Digimon Darkness Chapter 6

Story by nightowlstudios on SoFurry

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#6 of Darkness


Chapter 6

The next morning I woke up to a very unusual noise.

Terriermon: CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP!

Wyatt: What is that!?

Terriermon: Sorry, chomp, I didn't, chomp, get to finish my fries, chomp, from yesterday!

Wyatt: God Terriermon! YOUR UNBELIEVABLE!I start to giggle and he makes an obvious attempt to chew silently.

Terriermon: You can go back to sleep, I will chew quietly.

Wyatt: No, when I wake up I am up for good!

So I checked the time, it was 4:30 in the morning. I was completely awake so I threw on some shorts and a tee shirt.

Terriermon: Hey, can we go back to McDonalds?

Wyatt: No! It's 4:30! And they only serve breakfast at this hour! They wont be serving french fries.

Terriermon: So I can get something else? Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!

Wyatt: Fine! But no more unexpected food in my backpack!

My mom and dad were still fast asleep, so i put on my baseball cap and walked out the door. It was still very dark out, maybe I should explain another that. I'm afraid of the dark and its not because there isn't any light. Its because in the dark, things change!

Terriermon: I'm tired! Soooo tired, sooooo very tired.

Wyatt: Do you want me to carry you?

Terriermon: Yes!

He jumped into my arms before I could even finish my sentence. Then he climbed onto my shoulder, I thik he knew I'd carry him out of sympathy.

Wyatt: Hey, Terriermon, look! I point to where we fought Etamon. As I do another glowing black orb appeared the darkness of the park. Almost as if it was waiting for us.


t starts to form the shape of a V-mon. We rush towards it!

V-mon: Terriermon! I had heard the rumors! I guess there true! Although it wasn't my mission to destroy you, I'm sure the Dark King will love me if I do! V-HEADBUTT!

He rushes Terriermon, head forward.


He starts to spin, forming a cyclone of green enrgy around himself. He rushes at Veemon and the two collide! They both grinda against each other until they both are sent flying in opposite directions!

V-mon: Digivolve!

He becomes consumed by black energy and expands. Until he forms a black XV-mon

XV-mon: Do you really think you have a chance now!?

Terriermon: CRAP! Wyatt!

Wyatt: I'm on it! Double Digi-modify "Speed Burst and Power Burst Activate!"


He spun faster this time, forming a gigantic green cyclone! He hurtled himself at XV-mon!

XV-mon: Arghhhhhh!

He dissolved into the wind. Terriermon collapsed onto the ground, panting.

Wyatt: Holy crap he digivolved!

Terriermon: Hey Wyatt?

Wyatt: Yeah bud?

Terriermon Can we have breakfast now?

Digimon Darkness Chapter 7

Darkness Chapter 7 We had gotten Terriermon his breakfast and we were on our way back home. I hoped we could back before my parents woke up. Wyatt: Hey Yerriermon? Terriermon: Yes? Chomp. Wyatt: That dark digimon, he knew how to digivolve, and if...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 5

Darkness Terriermon: Holy crap! What just happened?!? I ... I'm free of the darkness!! Wyatt: I can't believe it! Terriermon! Your not black anymore! Terriermon: I don't know how that happened! Wyatt: Maybe its because you saved me. I mean when you...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 4

Darkness Chapter 4 Wyatt: Terrirmon, look!I point to the black orb drifting towards us. When it gets close I see this orb is huge! Terriermon sniffs the area and jumps from my arms. Terriermon: SHIT! It's him! The area in the park suddenly grew...

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