Breaking in a New Toy (1/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A bounty hunter spends years hunting down one specific creature, a synthetic rubber jackal that had one of the highest bounties on their head that they had ever seen. Once he is finally captured the bounty hunter has no intention on letting his prey get away until he gets exactly what he wants... although what that is starts to evolve.

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The sound of waves lapping against the sand of the beach was music to the ears of the one that walked along it, the feel of the grains against the rubber soles of the jackal as they squished up around his toes. The moon had just risen above the lip of the horizon where the edge of the water meet the starry sky. The silvery light reflected off of the unnatural skin of the Anubian creature as he stood there, staring out into the distance as the water began to lap against him. The tide was starting to come in, the jackal thought to himself as he looked down, and he knew that soon he was going to have to leave in order to get back.

Just as he was about to turn back the sand and surf next to him exploded, causing a deep crater in the beach next to him. As the debris from the impact rained down on the rubber jackal he remained standing there, casually looking back towards where the edge of the beach where the tree line met the sand. "Looks like you got here earlier then I imagined Duncan," the jackal said as he watched a figure emerge from the bushes, the rhino sporting a high-powered rifle that he continued to keep pointed in his direction. "I would ask how you managed to find me this time, but I'm sure that you aren't going to tell me."

"Maybe I will Akai," Duncan replied, the visor he was wearing continuing to update him with information on his target as he remained vigilant. "Since you're not going to get away from me this time. If you had just surrendered to me back on Ceres then I wouldn't have had to put four holes in my ship going through the asteroid field to chase you."

"You know that you could just stop chasing me," the jackal replied as he turned around to face the rhino. "And you can put down that gun, I know that you're not going to shoot me just like you know that I won't attack you. I'm afraid that you wasted that warning shot of yours."

"It got the point across of how serious I am this time," the rhino practically growled as he took the gun and folded it back on itself before it attached itself to the holster on his back. "I am done trampling through all the worlds on your little grand tour, you are either going to return what you had stolen and give me the information that is going to net me nine figures... although after all the trouble you put me through I'll be lucky if I clear eight."

"I'm sorry for your loss," Akai said sarcastically. "But you haven't caught me yet, and you've cornered me in situations that were far more in your favor and I still managed to escape."

The rubber jackal was surprised to see the rhino's muzzle turn up to a grin, something that he hadn't seen ever since Duncan got onto his trail. "You think that I wouldn't have upped my game after the last time that we met?" the bounty hunter said as he continued to grin. "I have to thank you for going through that Black Market Bazaar, after you slipped through my fingers in the reactor control room I decided to grab myself a few toys from some very helpful individuals who specialize in creatures like you."

For the first time since Duncan had started to chase him, Akai starting to back away from the still grinning hunter. One of the main reasons that he had managed to elude the rhino for so long was that the other male had very little knowledge on creatures like him. Synthetic creatures were quite rare, and an Anubian jackal even more so, but such information was not completely inaccessible. If Duncan had managed to find that information...

"Oh, and there was one more thing," the rhino said as he held up a small black box. "I think I've gotten to know your habits pretty well, so when I traced you to this planet I had a feeling you might go for a moonlit stroll on one of the few beaches."

Akai's eyes widened when he saw Duncan push the button and heard the whine of several electronic objects spinning up. The jackal immediately turned to run, kicking up the sand that he had been enjoying several minutes ago to try and reach the water. At the same time the rhino dived down towards the sand as over a dozen spheres shot up from where the hunter had planted them a few hours earlier. Just as Akai dove towards the water there were several loud cracks as the spheres exploded, sending dozens of wires throughout the air.

Just when the rubber jackal thought he he might have escaped he felt something wrap around his chest, followed by several more that wound around his legs and ankles. When he hit the water it was with a large, undignified splash as he attempted to undo the bindings. It hadn't been the first time that the rhino had used something to bind him up, but every time he had a means to either use his flexible body to wiggle out of them or shift the composition of his latex form to otherwise escape. This time however the wires held tight to his form and refused to let go as he began to sink down towards the bottom of the shallow beach, unable to get back to the surface.

A few seconds later however Akai was lifted up, gasping for breath as the thicker band that had managed to wrap around his chest and arms was grabbed by Duncan. He could see the grin of the rhino in the moonlight as he began to move him off of the trapped beach. The jackal continued to try and get out of the bindings once he had recovered from his dip in the water, but it was like the strands that had wrapped around him were melted into his skin. The only one that wasn't like that was the one that the bounty hunter was using as a carrying strap to bring Akai back towards the ship that he had parked some distance away.

"How did I miss that you were already here..." the rubber jackal grumbled, trying to get some semblance of movement out of his feet so he wasn't getting dragged.

"I told you that I picked up a few new toys while I was chasing you," Duncan replied, stopping when he saw the furrow he was dragging in the dirt and shifted the jackal so that he was carrying the restrained male over the shoulder instead. "If the prey isn't caught by the hunter then the hunter has to evolve so that they can. Trust me when I say that this moment right now was worth all the money and time I had to put into my own evolution."

Even though Akai attempted to hide it he felt his body shiver slightly in nervousness when he realized that the rhino may have actually outclassed him, something that the rhino clearly felt as he let out a chuckle. "So what do you intend to do to me now?" the rubber jackal asked. "Bring me back to those who want me, or perhaps torture me for the information that you want?"

"The bounty isn't for you," Duncan explained. "It's for the info and the return of the stolen goods. Honestly it looks like the megacorp you crossed doesn't give a damn about you but desperately want what's in your head... which you should count yourself lucky on, because if they did then you would have gotten a bullet in it seven planets ago instead of being bound up on some beach where I have to haul your heavy ass back to my ship. As for the whole torture aspect of things I find that pain doesn't often get me the results I want, so I have different means of getting the information that I need out of those that I capture."

