Zip, Chapter 1: Origin

Story by ZipSquirrel on SoFurry

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Zip, Chapter 1 - Origin

Roger walked down the sidewalks at the new mall, bored out of his mind. He didn't have anything planned, and he didn't have anything to do whatsoever. He was walking slowly, seeing if anything at the mall was new. But there almost never was. He had a single earbud in one ear, and was moving slowly when he indeed saw a new toy store. It was lonely, sorta dark and shady, and yet, brand new. "Kacy's Toys" was the decorated title of the store, with a logo afterwards depicting a teddy fox sitting on its haunches. As the store sat there, lonely, nobody passing by seemed to notice or acknowledge its existence except for himself. He finally thought he had something to do. He looked around for a moment, making sure nobody he knew was about to watch this well-grown young adult walk into a toy store, and opened the front door.

The shop itself was fairly small, with a small number of different toys on display. Five computer screens were located on one wall, and the counter with the cash register was on the other. Behind the counter stood an elderly looking man, softly smiling to Roger. "Hello," he began as he saw Roger, who was the only person in the entire store at the time, "What brings you here?"

Roger shrugged lazily. "I don't know, really... I just thought I'd come in and give this store a look. I've never seen it before, and I was a little bored." He turned to look and see what kinds of "toys" the store contained, half interested, half not really.

On the shelves were a variety of different types of toys. There were a number of elaborately designed plushies, many made of traditional plush material, others made of a shinier substance, presumably vinyl. A couple of inflatable toys, sat decorating the primarily plush wall, their painted-on facial expressions staring at Roger contently. On the back wall of the long room were quite a few costumes, most of them seeming to be modeled after toys themselves. Though hollow, and unoccupied, they seemed to have quite a bit of stuffing in them, which ballooned them outwards a bit, creating a sort of a mock illusion of being worn by someone. Out of the corner of his eye, Roger had no idea why, but he could have sworn that one of the stuffed animals had moved. Just a little bit though. He winced, and ignored it.

"Well, sir, if there's anything you think I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask," the man said, leaving Roger to explore the little store by himself as he disappeared into a small room behind the register.

He thanked the man and walked around, very confused by the sheer amount of toys, toyish costumes, and all sorts of things on this really quite small store's shelves. He looked up and glanced at various plushies and costumes, unintentionally intrigued by what he saw. He hadn't slept with a stuffed animal in a very long time... And yet, these toys seemed to fill him with a little of a childlike wonder. He was tempted to buy one and take it home with him; maybe he would get it for himself, or maybe for his sister... His sister loved stuffed animals, and that would certainly be a nice gift he could buy for her. Her birthday was coming up, after all... But what should he get...? He pondered his decision quietly, still browsing.

The man from earlier walked up next to Roger, causing him to jump, startled. He looked at Roger. "I see you have an interest in our plushie line," he said. "Would you prefer something a little more like Sandy..." A more classic looking fox plushie, designed with an old-fashioned Beanie-Baby-ish style, waved a featureless mitt-paw to Roger, its polyfil "bean" interior creating a crunching and crumbling sound as it moved. "...or Jenna?" A more modern and much more detailed plush cat bows to him from the spot on the shelf beside "Sandy."

He jumped, and quickly backed up into the wall. Whew... he thought, That was certainly startling. There was no way that these toys, which, unlike the costumes on the rear wall, didn't seem to be inhabited, were moving... Or waving at him at all. They weren't living creatures, and were around two feet tall each. There was simply no way it was biologically possible. It didn't add up. He blinked his eyes a few times and tried to accept what he had just seen, now unable to unsee it. "Why-- Why did--Why did they just move?" He asked, still a little startled, and gulped.

"These, sir," the man began proudly with a large grin, "are our summer employees. They are magically transformed into these toys for the duration of the summertime, when the season is best for the selling. They are display only, of course." The two mobile stuffed animals stared eerily, unblinking at Roger, unable to speak.

To Roger, that little anecdote made even less sense than seeing the toys move. Why would anyone want to be transformed into a toy? Or who would be dumb enough to accept a job offering if it entailed having your humanity taken from you to be turned into something like that? More importantly, why would the idea even strike the owner's mind to turn his employees into toys? This was more than just a little strange, and it was very hard of an idea to swallow for Roger. "I don't believe you..." He said in a small voice. Of course, having seen them in motion, his logic behind asking such a question was essentially moot. "Why?" Was all he could manage to ask. There were so many questions he wanted answered... But all he could manage was "Why?".

