Don't Wake Up the Elder Beings, Especially If You Misspelled a Word

Story by bananabrain on SoFurry

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A young wolf mage learns the hard way that some beings don't appreciate being woken up, and that it's always good to double-check your summoning spell for errors.

It was a loud and stormy night, the skies cracking with rolling thunder and piercing lightning as though the gods themselves battled in the heavens. Rain poured down from the heavy, hanging clouds and soaked the earth below. This was a night for malevolence. A night for fear, a night for dark magic and wicked deeds. Lightning illuminated the secrets of the earth once more, revealing for just a second the form of a cloaked figure darting through the forest, bent against the wind and the rain. Branches scraped and rasped as though calling out, as though the trees were trying to alert whomever could hear that someone was in their woods. The ancient, gnarled trees thinned out into a large clearing where small, round stones circled one much larger, this larger stone covered in strange markings and symbols.

An alter.

An alter to some dread Elder God long hidden and forgotten by the very ones who once praised and worshipped it. An alter on which blood was spilt. An alter on which the pure, the innocent, the unwilling felt true fear before their life was gifted to the Elder God by a knife grasped in a steady paw.

Or maybe it was just a picnic table. Who knows what those old runes meant.

The cloaked figure looked around the clearing before glaring up at the sky, squinting against the rain spattering against her face. Another flash of lightning revealed this creature to be a young wolf before darkness fell again, followed by a loud yelp and a thud as she tripped over a root hidden in the thick grass and brush of the forest floor.


She staggered up again, glaring now at the offending root before taking a pouch from her pocket and flinging a pawful of crystals into the air. As they left her paw, she murmured a short series of words in a language none but her people knew. The crystals glowed and vanished, the clearing suddenly falling silent aside from her breath. A pulsing aura formed a large dome over the clearing, protecting her from the elements. Another quick spell, and the water steamed off her cloak and fur, the girl sighing with relief. She carefully tugged a large book from the satchel slung on one shoulder and placed it on the altar. Next came a small loaf of bread stuffed with herbs and meat, and a flask of something amber in hue. These were placed beside the book. She slid off her cloak, folding it carefully and placing it on one of the smaller stones. The apprentice mage sighed appreciatively as the air brushed through her fur, dressed now only in a loincloth and a wrapping around her chest that she felt complimented the swell of her breasts. She took a bite of her sandwich as she began carefully turning the pages of the ancient tome, letting out a soft "ooooh" from time to time as her eyes ran over particularly dangerous, but powerful, spells. She popped the cork from the flask, taking a gulp of the liquid and shivering with pleasure as the heady beverage flowed down her throat.

" no...ewwww, absolutely not..." An hour had passed, the storm still raging silently outside her peaceful bubble of magic. The girl was now examining page after page of creatures to summon, trying to pick the perfect one to claim as her familiar. No paltry imp would serve her! She would outdo the rest of the mages-in-training...if she could only find a being which didn't seem to be made up of living rot or was just a mass of flesh-hungry flies...wait! Her finger paused, pressing lightly on an illustration of a tall, noble looking elder demon. Handsome...powerful...not known for the destruction of kingdoms or the enslavement of entire species...perfect! She took out a scroll, a quill, and a pot of ink, quickly scribbling down the spell that would wake him. Perhaps it was her haste to summon and bind her very own royal demonic being, or perhaps it was just dumb bad luck, but the wolfess did not notice when she jotted down a single letter in a single word out of order.

Surely one letter can't make that much of a difference?

A few bites of sandwich later, a few more gulps of her drink, and she was ready. The altar and stones already had the sigils for summoning inscribed upon them, so all that was needed was to place the scroll on the altar and...

Begin the summoning.

Although she couldn't hear it through the magic bubble of silence, a single massive peal of thunder echoed through the forest dramatically before a deep quiet fell, nature itself seeming to sense that something was about to happen. The wolfess knelt before the altar, murmuring the spell as she slowly raised her arms, her eyes and paws beginning to glow with magic.

Having never actually done a summoning before, the young mage missed the various signs that she was NOT summoning a member of demon nobility and was instead raising something...else. The rain around her turned to blood, leaving deep streaks against the aura of silent magic around the clearing. Birds, rodents, even a swarm of pixies fled the trees and bushes in all directions. The altar began to glow as the magical light flowed off her eyes and paws. A loud gasp broke from her maw as she felt the power flow off her and into the altar, standing up and panting softly as she watched the glow become more and more intense around the altar. Any second now the breach would open, and her demonic royal would emerge, graceful and radiant in his unholy glory. Any second now, as the glowing light turned a dank, poisonous looking green. Aaaany second now as the sounds of hollow warbling and chittering echoed out of the breach, which was now jet black and oozing rather than glowing.

Something seemed off.

Her eyes flicked to the scroll sitting in the center of the now burbling portal, the wolf letting out a soft eep of shock as she finally noticed her spelling error. But...surely one letter couldn't do...this?

The portal bubbled upwards, a thick mass of black, slime rising upwards before breaking apart into dozens of slender, flicking tentacles.

Something definitely seemed off.

A deep rumble, heavy in her mind.

Who the fuck woke me up?

She stammered weakly, struggling to even comprehend what she had done.


A single eye oozed its way to the front of the mass of slime and tentacles.

...what are you? Some little wannabe dumbfuck wizard trying to outdo everyone else? Just had to summon an Elder?

