Mother's Milk, chapter 2
#2 of Mother's Milk
Brian Quaid is a loyal employee of the Mother's Milk, Milk farm, but his recent promotion is going to take some getting used to.
It was a well-kept secret that Mother's Milk's cows were actually its employees, who had undergone severe mental reprogramming and altered on such a genetic level that they were no longer considered humans. Occasionally the odd rumor revealing the truth might escape the factory grounds, but they were often outright dismissed for either being too outlandish, or lacking much in the way of evidence. Those few that did obtain evidence, were handled with swift efficiently, becoming new members of the Mother's Milk farm.
The system was far from flawless, but few saw a reason to investigate a humble dairy company, so they managed to coast by with nary a look at other than from the crazed conspiracy theorists who claimed the company to be owned by lizard people. Many in the company cared for the cattle and supervised them, but they were the small percentage of the company's employees that knew the truth; and those that did were under harsh scrutiny, often becoming new cattle when they were no longer trustworthy.
Brian Quaid was one of the few that knew of these practices, and excelled in working with the cattle. Having grown up on a dairy farm himself, he was familiar with the caring of cattle, and had a fondness for them. He loved Mother's Milk according to the company's research, he was loyal to a fault. The true answer went much deeper than they realized when they approached him for the experiment. He didn't love the company, he loved the cows, and jumped at the opportunity.
Day One
This is fucking odd, I can scarcely believe it myself, but... well, I guess I need to start at the beginning. I'm Brian Quaid, I'm a male, I'm twenty-three, I guess I'm the first subject for Mother's Milk new cows, and this is my 'log' or diary... journal? Either way, they wanted me to write things down during this whole thing.
I hope they're fine with that opening, they weren't super clear on what to write down, but I mean, I ain't really got much else to do in the room they put me in so it's kind of a welcome distraction. Well, that ain't to say that they're mistreating me, the room's actually really cush. Big king size bed all for myself, TV, a computer, mini-fridge with all sorts of snacks, and a phone line if I have any other requests. It's better than I've ever had since working here or growing up at my family's farm, I'm just... kind of bored?
I should stop for a moment, because that's wrong. It's not boredom, it's more... anticipation! That's the word I'm looking for. I'm excited, beyond words. I mean, I get it, what they do here is morally wrong, but I've always loved animals, especially cows, be it the ones back home or the ones they have here. Ever since I found out the truth about the cows here I've-
Well, this is going to be awkward to say, I don't think I've ever mentioned it to anyone. I've always wanted to be one of the cows. They're just so beautiful, friendly, docile and just plain happy, and that's not even mentioning Annie, the cow they're trying to replicate with me. I ain't never seen a cowgirl who looked as comfortable being a cow as she does. Which I guess is why I'm here, writing this entry.
From what they've told me they're trying a different way of making the cows to see how it effects the milk quality. See, Annie is the top producing cow in the company. The milk she makes tastes better, is more nutritious, and she makes more than the next three combined. They weren't sure why, but they think it's because they don't have to keep her hypnotized any more, she's just happy to be here, happy to be a cow. That's why they wanted me, and why I signed right up. I mean, I'm lucky. Most of the cows don't get a say in the matter, and really, I probably didn't have much of a say, but at least they asked. But that's kind of my problem.
Most of the cows they just shove into a room, play subliminal hypnotic suggestions, transform the new cow, then toss them into a pen. They're fed, bred, and taken care of from that point forward. Another average worker at Mother's Milk one moment, and a cow less than an hour later. Not with me, they're taking their time, examining every change, how it effects the milk, production, and so forth.
I mean, I know this is weird to say, but I just want to be a cow. I know it's probably not what I've got cooked up in my head, and there's a lot of things that'll be really difficult to get used to - I am going to be a woman when this is all said and done after all - but that doesn't make me any less excited. They're probably going to be pissed off by all this rambling, because there's not really anything helpful here for them, but what're they going to do to me? Cow me? Please do.
