POV vore - you and a bear 5

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Bears. Nothing but trouble. Especially when there's more than one of them.

A long hike in the woods. Always a good way to work off the stress or a long week's work. Drive to the trail head up the hill from Big Pine, grab your hiking stick out of the back. You've done it a hundred times. It's a five mile hike and sometimes you get to see cool wildlife. Today you run into a bear. Unfortunately.

You come around a corner on the rocky trail and there it is, coming the other way up the trail. It's only fifty feet away and it's a big, heavy bear, pitch black of fur save for its brown muzzle. Its legs are as thick as a fat man's thighs and its paws are each bigger than your head. It must weigh at least five hundred pounds.

You pull up short with a gasp. What to do? It doesn't turn and run the way wildlife usually does at the sight of you. Even bears usually run. Not this one.

Your walking stick is no help. You picked it for lightness and the bear would use it as a toothpick after eating you. All you can think to do is run. You don't get far.

The walking stick clatters on the rocks as you whirl around. You're a pretty good distance runner. Over a mile or two you could outrun a bear. The problem is that over a short distance you just can't. You don't even get fifty yards before the bear's breathing is right behind you and the slap of heavy paws is just as close. One of those paws slams into your thigh and you go flying.

The good news is you fly off the rocky trail and land on a mat of ferns that cushions the impact. The bad news is the bear is on top of you before you can move. A massive forepaw pins to to the ground and it bites though the collar of your jacket. Yellowed fangs graze your neck as it picks you up by the scruff. It pauses, forcing you to look to one side and then the other as it turns is muzzle to do the same, then it starts walking.

It has you by the neck and you're as helpless as a kitten carried by its mother. It must weigh at least three times as much as you do and it drags you along with no sign of effort. A black-furred forepaw appears in front of you, then the other, and its shaggy chest rubs your back as it walks. Bears, it turn out, have a rank unwashed smell.

You consider your options. There aren't many. Maybe you could squirm out of the jacket, but then it'll just find some fleshy part of you to bite and start over. You can't outrun the thing. Claw at its eyes? Try to slam your foot into the furry balls you saw for an instant as it grabbed you? Either of those seems like a recipe for a mauling.

You look for any possible weapon but nothing but twigs and gravel go by under you as it drags you along. Everything else is too big or heavy, like the streamside rocks that bash your knees or the log the bear casually hops over that slams into your belly. You're bruised, scratched and afraid when the beast reaches its destination.

It's a she-bear, smaller than the male holding you. It was rooting under a rock for grubs and it turns with its muzzle dirty. The bigger bear steps forward and the smaller's eyes brighten. You realize what is about to happen as the she-bear yawns. There is a brief glimpse of yellowed fangs, a salivating tongue and a purple chute of gullet right before everything goes dark. The male bear stuffs its muzzle into the smaller's maw like a mother bird feeding its chick and shoves your face right into the waiting throat.

The male bear lets go of your collar and steps back, pulling its nose free of the smaller's maw. Before you can recover from your shock and wriggle free the she-bear's jaws clamp shut around your shoulders and hold you fast. Hot gullet flesh squeezes in against your face as you instinctively dig your fingers into the bear's thick neckfur. She could kill you with a shake of her mighty head but she's just holding onto you. You ought to be able to pull back out with one strong push.

It's a good idea. Unfortunately someone else has the same thought. As you gather your strength to yank yourself out of the sucking wetness of bear throat a huge paw, too big to be the she- bear's, plants itself against your rump and gives you a powerful shove.

Sharp fangs scrape cruelly over your back and chest as the male bear shoves you into the waiting maw. Hot flesh slithers past your eyes and a thick coating of slime transfers itself from the wet fleshy walls onto your skin and clothing. Flesh and bone creak and pop as the she-bear's jaws stretch wide to accommodate her meal and your eyes go wide in the stinking darkness as you realize what is happening. You were too big for her to easily take in one gulp, but with a little help....

Your grip on her neckfur might keep her from swallowing you, if you can hold on. But you can't. The male bear's shove jams you into her maw and your arms are forced out straight by her advancing jaws. By the time the first slide is done you're into the she-bear's fanged muzzle to the wrists.

You tense and kick, fighting for your life, but it is already too late to save yourself. The wet grip of the she-bear's throat traps your arms to your sides as she heaves her shaggy head up, bolting your rump into her toothy jaws. You feel the muscular tongue move against your belly and a great contraction of slimy throat muscle rolls over you as the bear swallows. The thick coating of drool slicks you down for easy swallowing and you slide helplessly deeper.

