Proper Payment - Story

Story by Nakhi on SoFurry

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#1 of Random Writing That's Actually Canon

I have never written porn before. It's honestly kind of strange. Couple that with being rusty and maybe this is actually halfway decent. Judge me harshly, please.

Related Art:

It was always risky to do business with the pirates and rogues of the galaxy. For me, I have enough of a reputation that they don't bother me anymore. Mainly because I sold guns and other weapons to them too. I knew the game. Connections were essential. One doesn't become a gun runner without knowledge of where you're operating. Connections, reputation, and the ability to get your hands on almost anything that a customer might order. I mostly deal in small arms and heavy weapons, but I've gotten my hands-on Federation armored vehicles, aircrafts, and even smaller warships that were being phased out. Those were some of my proudest moments. It wasn't technically illegal to buy and move the ships, but it was hell getting around the regulations. Buying an old Federation light cruiser was as big as I got, and only because I was going to scrap it. The customer was only interested in the hull and said they could refit it. That worked well for me. Under the pretense of scrapping it, I handed over the hull to one of the sector's pirate lords.

The pirate lords of Primitive Space were interested in profit and carving out their little kingdoms; not necessarily attacking every single independent merchant. The single ship pirates did that. There were a handful of these powerful lords though, and most were somewhat respectable. After all, one could run a pirate state on fear, but fear wasn't quite the same as respect. Once they stopped fearing you your position was in jeopardy. Respect may not have had the potency of fear but stood up far better in crises. Sometimes one had to balance both. God knew there were plenty of cruel pirates that ruled their crews through fear. The biggest players tended to be more respectable since they were in the business of piracy and nation building. Hard to run a nation like a vicious tyrant and then expect it to survive after all.

"The Admiral" was one of the more respected ones. Or, more properly, Grand Admiral Nikolai Vasiliev. He was once the Grand Lord Admiral of the Greater Haromian Empire, who turned to piracy after retiring from service. He usually operated in Vervortian space in the Empire, gathering followers, but his territory was a handful of systems a few thousand lightyears from Sol. I did a lot of trade with him because he was one of the kinder pirates by comparison. The old, giant bear seemed to genuinely carve out a nation for the outcasts of the galaxy. He had established a few major colonies numbering several million people. He also established several independent freeports across Primitive Space. These served as regional trade hubs often. In fact, the center of my operations is on the surface of the planet that housed Freeport Nevada. I did most of my business out of that port. Most people placed remote orders, but some visited the office in person. The freeport there was also a common location that the Admiral visited. I met him personally several times and we often had dinner together. We often had a good time, and I often looked forward to it. I'm sure he was trying to court me, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted. He had a certain charm to him that the other pirates lacked.

Another I often dealt with was one of the big names that thought far too highly of himself. He called himself "The Black Corsair", and I don't have information on what his real name is. He is one of the standard pirates; cruel, violent, and picks only the worst of the remaining free crewmen in Primitive Space so that they don't complain about it. It's a bloody hierarchy. Want to be in charge? Kill your superior and take over. No one's challenged him yet of course. But he's in the business of nation building if one could call it a nation. A few colonies are under his control. The colonists have been effectively enslaved to produce food for his fleet and mine resources for the fabricators. The automated fabricators are being used to produce spare parts and other necessities. It's a slave state, simply put, and a brutal one. Women are used almost like breeding stock; the men are expendable. The only ones that matter are his crew. It's barbarism not too unlike the early days of humanity. No, it's quite unlike even that. It might even be a new level of depravity altogether.

Unfortunately, out here it's kill or be killed. There is no law, no government, and no one coming to save you if you get crossed. If I don't supply the weapons, someone else will and what then? I just lose out on profit. At least I know where my moral compass points. It points to pragmatism. The Corsair will get his supplies by any means. Better to remain on his good side than risk being killed for the sport of it. After all, if I die or get captured, no one is coming for me either.