Anyway, they gave me a few shots, not sure if that's how they're doing it now instead of with laced cookies and milk, but whatever. I can deal with a few pokes every day, and I guess that's really all I need to say here. Day one: I feel fine, normal even. Maybe a little hungry and tired, but that's it. Hopefully I have something more exciting to talk about next time.
Day three
Talked to the scientists today about my last log while they were prodding me with their new injections. They said they were happy with it and encouraged me to write as much as I could. I guess it's not so much helpful for them as it is for me, what with being isolated and how that might effect my mental health. Problem is, I don't have much else to talk about!
I'm locked in a fancy apartment at the factory, being watched and poked, but with not much to do, or at least, nothing I like doing. I'd rather be out back in the stalls, taking care of the cows right now, but working's not an option. I represent an "investment" to mother's milk, and they don't want to risk me getting hurt. I watched some TV, tried reading a book, but none of that's me. I like working, I live for it, especially when it comes to taking care of livestock.
Either way, I can't say I've noticed a lot of changes since my second and third shots. I feel exactly the same as I used to, full of way too much energy and nothing to spend it on. Well, I guess I could say I've been eating a little more, and I had a few naps today, which is new for me, but... I mean, what else am I supposed to do? The most interesting thing in this whole room is the fridge and maybe the computer, not that it's hooked up to the internet or anything. I hope they don't mind me putting on a few pounds.
Anyway, today was uneventful, just like my last log. I feel just fine, no fur, no udders, not even a side effect like feeling itchy. I think I might see if I can request an exercise bike or some weights to keep me pre-occupied and fit. I will say though, the milk they keep stocked in the fridge tastes a lot better than what they sell even in the cafeteria. I think I'm going to have another glass and lie down for a bit.
Day seven
Jesus Christ, why am I so hungry and tired? They got me a treadmill and some other exercise equipment, even a few spare books to write or doodle in or whatever, but all I seem to have the energy for is tearing through my meals and snacks and lying down. It's just been a week and I've already put on ten pounds. I guess it's not the worst thing in the world, especially if I'm to be another cow, I just don't know where all my energy's gone or why I'm so hungry.
I told the technicians about this, but they didn't seem too concerned. If anything they seemed to be a little happy by this development, though it's hard to say with those paper masks they wear on. After I told them about this they also replaced my fridge with a bigger one that has more food in it, which is nice I suppose, so I won't get too bored of what I got in there. They only keep milk stocked in the fridge, but I don't really mind that too much. I keep going through glass after glass with each bottle being replaced day after day.
I guess there's been a few more side effects, but I'm not sure I'm really comfortable writing it down in this here journal. It's very personal and I just ain't used to telling strangers about these sort of things. Ah, I think I'll tell the doctors about it and see what they think. If they want me to write it down then I don't see that I have much of a choice, but I'd much rather keep this to myself.
Day eight
Yeah, so today was a bit different than usual. I guess they read these entries as soon as I finish writing them and that I was, by their words, 'withholding' information... well, let's say I think if I was still working I'd probably be pulled into an office and cowed on the spot. So I've been told to write down _everything_that feels out of the ordinary, everything, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me feel.
Well, here it goes: I've been horny as hell lately. Like, when I'm not eating or napping I'm thinking about sex. I swear I've cum more in the past week than I have since I was thirteen, and I've not had any material to work with beyond my own mind. God help me, I'm horny even now just talking about this. Worse still, I _know_they have cameras all over the place watching me and... well, I think it makes it more exciting to me.
That's not even the worst of it.
I've been having dreams lately, very vivid sex dreams, every night, every time I lie down for a nap, even when I'm awake I can feel the day dreams creeping in. Sometimes I'm a cow, sometimes I'm human, but I'm always a... a woman. The content varies from dream to dream, but, usually, there's a man, sometimes multiple, usually bigger than I am, strong and imposing, and he, or they just... command me and fuck me until they're all spent.
Fucking hell, even just writing about it is getting me all worked up.
