A Night in Hyperspace

Story by MechDrago on SoFurry

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Space can be a lonesome venture, especially for supply runs between stations, so it's always a good idea to make friends wherever you can find them. Friends to ease your mind, relax your body, and empty your desires into. Yet time alone can distort your addled mind, a single touch will light the nerves on fire and visions of the past clouds reality. In desperation, you may wander the night in a carriers lonely halls, only to remember the pilot's room down the hall.

It was nigh silent in the halls of Resplendent Glory as it drifted quietly through space. A carrier done with its latest shipments of troops and armaments to a remote station, it set its path to Virtue of Piety, a cruiser currently orbiting an ocean world. A ship made to house thirty-five of Sanghelios's great warriors, ready to drop from the skies and decimate their enemies, now only carried its pilot and weapons officer. Khare 'Vohamai and Xol 'Mugramee. Khare was trained in the sword but found purpose as a pilot when he saved the remaining members of his squad from an ambush that killed their commander. Xol got assigned to Resplendent Glory after rushing mandibles first into a human base. Though they may have won that fight, such insubordination would not be tolerated by his commanders. As punishment he got removed from his squad and forced to work on, in his words, the most boring route in the galaxy.

Xol's assumption has some merit. Out of all the routes that the Virtue of Piety manages, the supply runs are the safest. They are deep in covenant territory and the shipments are often experimental or training gear that new recruits gets to toy with, much to Xol's dismay. Being the weapons officer means he gets to inspect each weapon that the ship carries. Everything from new plasma swords and carbines to light assault carriages and the newest models of Lodam's rapid assault vehicles. All so close to the officer, but far enough away that he could not use them proper.

His one outlet for this frustration were the numerous "friends" he has met on stations around the systems. All eager to help him recalibrate his rifle and polish his helmet. After a night with them, Xol was could tolerate a long, and boring, trip back to the cruiser. He could even endure Khare's numerous training sessions during the trips back and forth. "Stay sharp, we may be in covenant space, but we can never be sure enough." He said the first time Xol found him working out in one of the spare rooms.

The officer would usually entertain his pilot and work out with him, better do something than wait in lonesome agony for their eventual arrival. He got a nice feeling afterwards as the stress melted away from his body. Incidentally, with stress gone and blood flowing, he got eager to meet his friends on the stations once they docked, yearning to sheath his sword. But in the last few shipments his compatriots had been busy, meetings and training took them, resulting in a pent-up Sangheli trying his hardest to not keep a clear head. Xol could not think about that one guy on the dessert base, or the captain bent over the railing on that one station, or the...

The Sangheli's train of thought stopped as he crashed against the hard metal floor, the echo of his fall loudly exclaiming his defeat. He rolled over and rubbed his gray back, trying to ease the sore feeling that flesh against metal often creates. Xol cursed himself and his pent-up desires. They made him an easy win against Khare, and he already has too many wins for the officer's liking. The light brown Sangheli panted, sweat dripping from his body as he recovered from his victory. Khare's clothes clung to his body, showing how years of training has sculpted it. His wide shoulders and strong chest moved as his twin hearts pumped fresh blood to his muscles. The thick thighs ready to fall over from exertion, still stood strong as he towered over Xol. The pilot lifted his arm, threatening to tear the fabric at the seams, and extended it towards the defeated warrior. Once the officer stood on his own, he let Xol go and walked two steps back. "Again!" He shouted as another bout quickly started.

