Splintered Fields: Prologue

Story by DishonoredWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Splintered Fields

First actual story on site, no smut for those interested. Can not promise there will not be any, but I want to build up and tell a decent story before I decide. With that said and done, enjoy.

Operation Forgone, Northern Front

Logistics Colonel Enbhean Report 205

Date: 20th, October, 203 L.F.

--Exert 13 section 4--** **


Divisions assigned: 3

Number of personnel, 34,000

Artillery, armoured, air support: 2 platoons of Volter Tanks

Calculated loss of personnel: 15,000

Equipment loss percentage: 40%

Requisition for more support: Denied

Requisition for new equipment: Denied

--End Exert--

--** Personal transmission to General--**

Sven, I must protest your decision. The enemy has yet to be routed, and you plan on assaulting entrenched positions with an undetermined number of combatants? My quartermasters had been harried non-stop for more requests from the day we arrived, and what inconsistent information comes through from the codebreakers and what patrols return does not confirm anything of importance within the sector. My calculations are, at best,cursory, and insubstantial without proper intelligence. Please do not be hasty in this decision, lest the press back home will have a field day.

-Your friend, Enbhean.