Look, I know I kind of signed up for this, but it's a lot to get used to. A week ago I was, by most counts, a completely average man. I liked big breasts, I found women, not men, attractive but now... it's really fucking with my mind. God, even when they come in to check up on me and give me my shots I can't help but look at the guys, even wearing those ridiculous get ups they wear like they're going to catch a disease from me, that barely show anything, I find myself eyeing them over.
It's not just an attraction either, it's a hunger, like each day I go without having sex I need it more. It's getting worse each day that I swear I can feel it in my gut, growing hungrier, to the point I can feel the sexual need as much as I can feel my stomach growling right now(yes, I'm still fucking hungry despite doing little more than eating all day). The problem is, no matter how much I cum, I'm still hungry, metaphorically speaking. It's gotten to the point that I'm sore and even just touching myself is uncomfortable, but I just need to cum, I need the pleasure to keep the emptiness from getting too bad.
And talking about this is only working me up more. How the hell can I still be horny when even my damn balls feel sore from cumming as much as they have lately? Fuck it, I've talked enough for the day.
Day twelve
I don't know how long I've been looking at the paper trying to think of what to say here. My mind keeps losing focus so easily. I catch the thread and... shit, I lost it again. Okay, new approach, stream of consciousness time.
So after the last log they were happy with all I wrote, but were concerned for my mental health. They said I was getting too worked up, it was effecting my blood pressure and heart rate something fierce. So they gave me a sedative and I think it helped, kind of. I'm calmer, but it's like I just can't be upset, but excitement is still possible. Fuck, it feels like it's the only thing I can feel right now besides horny, hungry and tired. They didn't tell me much of what it was, so as far as I could know they just decided to dope me up for a few days to calm me down, not that I'm complaining all that much.
Today's not as bad as the past few days, which is why I've slacked a little in my logs. I've got more energy that I did when they first sedated me, but it's not helping my mind much. I'm hornier than ever, and with all I've been eating I'm starting to really notice the pounds pile on. My clothes feel tighter than they used to, especially my pants, which almost feel painted on with how much my damn ass is filling them. Oh, and I think I'm growing breasts, my chest certainly is sensitive enough to feel like I am.
Funny thing is, this doesn't bother me as much. It should, it should bug me more than those dreams I talked about last time, but it just doesn't. I found myself this morning staring at them, and wishing they were bigger, heavier, fuller. I lost track of myself then, I started playing with them. Rubbing at the soft deposits on my chest, rubbing my nipples, excited at the idea they were growing. I don't know how long I spent rubbing on them, but I do know that I got carried away and, well, I made myself cum just by playing with them.
This is where it gets really bad. I was being examined when this all happened. Propped up on a table covered in paper, with no less than four people examining me, and they just stood there and watched. They didn't tell me to stop, didn't continue as though nothing were happening, they just watched me playing with my tits until my poor, sore balls emptied themselves for the third time this morning. When it was done they cleaned up the mess, took some notes, and continued on as though it were normal.
I'm also pretty sure that they took a sample of my semen too.
It was all very strange, very clinical, but I wasn't bothered that I had just done that in front of them. In fact, one of the scientists looked at me, said I had 'done a good job', and I smiled at that! I was happy, even excited at his monotone praise. Even writing about it now makes goosebumps rise up all over my body. And still, I'm not upset by this, I'm overcome with a sense of calm, like almost everything's alright because I've 'done a good job'.
... lost my train of thought again. I think this is the best I can do for today, my mind is just all over the place. I can barely think, and I need to eat, again.
Day fifteen
[In place of text files, an audio file has been attached with the following transcription]
What was I doing? I know I was doing some-
Oh, that button turns it on, okay. But what's it do... it listens to me? Oh, so I don't have to write anymore, good, good. That was getting hard. Do you want me to just... keep talking to it? Okay, and what turns it-
Right! Right, got it, once to turn it on and again to turn it off. Thank you, I think I got it now... oh, you want me to start talking to it now? Okay, yeah, totally got it... what do I talk about? Right! Okay, okay, um, well, where to start? I guess here's a good place to start. After the last log they said they were concerned with the legibility of it and how much I was struggling with writing. I tried keeping up the last couple of days, but it's been hard.
