In my Father's Footsteps. Ch 1

Story by fanglore17 on SoFurry

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his is my first time trying to write an erotic story. I do have plans to continue this story if people are interested in it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Chapter 1

Just behind this ramshackle door is the start of my journey. My name is Dustyn, and I am hunting a kobold. All the info points to it being just behind this door. Griping my short sword tight and at the ready, kobolds are notorious for traps. I examine the hinges and latch closely, finding nothing I kick in the door. The old rotting wood crumbles underfoot, and a chain on the other side clangs loudly.

"Shit!" it was alarmed.

Running inside, I prepare for combat and examine the scene before me. The room is a small cave carved out by claws into the side of a little hill. A small candle lights it from the back corner. A small wood chest sits next to a straw bed. Looking at the chest, I see a dark blue tail sticking out from behind it.

It has to be the kobold that lives here. Keeping an eye on the tail I, look around the rest of the room for others. Remembering the Guild's words, "where there is one kobold, ten more are hiding nearby."

The room is small, and only some tiny trinkets and a bag of old food lay around the edges. Creeping towards the chest, I ready myself for a surprise attack from the kobold. Reaching the chest, I kick it over onto the hiding kobold. It screams as both it and the chest go rolling into the wall. Tumbling open, the chest empties its contents onto the bed. The blue kobold dashes out from under the chest and grabs a carving knife out of the pile.

Seeing the weapon, I use my empty hand to grab the kobold's bony wrist. Squeezing tight, the Kobold yelps in pain as it drops the knife. Bringing my sword to its throat, ready to end its life, a sudden splash of sticky liquid hits me in the face. Stepping back, trying to wipe my face off as fast as possible. Afraid of it being some kind acid, I wait for the pain, but it never comes.

Instead, my eyes lock onto the little creature in front of me. Its small body sits poised to attack with the carving knife. Its fierce violet eyes almost like spears digging into my heart. The scales that cover its thin frame glisten with sweat. With kobold sitting there unclothed, my eyes catch a glips of its small slit. Unusually frustrated that it prevents me from telling if it is a boy or girl.

Closing my eyes and shaking my head. What the Fuck is wrong with me? Why would I even think that? Looking back at the kobold, I see that it has stood up and is looking at me confused too. Standing at full height, the kobold is not even three feet tall. Its eyes begin to wander across my body and linger for a moment on my crotch. It shakes its head and drops the carving knife.

Hissing words of confusion, "What happening to kobold?"

Is it speaking Draconic? Moving closer to it and seeing no more signs of hostility. I kneel to look into its eyes.

In Draconic, I whisper, " what is happening to us?"

The kobold looks me deep into my icy blue eyes. Its hot breath, bathing my face. To both of our surprise, the kobold leans forward and kisses me. The soft flesh of its lips on mine sends a wave of heat through me. My leather armor begins to feel stifling, and my pants are getting tighter by the second.

We brake contact after a moment, but our eyes remain locked. "don't care anymore," we say in unison.

Our lips meet again, but this time harder and full of fire. They part as our tongues begin to dance across each other. Our tongues fight for dominance in this act of passion, with the reptilian's skillful forked tongue winning the struggle. It may have won this battle, but I am bigger.

Without breaking contact, I wrap my arms around the kobold and pull it into a tight embrace. This act seems to encourage the kobold to press forward its assault on my gums. Picking up the kobold who can't be more than thirty pounds. I turn it and carefully lay it down on the straw bed. We part once more, breathing hard.

"Want you." It says as it turns its head away from me.

Knealing over the little creature, I pull off my gloves and place one hand on its neck. Its skin is hot as fire but smells almost like cinnamon. Rubbing my hand down its shoulder and to its smooth chest, I can feel every bone and muscle hiding beneath its blue scales. Sliding further down its stomach, I feel the muscles underneath twitch and tighten. A small giggle leaves the kobold.

"That tickles" its hums.

Using that as encouragement, I lower my hand further to hover right above its wet slit. The moment of truth, time to find out if this lovely kobold is a boy or a girl. Rubbing two fingers down its slit, I cover them with the juices already flowing out. Hearing the kobold moan, I place my other hand on its cheek. Its long snout begins to rub against my forearm.

