Seeing Stars

Story by WineStainedFeathers on SoFurry

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Soren eats some imported chocolates he bought and suffers some unforeseen side effects

Early evening was Soren's favorite time of the day. A peaceful, pleasant time where he could watch the sleepy sun slowly disappear behind the mountains and clouds on the horizon. It was also a great time because it was around the time he got off of work. The slim possum flopped onto his bed, sighing in relief as his exhausted body hit the soft mattress and sheets. His tail swayed on his bed as he thought about what to eat for dinner. He was starving...

He suddenly remembered he'd gotten some interesting chocolates the other day. While not exactly dinner material, they'd help hold him over until whatever he decided to make was ready. They were imported, and while he couldn't read the label of the chocolate, a friend had recommended them to him, so he trusted they'd be good.

He slid the box out from its cover, and in a plastic mold, ten perfect little star shaped chocolates sat.

"So cute! I've never had star shaped chocolate before." He said before popping one of them into his mouth.

They were a little less sweet than he was used to, but the taste reminded him of dark chocolate. Deciding he liked them, he reached for another, chomping down on the subtly sweet treat with glee. He felt warmth spread through him, and wondered if maybe they were liquor chocolates of some sort. That would explain the bitter taste somewhat. Shrugging, he ate a third. As he swallowed, the warmth he felt settled in around his crotch, and he felt his pants start to tent.

"Were these aphrodisiac chocolates? Is that why they wouldn't tell me what the label said?" He wondered out loud.

At first he thought his body was just reacting to the aphrodisiac that he assumed was in the chocolate, but something felt off. His pants felt tighter, not just because he had an erection. His cock pressed painfully against the fabric of his jeans, making him wince as the tent grew more and more pronounced. He hastily reached down to unbutton his pants, tugging them down just in time to see his cock burst out of his briefs with a loud rip!

He fell back onto his bed, looking down to see his cock and balls had grown considerably since he started to eat the chocolate. Panic set in at first, as he didn't know if the effects were permanent or not. But, as the soft sheets of his bed brushed up against his sensitive, grapefruit sized balls, he felt his cock jump in delight.

Arousal grew in him as he watched clear beads of pre ooze from the pink tip of his cock. He drew a paw over the impressively thick length and grunted. It was far more sensitive than he remembered...

He glanced down at his cock, already about eight inches in length, and back to the unfinished box of chocolates. Something made him reach out and grab two more. Each chocolate he ate sent a surge of euphoric warmth through his body. Surging in waves from his mouth all the way to his toes before settling at his dick.

He shoveled the last few chocolates into his mouth, and waited.

He expected it to come in surges, like it had at first, but since he'd shoveled down the rest of the box in only a few minutes, it all happened at once. He felt the weight between his legs skyrocket as his balls grew to the size of bowling balls, and his cock had grown so long that the oozing head almost grew past his face.

He lay there for a moment, unable to really muster up the will to move as his rigid cock lay on his entire torso, and the weight of his balls pinned him down. How would he even jack himself off like this? He shakily brought both of his hands to the middle of his shaft and gave a tentative stroke with both hands. He heard something hit the wall, and realized he'd just shot a thick rope of pre-cum right onto his bedroom wall.

That alone made him reluctant to keep going, but sitting there, with his hot, massive dick throbbing like it was, it wasn't just going to go flaccid. Even if it did, it'd still be far too huge. Pushing down the thoughts of how messy it would be, and giving into the arousal he felt, he began to run his hands over the insane length of his cock.

Every touch of his hands made him squirm on the bed, writhing in delight as the simple strokes with his hands felt more intense than he'd ever remembered. Pre-cum was drenching the wall by now, every pump of his hands milking more of the hot, clear liquid from his tip.

He could feel every last throb and pulse between his hands and against his body. He knew he wouldn't last long, and he barely even got to play with his new balls...

He hefted them in his hands, panting against the length of his dick as he struggled to lift his own testicles. They were just as heavy as bowling balls as well. Covered in warm, soft fur, just the gentle caress and heft made him feel closer and closer.

He finally returned his hands to his cock, and pumped his hands along it with vigor as he easily pushed himself over the edge. The first shot nearly made him pass out. It had never felt so good to blow his load before. The sheer amount that shot from his tip made him gasp as he humped up at the air. Every pulse of his cock sent another torrent of cum spurting from his cock, soaking the wall and pillows of his bed. The shots just kept coming, all firing off with the same ferocity as the first before he finally felt them weaken. He panted and groaned as the last few dribbling shots covered his face in his own jizz.

As it turned out, once you came, the effects wore off. So he spent what remained of his night cleaning up after himself, grumbling about how thinking with his dick was never the right idea. Of course he thought that then, but as he finally got to sleep, he double checked his order for another box of those same star shaped chocolates...