[Silence. In the background the sound of sliding metal and clicking brackets echos into the mic. A faint, unintelligible command is given.]
Oh, yeah, keep talking. Anyway, my mind's been a little cloudy lately, I keep forgetting things and losing track of my thoughts. They said it was okay though, it's just a side effect, expected, no big dealio. Um, what else? Oh, yeah, I think I'm shrinking. Or at least, not me, not my body. Actually, I've grown a little bit since we started. I've grown... what is it, five? Oh, no, seven? Seven inches! Yeah, I'm over six feet tall now! Like, they had to give me all new clothes because I'm too big for my old britches.
Wait, that's not what I was talking about before, was it? Shrinking! Yes, so, my dick is shrinking, it's getting smaller, a lot smaller, super fast. Might have been shrinking this entire time for as much as I know. I only noticed the other day because I was rubbing out another one and I realized that, even fully hard, I could fit all of my cock in the palm of my hand, and I thought 'that's... that's weird. I wasn't _huge_but I was bigger than this, wasn't I?' So I mentioned it to them and they confirmed that li'l Brian has shrunk by as much as half! And that was two days ago!
Now, well, they have me on one of those fancy tables they have in the hospitals for Oh-bee-gee-why-ens and they're taking a peek at my nethers. They've been doing that on and off, but after I said my poor little dicky was shrinking they've been making it a daily habit.
[Silence. Sound of rustling paper and more, quiet, unintelligible words are spoken.]
Oh, sorry doc, I was just... how's he doing? Because this morning I swear I couldn't find my balls. Like, at all, they just up and vanished on me and that tin-ee little sack was all that was left... I probably should be more worried about this, shouldn't I? I mean-whoa! Hey, what're you... fuck, stah-stop pokin' down... hmm.
[Subject stops speaking. What follows is thirty-six uninterrupted seconds of moans, groans, and a singular moo, followed by a heavy, relaxed sigh.]
Ah... heavens, that... what did you just do to me? Oh my Lord that felt good, God, I'm tingling all over.
[Subject stops speaking again, unintelligible words, then a gasp. Microphone turns off again. Twelve seconds of silence follows before subject starts speaking again.]
I... so I... So you're saying I'm a woman now. Like, I got a gash between my legs fit for pushing out babies, right now. That's... this morning I thought I couldn't get hard but I still... came. Fuck, my dick's become my clit. God, that's why it felt so good. But, wait, no, because I didn't feel that opening this morning. I remember explicitly checking when-Aah!
[Sound of clattering, sound of approaching footsteps, then a new voice]
I am currently probing subject's newly formed vagina. Remnants of subject's cock remains in some regard as fairly sizable clitoris. Measures at least an inch in length and perhaps an inch in diameter as well. Canal appears... shallow, could be a new mutation as recent as an hour ago. Subject is displaying thorough enjoyment of examination, sensitivity seems... more than adequate, perhaps even bordering on excessive. Idle note: pelvic floor muscles seem quite strong for being so untrained and developing.
[Heavy breathing from subject heard in background, growing heavier and more rapid. Ultimately culminates in loud, bellowing moo.]
Limited direct stimulation yields passionate orgasm... an extended one too of... eighteen seconds. That's actually mildly impressive. Um, continuing, I anticipate growth of subject's new sexual organs with in the coming days, likely being fully developed in two days. Development is accelerating swiftly, but collected data is yielding ample results. I'll make a note to get samples from subject tomorrow to test fertility. Returning recording device to subject.
[Brief moment of silence, replaced soon with heavy breathing.]
Oh... oh my God, I'm seeing stars. Oh, my legs are tingling, so are my nipples. Ah, I've never had an orgasm that strong in my life. What... what was I even fucking talking about? Oh, fuck it, is that enough for ya'll? Can I stop talking now? Really? Oh, fuck me, what do you want from me? Alright, alright, so what else has happened? Oh, right, I think I officially have breasts now, like, big, heavy, thirty-six double D titties that they say are only going to get bigger. Um, what else? I've been very itchy lately, they think it's because fur is starting to grow in. Um... wait, what?
