Eden Station Pt. 1

Story by dashofweak on SoFurry

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Possibly a new story series


Eden Station pt. 1

Dash finished up typing his new report...ok not really a report, more a blog post about his latest investigation. The fox was a private investigator of sorts, not much crime happened on the station, and that which occurred was swiftly handled by the gods. Instead, Dash accepted requests to find someone, check a place out, or various other little things that most people just didn't know how to do. Though with a population of only 10 million, there wasn't that much work to be had. So the fox mostly kept his hours filled by writing up his stories, played up a bit of course, to his blog. It was very popular reading, he understood, nearly 100,000 readers!

Dash, unfortunately, had a few distinguishing marks that made it a bit more difficult to blend into the crowds of Eden Station, mostly the bright blue star mark over his right eye. That, and his glowing blue internals had gotten him into some trouble, still, he was glad he had something like that verses the rainbow spots of the only other private investigator on the station: Ms. Clair.

There was a knock on the door and a voice from the other side sounded off, "Hey! Dash! It's time for you to pay up!"

The fox let out a loud, annoyed, groan while his heart fluttered and his member surged just a little. Dash got up and downed his glass of whiskey analogue...hey if he was going to play up the private investigator, he may as well go all out...and pulled open the door. In front of him was the lieutenant..sorta, of the person who "owned" the building. He was a big stocky man, powerful legs and arms, stubbled muzzle, and zebra stripes that gashed across his body, the whites and darks heavily contrasting against each other. The equine stepped into the office and cracked his neck.

"So, you know what day it is." It wasn't a question, but the fox sighed and meekly nodded his head.

"And are we going with the usual payment then?" the zebra continued, turning to face the fox. Seemed like the stronger man was already anticipating the fox's answer if the front of his jeans were anything to go by. Once more the fox nodded his head.

"You got 5 minutes to get ready," and with that the zebra plopped himself down on the fox's chair behind his desk. With his head down and tail between his legs the fox entered his home part of his floor. In the building each floor was split into 4 sections, each one containing both a private work area and a living area for the resident, each had a similar floor space to an entire house. The fox quickly went to his room, undressing himself as he walked. His private investigator outfit, bordering on a costume, fell to the floor and once his paw gripped the handle to his room, the fox was totally naked. Inside his closet were various outfits and disguise kits. He pushed them all aside and revealed his "rent" outfit. Fishnet stockings, a red dress, black elbow-long gloves. The fox sighed and took the outfit, preparing himself to pay his "rent". With the practiced ease of a lifetime of dressing up and dressing down Dash slipped on his garments, trying to make himself look as enticing as possible. His frequent exercises kept his butt shapely and his stomach flat. He was just finishing up the blush on his cheek when his door flung opened, the zebra lowering his foot to the ground, "Took too long little lady."

He grabbed the fox by the hair and flung him onto the bed, the pain and humiliation flushed through his body as the zebra got onto the bed, naked and his meaty 10 incher demanding attention. The fox took a breath and crawled on his hands and knees to the zebra, playing up his submission and subordinance. His paw gripped the zebra's base while the other cupped his heavy hot balls.

"There you go, saved one up just for you today." The zebra said, giving a soft laughter as his hands pulled on the fox's ears, bringing his face closer. Quickly, a hand gripped the back of Dash's head and pressed his face into that huge member. It was rock hard and had a musky smell to it.

He loved it.

With no hesitation the fox licked the underside of that member, going from base to tip before that long shaft slide into his muzzle and tickled the back of his throat. Dash was VERY used to handling dicks this big. That meaty rod was pushed down his throat as the zebra gripped his head and pushed it down, his nose poking the zebra's groin with ease. His other hand soon joined in and he fucked the fox's face, making long gratuitous thrusts in and out as the bitch didn't choke around his dick once. Soon, the thrusts came shorter and shallower, and Dash had even less time to breath, but he used all he could, feeling the equine's rhythm until he let out a loud snort and a groan. He felt the man's cock throbbing in his throat as the zebra pushed his cock deep down his throat and came. Long jets of heavy spunk shot into his stomach, but not for long as the zebra pulled the fox off and jerked himself off into his face, fat globs of semen painting his face. Dash could only whimper submissively as his body was used as the leuitenant's sex toy.

The zebra let out a long grateful huff as he looked over his handiwork, long sticky strands of his masculinity draped over the fox's face, the bitch himself only able to open one eye since the other was covered with a direct shot from his rod, and to top it all off, he didn't even need to say "turn around and raise that tail," because the fox turned around, hiked up the dress, raised his tail, and teased him just a bit shaking his ass at him, enticing the zebra.

