Alpha/Omega: Paying the Piper

Story by Roxan on SoFurry

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#2 of Alpha/Omega House

As a new pledge, Kiba discoveres the extent of his duties to his new Alpha.

"You have no idea why you're here. DO YOU?"

Kiba looked around the small office, confused, and a little un-nerved by the professor's tone. He shook his head.

"All you know is that your Alpha told you to come to this office, at this time, and to do what your told. Am I right?"

Kiba nodded, even more confused as the grey rat sitting across the desk from him seemed to be reading him like a book. He didn't even know who the professor was, he certainly wasn't in any of Kiba's professors, he wasn't even a professor in Kiba's major, that much was obvious from the bookcase full of law books on one side of the small office.

"Another year, another Alpha trying to get into law school, and another Omega appears in my office". The professor leered down his long nose at Kiba, who squirmed a little under his gaze. "Let me spell it out for you, Fox". He spat the last word out like an insult, and Kiba winced, a feeling of dread crawling over him. Only one kind of people called him Fox, and they all had the same thing on their mind. As always, his species' reputation preceded him.

"You're here because Michael Carnine needs an A in my class, and my personal recommendation, to get into law school. Despite this, he has only shown up to class once in the last month and a half." The sinking feeling was getting stronger, Kiba knew where this was going.

"You're here because somewhere in Alpha/Omega house, there is a file with my name on it, that reads something to the effect of, "can be bought", and likely, "prefers boys".

Kiba blushed at the professor's bold words. It was embarrassing being talked about like a type of currency, but deep down, it was just a little bit exciting. He looked around the room, unable to meet the rat's leering gaze. His eyes settled on a photo of the rat with his family hanging on the wall behind him; a picture of his wife and daughter. He felt like the girls in the picture were looking at him, judging him. He looked away.

"You're here, because Michael needs to buy me off, and his only currency is YOU. You and your pliable little boy-cunt". A shudder ran through Kiba's body, his fears confirmed. He looked the professor over.

The professor was a grey rat somewhere in his early 40's, with a hint of white fur on his chest visible at the top of his shirt. He was wearing a grey green jacket with leather patches at the elbows, and a white button up shirt underneath. He was thin, but with a bit of a belly visible when he sat. he wasn't exactly hansom, but he wasn't ugly either. The only truly ugly thing about the professor was the undertone of malice in his voice every time he talked about Kiba like piece of meat to be bought and sold.

Kiba looked down at the Omega-Pledge shirt he was wearing and sighed. He'd been warned this could happen. Warned that a great many things could happen, when he had pledged himself to Alpha/Omega just a short time ago...

"By becoming my Omega, you become mine", Mike had said, standing over Kiba while the brothers formed a circle around them both. "You are Mine to fuck, Mine to reward, Mine to use and Mine to abuse", he had said, as if making an oath. The brothers had been dressed in gold trimmed black robes, Mike and Kiba had been naked. Kiba's cock twitched in his pants at the memory. "You will do What I say and Who I say When I say".

Then it had been Kibas turn to reply, "I sear myself to you, my Alpha, and all the Alphas of this House. To be your obedient Omega, from this day forward". The brothers had looked on solemly as Kiba leaned in and sucked Mike off, opening his mouth when it was done to show Mike's full Load on his tongue.

"It is done." Chester, president of Alpha/Omega, a tall black Jackal, had said.

"IT IS DONE!" the Brothers chorused.

"Kibanas with this, you are Pledged to Alpha Omega House, and Michael Carnine as your Alpha. You shall follow all orders you are given to the letter, and you shall share in all the rewards and pleasures that lie ahead for your Alpha

"Michael Carnine. With this you have taken Kibanas as your Omega, he is yours to Use and also your Responsibility from this moment forward. Use him well".

The rest of the night went as you might expect. Kiba had gotten a kick out of the Ritual of Pledging, but was only now realizing that the brothers were serious, and that they expected his obedience to stretch farther than some fun group sex inside the Alpha/Omega house.

Kiba was tenting in his shorts, the memory of that night bringing his submissive fettish to the front of his mind, and he was ready to give the professor what he wanted.

"Well, I guess if my Alpha owes you, it is my duty to settle his debt, what do you want me to do professor?"

The rat grinned and leaned back in his chair, pushing himself away from his desk.

"Come over here Fox, its time to pay the piper".