But that's why I try to minimize my personal involvement by remaining at the Freeport. Honestly, Freeport Nevada is one of the nicest ones I've been to. It was a failed Federation deep space colony. The idea was to create a colony that could sustain itself without outside assistance, sent toward the galactic core, and meant to serve as a frontier fleet base. It never really got that fair. Pirate raids early on stripped it of much of the population. The Federation flag was taken down and in its place they raised a new one. Guns were brought in - a good portion are supplied by me - along with mercenaries. The peace is kept by the rough mercenaries that aren't just pointlessly cruel but aren't averse to violence on the ground and a small fleet of cookie cutter corvettes. The new space elevator and orbital station connects the freeport to orbit. They have shipyards, active mining operations in orbit and beyond, and a potent defense network. Anyone is allowed, anything is allowed. All that's asked is that the peace is kept. And the peace is usually kept. Newcomers tend to push boundaries. Sometimes the mercenaries push back a little too hard. But for those that fall in line and don't cause problems? And maybe give a bit of a tip to the mercs? Well, it's not a bad life.

My facilities aren't particularly extensive, nor are my assets generally, but it gets the job done. I have a warehouse at the Freeport. Three warehouses, though technically they're so close together it might as well be one. I bought extra land to allow my freighters to land since that's cheaper, for now, than sending it up the elevator to the spaceport. There's also the main office in the Freeport's central market district. I hired on a trustworthy captain - former Marine that turned to interstellar trade, like me - and he runs some of the low risk supplies. Lots of colonies in the Federation need guns. I purchase low cost weapons such as bolt actions and some semi-automatic rifles, pack them, and ship them off. Of course, I buy those from the family. My brother runs the family business. Perhaps unsurprisingly the family business is guns. Our factory on Thalassa produces two types of weapons. Mass produced, affordable firearms for home defense and colonists and special order, custom, hand-made weapons. It's extremely lucrative. I buy up the extra bulk weaponry, move it to my warehouse at Freeport Nevada, package it, and list my inventory. Special orders, such as military grade weapons and heavy weapons, take a little more doing and I keep a small stock for small orders, but I have connections with the government's armories. Been working on getting connections in the Empire to supply their weapons. As good as the Federation's arms are, the Empire's are more refined. And for most they're exotic and therefore a show piece.

I've been at this for a couple years now. It's almost routine how this has become. My first contract was to deliver a crate of bolt action rifles and ammunition from the home factory out to Great Home. The Tesgno colonists just wanted something for self-defense, and the planetary laws didn't allow that. Technically illegal, yes, but Federation laws allowed the guns and they were de jure a part of the Federation. I was sloppy, got caught by Federation customs... who I on a whim slipped a few hundred credits. He stared at me for a moment and then gave me the all clear. I was expecting to get arrested. Instead I delivered the guns and ammunition, made a considerable profit, and I was hooked. It was exciting. New. Since then I've made millions doing this and made a name for myself as one of the bigger arms dealers in Primitive Space. It's technically illegal by Federation laws, but the Federation doesn't rule here.

But I've got a new contact. And they broke my expectations. For my regulars, they might visit in person. Nikolai was good for that, though I suspect it's more for an excuse to have dinner with me. Which I oblige of course. For new clients they'll usually contact me remotely for their own safety. That usually means text messages or video contact. But it always goes through my office. What struck me as odd about this one was that they used an intermediary on visiting the office. Mercenaries and other organized groups had a rough uniform usually. Usually just a few markings to identify themselves. For pirates the clothing tended to be low quality. What struck me as the man entered was the black jumpsuit he wore. I immediately identified it as Imperial, but it wasn't Nikolai's people. Next was the matte black semi-powered armor he wore. Same markings as the jumpsuit; a white wolf head on the chest plate instead of the arm like the jumpsuit. The compacted Imperial MAG-56 rifle at his hip meant he was rather well supplied. The purple stripes stood out.