A tentacle whipped out, wrapping around her ankle and yanking hard, sending her down onto her ass as she yelped in fear, the eye turning a deep blood as drooling, razor fanged mouths rose up out of the slimy mass.

Well. Here I am. You think you can control me, you arrogant little shit? I will drag you back to my realm and torture you stupid ass for MILLENNIA before I allow you to even consider death.

The words burst from her mouth before she even realized she was saying them, her eyes wide and panicked. "I...I wasn't trying to summon you! I was...I switched a letter on the scroll! I w-was trying to call a demon prince!"

The tentacle loosened slightly, the mouths receding as the eye lost its insatiable rage and blood red color.

You called mistake? Because...

One tentacle lifted the slime soaked scroll, a few eyes growing out of it before a sound like bones being splintered filled her mind. It took her a moment before she realized...

The creature was laughing.

You summoned Elder Being...because you can't fucking spell? This is just...too fucking great...

She gulped hard, staggering back up to her feet. " does this mean you aren't"

Drag your pathetic body into my world and flay the flesh off your bones until your very soul is exposed for my feasting?

She let out a tiny whimper and collapsed back onto her ass, the strength gone from her legs.

She let out a relieved huff.

But I WILL make sure you learn to check your spelling.

Tentacles lashed out, coiling back around her ankles, more whipping around her arms. "What...n-no! Hey! I...I c-command you to stop!"

How about instead of stopping just because some whelp of an apprentice begged me to, I continue to do whatever I want.

Three tentacles curled around each other, swelling into one rather...blatantly shaped tentacle that pushed into her mouth, the girl flushing as she was lifted into the air, unable to defend herself. Saliva dripped from her mouth as the tentacle pulled back and then slid back in, her eyes watering as her throat bulged from the girth, choking around it. Her chest wrapping was torn away, followed rapidly by her loincloth. She struggled harder as she tucked her tail between her legs, though the action as rapidly rendered useless as the tentacles spread her legs wide. Another rumbling chuckle.

Stop trying to fight it. You summoned me, now you face the consequences.

Another thick tentacle formed, cracking against her round, soft rump, causing her tail to shoot up in pain and surprise. It whipped against her again, and then again, the wolfess whimpering around the tentacle pumping past her tongue and into her throat.

My, my. Could it be you're actually ENJOYING this lesson in spelling?

A smaller, slender tendril drifted lazily up her thighs, its tip sliding against her sex, which glistened lightly. She thrashed against the mocking gentleness, the wolfess stiffening with shock as it suddenly slipped inside her, working its way up against her tight, wet walls. mortals enjoy being marked, do you not...?

She gagged out an attempt at argument as her throat was fucked by the pulsing tendril, trying to beg him to free her. To her surprise, the tentacle pulled back, smearing her saliva over her face before it pointed at her. She stared at it without comprehension, then gasped with surprise as a thick rope of something thick, hot, and sticky sprayed over her face, followed rapidly by more, coating her shocked visage with a gooey later of otherdimensional goo. As it dripped down her face, she felt two more tentacles push their way past her slit, her body tensing up as she felt them squirming deeper inside her. 3 more more filled her maw as two coiled around her breasts, making her squirm and flush as they tugged slowly. She could, unfortunately, imagine exactly how she looked all too well. Dangling in the air, stripped naked with the faux-cum of an Elder Being dripping down her face and spattering her breasts as they were teased. Legs lifted and spread, her glistening sex on fully display, a hint of her pink tailhole teasing the imaginary onlookers. As if on cue, another large tentacle, larger than the others, slowly slid up her leg with mocking slowness and stopped as it reached the virgin ring. She squealed out her protests seconds before the tentacles stretching her jaw to its limit forced their loads down her throat, her snatch now dripping with the end result of the demonic creature's enjoyment.

Oh my...imagine, your first ass-reaming and it's coming from from me...I promise to be gentle...

The being cackled wickedly in her mind as the tentacle pressed against her tight tailhole, prodding in slow, hard presses. Her howl of shock as it suddenly forced her virgin ring open and wiggled inside was muffled by a fresh wave of his goo down her throat, her thighs trembling as she tried to force them closed. Tentacles in every entrance pumped in and out of her arrhythmically as she tried to fight the creature off to no avail. She found herself suddenly dropped to the ground, flipped onto her stomach with her arms yanked behind her back with her lower body arched upwards as tentacles slam into her, each emptying itself into her rear or her slit as she howled helplessly, the sound not penetrating past the magical barrier she constructed.

I believe that sound is the sound of a lesson learned.

The voice is shivering with malicious mirth.

But just to make sure...

The tentacles retracted, leaving her on the ground, stomach slightly swollen with goo, her body dripping with the being's essence. She realized after a few seconds that she couldn't move other than to feebly twitch.

I've done you the favor of enlisting some help to make sure you NEVER forget this lesson, mortal. Enjoy it!

The portal swirled, tentacles retracting back into the mass of goo as it shrank downwards from whence it came. The glow from the altar faded, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the sudden darkness...darkness aside from the dim glow of over a dozen pairs of eyes.

Imps. Imps grinned from the darkness as they eagerly moved closer to the magically paralyzed wolfess, a soft, but almost resigned, whine escaping her lips as she saw them stroking themselves to hardness.

She'd definitely never forget to check her spelling again.