MAALUM: Chapter 1 - Jackal Style

Story by Maalum on SoFurry

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#5 of Maalum

Before reading the first chapter, I want to tell you something:

1- This chapter happens during the first season of The Lion Guard, mentioning the episodes "The Kupatana Celebration" and "Too Many Termites".

2- I want to show you the other side of Reirei. She's not only that liar and bad girl we see in the series. She has a caring side, especially about their children.

3- This chapter is really sad and calm.

WARNING: Maalum is an exclusive character of mine (design by Tayarinne). If you use him without my consent, you will be reported.


Maalum (Interlude):

Caphter 2 - Not One Of Us:

Chapter 3 - From Jackal To Lion:

Chapter 4 - From Evil To Good (SFW):

Chapter 4 - From Evil To Good (Slight NSFW):

Chapter 5 - Love Is Pain (SFW):

Chapter 5 - Love Is Pain (NSFW):

Chapter 6 - Welcome To The Tree Of Life:

Chapter 7 - My Place In The Circle Of Life:

Maalum (Epilogue):

Kijana runs and hides among rocks, lurking to look for something or someone. "I will find you." A soft male voice is heard not far from there. Kijana lowers behind a rock, not wanting to be discovered. The little jackal lets out a light laugh, believing she's safe. Suddenly, someone jumps in front of her. "Got you!" She screams and jumps in fright.

"Maalum! You scared me!" She pats him lightly on the shoulder.

Maalum is a lion-jackal hybrid with a unique look. His face is identical to that of a lion, but his ears are more like that of a jackal. His fur resembles a lion, despite having a black back like a jackal. As for the tail, that is totally a jackal's tail.

"That's not a jackal thing, Kijana." He jokes.

"Haha. Very funny, Maalum."

"Maalum! Where are you?"

"Oh. It's Reirei." Despite living with her pack since... well... practically ever... Maalum can't call Reirei a mother for two reasons. He knows that she's not his real mother, despite knowing nothing about his birth mother, and he also doesn't like the lifestyle that Reirei wants to give her children. He thinks the jackal style is wrong. "Sorry, Kijana. I gotta go."

"Can we continue to play later?"

"Of course!"

"Then see you later."

"See you later."

Kijana watches as Maalum leaves. They're practically the same age and they have always gotten along very well. Kijana trusts Maalum a lot and loves spending time with him. She doesn't know why, but she always feels happier and more comfortable when he's around her.

Maalum goes to Reirei, smiling: "Hello, Reirei. What's up?"

"Maalum. I have a plan to finally be able to eat at ease in the Pride Lands."

"Oh no. Reirei. I don't like that things at all."

"Maalum. Your mother asked me to raise you and that is what I am doing. You're part of my pack. Behave like a jackal."

Maalum grumbles: "Okay. What do I have to do?"

"I want you to get the attention of the hyenas. They will chase you and the Lion Guard will come to save you, because today is the Kupatana Day. There, you convince the leader of the Guard to let you enter the Pride Lands. After that, it will only be a matter of time before we can all eat a good meal."

"What?!" Maalum is shocked. "I will not do that."

Reirei growls at her adopted son: "I'm your mother and you have to do what I say."

Maalum shouts: "You're not my mother and I'm not a liar!" The little hybrid runs away.

"Maalum!" Reirei calls, but he ignores her.

A memory enters the mind of the pack leader:

"I don't know if I can do it, Reirei." Kaikai cried. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"Kaikai. You're not alone." Reirei caressed her friend. "We've always been friends. I never left you and I will never leave you."

"But my mate abandoned me."

"Ok." Reirei stood up, upset. "Tell me once and for all who is that idiot. I'm gonna find him and kick him in the jackal style."

"No!" Kaikai stopped her friend. "Reirei. Forget that asshole. Just... promise me one thing."

"Sure, Kaikai." Reirei sat down next to her friend. "What is it?"

"Promise me that if something happens to me, you'll take care of my baby."

"Come on, Kaikai. You don't..."

"Promise me that you will teach him how to be a real jackal. I don't want my son to be like a lion."

"It's ok." Reirei smiles at the her. "You have my word."

Reirei sighs at the memory: "I'm doing the best I can, my friend."

Away from Reirei's ideas, little Maalum leans against a rock crying with his thoughts: Why didn't my parents want me? Why did they give me to these jackals? I hate the jackal style.

Meanwhile, Reirei calls her son Dogo and it's he who participates in the plan to invade the Pride Lands on Kupatana Day. Obviously, Maalum doesn't agree with what they are doing and decides to stay in the Outlands, while the pack invades the Pride Lands and is expelled by the Lion Guard, during the Kupatana Celebration.

