the shirt, it was tiny but then again he liked tight fitting shirts to show off the slight build he had. I sighed, might as well get this over with now, gotta know if I should feel terrible or just bad, right?

I put on my own cloths, and grabbed his shirt, quickly heading over and out my door closing and locking it behind me. I headed to his apartment, it was only a few doors down from mine, in fact living so close is how we met, plus the minor fact we ended up getting the same job, going to the same parties, bars, clubs, in fact we did almost everything the same without even knowing the other existed. That's why I think we hit it off so fast, becoming friends then lovers in mere weeks, but that ended a month later after a few disagreements that I don't really feel like talking about. Thinking about this now, those disagreements were all one sided, He was the only one that cared about the relationship. I sighed and knocked on the door, "Go away!" Tony cried out from inside, his voice sounded raspy as if he'd been crying, "Tony are you crying?! Please don't cry I hate it when you cry" My tail dropped and my ears flattened as I heard him start crying once more. I didn't know he cared that much. Great just great, I can't deal with this right now, I liked Tony yes I did, as a friend not a lover, I have a date later today to prove that fact. I sighed once more "Tony you left your shirt at my apartment I'm leaving it on your door knob" I called out and hung the shirt up. I turned back to my apartment but only went inside long enough to grab my cell phone.

I left and headed towards the park to go for a walk. It was only five so there were still many furs at the park, joggers walkers furs just sitting around doing nothing. I walked down the path set threw the park as I always did. And as always had stuff thrown at me by the immature boy from the apartment below mine. He thought gay sex was the grosses thing in the world and he hated listening to it so to return the favor, he treated me like crap, that is until his mom usually smacked his muzzle for it, which she did here now, I smiled and nodded as she waved back at me then went to scolding her son. True fully he didn't bother me all that much, I deal with a lot worse shit then him, at least he throws one thing and is done I've had furs publicly assault me, both physically and verbally, plus my apartment seems to be the one place thieves around here like best, and I don't even have anything! What's that tell you. I frowned and continued my walk to realize, someone was following me, my ears perked and I turned quickly, I saw a lot of furs, none out of the ordinary. "Hmmm I could've sworn...must be getting paranoid" I shook my head, yep probably just going crazy from stress, I decided to just head home.

The walk home was uneventful and I just walked in and sat on my couch, I stared at the wall for an hour before I heard a knock no a pound on my door. I got up and went to answer it, when I opened it I saw an older fox, same coloration as me, crap, "Dad?!"

"You fucking slut!" He pushed past me, "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"Dad I ..."

"Don't call me that!!"

"What did I do!?" I was panicked, he never did like my choice to be bi but he didn't act like I was a bane! He took a folder and held it in front of me, "I've had you watched" He threw it on the floor in front of me, I picked it up and opened it, looking at the pictures inside, they were of me with every female and male fur I've been with over the past month, at least forty photos of seventeen different furs and me with them, in all of them I had been caught in the act. My ears sent back, now I was just pissed, "You've been spying on me!!!"

"Yes I have and wouldn't you know it, the fur I used to call son is not only bi, but a slut as well!"

"But dad I can..."

"No you can't from this moment on, I don't want you to call your mother or I, I don't want you to come home for the holidays, I don't even want you at our funerals, your dead to me!" I looked at him wide eyed, I could manage to never want to see him again, but mom, I loved my mother I wouldn't be able to not see her. "But.." I didn't finish because he punch me in the gut and stormed out slamming the door. I held my gut and fell to my knees, bending forward and putting my head on the ground, I hadn't cried in a while but that was defiantly the breaking point for me and I started to cry