[Subject starts addressing someone away from microphone, muffled sounds from microphone casing mutes most of the exchange.]
Okay, so, um after they-
[Subject draws microphone back to mouth]
So they're letting me put my legs down now but they're preparing a pump for me now. I mean, a breast pump, because I guess that last 'oh' squirted out a little milk. Wow, not sure how I feel about that. Shit, I'm not even sure how I feel about what's happened to my poor cock. Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck. I'm a girl now, I-I... I'm actually okay with that. Ooh, lord, it feels good. Huh? Oh, okay, they're... one second.
[Sound of several footfalls replaces dialogue. Shuffling, then the whirl of a breast pump turning on.]
Ah! Oh, w-wait, I... hmm, it feels... amazing, oh, thank God. It, the pump is draining me, I mean, my tits. Oh, hmm, mmmooo.
Day sixteen
Test? I think it's on, okay, yeah. Um, so I went back, listened to the last recording. I know it happened, I remember it happening, but it doesn't feel like it did. How could it? I didn't, couldn't do those things. I'm rambling. I can't help it. My mind is all over the place, I can't keep a thread, and if I stop for too long I don't know what I'll be spouting off. Latest changes are, well, milk production increasing. I need to pump but I... don't think I can. I don't even mean like, emotionally, but more, uh, physically able to. I can't understand how to work it. I know what it is, what it does, but it's too hard to understand how to even turn it on.
My breasts feel heavy... very heavy, and they're currently leaking into the gown I slept in. I'm also very wet... between the legs. The hunger I described the other day, it's still there, but much deeper in. Muscles are cramping slightly, I feel warm, more than I should even with this fur growing all over me. God, I feel empty, achingly empty. I... I don't know what I need to fill it with but I can't sleep like this. Tits full, womb empty, and I still can't say I regret this decision. My body... I ain't never felt so good in my life.
[Six seconds of silence before subject begins speaking again]
Oh, so fur, it's now all over my body and it's not as bad as I thought it might be. I've actually noticed it's not growing on my stomach through. There's also some slight discoloration in four different spots. If I had to guess, I'd wager my udder's starting to grow in. Also, feet aching, hurts to stand on the soles, so I'm guessing my hooves are growing in or something. What else is there? Tail? No, oh, horns, that's... right, I haven't checked that yet. Yeah... yep, I feel them growing in.
[Hiss of air filtration system and a click of a door in the background. Subject lets out a heavy sigh.]
Oh, thank God, they're here, you're here. I need help with the pumps, please? I can't make hide nor hare of them. Oh, thank you. I found horns starting to grow on my head and... hmm... milk, thank... thank you. Mooo. Moo, wait... what? Questions? Oh, okay. Um, no, I don't know what day it is. No, can't remember who the president is. Ah, moo. Uh, wait. Okay, I can't, I can't do that either. I don't rem-member my name.
[Subject is alerted by a secondary voice on the tape reciting 'Betsy, your name is Betsy'. Subject is noted as smiling now]
Betsy, yeah, that's my name, it's a cute one. Uh... do I have any more questions to answer? Oh, good, I need a break. I have a... question. Can I get a... a pet on the head?
[Secondary voice, henceforth referred to as Doctor Avery, replies]
Yes, you did good. You are a good girl. Now relax and enjoy yourself. I'll take over the recording for you. There we are, now, subject Betsy's development is well in hand. Breasts have doubled in size since yesterday, yield is productive but slowing. Betsy's complaints about the discomfort in her stomach is likely her first estrus. Recommend we get a sample ready to inseminate her soon to increase milk yield and calm her. Further, I'm officially noting Betsy's diminished long term memory. Mental state seems to be slipping rapidly, but milk samples thus far are confirming the original theory that a willing subject caused the quality and quantity increase from subject Annie.
Betsy's ability to follow rudimentary commands is promising. Betsy, do me a favor and lie back and put your legs in the stirrups. There we go, good girl. Initial tests suggests hyperactive fertility, hips have broadened alongside expectations to suit her first litter. Fertility drugs have further been added to her daily injections to increase yield in the litters. Udder are developing a little slowly, but initial indications still project top one percentile. For all intents and purposes, I feel our data confirms the original theory. A willing cow makes better, and more milk.