"You are arms dealer? Olayinka?" The human asked in very broken English. Saying my last name was a challenge for him. But from the accent and then the thin build, he was Haromian. Great.

I looked past him for a moment. Through the windows I could see two more men wearing the same thing standing to either side of the door. I knew where this was going. At this point I could only hope the mercenaries cared enough to assist. "I am, yes. Who is asking?" I said.

"The Countess wants to speak to you." He said. Great, another person that called themselves 'The x'. Were all pirates so uncreative? No that was a dumb question. Of course they are. "They're in orbit, and we have orders to escort you up to her."

At this point I finally stopped what I was doing, set my pen down, and sat back in my chair. From his angle he wouldn't be able to tell that I was moving my hand to my desk drawer. I wouldn't be a good gun runner if I didn't keep a gun close. I had it just slightly open and my hand on the grip. "If they want to do business with me, they do it on my terms. I don't know who this countess is, but if she wants to deal, she plays by my rules." Almost in a flash the soldier had his MAG-56 leveled at me and I had my pistol drawn on him. He wasn't wearing a helmet, and while my coat might mostly absorb a MAG slug, his head would probably not absorb a .40 caliber hollow point. "The mercs outside won't play nice if you start a fight here." I said, preempting anything he said. He wavered slightly, though the two outside didn't seem to notice yet. "Your countess wants to deal? She comes here in person or raises me remotely. My contact information isn't hidden."

It was a short standoff, where I was fully expecting him to open fire. He didn't, however. Instead, while keeping one hand on the grip and a finger over the trigger he used the other hand to tap the small headset he wore. He said something in Haromian, not that I could translate it. There was a long pause. Another short bit of Haromian. And then he finally let the gun down. The whole while I kept my sights trained on him. When he finally lowered the rifle, and then hit the button to compact the rifle again, I nodded and lowered my own gun. I couldn't say anything before he spoke up.

"She is coming." He said, then turned and stepped out the door.

It was about twenty minutes before a shuttle touched down in the square and off stepped... quite possibly one of the most arrogant looking women I've ever seen. She wasn't human, which struck me as odd. She wore a black jumpsuit like her people, no armor, but she was carrying a glowing green pistol on her side. That piqued my interest more than anything else. Only after that did I notice that thick, fluffy tail. She was definitely... mostly a wolf. And white. That explained the wolf heads on the armor. How egotistical. The red eyes came after that, once she drew closer. She looked mildly annoyed, though I just assumed that was her normal face. When she stepped into the office, her features relaxed somewhat. In fact, she even smiled a little bit as she offered a hand to me. Perhaps on reflex, I grasped it firmly and looked her in the eyes. The smile widened a little, showing off her teeth. It was probably a threat, but I didn't react to it.

"Captain Luca Trovato. I apologize for my people. They get a bit overzealous at times." She said. It was an apology, sure, but I've been at this long enough to see through false sincerity. It was dripping off that statement. She then pointed to my seat. "Please, sit down. Let's talk business." Telling me to sit down in my own office? Bold. Arrogant. I knew this wasn't going to be fun.

And it wasn't. She gave me the run around for about an hour, trying to get a feel for the equipment I could acquire and sell to her. It was almost as if she heard my name and did zero research. It was truly agonizing. By the end of the hour she placed an order for a set of six Federation battlesuits. Getting standard powered armor was one thing, but the Battlesuits were extremely high risk. Not... impossible, but it would be extremely expensive. She said price was no object. While I believed her, I was also certain I wouldn't see a penny of that money. We still agreed to a 250 million credit price tag. Imperial credits since she didn't have Federation credits. It was a lowball offer, but I figured it would more than cover my expenses and net me a tidy profit.

