The Assistant: Chapter One

Story by Espen_Bahari on SoFurry

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#1 of The Assistant

Hi everyone, it's been quite a while since I've last made any uploads, I'm sorry about that! But I finally found some time to sit down any finish up the first chapter of a new series I've been coming up with for quite a while. I'm not sure how long it will go on for, but I still have some storylines that I want to explore with it. As always, I'd love your feedback and tips on where you'd like to see this story go. This story does feature a bit of a self insert with my own lynx character, Espen. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter One: The Job Offer

Espen's job search had been draining, to say the least. Four months had gone by and nothing had come of it. Four months of emails back and forth, LinkedIn requests, and interviews that led to offers that were downright insulting. The lynx closed his laptop and took a sip of his now lukewarm vanilla latte. What had been the point of going to school for all of those years if that little piece of paper saying he had graduated didn't do shit for him? He played on his phone while walking back to his apartment, mostly looking at social media and those dumb dating apps that hadn't gotten him anywhere yet. As he was staring at the mildly attractive deer that he had swiped to on one of said apps, he saw a message had been received from LinkedIn.

"Still Looking For A Job?" The title read.

Strange, Espen thought. But he figured it couldn't hurt to see what was being offered. He wasn't exactly in the position to be passing any chances up.

"I'm looking for an office assistant to work full time. This position would begin immediately. Pay will start at sixteen per hour and raises may be discussed upon performance reviews. It's a straightforward job if you can follow directions. Let me know if you are interested in discussing this further.

Signed, Rialto - CEO of CF Designs."

"Holy shit." Espen muttered. Sixteen an hour for a simple office job? It might not be glorious or anything, but he knew only an idiot would pass up an opportunity like this. He started typing out his response.

"Thank you for your message and your offer! I am highly interested in this position, would you like to see my resume and references?" He impatiently waited for a response, his heartbeat quickening as he walked with a little more energy in his steps.

"That will not be needed Espen, your listed experience makes you quite qualified for this position. I'm looking to fill this spot quickly and would need confirmation of your acceptance as soon as possible. You would start on Monday".

Espen thought this sounded too good to be true, and a bit sketchy if he was being honest with himself. Though after searching around this guy's profile for a bit, he seemed to check out. There were many recommendations and credits from others within the community. That probably rules out serial killer. Four months of searching could finally come to an end. Espen knew he had to just take this chance and see what would happen. He could always back out if things went south.

"I would gladly accept this offer right now. What do you need from me before Monday?" Espen wrote back.

"I am happy to hear that Espen. You will be a welcome addition to our team. Please come to 145 Waterson Plaza. My office is on floor 15, you will tell the receptionist that you are reporting to your first day as my assistant and he will grant you access. Come well groomed, casual dress. I will see you at 9AM, do not be late."

When he got home, Espen told his roommates the exciting news that he was finally hired somewhere, and they all went out to celebrate. He spent Sunday shopping for some nicer clothes for work, and even treated himself to a bit of a spa day to make sure he would be looking his best tomorrow. He made sure to get in bed earlier than usual to help with his habits of being slow to wake up, but his racing mind made it tough to fall asleep. It also didn't help that another part of his body was distracting him from a good night's rest. "Ugh fine, I guess I can rub one out real quick, but then it's bed time!" Espen growled, reaching for his phone and pulling up some of his favorite images saved. He settled on a picture of a quite fit and in shape tiger, leashed and collared and forced down on to his knees. Espen, though never indulging in his kinky fantasies, always pictured himself in the subby position of the pictures he got off to. Someday he'd buy himself some nice gear and try it out, but that can wait. He finished pretty quickly and cleaned up before collapsing back into bed and managing to drift off after a bit of tossing and turning. He hoped all would go well tomorrow and that he wouldn't end up making a fool out of himself. He had waited too long for something to be thrown his way, and wasn't ready to let it slip out of his reach so easily. "I'll do whatever I can to impress him, I can't let him regret reaching out to me with such a generous offer."