"One, they need the money. Two, they are given free housing and food for the duration of their employment, although, as a toy, they really don't need to eat anything at all," the man explained to Roger. "And I'm not positive, but I think these two have personal reasons behind their decisions." He looked at Roger. "Would you like a brief demonstration on how it's done?"

He certainly didn't have any objections to viewing the demonstration, but something was wrong here... He still wanted an answer or two. "Why do you do this? What makes them want to be these forms?" He decided not to answer the man's question directly just yet until he received some answers of his own first.

The man answered his question very sternly and matter-of-factly, "I do this because I can, and they do this because they want to. Simple as that. I don't know what the morals behind their personal choices are."

That wasn't straight enough an answer for him, but he had a strong feeling he wasn't gonna get any better if he asked anything further. "Yes," Roger finally said. "I guess you can show me a demo." Somewhere deep inside him, a small fiber of his being wondered what it would be like to be a toy... But he wasn't totally aware about his feelings at the moment, as he studied the standing plush animals looking back at him.

"Come with me," the man said. He walked towards the door to the backroom, located on the costume wall. He produced a DVD labeled "Summer, '10, Sandy and Jenna".

Roger followed the man cautiously, wary of anything odd happening. He was about to enter the backroom himself when he saw a toy-costume that caught his eye. Located over the door was a costume modeled after a dragon. Or rather, it was modeled after a vinyl plush dragon. Its details were very blunted, very rounded, and overall, very simplistic. The entire face was seemingly painted on, with no visible eyeholes or transparent areas to see from. It had a giddy-looking facial expression that stared down at him with an eerie sense of longing. Almost as if it wanted him to put on the costume himself. It had an exaggerated zipper down from its neck to the base of its groin, feet that looked a bit like shiny booties, and ball-shaped, featureless mitts for fingers.

Roger was completely taken aback by the awe he felt from staring at it. Though it was a toy, it was almost... hot to him. No, no, no... He couldn't be thinking that. It was wrong. But the costume seemed to be calling him, causing him to really want it. This extra attention from the dragon costume caused his member to call itself to attention as well, as it tightly pressed against the zipper of his pants, wanting out. He would have to keep his mind off of it right now. He was in public, and he didn't own the costume yet. And he still had no word on whether or not he was going to get it at all. He shook his head, pressed his erection up against himself to make it less visible, and hurried into the room so he could witness a quick demonstration.

The man popped the DVD into a player. After a few moments of selecting scenes from the video, the screen popped up, showing Sandy in her human form. She was in only her bra and panties, smiling an eager smile. Taking a slightly closer look, Roger could have sworn he recognized her as the same Sandy from his chemistry class.

Sandy?! What was she doing there? This was definitely not something he ever pictured the girl doing. And yet, it was as if she didn't even seem to mind it. This is weird... He was worried. Why would anyone such as Sandy subject themselves to such oddities?

"You know her?" the man asked Roger, still looking at the screen. The man himself was also on the video now, as it showed him doing what looked like reading a spell. This appeared to make Sandy look more relaxed and almost softer.

"Yes," Roger said. "She was just someone I knew. Not much of a close friend to me, although she was my lab partner in chemistry last year." He looked a little bit closer, more confused and more intrigued slightly as the video went on.

As the video passed, Sandy's skin seemed to quickly turn to a fabric-like state, growing patchier as organized areas of the same orange and white short fur she had as of now grew outwards to its current length. And during the whole time she seemed to love the feeling more and more, apparent by her widening smile, dilating eyes, and delighted giggle.

Roger became confused again. Why did she enjoy it? How was she enjoying it? This was wrong. Human beings were supposed to be human, not treated this way, nor were they supposed to enjoy this kind of treatment. He gave it a brief moment of thought. Sure, peoples' sexual fantasies may get in the way of their decisions, but he certainly didn't see her or himself in that situation at all.

As Roger and the man watched on, Sandy the two foot-high plush vixen had walked from her spot on the shelf over to Roger and hugged his leg. The man noticed Roger's confused expression as he watched Sandy giggle and smile while her face eventually became silent and frozen in the permanent style of that of a plush vixen, and began to explain, "The process is physically painless, and, in fact, fairly enjoyable." The video drew closer to an end as it displayed Sandy removing her underclothes, which were now very larger for her small body. Her slit and boobs weren't really visible at this point.

