Good Company

Story by FabulousMoose on SoFurry

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#2 of Writing Prompts

This is a writing prompt from the furry writing group in which I take part on Telegram. If you would like an invite, please let me know!

This prompt is: "Don't tell me I'm scared. I'm not scared. I'm terrified. And it's because of you." The goal is to do a short story of "about 1000 words". I didn't follow this prompt to the letter, but there's a little bit of it in there. At least it got me thinking.

Please let me know if you like it!

A small rat shuffled on two feet down the corridor, scuffing his thinning and oft-repaired sandals across the rough stone and moving at a pace that suggested duty but not hurry. In his smooth pink paws Matthias balanced a large tray that overflowed with grains, vegetables, beans and dried fruit while his pockets were weighted with a few pickings that had "dropped" from the tray on his way down into the holding chambers. He was tempted to reach in his robe and sample the goods, but it would have to wait. He just had to deliver the food and then he could find a small alcove to enjoy his meal before returning to the kitchen.

There was a low hum and murmur from beyond the walls as the crowd outside began to vacate the arena. The spectacle was over and the winner declared, but the thrum of excitement remained, already flowing out into the streets and taverns nearby. Matthias entertained the idea of joining them since he did know a few underutilized passages into and out of the building, but thought better of it. The hallway he padded down muted the sound of the crowds but did not drown it out completely. Sconces lined one side, and a few flickered angrily as a draft blew through the barred stone embrasures.

The rat was almost to his destination now, and he turned a corner to find a single guard standing outside a nondescript doorway. The cougar stood leaning back against the stone wall behind him with the hint of boredom on his muzzle that broke when his whiskers twitched and he realized someone was approaching. He recovered quickly and his attention focused on Matthias. The paw resting at his side turned upward and his palm opened. The rat paused briefly next to the feline, carefully removing one hand and reaching into his pocket to pluck out several dried figs. He dropped them into the guard's paw and they disappeared in a split second. Their eyes met and the cougar pursed his lips before imitating a kiss and a small "mwah" escaped his lips. He winked and Matthias rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore it. He made a mental note to sneak into the guard's barracks later with some dice in tow to win back the figs. His blank expression faltered and he smirked instead. It wouldn't be difficult.

Matthias stood in front of the closed door and nodded to the guard who turned and knocked. A muffled voice responded and the door was opened inward.

"Come. Place the food on the table to your right and leave us."

The surly wolf that gave the orders immediately turned his back and resumed his attentions on the bull seated at a simple wooden stool in the center of the room. The horns atop his skull were sanded down and his obviously toned body was only partially hidden by the thick leather material used for protection on the arena floor. The bull perched serenely as the wolf picked up a small leather pouch of instruments and removed a needle and thread. Passing the thin metal over the flame of a candle at his side briefly, the canine reached up to the beast's black furred arms and forced the tip into skin, looping it through with practiced skill and tying it off before continuing along a large laceration that had been recently shaved and cleaned. Matthias froze; his nose took in the scent of medicinal herbs, the sharpness of blood, and the sweat soaked into fur while his eyes locked on the warrior seated in front of him.

The bull did not flinch as his wound was sinched closed by a deft paw, but he spoke in a low rumble and deep accent that shook his shoulders and prompted a dissatisfied glare from the physician.

"The mouse scared."

The wolf turned toward Matthias and scowled again. "Did you not hear me, boy? Set the food down and leave."

Another rumble. "Stay."

"He is not an attendant for the games, Flamma. He serves in the kitchen." The physician reached up to tighten down a final knot and then clipped the excess material away with a small blade.

"Stay. I desire company."

The canine sighed and placed his tools back in the leather pouch before rolling it up and tucking it under one arm. He made no further effort to argue against the warrior and instead turned on his heels and walked out of the room swiftly. Matthias watched him leave as he gently set the tray down. There was discussion outside the door that someone should notify kitchen staff "the rat" would be detained per request of today's winner. A feline purr responded with a, "Yes, sir!", and the door closed with a bleak finality.

When he turned back around, the mountain of muscle had not moved.

The bull studied him. "Why scared, mouse?"

Matthias fur bristled but he did not correct the fighter's mistake. "I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm NOT."

"I do not believe you." The bull stood and his fur rippled as muscles tensed and relaxed under his skin. The wound pulled tightly, but the suture held. He lifted the wounded arm to his side in an effort to release a clasp of his leather cuirass, but for the first time, winced. There was a frustrated snort.

Matthias was not an attendant. He had never done more than deliver food to the fighters quarters and made no move to help as Flamma undid the opposite side, loosening the material around his chest but not freeing it from his body completely. The bull turned to face the smaller mammal again.

"Come. Assist me."

Matthias still did not move forward, and realized he had absentmindedly grasped the table at his back. Flamma's brow furrowed.

"Come. I will ask politely. I need assistance." The bull's large hand was outstretched and he motioned gently for the rat to step forward.

Matthias puffed out a breath and released the table from his grasp. He stepped forward under the arm of the large male in front of him. Flamma made an effort to keep his arm raised, but it was obvious that keeping it outstretched caused strain. As his guest stepped up close, he lowered it gently over Matthias' shoulder. The rat began working at the clasp and had it undone in moments: his fingers were particularly suited to manipulating the stiff leather. He tried to step back, but his retreat was blocked by the thick limb hanging over him.

The bovine gripped the material with his other hand and tried to lift it from his shoulders, eventually looking down to Matthias with a silent request. With a sigh, agile rat fingers gripped the base of the cuirass and he helped hoist it up and off Flamma's shoulders. The moment it was free, the two dropped it unceremoniously onto the floor and there was a loud sigh. The snort of relief from Flamma ruffled the fur on Matthias head.

The bull stepped away and rolled his shoulders, stretching his neck up and out before shaking himself gently. Matthias watched the black fur ripple from Flamma's thick neck and collarbone. It reverberated down and out, almost as if a breeze had penetrated the room and guided itself over the warrior.

"Thank you, mouse. Stay. I enjoy company."

This time Matthias spoke up, correcting the bull's broken speech. "I'm a rat, Flamma. Not a mouse."

"Well, what is name? I will no longer mistake you."

Realizing he was allowing himself to relax more now, Matthias responded with his name and offered a quick bow that was more out of courtesy than servitude.

"Matthias. The rat." The bovine nodded, content with that knowledge, and Matthias chuckled.

"Indeed", he responded.

Flamma moved over and shoved some of the delivered food into his muzzle, not discerning between different pieces but instead launching a handful into his open maw all at once. He chewed and a contented rumble escaped his throat.

"So you will stay, yes? Keep company?"

Matthias relented and nodded to the bull, curiosity outweighing his trepidation. "Yes, Flamma, I will stay."