Getting ahold of those suits was a feat of planning that I don't think I'll ever be able to match again. Like other acquisitions, I contracted pirate captains with the information needed to launch a strike and recover the suits. The problem? They had to hit a Marine transport ship. It was a carefully executed smash and grab. One pirate had an interdiction array. They pulled the ship out of its jump, swarmed it while they were disabled, boarded, and hit the ship hard. Stun weapons were used, knocking out the marines before they ever engaged. They stole a dozen suits for me that day. Even though the suits were lost, no marines were killed. That saved us from retaliation this time. It was hell getting all the trackers out and destroying them. The last thing I wanted was to bring a Federation fleet to orbit over Nevada. But in the end, I had the order that Luca wanted, and I had extra suits. I gave the pirates a bonus for that capture because I could resell them and claim that they had to be acquired. Charge extra for work already done. Truly the Terran dream.

Enough background? Yeah, I agree. But it was important context. Saying I jumped into a deal with some suits with no context of how I got there is hardly a good place to start a story.

Surprisingly, Luca decided to meet again on the orbital station. I was expecting her to set some strange meeting location and expect me to make good on it. To at least have the meeting, I rented a hotel room on the outer layer of the station, docked my freighter with the station, and left the suits on board with one of my security officers. When Luca made good, I'd make good. Simple as that. I gave her the location and it was only about ten minutes before the door pinged once she told me that her cruiser is docked. Hesitantly I approached the door. I really don't want to deal with Luca. Her attitude is... aggravating at best. Shutting her up would be a miracle. With a press of a button, the door slid open to reveal Luca in... far more casual clothes than I expected. White shirt, Terran jeans, no boots. She could pass for Terran, which might have been the point. She grinned, showing off those shiny metallic teeth and she stepped into the room.

"Buying a hotel room for us? How many hours do we have?" She asked. I just glanced at her as she walked in. She didn't look to me as she asked that but was instead seeming to size up the room. It was small but it did its job. I only noticed the large bag she was carrying after she stepped in. Too small for the money and too big for a computer to make the transfer. I admit, I am curious now. But before I could answer her question, she continued. She always did. "No matter. I've taken the liberty of releasing the suits from your custody. Thank you for your compliance on that matter. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be paying you." So why was she here? She turned to look at me, grinning still. Again, before I could say anything, though perfectly timed just as I opened my mouth, she continued. "I have a more... tantalizing offer for you, Marj." With that, she slowly worked her shirt up from the waist, slowly showing off that thick coat of fur.

I was watching. I was bewildered by the fact that she thought this would be sufficient payment. I couldn't help but give her a look up and down. Regardless of the fur, she was built well. Toned, pretty, well-kept. That fur I honestly just wanted to pet. It was just her personality. It is awful. Catching me looking, she grinned even more widely, and I just shook my head. She might be pretty, and she might even be a good lay, but she wasn't 250 million credits pretty or good. "Trovato, do you really think this is going to cover the payment?" I asked. She stopped pulling off that shirt just as she reached her neck. I didn't realize she wasn't wearing a bra. Those large breasts were on display with their black nipples and, again, I was very tempted to take her up on the offer. But I had business to do first.

Her grin faded somewhat. That must have caught her off guard, I guessed. "No, I know it's going to cover the payment." She said, sounding annoyed at the question. "Now, are you going to shut up and join me, or keep whining about your money? I'm going to need a hand with the restraints after all."

Restraints? Not what I expected, but who are the restraints for? God knows I'm not going to be tied up. I'll be honest though; a wicked thought immediately crossed my mind. I joined her alright. I joined her with my own grin, and hers came back at the same time. "Alright Trovato, let's see if you're actually worth the money." I said. My plan was coming together as I said that, and I enjoyed the thought. It would be cruel, but entirely deserved if she were going to do this.