Roger gasped. Not only was he not expecting the leg-hug, but this was now very interesting. His friend's lack of visible genitalia, now completely gone and become nothing but fuzzy soft plush-animal material, had brought his erection back. It was very arousing to him for reasons he couldn't quite put his finger on. He was not expecting to be so into what was happening to his friend on the video.

Weirdly enough to him, it almost all seemed completely harmless... Like it would only be gain and not loss... Certainly this was a bit too good to be true. That tiny fiber of his being grew larger, and he officially caught himself starting to wonder if he, too, could experience this himself. What could go wrong?

Sandy, whose soft plushie arms were still latched around his leg, said something to Roger. Well, not really said anything, as it was impossible for a stuffed animal to talk, but more like speaking telepathically to him, using his leg as a mental connection. As if her mind were located in the back of his own, her familiar voice rang through Roger's head. "Roger, please pick me up." The video showed Sandy's changes completed, as the room no longer contained Sandy, but the same plushie that was at Roger's feet.

Roger lifted the stuffed vixen up and set it in his lap. There was just no way that any of this seemed possible. Could it really be true? He rubbed the little toys' belly a bit.

The toy seemed to enjoy the rubs, although it was difficult to tell through its lack of facial features. It spoke to him again. "I hope you understand why I chose to do this."

"I-I do..." Roger said aloud to a silent room. He didn't know why, but his confusion was utterly perplexing now. For whatever reason, this seemed so right. In fact, he almost wanted to be turned into something similar himself. But the sad thing was, he was not entirely sure he could handle the stress. Giving up his humanity to be a toy had its perks, certainly, but he would be saying goodbye to the life he currently had. He loved his life now... And wasn't entirely sure if he would enjoy it later, assuming he actually made this decision. He sat quietly for a long time, eventually picking Sandy up and hugging her tight.

"It's not even permanent or anything," the toy-girl spoke. "We get our human bodies back when our contract ends and the store closes in the fall." The man removed the DVD from the player and returned it to its case, putting it back on a shelf which seemed to cover an entire wall, all of which had a name or two and the year it was performed, going all the way back to 1980.

He was still a little worried about the consequences of all this, but he had finally made his decision, and he knew he would at least like to try it for just a little while. "Excuse me sir," Roger inquired with a tinge of interest in his voice, "could I get a chance to experience something like this?"

"Hm?" he questioned. "I don't understand your meaning. Do you want to just try, or are you interested in applying for a summer internship?"

"I'd just want to try it out. I'm not entirely sure if I could work here all summer or not..." He shrugged a little.

"Now, I'm not trying to make you work here, but the job itself is very easy. You are only required to be on display. I've personally arranged the shop so that the summer interns can chat with each other." He led Roger out of the backroom and locked it behind the two of them, as Sandy followed them out. The man led them to the front of the store where the five computer screens were located, and turned on a touch-screen PC with an editing program already open. "Just play around with the software and edit the design to whatever look suits you."

Roger remained firm behind his decision to not keep this as a job. It sounded too boring, and since the only reason he had even entered the store today was because of his incredible boredom, this would probably not remedy the current problem. He simply didn't answer the man's last attempt at convincing him to work here, as tempting as it was. He just wanted to try out the form for a little while.

Roger played with a few of the features on the screen. His mind and his member reminded him of a certain friend he had made upon walking into the backroom. He remembered the dragon and patted his erection a few times with a grin. He became intent on creating a design more fitting of his own preferences, and after a few minutes of clicking, dragging, pointing, and learning the majority of the features on the program, he had eventually created a purple-and-white flying squirrel with a giddy painted-on facial expression reminiscent to that of the dragon's. It was made of vinyl with a big, overexaggerated zipper down the front. He didn't want to steal the idea completely from his already plushed friend, or from the dragon from earlier, and created something a little more unique.

The design complete, Roger glanced over his handiwork, once again aroused at the idea. The thought that he was soon going to look like that toy was all the more arousing, and his member was painfully pressing against his jeans zipper at the pleasure of his design. He grinned wryly before turning back to the man and telling him he was finished with the design.

The man glanced over what he had picked, and Sandy had hopped up onto the counter to get a better examination of what he had made. The man grunted before writing some details down on a little piece of paper. "Interesting choice. Now, I'm going to need you strip down to your underwear, so your change won't cause you to get too tangled in your clothes."

He blushed a little, not wanting to remove his clothes in such a public location.