Relieved from his personal problems for the moment, Xol lunged towards the pilot. He swung for the head, but the reckless swing left his defenses open. Khare ducked the fast fist and punched the gray Sangheli in the gut. If it were not for his training, Xol would have been left winded, close to yet another defeat. He hardened the scaled membrane and the muscles underneath it, all he could do to block the blow. Khare expected his opponent to jump back, but instead he weathered the pain and grabbed the light brown Sangheli's midsection, forcing them both to the ground. Once there Xol kept his head low, hunched over to block the incoming punches with his chiseled back. He struck his elbow against Khare's knee, forcing him to relent, if only for a moment. Xol used this moment of weakness to grab his opponent's arms, locking them above his head. He had him, finally. One win he would savor this night. Xol looked down at his prey and expected a sultry gaze back, which his addled mind had convinced him to be reality but was met by a defiant glare. Khare struggled to free himself, this struggle moved both him and Xol's bodies in tandem. The motion reminded him of a jackal he met the last month. Struggling to take him, his breath ragged yet demanding more, as he rubbed his body against Xol's This feeling, it was what officer desired after these long, grueling weeks. He closed his eyes and imagined himself on back on Virtue of Piety with his other officers. He had just gotten to the good part as he felt two feet hit him right on the chest, launching him away from Khare.

A mix of pain and anger flowed through the Sangheli as his vision was once more broken, this one so vivid that some blood flooded underneath the waist. Khare, oblivious to the officer's frustration, sat up and leaned against the wall. "Think we are done here for today. You did well, I still can't read you." The brown pilot mused as he regained his vigor. Trying his best to not show his state of mind, Xol stood up and parted his mandibles in a half smile. The officer walked towards his pilot, now Xol's turn to extend his hand to the exhausted warrior and carried him out of the training room.

Both walked towards the bridge on Khare's insistence, he wanted once more to check if they had enough fuel for the trip and if they had gotten any messages while they were away. The pilot talked in excruciating detail about the importance of maintaining a foundation of... Something. Xol didn't hear him that well, as he was focused on his plans for later and the heavy pilot he was still carrying. Despite having resigned himself to be a pilot, Xol admired Khare's dedication to keeping his form powerful. He had to admit, Khare was a sight for his sore eyes, even better that he could not so absentmindedly explore the pilot's form during their trip to the bridge. Like him, Xol trained to keep his body in shape and mind clear, if he cannot hold still when firing a type-50 rifle then he failed as a soldier. Thought, he couldn't deny the lingering gazes of other officers as he walked by felt good. Yet one thing Khare will have on him is height. Despite what someone's first glance may tell them, Khare stood at a proud height, it was a wonder he could even fit inside a cockpit. He was the tallest Sangheli Xol had seen, even if he was only two heads taller than him. But due to hunching himself over in most situations, Xol got seen as the taller of the two. Something he welcomed.

Khare fished his keycard out from underneath his shirt, releasing it from the damp cell and swiped it against the panel. After the second attempt the door to the bridge opened. It was pristine, not a speck of dust in sight and the control panels shone brightly. Brighter than standard Xol thought as he quickly glanced over the instruments. Out of the countless trips he has had on Resplendant Glory, he can only recall being on the bridge three times. Once when he got assigned and went over the ship, the second when he forced the door open when trying to find a secluded spot, Khare didn't go easy on practice after that, and this would be the third. The pilot pushed himself off Xol and walked with shaky legs over to his seat. Once in it, holograms filled with data flew out of thin air. The officer assumed it was what Khare wanted to see, but he did not know due to his lack of interest. He did however catch a glimpse of the road ahead, hours of void, empty space, nothing. "Seems good!" The pilot noted with a nod. "Only one message and it's about our new dock, port 54." Khare turned to find the officer missing. Thinking he must have gone to bed, the brown Sangheli returned to his controls.

Back in his own quarters, Xol hastily tore of his clothing, not able to hold on for another second. The tempered room felt cool against his scorching skin. Each step which he wasted forcing himself out of his two-piece body suit was a moment lost. The last few he could not take, Xol jumped into his hard bed. The hump pressing into his spine doing nothing from hampering his rising lust, his chest burning with anticipation. He kicked his pants off and felt the freedom it brought. Being naked in his own cabin, only one thing could be better than that, but he must accept what he has in the moment. Not wasting a second, he slid his hand over his abs, a groan escaped his throat as he touched his waist, and grabbed his overfull sack. The officer moaned as he played with his balls, feeling the blood start to flow towards his groin. He did not care, why would he? No one was here to judge his alone time, none that mattered that is, so Xol felt free to enjoy himself to his fullest.