Kiba got up timidly, and walked around the professor's desk, keeping his eyes on the ground, playing the submissive student. His heart was thundering in his chest, excitement washing over him. He kept that excitement hidden though, it was clear that the professor was enjoying his power trip, and Kiba wouldn't ruin it for him. He stood in front of the professor not looking at him, not looking at anything but his feet.

"Good, now let's have that shirt off".

Kiba complied and shuddered when the Rat ran his pink fingers through his belly fur. The professor sighed lustily when he felt Kiba's soft fur, running his hands all over his chest and belly. Kiba liked getting felt up, but having it done to him by the older Rat felt different from when his brothers had done it. A cold sliver of shame mixed with his submissive excitement, dampening it, but also flavoring it with a hint of real submission.

"Let's see the rest"

Kiba closed his eyes, looking off to the side as he undid his button and lowered his shorts, standing in only his briefs. He stepped out of his shorts, kicking off his shoes as he did.

_This feels wrong...Dirty...why does this feel so different than when I was with Mike or the brothers? _ Standing in front of the Rat felt like standing in front of his father, the same feeling of judgement and disapproval. It made him feel small, and less sexy than he would have liked, more...naked.

The rat chuckled, "Modesty? From an Omega?" he yanked down Kiba's white briefs, revealing his snow-white sheath and sack. He leaned in and buried his face in Kiba's pubic fur, rubbing his nose into his sack and inhaling deeply. "Let's get something straight, you and I. Kneel."

Kiba did, kneeling between the rats spread legs, as the professor undid his belt and opened his pants.

"You're not some innocent college student, and I am not some Noble Professor here to look out for you".

He pulled himself out of his pants with one hand and grabbed Kiba by the head fur with the other.

"You are an Omega, SLUT. And I am the one who holds your Alpha's future in my hands."

He pulled Kiba down onto his pointed cock, Kiba opening his mouth to meet it.

"You are going to suck my cock till it is full and wet".

He held Kiba's head with both hands, bobbing him up and down, moaning between statements, and grinding his cock as deep as he could into the fox's mouth. Kiba, obediently bobbed his head and sucked the professor's smooth shaft. Holding his tongue against it like he had been taught and doing his best please the man fucking his mouth.

"Then", the professor moaned, pulling Kiba off his cock, "I am going to bend you over my desk, and FUCK YOU", he spat the last words in Kiba's face, still holding his head, and squeezing it a bit harder than was necessary. "Understand?!?"

Kiba nodded submissively, a little frightened by the rats aggressive manor, and growing anger.

"GOOD. Now get up slut."

Kiba stood shakily, and bent over the professor's desk, scared to do anything that might anger the professor further, not sure where the rat's anger had come from in the first place.

Just go along with it. I thought you liked this sort of thing?

I do. I mean, I thought I did... This just feels, Wrong...somehow.

"Raise your tail Slut. Invite me in".

Kiba felt a cold puff of air as the rat pressed his nose under Kiba's tail and inhaled deeply. "mmmmmmm smells like boy-pussy". The rat hawked and spat a thick wet glob onto Kiba's puckered hole. Kiba cringed and clenched his cheeks together reflexively, smearing the rats phlegm onto himself. Even smeared, there was enough that he could feel a glob running down his backside and into the fur of his sack.

He looked straight ahead at the door of the office while the professor lined himself up.

"What if somebody comes in?" Kiba asked weakly, as the professors pointed tip pressed into his spit slick hole.

"I bet you'd like that slut. A nice audience to see you fucked by a real male. To see me make you my bitch!" he slid forward into the fox, feeling it's sphincter stretch and clench around his shaft.

The professor moaned, and the Fox squirmed, his cock was poking uncomfortably into him. If he could just adjust his angle, he could find a place where the rats slow fucking would feel good. A better angle where his sharp tip wasn't punching his prostate directly but massaging under or past it. Kiba arched his back, lifting off the desk just a little, guiding the Rat's cock inside of him to hit that magic spot that would feel so good he could forget the circumstances. Forget how wrong it felt to be sold to a hateful professor for a letter grade, and just focus on the pleasure of being fucked by a long hard dick. All he needed was to lift up just a bit...

The Rat put a stop to that immediately. "Oh no you don't". He leaned forward hard, both hands on the small of the fox's back, pressing him firmly back to the desk, while simultaneously grinding forward. His cock stabbing painfully hard against Kiba's insides.

"This isn't for you..."


"You don't get to enjoy this!"

Stab. Stab.

"This is My pleasure, My payment, and I want to see you SQUIRM! SLUTT!!!"

Stab Stab Stab Stab STAB.

