Good Morning

Story by Mykell Bluestone on SoFurry

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An otter wakes up in an Italian hotel room.

This will eventually be a chapter in the middle of a novel, but I think it stands on its own pretty well.


2500 words

I couldn't believe we'd slept in so late that the hotel maids were here already. I couldn't believe Carson and I had both slept through our alarms, or that Dad hadn't called to wake us up. Surely he had plans for today - some more ruins to tour, another old church to see, maybe another stuffy museum. Whatever was in store, Dad always liked to start early. But the knocking on the door and the impatient, accented female voice were unmistakable.

"Uh," I tried to conjure a response with my meager Italian. I managed to come up with "Un minuto" as I sat up, but then I was distracted by the headache I suddenly noticed. I also noticed I was naked. I'd never sleep naked while sharing a room with my brother. At least he wasn't in the room. I could hear him in the bathroom, probably getting out of the shower. But that still didn't tell me why there was only one bed, when we had insisted Dad get us a double room. Or why it smelled kinda like fox. "Per favore," I added.

But it was too late. The lock clicked, and the handle turned. I jumped out of bed, looking for something to cover myself with, but my clothes weren't by the bed, and neither was my suitcase. As the door began to open, I desperately grabbed a pillow and held it in front of my crotch.

Then a wet, towel-wrapped fox emerged just in time to meet the housekeeper, a grandmotherly-looking wolf, at the door. And then it all came flooding back to me.

Luca, still dripping all over the floor, said something apologetic to the wolf, and I thought I heard her laughing. "Grazie, grazie," the fox said, shutting the door quickly. Then he turned to face me. That devious, foxy grin spread across his muzzle. He dropped his towel. "Mio lontra, good morning!"

I was just standing there, my head pounding, still holding the pillow in front of me. He looked kind of silly, that smug expression on his face while his damp fur clung to his body, accentuating his strong arms, his flat stomach, his plump sheath... Yeah, that brought back memories of the night before. I couldn't help but smile. "What time is it anyway?"

"A little after eleven," Luca said, padding across the room to me. "Won't you put down that pillow? You don't need to hide anything from me." His voice was soft and low. It did things to me, and not just because of the accent.

I tossed the pillow back onto the bed. The fox stepped closer with a playful growl. It felt good to be appreciated like that, to know that the sight of my exposed body excited him. But I had something else on my mind.

"Ugh, where'd I put my phone? I bet my dad's worried about me."

Luca put a paw on my shoulder. "You told him you were staying out last night, right? Don't worry about him."

"He's gonna be freaking out." I pulled away. "Yeah, I texted him that I was staying here in Florence. But he would've expected me to text him in the morning, and it's so late already." I spotted my jeans on the floor by the foot of the bed. My phone was in the pocket, and sure enough, the screen was filled with notifications. I felt panic rising in my chest.

"It's fine, just let him know you're safe and you'll be back later."

I unlocked the phone and opened my texts. The last one from Dad said, Are you alive? Text me. I sighed. "I guess that's about all I can do. But he's not gonna be happy. I need to get back, we need to get going." My heart pounded, making my head throb.

"You know what, Miles?" The fox reached behind my ears and scritched. "Fuck him," he cooed. "You're 19 years old, you do what you want."

"What I want is for things not to get any more awkward with him than they already are," I said. Luca was quiet. I took a deep breath and typed out a message to Dad, telling him I was fine, I'd stayed at a hotel, I'd meet the family back in Rome later, and I'd keep him updated. "Fuck, I'm hungover. I need some water and a shower."

Luca perked up. "I'll get you some water," he said, heading to the bathroom, his soggy tail swishing happily behind the curves of his butt. I sat on the bed and tried to let it distract me from Dad. The fox disappeared into the bathroom and I heard the faucet run, and he returned with a full glass.

"Thanks," I said, watching his cute balls bounce slightly as he walked.

"Drink this," he said as he handed me the glass. He didn't need to tell me; I downed it in one gulp. Otters dehydrate easily. I could've used another, but that foxy smile was back on Luca's lips and he gently took the glass back and set it on the nightstand. His black nose came right up to mine, and I looked into his gleaming amber eyes. "Don't you think you should get dirty before you take your shower?"

Despite my lingering headache, I wanted to. I wanted to feel his body against mine, his paws touching places I'd never known were so sensitive, strong and reassuring, just like the night before, only I'd be able to remember more clearly. My sheath tingled and my stomach filled with butterflies. I wanted it. But I also wanted to get back to Rome, back to my family and my comfort zone. And the longer I took to get there, the more damage control I'd have to do with Dad.

"I should get going as soon as I can," I said, turning my head to spare Luca the brunt of my morning breath. But I didn't get up yet. Maybe I was hoping the fox would find a way to talk me into it. He seemed to have a knack for it.

"You know, they say it's supposed to be a good hangover cure."

I sighed. "I guess it wouldn't be the best idea to go back to my family with a hangover, would it?" I returned his smile.

"Then lie down and let me take care of you." He put a paw on my chest and gently pushed me back, slowly, until I was flat on the bed with my legs hanging off. The black paw then traced down my belly. It meandered, rubbing and teasing at the sensitive spots it had discovered the night before, finally ending up at my cock. It was poking out of my sheath by now, aroused by both Luca's sensual touch and my own anticipation. "You have warmed up to the idea, I see," the fox said, brushing a pad across my tip.

"I'll get even warmer if you keep that up," I told him.