Day nineteen
I don't really know what to say here. My mind is so clouded I can't recall what's new and what's old. I feel like I've always had these breasts or my hips. I can't tell if I've always had this muzzle or if... shit, I might not even have been born a woman. I hadn't even thought of that. God, and the ache, the fucking ache between my legs. It's so bad, so, so bad, but they said they're going to fix it today.
Oh, so my horns finally grew in, they're a little on the small side, but they're a very pretty white. I don't know if they're going to let me keep them or if I have to get them removed, but I'm trying to be on my best behavior to show that I'm not dangerous. Oh! And-and they told me that my breasts have stopped growing, but my udders are growing in very nicely! I... I'm kind of upset that my breasts have stopped growing, but I haven't had my first litter yet so I'm not yet a full-fledge cow.
Oh, I did remember something the other day that I wanted to talk about in here. Like, so when I started doing these logs I remember being very tired and super hungry early on and I... I think that side effect's going down. Which, I mean, it's not the worst things I could think of having, but it's kind of nice to say I figured out a small problem with the experiment. I mean, how else is a simple cow like me going to have the opportunity to do something this important in her life?
[Audio goes silent for five seconds and is later accompanied by the sound of shuffling.]
I got a glimpse at one of the nurses the other day without his mask on. He was actually super cute under all those clothes. Kind of nice build on him too. God, there's something about him, more than just looks. His smell, that's what I remember first when I think of him. And he's so firm and commanding. Every time the pain throbs-which, yeah, the ache throbs now- I swear I can smell him and feel him just barely touching me. Well, him and that Doctor Avery. He seems nice in a kind of wise older man sort of way, and that voice of his is pretty sexy too.
Oh, and that other nurse, the one that they sent to brush me yesterday. God, they treat me so nice here. I wish I could do more for them, make them more milk. Hmm, give all those nice men calves. Oh, that's what I need, a nice stud to fill me full and round with growing calves, and I'll be making more milk for them too. Yeah, that's it, I just... I need to figure out how to get one of the studs to breed me.
Day twenty-six
I fucked up, bad. I wasn't thinking right, but... I knew what I was doing. I've been isolated for a week, but I don't blame them for punishing me. Honestly, they're letting me off easy, not that what happened isn't entirely my fault. Not entirely. I mean, they knew I was in heat, and they took their sweet ass time helping with it.
So, after I finished my last log I was to get my daily check up and treatment. That day they let me wait though, they _made_me wait, all alone, for hours. I was beyond horny, and while I wanted to get off again, I didn't want to get started until after they were finished with their tests. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I've cum in front of them, and sure it was humiliating, but I didn't want to do something I regretted.
I held off, long after they should have been there and left, even long after the technicians to pump me should have been there. The longer they made me wait, the worse all the pressure and pain got. I needed to be milked and I needed to cum, and I was starting not to care about waiting for the second one. It still took me a few hours, or what felt like hours, before I decided to start playing with myself.
I wanted to play with my breasts and udders, but they asked me not to make a big mess with my milk, and they were too full to touch without spraying all over the place. So I decided to focus on my pussy, which was dripping wet by this point, soaking through my panties and gown. I took off the panties and pulled up the gown, trying to ignore how sopping wet I was. I parted my thighs, fur matted with my nectar, and began stroking over my... my hot, wet pussy lips.
[Subject Betsy moans, the sheets shift.]
I started playing with myself, rubbing over my wet little button, stroking and massaging it, fingers pushing into my wet folds to fill the aching emptiness that had me all worked up. Two fingers quickly became three, then four. I was trying desperately to fill myself in the way I knew I needed to be, the way my instincts were screaming at me to help me with this heat. I was getting nowhere near cumming though, and I knew why. I didn't need to cum, I needed cum, the only way to fix my heat was by having calves, to be pounded by a strong bull and pumped full of seed.