"I am going in," I whisper to the little kobold.

It nods in acceptance. With that confirmed, I carefully slide my first two fingers into the wet slit. Pushing in as far as my fingers will go, I rub every soft, twitching surface I can find. With no foreign object present, I sigh a little in relief. She is a girl.

"Please," she begs, " no more. Want you."

Her little claws begin to fumble with my belt. Letting the little kobold remove my belt and untie my pants, I pull my fingers from her and tasting her desire. It's spicy and is the source of the cinnamon scent. As I enjoy the treat given to me, I feel a sudden release of pressure on my groin. My leather pants fall away, and my member springs to attention.

"Please hurry," she begs as she lays back down and spreads her little legs.

Not wanting to wait ether, I Line myself up with her and begin to see how much larger I am than her. Placing my hand behind her head, I look deep into her violet eyes.

"If I hurt you, let me know."

She nods in acceptance, and I begin to press against her. The slit gives way, and I pop into her tight embrace. With a loud gasp from the kobold, I pause.

"Is it hurting?" I ask

"Yes. But good hurt," she whispers back and gives me one more little kiss.

Encouraged by the kiss, I press into the tight folds. Inch by inch, I go until there is nothing left of me free of her tight grasp. Surprised that this little thing could hold all of me, I look down and see the outline of my member pushing out of her belly.

"are you ready?" I ask her

She gives me a toothy grin, "yes."

Starting slowly, I pull myself back and then push hard back into the folds. Movement gets more relaxed with every repeated thrust into her little frame. The kobold's moans of pleasure rise as the pace increase faster. I think its time to finish this.

Sliding my hands under the kobold's back, I whisper, "Let's get more comfortable."

Picking her up, the kobold's arms wrap around my back, and her little claws dig into my leather vest. Sitting down with her on my lap, still connected by our desire. My hands slide down to her tail and cup around her small rump.

I giver her an evil grin, and she returns it with her own fanged smile.

Gripping tight, I lift her an inch or two before slamming her back down. The kobold lets out a gasp as our hips collide. She lays her head on my shoulder and holds on to me tight. Using the new support, I slam her down repeatedly. This moment feels like it continues for hours. My arms ache from repeatedly lifting the kobold, but I ignore it. The pressure building up inside of me drives me forward.

She lets out a loud gasp as the tight walls clenched down on me, pushing me to release the pressure built up. Letting go, I release the tension as waves of pleasure ripple across me and into the shaking kobold. I Flood the inside of the kobold, as her juices paint my hips. We both tighten our embrace on each other as we enjoy the magic of the moment we have created.

Laying the kobold down onto the bed, I pull myself from inside of her. She squirms, not wanting the feeling to end. Our mixed juices flow from her slit and onto the straw bed. Laying down next to her, I hear her whisper, " Kobold... love you."

I know now that I love her too. We may have just found each other, but that is how soul mates work, right?

Pulling her into a tight embrace, " My name is Dustyn, what is yours?"

"Kobold?" she looks confused for a second. " Everyone who sees me has called me Kobold."

Letting out a chuckle, " No, what do other kobolds call you."

"no other kobolds, Just Kobold."

Realizing that she must have never got a name, I look at her. Her deep blue scales and small frame remind me of a little flower.

"How about I call you Lily? You are my little flower after all."

The scales on her cheeks turn purple, " Like It." she kisses my neck and whispers, "your Lily."

Enjoying each other's embrace for a little longer, I finally stand up and get dressed again.

"You Leaving?" Lily asks with concern in her voice

"Yes, I have to." finishing with my belt buckle and resheathing my sword. "I took a job to solve the kobold problem. If I don't return, the Guild may send someone else, and we don't want that."

Lily rushes over to the pile that fell out of the chest and pulls out a long shirt that looks like rags sown together. Slipping it on, it drops to just below her knees. Using the stained sheet that made up the bed, she wraps up the rest of the pile.

"Kobold is... No, Lily is coming with," she states with confidence.

I can't let her come with me. She is a wanted criminal, and as a kobold, they would just kill her. As I almost did.