The self-inflicted teasing went on for what felt like hours to him, gently rolling his balls and groping his pecs made him shiver with excitement. As he closed his eyes, memories of past encounters with friends and rivals alike flooded back to him. All he had to do was pick one and relive it. He had hoped to savor the moment as long as he could, but Xol knew he couldn't pick too slowly when he opened his eyes and was greeted by his shaft fully erect with a pearl of pre budding at the tip already. He had to choose; his body demanded action. Xol choose a recent memory. The time he met a recruit on a trip to Sanghelios. He released his balls and gripped his cock, a jolt of pleasure spiking through his spine as he squeezed his member. Like the recruit, he started slow and shallow, only kneading his head and below it to simulate an eager, but weary, soldier. He took his other hand and trailed his finger against the curves of his muscles. Gripping his chest for a moment and letting his senses overtake him. It was not enough. He jumped forward, when the recruit was bouncing on his crotch as if he were on a faulty RAV. He changed his grip to use both of his hands, one on the lower half tending to the base and the now grasping hard at the top. He took his tired legs and thrusted into his hands.

Rough though it may have been at first, his shaft and palms were now slick with pre. Each thrust creating a wet sound which reminded him of his good friend back at the base they just visited. He would sing such sweet songs as Xol's balls slapped against his behind. Each new stuttering verse filled with a plead that Xol was all too happy to fulfill. Yet, how much his hands wettened and fire burned inside, the familiar pressure was nowhere in sight. With a frustrated groan he turned around and stood on his knees. Instead of a barracks with other Sangheli watching, he was now on a jungle planet railing his sniping partner. His commander said to keep each other calm and collected, the ends justify the means Xol thought has he rubbed his prick against the willing sniper's ass. His fingers gripped each other, a small hole between them, and leaving the top open for the air. Xol placed his hands under his glistening cock and humped through the hole. Each thrust was slower, and he felt his sack hit the backside of his palm with each swing. But he still could not cum.

A fellow officer licking his dick while at the cafeteria. Screwing two boyfriends at the same time, one tending to his balls as he came deep inside the other. Even the kinky bastard in R&D with his electrostimulation could not bring him over the edge. A night which Xol spent trying to free his frustrations only made it grow with rancor. Each memory, each lewd act done with another warrior, it was all a reminder of what he has not had during the past few weeks. Unfulfilled, the officer let go of his sore, wet tool and fell face first into his pillow. The hour, he thinks, he spent trying to pleasure himself left him exhausted. Xol did not care about the damp sheets against his stomach and crotch as he closed his eyes. His unconscious mind dead set on finding someone to help him with the frustrations the moment they docked on Virtue of Piety.

The gray Sangheli woke up in a panic. Sweat rolled down his forehead as the fire raged on inside him and in his, once again, hard dick. Remembering his previous attempt, he let it stay put as he tried to force himself back into whatever dream woke him up. But sleep did not grant the Sangheli his wanted rest. His sensitive phallus brushed against the sheets, feeding fuel to the flame inside. No matter how he tossed and turned, he would always feel something that feed his desire. Realizing that this could not be solved by ignoring it, Xol threw the sheet off him and jumped out of bed. The motion sensor refused to turn on the artificial light, making him realize he was up in the dead of night. The officer's brilliant idea was to take a walk through the ship, a couple of laps to the hangar and back would make him tired. He stepped out into the hallway and began to lap the ship. Each step being a reminder why he walked out as his erection and overfull sack bounced with every movement.

Xol was on his third lap back when anger welled up inside and slammed his fist into the hull. Nothing he did worked; his mind was still focused on the pleasure he craved, and the blood refused to go back into the rest of his body. He cursed his libido. The thing that made him so popular would be his fall into madness this long trip back. Especially with Khare there, insisting on everyday training and sparring to keep their minds and bodies sharp. The Sangheli stopped in his tracks. A thought entered his head, a thought he would not dare to think when his mind was sharp as a knife. But lust had dulled it, his sharp wit and devilish charisma replaced with hunger and desire. That want assured him this would be alright. He walked back from where he came, in search for Khare's quarters.