So horny... I was so, so fucking horny, and nothing I was doing was helping. If anything I felt worse. Hungrier than before. The door to my room flew open and my heart jumped into my throat. . Fingers sunk into my poor, heat drenched cunt, I froze, and listened. I recognized him by the sounds he made, the way he walked, the sound of his voice, didn't hurt that he called out his name to announce that he was there. Nurse Sisko.
He told me they sent him out to get me hooked up to the pumps while they were dealing with another new subject. I was relieved, but frustrated, moving slowly as I pulled my fingers out from between my legs. I had gotten myself to the examination room and on the table with those... stirrup things. It was tempting to just continue, he offered plenty of fuel to get me there, but I knew I'd be mortified if he'd caught me.
My heart began beating again when he opened the door to my bedroom, a smile in his eyes that he couldn't convey through his paper mask. His touch was gentle, even going as far as to ask me if it was okay for him to open my gown. Or maybe he was asking me to open my gown, I forget which. Either way, he did it himself, and turned on the pump. Just the sound of the pump was enough to make my aching teats weep with milk, quickly sucked up by the vacuum whisking away my milk. I was putty in his hands as he attached each cup to a nipple. He took his time, asking me how it felt, his gentle touch helping to drain my full tits.
My memory gets a little hazy from here on out, but I remember him moving around between my legs. I felt his touch on my stomach, slowly rubbing over my udders, more swollen today than usual. I... I melted on the table, my mind went blank. I may have asked for more, I might have just been mooing, but I wanted to beg for more. He looked around before a moment before he tugged at the strings keeping the pants of his scrubs up, pulling them and his underwear down. Hmm, he was already hard and the next thing I knew I felt him inside of me.
God, I wish I had him here right now. He felt so good, bigger than I expected, but hard as a rock. Oh, he grabbed right at my hips and started pounding into me. He was being fast, but aggressive. I doubt he was supposed to be doing that, but I didn't care. He was giving me what I needed, and it felt better than any sex I've ever had. The feeling of his cock parting my walls, back and forth, balls striking the insides of my thighs, but still I needed more.
I pulled my... my hooves out of the stirrups and wrapped my legs around him, my arms joining them. I held him close, tight against my body, afraid he'd stop or leave with an empty womb. He didn't, he didn't even resist, squeezing himself back against my slightly larger frame as his hips pounded into me. That's when I felt one of the cups being pulled from one of my teats, followed by a wetness, suckling on my udder as he fucked me.
I completely lost track of my memories after that, it felt too hard to think of anything but the pleasure. He's pounding away at me while he's nursing from me and I am in heaven. I don't know how long he's taking me, but I remember at one point he lets go of his grip around my waist and grabs at my hips again. His thrusts start rocking hard into the table and I'm cumming around him with each powerful thrust. I swear I feel him growing inside of me, his grip getting stronger. It's like he's a different man than when he started, a wild animal taking over.
The sound of the doors opening up again makes my attention focus for a second. I lift my head, squint my eyes to see who just entered. That's when I see him, a thick forest of deeply black fur, a broad chest and massive arms hard with muscles. The once small man that had been fucking me was now taller and bigger than I was. The doctors who had just entered into the room hit something, my head begins to hurt with a sound drumming hard at my ears. The sound drones on and on and I think I'm going to pass out.
There's a crash, a table I recall being next to me one moment is on the ground next to a wall and a dangling speaker the next. I don't feel like the drumming in my head is going to make me pass out any longer, but the nurse, he's got horns and hooves now, fur and a muzzle too. He's like me, only male, a bull, the perfect specimen that I needed at that moment. They said my milk caused him to change, but it was too fast, he had no control. He was an animal, a wild, sexy stud taking his heifer, making her... making me a proper cow. I don't have a solid memory from that point on until I woke up this morning, it's just bits and pieces fading in and out.