The man noticed Roger's embarrassment and said, "Don't worry, the process is painless and enjoyable. And if you'd like, we can give you complete privacy if you need it. Actually, Sandy," the man started, realizing that that was truly what Roger wanted. She grew to about human-size at her acknowledgement. "This does takes a while, so, if you would, please go back to your spot on the shelf with Jenna and wait for us to get done."

"That would be nice... Thanks," said Roger, gulping. For some reason, his brain was deciding to doubt himself. Did he even really want to do this? Only a moment ago he thought there was no harm to be done from this, and now he almost felt sick to his stomach. He tried to tell himself that nothing bad would happen yet again, remembering the dragon from earlier with a grin.

Sandy walked towards her spot against the wall in the main store section, leaving just the man and Roger in the foyer of Kacy's. The man unlocked the door to the private room he had been in when Roger had entered, and opened it, inviting Roger to sit inside it. "Have a seat, and get undressed, and I'll be in here to set something up for just a second in a moment."

Roger walked into the room and sat down on the single chair located in the middle of the room. It was scarily quiet, and very unnerving. The building was so lifeless inside this little room... And the undying feelings of his brain telling him what was about to become of him were growing stronger, causing his heart to pound. He was very close to wanting to opt out of his little decision, but he used his better judgment to try and keep calm.

Roger removed all of his clothing except for his boxer shorts and tossed it against the wall behind him, his erection free, loose, and extremely obvious.

The man came into the room promptly and turned on the camcorder, which was on a tripod in the corner of the room. "Ready?" he asked.

Roger nodded, blushing furiously again. It certainly didn't help his embarrassment that he had to expose himself in front of the man in the middle of the room after being in "private." Not to mention, he was about to be recorded in his helpless state. "Is it really necessary to videotape this?" Roger asked, gulping again, now even more doubting of himself.

"No, but I prefer to keep a record of who I have changed, their names, and what they looked like before and after it happens."

He starts reading a spell off of a computer screen, causing Roger to feel first tinges of a slight warmness inside of him.

Great! Now he was totally uncomfortable with this... He didn't want to do it anymore. He clutched his stomach and cried out, upset. He tried to get up and move to the door quickly. He wasn't expecting this to feel as wrong as it was, despite the bizarre warmth feeling exceptionally comforting. It was just as if it weren't right... Or meant to be.

"Sorry," the man apologized as best as he could. "The spell's already been cast, so I can't really do anything about it before it ends." The effects of the spell were quickly showing up on Roger's skin, as it all began to take on a purplish hue, except for his stomach, torso, and what he couldn't see under his groin.

Oh no... He was going to be stuck ending up as the form which he had chosen! He didn't want to be a toy anymore! He just wished he was at home doing something more entertaining than coming to the mall like he had in the first place. He leaned against the door softly and fell on his butt, his eyes tearing up a little.

"Look, I wish I could be more helpful right now, but I can't. I'll revert it once you're completely changed and you request it." He stepped out of the room. Roger's skin had darkened a little bit in color, becoming closer to the purple and white shades he selected. It begins to give off just a slight sheen, an odd, rubbery luster. Roger noticed that as he moved any part of his body, he could hear faint squeaking noises coming from all of his body. The skin from his wrists all the way down the sides of his arms, his body, and the sides of his ankles slowly began to extend to the familiar flying squirrel "wings."

There wasn't anything he could do at this point except let it happen. His tearing up eventually became a heavy sob. Why had he even bothered to ask for an offer in the first place...? He shouldn't have even showed up. But the squeaking... Oh, the squeaking. For some reason, he could feel the sound of the squeaks, and it wasn't at all a bad feeling. For some reason, it was very arousing and pleasing to the ear to him, like a bit of a makeshift music that sounded unbelievably perfect now. The sounds of his changing body were quickly growing on him. His member was obviously enjoying the squeaks, too, apparent by the huge erection he had. Roger moaned with intense pleasure as he kicked his legs back and forth wildly, causing a flurry of cadent squeaks to serenade him into a daze.

The squeaking became louder, as the skin completely finished its metamorphosis into perfectly shiny, squeaky, purple and white vinyl. Meanwhile, his face had seemed to become almost entirely flat, as his eyes, nose, and mouth grew in size until they looked almost like that of a cartoon's, before changing to a flat, opaque, toyish color and losing depth and function. If he didn't know better, he would say that his face had completely become nothing more than mere paint on his squeaky vinyl skin. His ears had completely flattened out against the side of his head, as well, and he just mainly looked like a bizarre, shiny thing at this moment.