"If you come into town, they will kill you for your crimes," I say, unable to face her.

"Crimes? Lily only takes what she needs to live." shaking her little bag. "Lily return stuff not eaten. No more Crimes then?"

Laughing at the cute Lily," That may work." holding my hand out to her, "let's go."

Her little clawed had fits entirely in mine, "let's go."

Walking hand in had to through the forest that surrounds the little town of Woodhearst. We make it to the small wooden gate that separates the village from the woods.

A village guard waves at me as I approach, " welcome back! I see you have captured the thief."

Pulling the bag off from around her neck, I dump the contents at the guard's feet. Gesturing at the little pile, "this is all the stolen stuff I was able to find."

The guard just looks at the pile of junk and loos at me. "What do you want me to do with this shit."

"With the return of the stolen pieces and an apology to those she took from. I hope that we can let this matter go." waving for Lily to step forward, " She is a lone kobold and only took what she needed to live. I don't see this as any different than when a child steals because they are hungry."

Placing a hand on her back, I speak in Draconic, " Please apologize to the guard."

Speaking in a soft and feminine voice, "Lily is sorry."

"I didn't know you spoke common!" looking at Lily in shock.

Looking back at me with pride, but in Draconic, she says, "yes, but this better on tongue."

The guard won over by the cute kobold. he says, "Fine, but she needs to go to everyone she stole from."

Heading into Woodhearst, we stop by most shops and a couple of houses and end up paying for all the stolen food. My purse a few coins lighter, we head to the Adventurer's Guild.

Entering into the wood structure, I welcome the sweet smell of hot food and honey mead. Heading over to the desk by the entrance, I pull out a little paper that says, " Kobolds are stealing from the village. Please take care of them."

Placing it on the table, a little gnome woman rushes over, "Dustyn! Welcome back."

Snagging the paper, she puts a little stamp on it. "You finished your first quest. Congratulations!"

Sliding it into her desk, she pulls out a little silver brooch set with a small ruby. "Here you go! You are now a Guild Licenced Adventurer."

"Actually, Lilbi. I need to make a change to my registry." stoping her from handing it over.

"I think I am going to change from Fighter to..." the last word was hard to say. They have a terrible reputation, but looking at Lily made me understand that it's not that bad. "Bard. I need to change it to a Bard."

Lilbi just smiles and rubs the gem in her hand. Glowing red letters float out of the gem and form: Dustyn Sundew / Bard / Level 1.

"How many Adventurers do you think I have helped?" tosing the brooch at me, I instinctively catch it. "It also helps that I also gave your father his. So I knew you would be a Bard the moment I saw that Viola in your room."

Pulling a little bag from the desk, Lilbi crawls onto the desktop and looks me in the eyes. "I see now why you brought the kobold with you too." Putting her little hand on my face, she whispers a few words of magic. As the magic washes over me, I feel as if the world became a little less bright.

"what happened?" I look at her, confused.

Lilbi looks down at the Lily and sighs. "you both got hit with a love potion, and I removed its effects on Dustyn."

Lily looks up at the gnome, confused.

"you stole one of the potions from the alchemist, didn't you?" Lilbi's eyes grow hard as she stars down at Lily.

"He said it keeps you safe to other humans. Lily found one intact in trash behind hut." Lily says as she claws to my legs, trying to hide from the angry gnome. "Lily, sorry."

Lilbi hops off the desktop and lands in front of Lily. " It is dangerous to use potions if you don't know what they do. You will have to remain under the effects of it as punishment for your actions."

Handing Lily the small bag, " now go get some actual clothes and come back. You can sleep in Dustyn's room tonight."

Pining another brooch onto Lily's tattered shirt, she pulls her off of me. "You are a rogue now. You have to be swift and brave for Dustyn. Watch his back and keep him safe."

Lily's eyes light up as she realizes what is happening.

"Go!" Lilbi shouts as she dances around Lily and pushes her in the back. "He won't leave without you, I promise."

Lily runs out the door with a big smile on her face and a bounce in her step.

As soon as the door closes behind her Lilbi turns and looks up at me, "So what can I get you to drink?"