[Silence for a moment, the hiss of air being pulled through teeth. A sharp squeal and a moo echos in the room. Subject pants for four point five seconds before continuing]
The doctors try and stop him, they can't. He's too big, too strong for them. Someone calls security, he's balls deep in me, his thrusts are getting shallow. I don't want him to stop, I hear the clicking and bang of rifles, each one stinging the bull's tough hide with a tranquilizer. Maybe half actually stick while the others fall to the ground. The bull's gotten so big by this point he's covering me just by being between my legs. His heavy balls clap against my ass, security fires round after round into him, weakening his thrusts.
He gets tired, but he doesn't stop fucking me, his cock filling my cunt so deep I swear he's in my womb. My eyes are darkened by his shadow looming over me as unconsciousness darkens my mind, each new orgasm wracking my body bringing more blanks in my memory. Then I feel it, the tightening of his potent sack against my ass, his cock sunk in to me right to the base. Heat pours into me, so thick and heavy it's like cement being pumped into my womb. His muscles given out and he sags on top of me, pumps still trying to drain my breasts and udders while his weight presses me down into the table.
I feel each jet of cum pooling in me as clear as day, then darkness, another explosion of seed dumped in my very core lighting up my mind like fireworks before dimming once again. He's so heavy, I can't move him, I can hardly breathe. The doctors and security try to get him off of me, but they can barely move him an inch. That's where I finally black out.
I woke up two days ago and the first thing I remembered was that ache was gone. I felt so calm that morning, what's the word... content? Yeah. That, calm and content. The doctors say I'm fine physically, so is the bull, but I feel like I can breathe for the first time in weeks. It's... oddly comforting, but scary in a way too. I mean, my heat's over, which means I'm... I'm probably pregnant. I'm a cow, officially.
[Silence fills the air for nine seconds. Subject sniffles.]
I... I'm crying, but the... the funny thing is, I actually feel happy, giddy, over the fucking moon. My breasts have started growing again, same with my udders, I'm making more milk than ever. I'm only able to do this log right now because... well, when the pumps start I cow out completely. It probably won't be long until I'm just like Annie, hooked up every waking hour of the day, docile and dumb between breedings.
I think this is my last log. They seem to be taking plenty of notes about my state and it's... it's just too hard to think these days. I have the worst headache right now and I just want to lie back and be pumped dry. Oh, thank God, they're coming back. Can you please turn the pumps on a... ah... hmm, m-mooo.
[Subject's words are mostly a string of heavy breathed lows. Microphone shuffles as it exchanges hands then shuts off.]
Day ninety
Doctor Avery speaking, final wrap up on first official test subject for new string of cows. Subject Brian Quaid, currently renamed as 'Betsy' was a rousing success. Production and quality is matching, and in some instances, surpassing Annie's numbers. Milk has a notable potency that can cause rapid mutations of a man into a bull, recommend testing unpasteurized milk on a female test subject to determine if chromosomes effect final result.
We have moved Betsy from the test lab to a stall, where she fits right in. Daily check ups are vital, as subject is the first cow to have gone through this process without reprogramming, but initial outlook is promising. Betsy's daily reports show high morale, strong reaction to commands, and, overall, a healthy, happy cow. Sexual stimulation also seems to increase quality and quantity of milk, so I recommend further test subjects going forward are frequently stimulated, even if it needs to be administered by a doctor.
Extra safety precautions regarding raw milk need to be made to avoid a similar mishap like with our new bull, Samson, but their limited IQ makes them malleable test subjects. There is a noted level of virility within Samson that's beyond our other bulls, with Betsy's first litter counting five different calves, all exceptionally healthy. Stall has been modified to accommodate Betsy, but by third trimester I suspect we'll need entirely new stalls to accommodate this new breed of cattle and their calves.
Attempts have been made to continuing communicating with Betsy, but rarely do they yield any intelligible results. That being said, I do recommend further attempts to communicate with her and the other cattle. Praise and physical affection seem to be particular productive in making handling them much easier. Initial tests with more experienced cattle being weened off hypnotic files is slow, but promising. Projected failure rate currently sits around thirty percent, but could decrease as far as ten percent or less. Final recommendation: find more cattle like Betsy and Annie, and train one of them to work PR in case of a security breach.