He no longer needed to blink, or open his mouth, or even breathe... His form was slowly taking control of his normal body actions, making them useless and redundant... He didn't want to, but his face was forced into a cheesy, giddy grin, permanently smiling and unable to show how much he had just been crying... He kinda sat there, unable to do anything about it... slowly becoming more and more despairing of what he was becoming...

His squeaky body wouldn't let up on being noisy. It kept on singing to his ears and body, resulting in even more sexual stimulation, as the flying squirrel's "wings" had finished forming. They flapped down lazily against his sides as they weren't being moved, squeaking lightly as they dragged against his sides. Soon, a harder line began to form starting just underneath his chin, and moving slowly downwards towards his groin.

His sadness aside, the squeaking noises brought him to a state of total lust. He felt good from the noise alone, but even he knew that it wouldn't be enough to bring him to sweet release. With a pair of squeaky hands, Roger rubbed and squeaked his hard cock through his boxer shorts.

His feet were the next part of him to become molded to his new form, as they flattened at base and became a bit larger in all directions, almost like a vinyl pair of booties.

The noises and the feelings of his transformation were slowly causing Roger to need to finish the job he was starting. He rubbed his cock a little more, enjoying it highly. It felt so good by this point, but he knew, deep down, that he really didn't want it to happen. As if his brain wanted him to feel much better about the situation, it was telling his body to rub himself off with his slowly changing body, and his conscience didn't want him to do in attempted rebuttal. He tried to fight back, but the squeaky blissful pleasure just felt way too good... His second hand joined the first in kneading himself, now speeding up a little.

Three rounded nubs began to form on the tips of each of his booty-feet, bulging outwards into completely rounded, ball-shaped, toes per foot. A small line formed on the sides of his legs, moving upwards as small thread-like strings traveled across the line in an organized sewing fashion.

Now so deep in his lusty quest for squeaky orgasm, he no longer focused on his body's changes; Roger only wanted to pleasure himself at the moment. He simply squeaked and rubbed himself, his face reflecting more and more the amount of pleasure he was feeling at the moment. His vocal cords were still intact within his body, so while he didn't need to open his mouth to do so, he made a loud, yet muffled moaning "MMMPH!" from underneath his vinyl face. He rubbed more and more, faster and faster, taking it all in.

The seams charged onwards, as small wrinkles grew around them on each of his legs in an irregular pattern. His feet, suddenly, gained a hollow, empty feeling. It felt almost like a soap bubble was being blown inside each of them, forcing the tissue of the feet to the sides, giving the appearance of his body having a fairly sturdy, filled-out build.

He was hardly paying attention as he rubbed harder, extracting the essence of his body squeaking loudly in pleasure underneath his hands. He rubbed and rubbed until he was very close to climaxing. Precum was leaking out and was making a visible spot on his boxer shorts. He moaned again, even more loudly than the first time, and removed his boxer shorts so as not to make them too dirty. Slowly, but not without force, he pressed on his crotch a little more, trying to slowly coax himself into a truly righteous orgasm.

The seam moved onwards, stuffing-wrinkles springing up as they moved on, and whatever it was that was in each of feet had now become only stuffing, packed tightly between his outer vinyl skin layer and his interior body's newly formed orange spandex lining. The empty feeling surged upwards, as his own original hair falls off of his head. His face pressed outwards slightly, creating a bit of a rounded, squirrel-like muzzle. Each of his hands appeared to be getting slightly bloated. The thick seam that had been crawling down his chest reached his crotch, and at the top of the seam, a metal ring appeared, eventually forming into large metal zipper ring. It pulsed downwards, creating sturdy metal teeth as it slowly extended to a full-length, overexaggerated zipper. The forces of toydom were starting to turn against him, as his balls were beginning to shrink noticeably.

A small vapor of concern emerged in his head as he realized that parts of his body were shrinking and making things difficult for him to orgasm. But he wasn't too worried. He had just enough time to climax before it would be completely gone. His cock throbbed painfully, his whole body teetering on what appeared to feel like a strong orgasm coming. He knew that he had to finish the job. He simply had to! He rubbed furiously and rapidly up and down on his crotch with his slowly bulging hands until he would be able to achieve anything.

His legs had seemed to start deflating a bit, as the spandex-lining-encased-stuffing moved onwards. His hands by this point had bulged out so much that they barely even looked like hands anymore. In addition to his balls shrinking, now, his cock was visibly shrinking a bit, becoming fused into the featureless crotch area.