Ribs pop as her body expands to let you in and your face squeezes through a muscular sphincter into loose folds of stomach that stink of bile. Sloshing fluids replace the lubricating mucus as the stomach goes eagerly to work on this newly arrived chunk of meat. The pain inspires you to new efforts to escape but all that's left outside the she-bear is a kicking set of legs. She's hardly more than twice your size and swallowing you is a laborious endeavor. It is a labor she undertakes gladly.

With a great heave of her neck the bear thrusts her nose upward once more. Inertia holds you in place as she moves and the sudden tilt of her gullet sends you sliding deeper. Toothy jaws close around your knees as your shoulders and upper body slither into the soft fleshy stomach. The thick layer of bear flesh and fur around you stretches tight, the loose folds of belly flattening as you begin to curl up inside it.

The she-bear tenses, gags, and gulps, and suddenly your hiking shoes are in her mouth. You squirm in her gullet, trying to push your feet back out. Slippery stomach wall slides past your face as the bear shifts her feet, giving her swollen belly room to expand still more. You're stretched out in her throat and belly, still able to fight, and for a moment there is a spark of hope. She can't breathe with you in its throat and she swallowed a lot of air. If you can hold on long enough for her to suffocate, maybe you can escape.

The bear is equally determined to finish her meal and she has all the advantages. She tenses and stretches out her nose, swallowing with all her might, and despite your best effort to stay rigid in the gullet her tongue pushes your toes past the back teeth. The way the stomach slips and slides past you makes it almost impossible to brace yourself. You feel the double bulge your feet make in her shaggy neck as she tenses once more.

Any hope of escape vanishes as the bear's throat clenches down. There's more room available in her belly than in her gullet and you spin like an oiled bearing against the slippery walls as your legs come sliding in to join you. With a last gulp it is over. The bear swallows, shudders, and then relaxes as her gut stretches tight around its meal.

Curled up in a ball inside her, stung all over by the digestive juices that will consume you, you still try to fight. You don't want to be bear food. You really don't. Unfortunately the thick layer of bear around you is a very effective prison. You can squirm and kick with all your might, and you do, but you won't be getting out of here the way you got in. Hot stomach juices soak through your clothing, stinging you all over. Soon it'll be more than a sting. Your skin will dissolve, then your flesh, and finally your bones. You'll get out the way food does, once its digestive system has its say. Maybe some of your clothing will escape intact via the maze of her intestinal tract, or be coughed up as a slimy mass. The rest of you? Bear fat and bear shit.

The struggle inside it doesn't seem to bother the bear much, but the massive bulge in her middle makes it difficult for her to even stand. Panting, she settles down on her belly, tired from the successful effort to gulp you down. That's when you discover the reason it all happened.

The she-bear bear grunts inquisitively as something presses her against the ground. She doesn't seem annoyed, just accepting, and as the great weight presses down on her you realise what is happening. The clutch of massive paws wrapping around the bulge you make only confirms what you suspect.

It only takes a moment for the big male bear to mount his lover and the first thrust sloshes the hot stomach juices around you. That only spreads them more thoroughly over you and the slow gurgle of digestion accelerates as the she-bear, too, grows excited. Her pulse, slow and relaxed after the effort of swallowing you, speeds up as her mate services her.

You can actually hear the male's member sliding in and out of her and feel his haunches slam against her rump. You're that close to the action. A wave communicates itself through the she-bear's soft tissues with each thrust. It's like being inside a waterbed as people fuck on it. A minute ago all you heard was her pulse and the slow gurgle of digestion. Now there are all these sounds of bear sex, heard from the inside.

The grip the big bear has on her fat middle to brace its mating at least brings your suffering to a merciful conclusion. The pressure of its paws and the weight of his body draped over her forces the various bubbles of air she swallowed out and from inside the she-bear you hear the long belch. Then there is just darkness, the slosh of acid, and the muffled growls of two bears fucking. Hot juices come flowing in to replace the air and your remaining life is measured by how long you can hold your breath. Five minutes ago you were a hiker. Now you're just bear chow.

It'll take the she-bear a couple of days to digest an entire human and until that happens she'll be slow, lazy. Compliant. The point of dragging you to her is now apparent. Some men bring their girlfriends flowers or candy to get them in the mood. The big bear brought his girlfriend a human.

As you struggle your last, knowing even as you do that it's hopeless, your stinging cheek presses against something lodged in a wet fold of stomach. You can't see it, but the texture is unmistakable. There's a partially digested hiking shoe lodged in here with you.

You weren't the first hiker brought by the big bear as an offering to his lover. Odds are you won't be the last.