Bandit Bitch Breeding

Story by Paellicius on SoFurry

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Luna pays some bandits to let the Warband pass

(A bonus from my quest Mounted and Bred: Breederlord on Which takes place in a lewd anthro version of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. Exploring a different way an early encounter could have gone)

Luna studied the horse and his forces carefully. The amount they were asking was simply straight up extortion, she knew as much but what other choice was there? These weren't anything like the looters they had taken down by surprise, they were far more confident and the way they moved suggested they had reason to be.

Luna stepped forward. She couldn't afford to give them what amounted to all of their money but judging by his statement that wasn't what he was really after.

Luna had gone drinking with one the guards protecting a fur trader, the well-equipped mare had explained to her how the bandits who preyed on travelers tended to operate.

Those just starting out tended to find anyone they thought they could beat and demand all their coin and goods. Those ones didn't last long as they tended to quickly draw the ire of the local liege or merchants guild who would hunt them down or pay someone else to do so.

A bandit band who managed to survive long enough to get smart realized that they needed to keep the pressure off themselves and on those new upstarts. When they robbed they therefore only asked for what they thought their targets could pay so that the local lord or merchants could consider it an acceptable loss and ignore it.

They still got hunted but not with the same fervor. Then the mare had explained with a bit of mischief in her eye that the professionals who asked for more were after the 'other way' that always followed said pronouncement.

That in mind Luna approached the horse. He wasn't bad looking, his chestnut brown eyes resting over a brown furred muzzle split in the middle by a stripe of white. His body well-muscled like most of his kind, letting her eyes roam further down she could tell that he also shared another trait of his species. His lower garments doing little to hide the outline of his stiffening cock.

"I don't think we can quite afford that." She said, her voice lowered a bit so that her party couldn't hear her. "But perhaps we could work something out?"

"Of course." The horse said, not even hiding the way his eyes were roaming up and down her lithe form. "I'm nothing if not understanding." The horse said, closing the gap between them putting his muzzle to her ear. His hot breath and masculine scent making her body start feeling warm. "You and two others come along for some fun and I can cut it to 200."

"They're virgins." Luna informed him. "They don't know what to do with, big, strong, virile studs." Luna told him, bringing her hand forward to brush against his outline. "Not like I do."

He seemed to consider that for a moment, moving back to look at her again before getting an idea. "Fine, but that means they need to learn. We do this out in the open." He was clearly prodding, trying to see how serious she was.

Luna didn't think she could get a better deal. "Agreed."

If the stallion thought she would be a blushing mess about the situation he had another thing coming, immediately she began to strip, letting her curves fully emerge from their sparse coverings. She could practically feel the eyes on her from both sides as she looked at the stallion in expectation.

"Got an eager one here!" He called to the rest, before finally stripping himself down, he was bigger than Luna expected but she wasn't going to let the slight nervousness she felt show. What she also didn't expect was for the stallion to suddenly pick her up and flip her upside down leaving her face hanging right by his flared member. The scent of his maleness so close was already starting to breach the dam within her, moisture starting to build as she prepared to be taken by the powerful man whose breathing she could feel against her most sensitive area.

Taking the hint she started to service him, pulling his manhood towards her she did what he didn't expect, shifting it around so that it could rest between her breasts as she brought her tounge down to its base, giving a long, slow, lick down towards his heavy balls even as her hands cupped her chest to start kneading his cock. She figured she would have him blowing his load in no time, letting her move on to the rest so that the warband could get on its way.

Then his mouth got to work and she realized she might have made a mistake.

He was good. His tongue delving into her, finding her weak spots with almost contemptuous ease. Her small gasps and groans of pleasure as she tried to keep up her own efforts seeming to be music to his ears. She was right on the edge when he pulled it back, leaving her feeling empty and needy as she was flipped back over, coming muzzle to muzzle with his knowing look. Her ears bending slightly in embarrassment at how quickly he had brought her to the edge of climax. "They seem to be learning a lot." He said, handling her like a doll until his flare was lined up with her well-prepared cunt.

She couldn't resist the urge to follow his gaze, seeing her warband watching with undisguised curiosity, whispering animatedly between themselves. Her eyes found her daughters right as the stallion dropped her. Filling her in a moment and releasing the dam fully. Feeling him pull her in tightly in an embrace as her walls clenched around him. Part of him still outside unable to fit as she felt his own eruption. Her insides being doused with his seed, filling every remaining space his cock had yet to reach. Any satisfaction at having had him finish so quickly washed away by the river between her legs.

"By the way. Name's Kolun." He said before waving to the rest of his warband to come and get their turn.

As she was handed off to another stallion Luna thought that would be a nice name for a boy.