He was so close too! He had to do it. He pumped harder and harder, hoping to get even the slightest spurt of anything in terms of orgasm... He had been teetering at the peak of cumming for so long that it was affecting his brain. He started to feel dizzier, and less capable of focusing on multiple things. His brain wanted release first and foremost, and it didn't seem to have the common sense needed to tell him that it just wasn't going to happen. He turned over onto his stomach and humped at the ground a little in hopes of making better progress. It was all like a dream... He was going more and more crazy, much more lusty, and totally full of pleasure-filled enjoyment at this point. It wasn't from his new form, but rather the feelings it was giving him. He didn't want to give in, but his dizziness seemed to be leading to that point.

The empty feeling quickly filled his head and torso resulting in the slight deflation of both. He realized that his arms were going to be the last to empty themselves. The spandex lining coated the insides of his body, and basically every one of his humanly body functions had stopped, but then again he didn't really need them. His cock was still just barely long enough to pleasure himself with, but the fact was inevitable that it was all fading and melting slowly into his crotch. By now, his hands, which had been bulging and deforming had become perfect spheres, balled up permanently. Incapable of being useful for anything other than rubbing and hugging. Then again, he was basically just a toy now.

He slowly began to grow a little tired, but in a very desperate state to finish the job he started. His brain was begging furiously for release, but none of his actions were doing anything more than just adding to his lusty haze. He tried one last time, humping at the ground with all his might to let everything go, the dizziness taking over his brain and causing him to like the feeling of his brain helplessly unable to desire but just the pleasure of the moment. He truly was beginning to feel as giddy as the squirrel costume's face, no longer only because of the feelings. As soon as he snapped out of it, he'd try and figure out what he would do. If he ever snapped out of it.

The empty feeling reached his hands, the sturdiness and sheer thickness of his interior padding allowing the body stay well intact and fully supported. His cock fades to smoothness, completely gone from existence, leaving nothing behind but a small amount of precum stains and the intense pleasure of just barely running out of time to orgasm. Two small, rounded nubs appeared on the top of each side of his head, as they quickly form into rounded squirrel's ears. He felt a similar growing feeling in his posterior, as in no time at all, a nub forms on his butt before growing all the way out into a big "fluffy," padded tail. Both were really naught more than accessories to his form, but the made the change perfect.

Now completely stuck in his dizziness, his pleasure was unending, but unsoothed. Moving any part of his body, with the intention or not, resulted in intense furthering of his pleasure, but no release. He still felt like he needed to finish it, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do it all by himself. Or possibly by anyone. It was hard to concentrate though at his current dilemma, though after a moment of waiting, his brain came back to being able to reason again. He was totally transformed into this oddity, and he had no idea what to do. He certainly didn't want to live in a store for awhile. Maybe he could run. Escape. Get out for awhile. Live alone. He didn't want to be forced to a boring life on the shelf of this building. He wanted to complete the life he had started... As hard as it would be in his current form. But it wasn't all bad... I mean, it felt wonderful, despite how he knew he wouldn't fit into society anymore... He'd worry about that later. But he had to get out now.

The man walked back into the room, helping Roger, the newly formed flying squirrel vinyl plushie costume up. "You turned out very nice. I must say, I am impressed with the results." He turned off the video recorder and turned back to him. Now listen. There are a number of rules that you must go by in this form. Most of them are not options; they come with the form. Firstly, you can't speak unless someone is wearing you, and even then, only telepathically to that one person. Secondly, as you may have noticed, those mitts are not very nimble. You won't be able to open doorknobs, grab things, even pull your zipper down. The magic allows you to close the zipper magically as long as you mentally focus on it, but you can't pull it open otherwise. I know you may want to be let out of your current form, but with the amount of work I've just been given, you'll have to wait before I can put you on and you can give me your verdict. So, please wait here for a little while, okay?"

He waited for the man to walk out of the room. This was his chance. He looked around shiftily and ran out of the room and out of the toy store as quickly as his squeaky stubby body would allow him. He didn't know what he was gonna do, but his current form felt better than his old one ever did. He had no idea how his life would end up going, but he needed to get somewhere sheltered and fast. Ignoring the stares from passers by at the truly odd costume running towards no particular destination, Roger the flying squirrel knew that he would make it to his childhood treehouse in close to an hour or so as long as he ran. And ran he did.

© 2010 Zip and donniten; Beanie Babies™ are © TY