Espen woke to his alarm on Monday morning, excited to be up early for the first time in years. He probably spent a bit too much time making sure his fur looked pristine, but he wanted to make a good first impression. By the time Espen was outside of his new boss's office, it was just turning 9AM on the dot. He knocked lightly on the polished wooden doors and was surprised when a buzzer sounded, and the doors swung open on their own. "Fancy place." Espen said.

"Ah, Espen. Come in and have a seat please." Rialto said from his desk across the room.

"Thank you so much sir, I'm very happy to be here! I've been looking for work for so long and I didn't think I'd ever find anything this generous and-"

"Yes, yes I know how tiring the job search can be." Rialto interrupted the lynx and turned around to meet Espen's eyes.

Espen was a bit taken aback by how... handsome he was. The snow leopard had silky smooth fur and piercing blue eyes. Espen had never seen someone as striking and captivating.

Rialto noticed Espen's gaze and gave a little smirk. "Well, I don't see the point in wasting any of our time, let's get you settled in and started Espen. If you would please follow me over to our conference room". The snow leopard stood up. He was a good foot and a half taller than Espen. His muscles were well defined and highlighted by his well fitted suit. Espen found himself a bit intimidated by his new boss. His aura was stern and commanding, with a touch of warmth to his words. His stature was straight as an arrow, and he moved with grace. Rialto opened the door to the conference room and gestured for Espen to enter. He closed the door behind them and cleared his throat. "So, I assume that you have questions about why I messaged you specifically", Rialto said.

"I do, yes." Espen answered. "So, you only messaged me? Not anyone else?" He asked.

"That's correct. Why don't we cut to it then? The services I'm interested in wouldn't be listed on any resume or told to me by any references you would have provided me the other day. You've shown them off quite well enough yourself on some of those dating apps you're on, boy."

"W-wait a minute. What are you talking about sir?" Espen stuttered.

"You know exactly what I mean, don't play dumb with me." Rialto said. "It is true that I need an office assistant, and I believe that we can have a deal here that we both benefit from".

Espen blushed and looked around nervously. "I don't know about this. I'm just looking for regular work sir." The lynx said.

"You'll have plenty of regular work to do here. And plenty of fun for the both of us. Don't act like you weren't eyeing me up earlier, I caught that. I know how to read a face, and boy yours lit up like the lights of the Vegas strip" Rialto said, resting a paw on Espen's shoulder. "Besides, I'm not exactly giving you a choice in the matter. You agreed to work for me, and you will." He said.

"Excuse me? I can always just quit you know!" Espen said, turning around and brushing Rialto's paw off of him.

"You can. But I will make sure you're blacklisted from jobs within this entire county. So unless you would like to stay unemployed, you won't quit. Do I make myself clear?" Rialto said bitterly.

"You... you can't just."

"I can. Don't make the mistake of questioning just what I can and can't do boy." Rialto said.

"Fine, what will you have me do then?" Espen sighed in agreement and defeat.

"First, you will always address me as sir. Understood?" Rialto replied.

"Yes sir." Espen said, looking up at him. Even if this whole situation was twisted and not what Espen had expected, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest twinge of excitement when he looked at Rialto.

"Good, we'll be getting you into your uniform now. Come with me." Rialto said, taking Espen by the wrist and dragging him along.

The snow leopard's grip was tight. "O-okay. Wait? Uniform, I thought this was going to be office casual?" Espen asked.

"Sure, for the rest of us. My assistant gets a special uniform though. It's been sized just for you too, Espen." Rialto grinned.

Espen was led into a smaller room off from the conference room. Inside was a collection of gear that he immediately blushed at. It was like the stuff the subs wore in the pictures he far too often got off to, but more real. He didn't know what to feel as he took it all in, there was a twinge of excitement, but mostly nerves. Espen knew that there was a part of him that wanted this, but he didn't expect a chance to come up so soon.

"Strip." Rialto said.