Fortunately, these animals had practically no recharge time, the sight of such a warm lovely hole on display and a few pumps of his quickly re-hardening cock was all the zebra needed to get back at what he loved the most: putting bitches exactly where they love to be. He gripped the fox's ass and pulled it onto his cock, spreading open the fox with ease. Dash was still tight thanks to all the excerises he did, being a good fuck comes in handy, but knew how to relax himself enough that it wouldn't hurt. The zebra's previous load and precum provided more than enough slickness to slide right in. The fox let out a shuttering groan as the medial ring slipped into him.

The zebra smirked, gripped his tail, and pulled the rest of his cock in. The fox let out a surprised gasp, panting and moaning as the zebra began to fuck him. Wet sounds of sex filled the room as the musclar zebra took his payment. The inside of the fox's dress was ruined once more as his respectable 5incher began leaking onto his dress, pre-cum staining the inside. Dash put a hand on his stomach and could feel the cock railing him emptying his guts and filling him back up. It was almost too much...almost.

But the slut had taken thicker, lengthier cock for longer. He gripped his bedsheet and tried not to cum too early, not wanting to give the zebra the bragging rights. The fox, with a cock up his ass so he didn't have to his maintenance chores, held onto his dignity, the zebra gave one long hard thrust before cumming. The fox let out a silent thanks before letting the pressure that had been building go, and came all over the inside of his dress, his little ropes copying the big thick ones being let off in his ass.

The two furs panted, recovering from their coitus.

"Fuck Dash, fantastic as always," the zebra said, pulling his cock out and wiping it on the fox's red dress. The private investigator would have complained, but he was already going to need to wash it so....

"Pewf, yah you too Brad," the fox's ass leaked out the zebra's seed as the vulpine rolled over and recovered. Brad slipped his cock back into his pants and cricked his neck, stretching and sighing.

"So, I already got your work order, woulda been on plumbing duty, glad you got this stud huh?"

Dash nodded, actually glad he could just give his work to someone else if they accepted. Everyone had to do their part to keep the station working. But the gods had made it so there was as little work needed as possible, the only real work that needed people was so small that usually one needed to do real work maybe one week a year. Like Dash, most furs "worked" only jobs that they genuinely enjoyed doing, and people like Brad took other's works...so long as you paid a price. The person in charge of all these real workers "owned" the building...or rather agreed to take care of the chores of everyone in the apartment. Brad happened to be one of the few who wanted his payment to be kinky, forceful sex, last time the zebra had brought out handcuffs and a whip. Dash was not complaining about that at all. Brad gave the vulpine a little wave goodbye and headed out.

About an hour later Dash's dress was sent off to the laundry, the fox himself thoroughly washed, and back behind his desk ready to take clients once more. He actually had one today too! Someone named "Billy" was supposed to come in right about....

There was a shy soft knock on the door.


He unlocked the door and two furs stepped through, the first one was a middle aged cougar wearing a long pink pastel dress. Holding her hand and following just behind her was a young cougar: wearing a striped shirt and cargo shorts.

Weird, he normally didn't get requests from children.

"Well hello you two!" the fox said, putting on a cheery voice.

"Oh why hello there!" the older cougar said, her eyes already wandering over the fox's body.

"Hey Mister!" the boy said, youthful energy in his voice.

"So! What can I help the two of you with?"

"Well," The woman started, "I promised little Billy that he could have anything he wanted for his birthday, and he wanted a resolution to a question I couldn't answer."

This was probably going to be about some schoolyard crush or something, not a big deal, parents get iffy about....

"What do the gods actually do?" the young feline blurted out.

The fox was taken aback a bit, that was a question he never would have guessed would pass through his door. He looked to the mother, who looked vaguely embarrassed but definitely on board.

"I uh...." The fox took a moment to collect himself, "Well what do you mean?"

"Well," Billy started, "I hear the gods made the world around us, they keep us safe, they watch us but like....how? I asked teacher and she didn't know, mom didn't know, dad didn't, and not even Jonny knows!"

Dash leaned back in his chair, he never considered it, but the kid had a point, the priests never really had answers when he asked them as a kid, but he hadn't really thought about it since then. The gods seemed to know what they were doing so...it just never really came up. But now Dash was thinking about it, there were a LOT of unanswered questions.

"Well Billy, I'm going to have to start an investigation."

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