He did, stroking down the length of my sheath and gently back again, coaxing out more and more of my length until I was completely out and hard. And sure enough, I didn't notice my headache so much anymore. I didn't have the best angle, but I enjoyed watching him as he worked on me. He was very pretty. The brilliant orange of his sides and shoulders faded to pure white on his chest and stomach, appearing tantalizingly soft despite still being visibly damp. He looked like a lick of flame.

His arousal began to show as well, small and pink at first, but it rapidly pushed out further, flushing redder as it did. I wanted to reach out and touch it, feel his heat in my paw, learn the exact places to squeeze and stroke to drive him wild. But in my groggy state, it was easier to lay back and let him do the work, and that was how he wanted it this time. So I let him continue to play with me. He brushed his soft pads against my hot, pink cock, and it was hard not to moan or squirm. His other paw found my sac and squeezed it softly.

Luca kept playing with me. I squeezed my eyes shut and let him. I felt his fingers swipe across my tip, collecting my pre. His paw became slick with it, and when he resumed stroking my cock it made me shudder. And when he rubbed over my tip again, with a stronger touch, I finally let out a whine. But it didn't stop him. In fact, it only seemed to encourage him, and the paw that wasn't stroking me slowly its way down from my balls to find my hole. I whined again. He didn't try to push a finger in; he just touched around my entrance, teasing me, and suggesting that next step.

I wanted it, but he was driving me to orgasm too fast with just his paw. I could feel it building up, but I couldn't get the words out to tell him. They just came out as whimpers. But apparently they conveyed the message, because Luca's paw froze on my shaft. I opened my eyes.

"Not yet," the fox pretended to scold, releasing my cock. I just panted. He produced the lube bottle, I didn't see from where, and set about slickening himself up. My heart fluttered with excitement as I watched him, anticipating what was to come. Then, with a dab on his finger, he reached between my legs. It was cold, but only for a second. I felt him paint my entrance, then push inside. "Okay?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah," I gasped. I still hadn't quite caught my breath. "Just don't knot me."

He smiled. "Then give me your feet."

I lifted my legs. He grabbed me by the ankles and hoisted them to his shoulders as he moved into position. The height of the bed put my butt perfectly level with his crotch, and my thick tail dangled off the edge of the bed. With my legs resting against his body, he aligned his cock and started to push in.

It was too much. "Ah, hold on!" I squeaked, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Are you okay?" Luca asked, quickly pulling out. "Does it hurt? Should we stop?"

I opened my eyes to see the fox's ears down, and a concerned look on his face. "I'm alright," I panted. The pain in my rear was fading, so I said, "Just a little. Let's try again."

"Okay, but you tell me if it hurts again. I don't want to hurt mio lontra," Luca said softly. He paused for a moment, then I felt the pressure below my tail again. He went a little more slowly this time, and I tried my best to relax. Finally his tip stretched me as wide as it needed to, and a few more inches of him slid in easily. "Good?" he asked, hearing me exhale.

"Yeah, all good." I was starting to pant again. Just having him inside me was stealing my breath.

"Good," Luca said, running a paw through my chest fur. Then he started thrusting into me, slowly at first, and gently. But he went a little deeper and a little faster each time. I couldn't help reaching for my own cock. The fox, though, stopped me after just a few strokes. He grabbed my paw and held it down by my side. "No, no," he said. "Don't touch yourself."

I didn't argue. The pressure of his cock inside me was pretty intense on its own. Luca leaned over me, supporting himself with one arm and running his other paw through the fur on my chest, then my belly, then my waist. His long, thin muzzle was just a few inches above mine. I felt his hot breath on my face, and my nose was full of damp fox and toothpaste.

I felt his movements get more urgent as his knot began to swell. He pressed deep inside me, burying his length to the base of his undeveloped knot, then reluctantly pulled back out. He met my eyes, panting through an open-mouthed smile. Then his paw found my own shaft, just as rock-hard as he'd left it. Some of the lube had rubbed off in my fur, but my own pre more than made up for that. When he started thrusting again, he only went as deep as his knot. I could tell it was swelling as I felt it bumping against my entrance, hard and hot. He worked my length in time with his thrusts, gradually building the tempo faster until it was too much.

It was too much hot pressure in my rear, too much warmth sliding over my cock, too much fox scent in my nose, and I had to let something out. It came out first as a high, desperate yelp from my mouth, and then as a thick, hot jet onto my stomach and chest.

As I finished my orgasm, Luca took his paw off my cock, and while still thrusting and panting, reached between his own legs. He squeezed behind his knot, and almost immediately began to fill me up. His movement slowly abated as I felt my insides become even warmer than before.

Luca joined me in the shower long enough to wash the lube off his hands and junk, then stepped out to avoid getting his fur all wet again. I showered quickly but thoroughly, even though I knew I'd have to re-wear the previous day's clothes. When I got out, I was surprised to see Luca still undressed.

"Come on, we gotta get going," I reminded him, reaching for my underwear. It was really nice, being alone in a hotel room with a naked fox, but I was eager to get back to Rome. "I do, anyway."

He came up behind me and put his arms around me. "Aw, just a little bit longer?" He nuzzled my cheek with his long snout. I felt his warm groin against my rear. To my surprise, he was already getting hard again.

I shrugged him off. "I told you, I need to get back." I started putting my clothes on. For a moment, Luca just watched me, but he didn't try to stop me again, and finally dressed himself as well.

"I'll come with you," he said, buttoning his shirt. "On the train. If you want."

He looked like he was up to no good, but he always did. He was a fox; they always looked like that. And they were only usually up to no good. It was charming, though, and I was happy to have him by my side as we stepped out of the hotel and into the hot, busy street. I could've used the map on my phone, but having him guide me to the train station was better.