Espen sighed and reluctantly removed his clothing. This is absolutely not how he thought his first day at work would be starting. Rialto quickly grabbed a piece of gear from the pile and brought it up to Espen's hips. "Hold still, and try to stay soft down there." Rialto said. Espen felt the metal waistband click around him, and let out a yip as Rialto tugged a crotch band between Espen's legs. He grabbed the lynx's cock and worked it into a small metal tube on the inside of the band, and brought it up to meet with the waistband of the device. Espen grunted at how tightly it sat on him, and looked down as Rialto snapped the lock into place. Espen's crotch was encased and covered in light pink stainless steel, and the band around his waist was a polished white steel. He gave a quick tug on it and nothing would budge an inch.

"This is your chastity belt. It will be locked on you at all times, and I have the only key." Rialto said.

"All times? You mean while I'm here, right?" Espen asked nervously.

"All times. That device does not come off until I no longer require your assistance." Rialto said, placing the key around a small chain, which he then returned to its place around his neck.

Espen couldn't help but get hard when he heard that. Or, at least as hard as his new chastity belt would allow him to get. He felt the cold steel press up against his dick as he strained. The tube has a sharp curve downwards that prevented any sort of erection from growing, as Espen was quickly finding out. "But, wait you can't just..."

"What did I tell you about saying what I can and can't do, boy?" Rialto said sternly. "That belt stays on. Period."

"Y-yes sir..." Espen whimpered. He let out another yelp as he felt something cold against his ass. He realized that Rialto was lubing his tailhole up for what came next. Espen winced and felt a strange sensation from his caged dick as a plug was shoved up inside of him. He had played around with a few small toys before, but they were all cheap and pretty small. This one filled him up and just as he felt like it couldn't go any further, he felt it pop all the way into place. Still reeling from the sheer size of the plug, he heard another lock click into place as it was secured with another steel plate connected to the crotch band of his chastity belt. "And that will stay in while you are here, at least until I want to take it out." Rialto chuckled, watching the lynx squirm at the suggestion that Rialto would play with him like that.

"It feels too big sir... I dunno if I can even walk with this thing in me. Don't you have anything a little smaller, I've never really done anything back there before." Espen pleaded.

"Don't be silly, it's in isn't it? No reason to take it out now. You'll get used to it, trust me." Rialto said as he picked up Espen's next piece. He was proud of this one.

"Legs in boy. Let's go, you still have work to do today." Rialto said, helping Espen into a soft pink latex bodysuit. The suit slid over Espen's limbs, hugging every little curve of his body. The arms ended in tight fist mitts, rendering his paws useless. The suit zipped up in the back and locked at the neck, sealing the lynx in under a layer of thick, restrictive latex. Even Espen had to admit that he looked good in the suit, it really highlighted the little bit of curves he did have at the hips, and showed the outline of his chastity belt quite clearly, making him look like a little null drone. Rialto wasted no more time and locked a strict posture collar over the neck of the suit, and finishing with a ring gag.

"There, that should keep you a bit more quiet and attentive. Maybe you'll be better at following directions without thinking that you can talk over me and ask such silly questions." Rialto smirked. He attached a leash to Espen's collared and began leading him over to his desk.

Espen whimpered and tried to reach up to his ring gag, but the rounded off paws of his suit made it impossible to get a grip on anything to try and adjust the tight gag that was causing him to drool all over himself already. As he was led behind Rialto's desk, he was forced down onto his knees in front of the snow leopard's desk chair, and shoved into the space underneath Rialto's desk where his legs would go. In this position, his muzzle was pressed right into Rialto's crotch when he sat down at his desk. He realized why Rialto had opted for the ring gag as the snow leopard slowly unbuttoned his trousers and slid them down. Espen gawked at his dick, it was big, but not in an off putting way. Rialto swore he saw the lynx start to drool even more out of his gag as he did so.

"Looks like I chose the right cat for the job. Now show me what you can do, pretty little kitten." Rialto said, stroking Espen's head as he slowly slid his dick in through the ring gag.