Her shirt came off, and she tossed it aside, onto the bed. Now topless, she sauntered across the room over to me, and was purring as she ran her fingers down my chest. My shirt remained on, and my jacket was unzipped, but I hadn't bothered to remove either of them yet. Her fingers slowly traced down to my pants and the belt, then further down to the crotch of the pants. There she angled herself as if about to tease the lips of a vagina but stopped. She had a handful of something else entirely and her expression changed from an almost predatory grin to surprise. It didn't last long. A different grin appeared as she moved her hands back up to the belt buckle. At this point I just sighed and looked away. I really wasn't feeling this, and it didn't help that it was Luca doing it. Were it anyone else, literally anyone else, it might have been fine. She undid the buckle, loosened the belt, and looped her fingers around the pants and my boxers underneath. Looking away I didn't quite notice her head had gone out of sight until I turned my head back and then down to her. As she pulled my pants down, slowly revealing my fuzzy, plumped sheath her purring intensified. I let out a slight gasp as I felt the vibration against my sheath while she nuzzled into it. It didn't take much before the tip slipped from the sheath and she immediately focused on it.

I sucked in a breath as I felt her rough tongue run over the tip, lapping up a bead of precum that had worked its way up already. My eyes closed as the attention worked more and more of my cock out of its sheath, and she worked her mouth and tongue over the length. It is longer than I expected, and she was able to wrap it around much of my cock, adding a certain extra sensation as she forced herself on it. Her purring, and the vibration, occasionally ceased as she let out a muffled moan. It had been a long time, and I was enjoying this. I moved my hand down to Luca's head and ran it through her hair and around one of her ears. Her purring intensified and she picked up her effort as I worked my claws into her hair and fur, scratching gently. It didn't take long before I could feel the slightly inflated knot pop out of my sheath and she was quick to take advantage of that. If I were closer, her working her way all the way to the base, holding it, and then pulling back might have set me off. Instead I just let out a long moan and gripped her ear tightly until she had pulled back.

Just to run the moment, I felt her finally end her constant attention and speak. "Gods, you're big. You're definitely going to be fun." My panting seemed to amuse her. When I opened my eyes and looked down, she had worked her pants partly off and between her legs hung a long, thick black cock of her own. She had been clearly leaking precum onto the floor, leaving a large slick puddle on the laminate. I didn't expect that either. Shortly after, she stood up, though her hand never left my cock. Slickened from her work, and the precum I had been leaking, her hand glided over it as she stroked me still. She worked her muzzle into my shoulder, still purring, before putting her mouth to my ear. "Before we go on, we have some work to do. Let's set up the equipment and then we can get to the main event."

I just gave a slight nod as she said that which seemed to be enough for her. She kicked off her pants onto the floor, and I stepped out of mine. They had fallen while she was on her knees. Where the foreplay was certainly fun, for me, the setup wasn't. She was planning this, I realized, as she set up a rig from the ceiling. The setup didn't take long, but it was still a break from the action and the both of us had slightly softened in that time. When we were done, Luca was cuffed and suspended with a harness and a leash even. It wasn't my thing, but it was exactly what I wanted in this moment. The most satisfying moment was when I worked the gag over her head and secured it. I no longer had to listen to her, and that alone was fantastic. She was panting already, despite not doing anything, but I was going to savor the moment. This woman, who I had already come to hate, had herself at my mercy, begging to be fucked without being able to do a thing about it. I was going to make her regret that, though she wouldn't realize it until the end.

First, I ran my fingers through her fur. It was well kept and soft. I could lose my fingers in her body fur as I worked my claws gently over her body. She shivered under the touch, and her purring never stopped as I did that. Even through the gag she could at least purr. It really was a pretty sound, almost endearing her. I wasn't going to waste too much time on the foreplay. I grabbed the leash with my left hand, ready to give it the occasional tug when I felt like being a little cruel. My right hand worked its way down her body still until it reached her cock. She was dribbling precum like a faucet, and it was creating quite the dark stain on the carpeting below. I worked a finger up the underside of her shaft, feeling it twitch and throb from the attention. That would be all the attention it got. From there, my hands fondled her large balls. Each was just slightly less than hand filling. I was a little impressed. I only hefted them though to get to my actual prize. I let the leash go and took hold of my cock. I was going to make this quick because I really didn't want to prolong this. She might enjoy it then.