The rat fucked Kiba harder and faster, building a pace and rhythm that left the fox squirming and crying out beneath him.

Kiba was instantly overloaded, the Rat's sadistic fucking causing him real pain with every thrust. He tried to grit his teeth through it, to find some source of pleasure in it, but there was nothing. Just a stabbing pain from the Rat's too long cock jabbing into him farther than anything was meant to go. He couldn't take it, he cried out, begging the rat to stop,

"FUUUUUUUUCCCCK!!! It's too deep! No. no. NO! stop! Please!?!"

"Not a Fffffuucking CHANCE!"

The Rats thrust grew wild, as he held Kiba down, thundering his hips against his backside, spittle flying from his mouth, sweat beading on his face and his whip like tail thrashing out behind him. His cock throbbing inside the fox as he neared his orgasm. The fox below him was white knuckling the edge of his desk, pleading for him to stop. It's tail flailing wildly and his body shaking side to side, trying to push Itself off the desk but unable to lift the full weight of the much larger Rat. It was so hot!

Kiba was dying, his insides were screaming as the Rat pounded away at him, his pointed cock stabbing his prostate, and the Rat's huge nuts swinging below him, smashing into his own much smaller sack with every swing. The combination was agony, and he just wanted it to end, but the professor was only fucking him harder and faster with every stroke, making his agony that much more intense.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how no one could hear them, how no one had come running at the sound of his screams or the Rat's loud grunts and moans.

How can nobody hear this? Why is no one coming to save me? To stop this?

Kiba gritted his teeth, feeling on the verge of tears. He couldn't take much more of this. He felt like his insides were tearing from the Rat's vicious thrusts and feared he would be bleeding by the time the Rat was done.

The Rats thrusts hit a fever pitch, his hips smacking against Kiba's cheeks audible, the desk jumping and Kiba yelping with every long hard thrust. His grunts and moans trailing together into a constant growl that grew in volume with each thrust.


He slammed into Kiba so hard that Kiba's vision went white. The Rats cock erupting inside the sorely abused fox, his claws drawing blood from his hips, his eyes bulging and spittle flying everywhere as he roared his pleasure to the heavens.

His sac drew up and cum pumped into the dumpster sprawled across his desk, he held his thrust for a few heart beats, then pulled back and pumped again, and again, and again. Cum filled the fox to the brim, then squirted out of him with every pump.

Kiba gritted his teeth and closed his eyes through the Rat's powerful orgasm, it was almost over, he just had to last a few more minutes, and he could go. Then he'd never have to see this horrible professor again. Just another minute or two, just a few more moments, just a few more painful thrusts.

The professor kept pumping, savoring the Fox's pain, snarling in triumph as he claimed the fox. His new fuck toy for the Semester. He was going to enjoy this one.

The rat huffed, and his pace and force slackened as he rode his orgasm down. After another minute or two he pulled out, and sat back in his chair, looking over his handiwork with pride. The fox's hole was left gaping open after his brutal fucking, and thick pink cum was oozing out of it. The fox was shuddering, trying not to cry by the sound of it. Every time his chest convulsed, another glob of pink cum would spill out of the cum dumpster. The Rat smiled; he'd really done a number on this one.

"I bet your glad it's over slut", the Rat huffed. He was out of breath, he took his time, savoring this moment as much as any he had since the Fox entered his office. "You're probably thinking, 'at least it's over. At least I never have to see Professor Ratigain again', hahaha. Not quite".

On the desk, Kiba was sprawled and exhausted, on the verge of tears. His abused insides still throbbed, and he felt like his hole was ripped in half a dozen places. But worst of all were the words coming out of the Rat's mouth. He had been relieved when the professor pulled out of him, even proud that he had survived and done his Alpha's bidding. He had been a good Omega and could put this painful episode behind him. But the rat's gloating words, and smug tone made Kiba's heart sink all over again.

"You Owe me a Fuck for every A your Alpha gets. Every weekly test, every midterm, every paper due. No... no... no, little fox. It's not over. This Semester is Just Beginning".

Tears filled Kiba's eyes, as he imagined having to go through this every week, imagined what the professor would do to him for a midterm, and a Final. He couldn't hold it back any longer. He dropped his head against the desk and sobbed, his tail tucked between his legs, his knees weak.

Behind him, professor Ratigain laughed, his hand running up and down his re-inflating cock. This just might be his best semester yet....


Two in two weeks! I'm on a roll! couple more to come :) Also, if anyone wants to join the fraternity or has story ideas, I do love collaborative story series' so leave a comment or send me a PM!