In the days that follow, Reirei tries to teach Maalum everything about being a jackal. But the jackals' attitudes do not please the little hybrid and he refuses to participate in any plan organized by Reirei.

At the same time, Maalum plays with Kijana whenever he can. She has proved to be a good friend, respecting his decisions. However, she accepts her mother's orders without protest and that doesn't please Maalum much.

One day, Maalum's playing with Kijana, chasing her, as usual.

"Can't catch me!" Kijana continues running.

Despite having two lion's feet and two jackal's feet, Maalum's even quick and can quickly reach Kijana, jumping on top of her. "Did you say?"

"Hehe. You caught me." Kijana smiles at her foster brother. More and more, she likes to spend time with him. Looking into his bright orange eyes, Kijana feels an inexplicable shiver in her body. "Maalum. I..."

"What's going on here?!" Dogo appears, upset.

"Oh. Hey, bro." Kijana greets after Maalum leaves her.

"Kijana. Were you playing with that hybrid?"

"Dogo. He has a name. It's Maalum."

"Yeah, yeah. Were you playing with him or not?"

"What if I were? What do you have to do with it?"

"You shouldn't be playing with him. He's not one of us."

Maalum lowers his head sadly. Kijana sees that and scolds her brother: "Dogo! Maalum is part of our pack! He's one of us!"

"He's not a jackal and he doesn't respect the jackal style. Maalum is an intruder!"

"Take what you said!" Kijana prepares to attack her brother.

"Kijana. It's ok. Dogo... Dogo's right."

"Maalum?!" Kijana looks at him with pity.

"I... I'm not one of you." Maalum starts leaving, sad.

"Maalum!" He doesn't answer and she yells at her brother again. "You see what you did, Dogo?"

"I just told the truth."

Kijana growls and starts fighting with her brother.

Meanwhile, Maalum continues walking alone and sad: "Dogo's right. I don't belong here."

Reirei and Goigoi appear, after being kick by the Lion Guard for trying to eat the aardwolves.

Reirei notices that Maalum is sad. "Goigoi, dear, keep going. I need to speak to Maalum."

"Whatever you say, dear." Goigoi leaves.

Reirei approaches Maalum with a smile: "Maalum. What do you have, son?"

"Reirei. Do you think I'm one of you?"

"What?!" Reirei's amazed at the question.

"Am I really part of the pack?"

"Maalum. Listen. You're not physically a jackal. But you are one of us. I know I am not your real mother, but I have raised you practically since you were born. You're my son and you're part of our pack."

Maalum stops a little thoughtfully, before asking: "Why didn't my parents want me?"

Reirei takes a while to answer: "Maalum. I was saving this information for when you were older. But... you need to know the truth." Maalum looks at Reirei with great attention and curiosity, while she speaks with a sad tone in her voice. "Your mother was my best friend Kaikai. She was the leader of a neighboring pack. One day, she met a lion who she fell in love with."

"My father?"

"Yes. Your father. I never met your father, but Kaikai was very much in love with him and she told me that he loved her too. However, as soon as your father discovered that your mother was pregnant, he ran away without telling anyone and he never appeared again." Maalum lowers his head sadly upon hearing this. "Things got worse when a clan of hyenas started attacking your mother's pack. Being pregnant, she was unable to protect the other jackals as well and gave the pack leadership to a younger jackal. It was then that your mother came to live with us. That way, I could help her more with the pregnancy."

"W-What happened to her?" Maalum asks, afraid.

"Maalum. Your mother didn't abandon you like your father. On the day you were born, the hyenas attacked our pack and chased your mother. Your mother wanted to protect you from the hyenas and she met with me so that I could take care of you. Maalum. The hyenas... They killed your mother." Reirei's very sad remembering that day. She looks at Maalum, who's crying a lot. "Maalum. I promised your mother that I would raise you as if you were my son." She nuzzles the hybrid, trying to calm him down. "And that's exactly what I am trying to do."

Maalum leans against Reirei crying. "Thank you... mother." Although he doesn't like Reirei's way of doing things, Maalum knows that she's right. This jackal has been like a mother to him.

"You are and will always be a member of our pack." She smiles, touching her body with affection. "My son."

Maalum (Interlude)

It's a cold night and it rains torrentially. An adult jackal runs hurriedly and worried in the Outlands, carrying a newborn cub in her mouth. The mother hurries going to Reirei at the entrance of a small cave, placing the baby between them. The...

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