The door to the pilot's room opened as Xol approached. Like the bridge, Khare's room was well taken care off. His weapons stashed at the side of the bed, no spots tainted the metal floor, and his clothes were neatly folded at the foot of bed. The officer walked cautiously in, wary not to wake his pilot and be forced to explain the situation. He didn't know why he wanted to meet him this late at night, he didn't know how he got here, he doesn't know why he has his "rifle" pointed at him, a bead of pre daintily forming at the tip. By the end of his questioning, he was at the edge of the bed. Khare, the bastard, slept on his back with his legs spread open, his sheet barely hanging over his waist as the wide chest laid bare for Xol's eyes. Shaking, Xol gripped the edge of the sheet and slowly uncovered the pilot's crotch.

There it was, clear as a summer day. Khare's flaccid cock rested on his sack. Xol's flare burned brighter, his loins telling him to use this one chance to feel another Sangheli's skin before they reached their destination. He slowly crawled up onto the bed, his face hovering over the brown dick, and his mind cleared for a moment. Does he really want this? The question clung to his head as he considered his options. He took a deep breath, and sealed his fate. He smelled the pilot's musk, a masculine, earthy smell that burned deep inside his nostrils. He lifted Khare's member and gently placed his nose above his sack. The smell was stronger here. From being a slight aroma, a side to a meal, to the main dish. Xol tried to control himself as he smelled the other male. Was it this that was needed? The smell of sex he loved dearly. He let go of Khare's dick and grabbed his own solid member, shuddering at the sensation. Silently jerking his wet member, he whimpered as his sense of touch and smell overwhelmed him. Yet the fire demanded stronger fuel. More, it craved. And more he would get as Khare's dick hardened at the subtle rocking.

Xol shifted around once more, now hovering over the pilot's lower head, salivating at the thought of how he might taste. He gently stuck out his tongue and began lapping at the sides of Khare's spear. Though he may be trained as a sword master, his spear was as formidable as the other tool the pilot handled. The taste was like the smell, earthy and never relenting, but it had a hint of salt beneath it that Xol could not get enough off. The officer parted his mandibles and put the tip inside his mouth. Nearly forgetting his own desire, he started jerking his cock hard as he bobbed his head on the pilot's spear. He twisted his palm around his head, forcing his eyes to roll up and him to moan around the cock in his mouth. As he regained the control of himself, Xol saw a pair of green eyes staring back at him.

The officer quickly shoved himself off his supposedly sleeping partner, his mandibles closed in quiet shock. "How long?" He asked slowly, hoping that Khare was somehow still sleeping. "Since you opened the door." The pilot answered. The officer's body welled up with anger each second he had to stare at Khare's emerald greens. He tried to keep himself calm, but in the end crawled over Khare until they were face to face. "Why didn't you stop me? How could you allow me to debase myself?" Xol asked, spitting venom at each syllable. It was silent after he had vented his rage, Khare staring as Xol heaved, filling his lungs with fresh air. "You have been distracted for a while. You don't lose this often." Khare said in his deadpanned voice, poking the officer's already wounded pride, "I had hoped you came here to say what's been bothering you, and I guess you did." A smile slowly formed on the pilot's face. "If that's not enough for you, then you were good. I didn't want you to stop" Khare whispered into Xol's ear.