Espen was taken aback by the sensation at first, but the gag helped him get a feeling as Rialto rhythmically slid back and forth in the lynx's warm, wet muzzle. He gave Espen a sly look as he pressed a button on what looked to be a small remote on his wrist. Espen felt a slow buzzing from both his plug and chastity belt. They were vibrating just the littlest bit, pushing him right up to the edge and keeping him there. The lynx started to whimper, trying to reach his balled up paws to the front of his chastity belt. Rialto couldn't help but chuckle at how desperate his new pet was already getting. He was quite excited at the idea of what state he'd be in after months without any release from that steel prison locked tightly around his waist. Of course Espen didn't know it, but Rialto had no plans of releasing him from that belt for quite a while. But the lynx didn't have to know that.

Rialto teased and toyed with his new assistant, and finally shot his load into the lynx's muzzle, leaving it stuffed in and forcing Espen to swallow it all. When he finally did, Rialto slid out of the panting lynx and reached down to caress his cheek. "You did well, considering your lack of experience so far. I suppose you deserve a reward. Do you want to cum, pet?" Rialto cooed. Espen nodded and whimpered, looking up with pleading eyes. It was almost convincing to the snow leopard. Almost. "Well, that's just too bad. You don't get to cum. Sorry." Rialto chuckled. "Now hush, I have some work I need to get done." He said, replacing the ring gag with a thick dildo gag that muffled out any sounds the lynx would make underneath his desk for the rest of the day.

As five o'clock rolled around, Espen was a pent up mess. He could feel himself leaking in his chastity belt and was a drooling mess after being gagged for almost the entire day. His body ached from being crammed underneath Rialto's desk, even if it was pretty roomy. Finally, Rialto clipped a leash on to his collar and dragged him out from underneath the desk. "Well boy, how was your first day, was it all you dreamed of?" Rialto laughed, running a claw along the lynx's chin. "Goodness, you sure did drool a lot today, didn't you?" Rialto asked. Espen just looked at him and made a weak muffled sound. "I said, didn't you boy?" He said, in a more stern tone. "Answer me when I ask you a question, nod for yes, shake for no." Espen quickly nodded and looked at him apologetically. "Good boy. I guess we can get you out of your uniform and let you go home for the night.

Espen let out a sigh of relief as he was peeled out of the hot latex suit. He didn't realize just how sweaty he had gotten after being trapped in that tight suit for almost 7 hours. He let out a gasp as his plug was yanked out, leaving him with a strangely empty feeling. It was sore and made him walk a bit funny, though the chastity belt was already making him walk weird. He certainly wasn't used to the bulky metal belt locked around his bits. The crotch band was especially tight and really kept his dick pinned down.

"Again, a good first day boy. I'm looking forward to seeing your work improve though. I'll see you here tomorrow, don't be late. Remember, I have the keys to that pretty little belt of yours. And it's the only way that will come off. Even if you got enough guts to go and find someone who could pick the lock, it won't do either of you any good. I made sure of it." Rialto grinned. "Goodnight, Espen." He said, walking him back to the front lobby of his offices.

Espen had never felt so self-conscious on the way home from a job before. He thought that everyone around him could for sure tell that he had some freaky dick-crushing metal belt locked on him. When he finally got home, he showered and collapsed into bed almost immediately. He hadn't bothered getting dressed again after his shower, and stared down at that cursed belt. He tried tugging and pulling at it in every way that he could think of. It of course didn't budge an inch, not that he expected it to. But he had at least hoped to find some way to feel a little bit of pleasure in his dick. He got up and looked in the mirror. Now he looked just like one of those subby boys he had always gotten off to, and he couldn't even get hard at that fact.

As he laid down to go to bed that night, he set his alarm and once again had trouble falling asleep. He instinctively grabbed his phone to look up those images he loved to stare at so much, his paw wandered down and hit the slightly warm metal. Espen sighed and tried to force himself to fall asleep, but all he could think of was what Rialto would do to him tomorrow. He felt his dick trying to get hard even more when he thought of that, and blushed. This wasn't quite the job he expected to be going into that morning, but part of him wasn't too upset about it.