my son kohen ch.2

Story by kuren baruku on SoFurry

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My son Kohen

Ch2 the city's gift

I slowly opened my eyes to see Kohen's eyes still closed and fast asleep. He's so much like me. When he's tired he crashes hard but I grew out of that and now I always get up just before the sun to watch it rise into the sky. Just as I started to get out of the sleeping bag Kohen jumped and freaked! He scream "I won't let you hurt her!!!" I knew he was still asleep and dreaming and by the way he was standing and screaming he was future dreaming, dreaming of the future, a vision. I shot back at him "who!?! Who am I not supposed to hurt?" he screamed "Mayrah!! I won't let you hurt her!!" I asked him puzzled but having a hunch "who is Mayrah?" but even before I finished my question he collapsed onto the sleeping bag. I'll ask him about his dream when he wakes up but I suspect that is his future girlfriend and some1 was trying to hurt her. I just finished the thought and he woke up. "Dad! I had the scariest but most wonderful dream!" "Did you dream that you made a new friend and she was in trouble?" a very astonished and puzzled look exploded onto his face "uhh yeah. How did u know?" "You future dreamed. You stood up and screamed at me I won't let you hurt her. I asked who am I not supposed to hurt and u said Mayrah." He smiled and whispered "Mayrah"

We got dressed and packed up. We watched the sun rise just over the other mountains and it shone bright and hot even at 6 in the morning. We ran down the mountainside bouncing around like goats. We got to the city limits and a cab stopped and asked if we needed a ride. Kohen practically jumped in joy "yes please sir!" we climbed in and showed him our address "welcome back Mr. Baruku. I see that things didn't go as completely as planned" "no Hansu it didn't, but I have Kohen" I looked at Kohen as I said it and he smiled lovingly. Kohen awed at all of the city's sites and buildings, mesmerized by them all. Then he screamed "stop the car!!!" he quickly got out and ran into a shop named Makurin co. I gave Hansu $20 more than enough and ran after Kohen, and as I entered the store he was standing in the doorway staring at a girl. He noticed me and whispered "Dad! That's Mayrah!!" she was a wolf neko like I was and starred at Kohen the same way he was staring at her. Then something clicked in her and she jumped over the cashier counter and tackled Kohen hugging him tightly. "Its you! From my dreams." She and Kohen purred together. Her father ran down the stairs. He was a neko wolf like me and the kids but slightly taller. He said "ah so Kohen has finally come has he?" she got up and ran to her father and hugged him tightly. "Yes he has daddy. Can I go with them?" "Of course you can dear" "good morning John. Who knew that our kids were meant for each other" I giggled and so did John. Kohen still on the ground and Mayrah still standing beside her father. The two kids had the most puzzled and confused facial expressions me and John bursted out into explosive laughter. We looked at our kids and said together "let's go upstairs and we'll explain"

We sat down at a hardwood oak table and pulled in our chairs. "Ok. Well me and john were rivals when we were kids so we like fought all the time. We stopped fighting when we both dreamed that our kids were destined to be together." "So now that you two have finally met, your gonna be together. It was destined for you two to be together." "Oh daddy that makes me so happy" "dad the city isn't as bad as you said it was" "son it is. This is a ¼ of the best you're going to get out of it. The other ¾'s is schooling." "That's pretty much it Kuren."

Mayrah packed up her belongings, changed into outside clothes. Kohen took her bag politely but her bag weighed about the same as Kohen's bag. Kohen was surprised by this because the clothes she had on before didn't show her muscles at all but the outfit she has on now made her look about as tough as Kohen. "I can carry my own bag Kohen, it seems you have enough to carry yourself anyways" she winked when she said it. Kohen blushed and then she giggled and Kohen blushed hardy. "K you twitter pated children. Time to go." Mayrah ran and gave her father a big hug and said "I'm gonna miss you daddy" "me too dear. Kohen and Kuren will protect and take very good care of you." John whispered into her ear to cheer her up "Mr. Baruku has a big house with many rooms and a pool. You'll have fun and be taught good morals" she stopped crying and smiled ear to ear showing her teeth. She was very happy. "Goodbye john. I'll take good care of Mayrah" "I know you will Kuren." "Bye daddy" "bye Mr. Makurin" "sees ya Kohen"

In the car, Mayrah's body language was very flirty towards Kohen and he knew but toyed with her playing hard to get. It was amusing to see the two of them play. The cab drove us for about 20 minutes until we were in front of our new home, well its 20 years old but completely up to date of state of the art living. When we stopped in front of the house it was the way I left it. Black Aluminum steel gates with the brick wall, the smooth brick/ tile driveway and lush thick green lawn.

"OH MY GOD! MR.BARUKU YOUR HOUSE IS AMAZING!" "Wow I didn't expect the house to be like this." "You'll guys will love it" we went through the gates, walked up to the oak door and went in. the fuzzy door mat was right where I left it and the rest of the house. "Follow me to your rooms." I led Mayrah to hers and as soon as she saw it she loved it. There was a black desk with a computer and a double bed with fleece blankets and teal blue walls like Kohen's eye color. I left her to her new room and took Kohen to his. His room had the same size bed and desk and the wall was a teal blue as well. They pretty much had the same rooms but Kohen's room had pictures of his mother Neecha on his wall. "Dad? Are these pictures of mom?" "Yes they are Kohen." "Wow Kohen, your mom is beautiful" "she is Mayrah, I wished she was still here but you can't change the past" Kohen took one of the pictures in his hands and held it tight to his chest on his bed. I took Mayrah by the hand and whispered "let him be for a bit. Maybe till tomorrow." "Ok" "goodnight son." "Goodnight dad" "night Kohen" "good night Mayrah" as he said goodnight to Mayrah he smiled through his tears and held the picture tighter. We all went to bed for the night thinking of our most loved ones with hope, sadness, happiness, and future love to come.