The warrior was left stunned. A moment Khare took the advantage of and flipped their positions. Xol watched as the pilot lowered his head and bit his shoulder, each tooth a prick of pleasure expanding thoughout his burning body. The officer did not stop him. He only closed his eyes as Khare caressed his body and wandered lower with his tongue. Xol moaned as Khare went past his pecs, softly biting into it as his hands wandered lower on his back. Eventually, Khare found his mark, the round, firm ass of Xol. He grabbed it greedily and lifted it, surprising the Sangheli beneath him. Xol was now laying on his head and neck, his legs hanging above him while his back rested against Khare's chest. Unable to follow what just happened, he tensed up as he felt something wet prod at his behind. He tried to protest, but the cool, wet tongue dampened the roaring fire burning inside him. It slowly circled around his hole, licking up any sweat that may have been stuck there. Once Xol sighed, relaxing and enjoying the treatment, Khare took the chance and forced his tongue into the hole he had been tending to for the past minute.

Khare winced in pain as Xol's anus tensed up, trapping his tongue inside. Like a vice, it gripped on tight and would not let go as the officer tensed up. The pilot began to slowly trace his finger across Xol's abs. An attempt to make him relax. It did not go as planned as the inexperienced warrior only slightly eased his grip on Khare's tongue. It was a victory none the less, the pilot only had to use it wisely. Instead of pulling out, he remained inside him, moving his longue tongue in circles. Xol was uncomfortable, he felt pain and pleasure as the tongue spread him apart. Suddenly, there was bliss when Khare's tongue reached a further inside. It was all too confusing for the warrior as he helplessly laid there panting as if running a marathon. Feeling the pain subside bit by bit and the hole loosening up, Khare pressed his probe further in. Opening his mandibles, he bit into Xol's behind as he searched for his prostate. The officer kept on panting, leaking a steady stream of pre onto his chest which later pooled at his neck. Xol felt lightning strike his spine and instinctively bucked away. A joyous hum came from Khare's throat as he steadily pushed, proded, and grazed at the discovered button, sparing it no mercy.

Each lap and press took Xol's breath away. He could not handle this constant barrage of pleasure. The previously gentle stream turned into a torrent of lust and seed. His eyes rolled up into his head, the pain he felt earlier was all gone, only pleasure remained as Khare fucked him with his tongue. Tired of the officer's thrusts into nothing, Khare grabbed Xol's shaft and pumped it in rhythm to his prodding. Xol's one form of control was lost, he could only lay still as his mind clouds in euphoric pleasure. Each motion feed the flame in his nerves and every prod sent jolts up his spine. Two forces of nature, fighting together against the torrent of desire which has roared inside him for so long. The officer began to feel a familiar tension, this time not stopping to a halt once it reached the boiling point. Xol tried to warn Khare in some way, but he could not muster a sound except for a long grunt as he tried to hold it back. Once his will was spent, he screamed in joy as several strands of his seed sprayed over him and onto Khare's bed. His cum blasted out with such force it hit the wall behind him. One stray shot landed in his mouth, the first time he had tasted himself. It was a bit sour for him yet addicting all the same.

Khare's pumped out the rest of Xol's cum out of his oversensitive cock. The officer tried to escape from the agonizing pleasure, but his arms felt like jelly and his legs dangled helplessly above him. The pilot pulled his tongue out with a wet pop, the officer's slightly gaping hole, slickened with saliva. Like the Sangheli below him, Khare was out of breath. As he tried to get some fresh air, he accidentally let Xol go, allowing him to fall over himself. With shaky arms, Xol clambered over and laid his head on top one of Khare's pillows. The pilot shrugged and fell down next to him. Facing each other, they could not find the words for anything, so they lay still, catching their breaht and enjoying each other's company. Khare pulled his arm over Xol and pulled him into a hug, comforting him the best way his tired mind can think of. Xol is however too focused on Khare's spear pressing into his abdomen. "Shouldn't...We." he gasped out between breaths. The pilot looked down and shook his head. "No...Too...Tired." Khare said with the same labored breaths. Xol's honor told him that this could not pass, an eye for an eye, but his body agreed with Khare. They were both too tired to continue. The officer shimmied into the hug and draped his arm over Khare's midsection, returning his embrace. Putting his head atop Xol's, Khare let out a deep sigh and went back to sleep, Xol following soon after.