I lined myself up with her slit and teased my tip over it for several seconds. She was whining as I did so, but it was a needy whine. I didn't waste any more time. If she wanted it, she was going to get it. I just thrust forward, and she parted surprisingly easy. I didn't stop. She had let out a muffled moan as I first thrust in, which turned into a pained whine as I continued to sink into her. The whine only stopped when I felt my knot bump against her, only to be replaced with her breathing heavily. Saliva had already started to work its way around the gag. My hand took the leash once again, and I gave it a quick jerk. I gave a toothy grin as she looked back at me. I couldn't place her expression, but she seemed to be enjoying the treatment. All the better for me. With the angle I had, I knew I'd be able to nearly work her to a peak. But for now, I savored it as I draw my shaft back, sliding along her passage until it nearly reached the tip. Then I slammed back in, earning a loud moan as I did so. I twisted my hand a few times, working the leash into a couple coils around the palm and giving me a good grip. I wasn't nearly as gentle.

Despite the first slow withdrawal, I slowly sped up my pace. I was going to make her pay, one way or another. As the pace picked up, I began to roughly growl. It had been a low growl initially, but soon it was a deep, loud growl as I began to slam into her. From the force of the thrusts, I knew I was almost certainly hurting her. The way her balls hit into me as I thrust in, I knew she felt that. But her whines and moans didn't stop. The gag didn't seem to do much either. Looking down her body, I let out a short moan of my own, interrupting the growling, at the sight of my cock bulging out her abdomen just slightly. She was enjoying the treatment still. I was determined to make her hurt, or otherwise make her regret. Being pent up as long as I have been, I knew I was getting close. My knot was inflating, but it was just small enough still to make use of. I popped that slightly thicker bulb into her, then tugged it right back out. She writhed under the sensation, almost as if she were resisting, but that didn't stop me. I thrust it in one more time, this time taking more effort, and then popped out again. Again, she was resisting, but I knew I couldn't do it again. I went back to those hard, fast thrusts and gave another hard tug on the leash.

It was far too tempting to thrust my knot in and pump her full of cum. She was practically begging for it. But that would mean having to deal with her for possibly another half hour, and god help me if I were going to do that. As I neared my peak, I reached a hand down and tightly gripped just behind my knot. That seemed to be enough. I growled out for a moment before biting down roughly into Luca's shoulder, while my free arm wrapped around her to pull her in close. Through the gag I could hear her let out a moan, and an attempted howl. The gag stopped that thankfully. Moments after the first jet of cum surged into her. I just kept on thrusting into her as I gave her the filling she so desperately wanted. I held her tightly as I felt the last spurts, then slid out. She hadn't orgasmed, which was perfect. Once I was out, I let go of her shoulder. As I pulled back, small bloodstains were marring that otherwise pristine coat of fur from the shoulder, and was bleeding still, leaving red streaks in the fur that continued rolling down her chest. That was still perfectly fine. When I stepped back, she let out a whine and struggled in the restraints. It wouldn't do any good. I made sure they were secure.

I made sure to make a point of getting dressed slowly. I put my pants back on slowly, then buckled it. I took my shirt from the bed and pulled it on. The coat came after that. I at least had some courtesy. Only some. I took her white shirt and tossed it over her bleeding shoulder. It wouldn't do much, but it was at least a kind gesture. Without another nod, I turned and headed for the door. "I expect the transfer by the end of the day." I said, giving Luca one last look from over my shoulder as I zipped my coat halfway up. "Or by tomorrow if your crew doesn't come looking for you. Failure to make the payment is going to see you blacklisted, and I'll make sure it gets around. Much like you, you whore." Thanks to the gag I didn't hear a protest as I stepped out of the room aside from a loud whine. Her near silence was the second sweetest thing.

The chime from my tablet several hours later to tell me I received the 250 million credit deposit was the sweetest. She wasn't worth the price. Hopefully, she thought the same thing.