The conversation ended on that note as Akai found himself unable to think of anything else to ask the bounty hunter and the rhino appeared to no longer feel the need to talk. Instead the air was filled with the sounds of Duncan pushing his way through the thick underbrush, though it appeared that a path had already been partially made from the rhino's travel to the beach itself. The lack of engagement gave Akai a few moments to try and collect his thoughts in order to figure out what had exactly just happened to him. After over a year of staying easily ahead of the bounty hunter he suddenly had found himself captured and never saw it coming for a second... which meant that if he was going to get out of it he would have to do what the rhino did to him and learn how this happened so he can formulate a plan to escape.

It was a dance that both had performed before, though usually Akai was in the lead as Duncan cornered him and attempted to get information out of him both sides tried to get information out of one another. Though the jackal wasn't as interested in his hunter as the hunter was in him he still tried to figure out what made him tick. Unfortunately the only things that he had gotten out of the other male during this time was that he worked alone, that he was relentless, and just now that he had some alternative means of extracting information out of him. It actually astonished Akai how little he knew about the bounty hunter as they continued their trek through the jungle, though at the moment he wasn't quite in the mood for talking as he continued to occasionally squirm.

The rhino had parked rather far from the beach and by the time the two arrived in the clearing where he had hidden it the first light of dawn from one of the twin suns began to peak over the horizon. This ship was an older model but retrofitted to get Duncan anywhere he needed to go in space, the gear on the unassuming craft having surprised the jackal more than once in their encounters together. Once they were onboard the lights automatically went on and Akai could hear other things powering up as well. They moved swiftly through the front of the ship and past what appeared to be the crew quarters towards the back.

"Welcome to the cargo bay," Duncan announced as the lights illuminated the somewhat large space. "Or, in your case, your new home."

When the rhino turned around to close the doors Akai got a glimpse of what was inside the area and his eyes widened with what he saw. It looked like Duncan had bought out a sex dungeon with what he saw, including a large swing that was hanging in the middle of it. All of it was made of rubber as well, and as Akai found himself wiggling again he guessed that it was all made of the same stuff that was wrapped around him at the moment. To his surprise however he wasn't taken directly to it, instead heading towards a steel table near the back of the cargo bay that might have been for surgeries.

"So, I take it this is your alternative means of torture?" Akai asked blandly as he motioned with his head towards the swing after begin put down on the table.

"Not in the way you're thinking," Duncan replied with a chuckle as he moved over and pulled up something that looked like a hose. "First of all such a thing is not a punishment, it's a reward, and second of all I'm sure you would be just waiting for us to get in the heat of the moment before you make your escape. No no, despite what it looks like this is actually all as a means to keep you right in my ship, I told you that I'm done chasing you around and I mean it, but before you go into the swing I think it would be best if I... softened you up first."

Akai didn't like the sound of that as the rhino reached over and flicked a switch on the nearby compressor. Both cringed slightly at the noise as it came to life, the tube that the rhino was holding vibrating slightly in his hands. The jackal watched wearily, waiting to see what was possibly going to come out of that tube. He had no idea what the bounty hunter had in store for him and given the fact that he had made his life miserable chasing him for months made him wonder just how loose the rhino's views on torture were.

To the rubber jackal's surprise when the first contents of the hose were dispelled it looked like tar, the thick substance slowly oozing out of the tube that Duncan quickly hovered over Akai's chest. When it landed on him it was warm to the touch and very viscous, though he also noticed that the rubber binding his arms to his side was also starting to melt. "This is a very special liquid latex that has been infused with a few things that I've been told is quite reactive to your kind," the rhino explained as he took his bare hand and began to spread out the slowly pouring liquid. "For creatures like me it might be used for a night of fun, but for you it's supposed to have a very different effect that I can't wait to see."

When Akai tried to ask what type of effect Duncan just smiled at him and continued to rub it all over his body. The jackal could feel the substance running down his sides and as it did the bindings around his upper body continued to weaken. It appeared to him that the rhino might not have known the exact effect of the substance on the straps containing him, and that gave him the thought that there might just be a way out of this yet. The timing had to be perfect however... and when Duncan looked down to check the settings on the dispersal unit Akai took his shot and flexed every muscle in his upper body.

The bindings that had been corroded by the substance let out a loud crack as they snapped, taking the rhino slightly by surprise as his captor suddenly found himself free. Akai's next idea was to take a handful of the goop that had been spread over his body and smear it against the eyes of the bounty hunter, however when he attempted to pull away his arms from his side to do it he found himself unable to. The surprised look on Duncan's muzzle turned to a smirk as he watched the jackal try to pull away his arm at all only to have the thick layer of gooey rubber become a connective sheet before it snapped back into place. As he continued to struggle against it the more it seemed to cure until he was rendered even more immobile then when the straps were in place.

"I don't believe this..." Akai grumbled as he wiggled back and forth on the table as he found himself unable to even move his fingers as the substance glued them to his hips. "How?"

"I told you that I had a lot of time to study you while chasing you all through planets," Duncan stated simply as he took the hose that he had kinked while waiting for the jackal to finish his futile struggling before continuing on. "I know everything about you, from your anatomy and physiology to... your..." the words of the rhino trailed off as both creatures had trailed down where Duncan had been applying the substance to his abs to find that there was a semi-erect rubber member poking up from between the jackal's still restrained legs. "Well, it appears that you do in fact learn something new every day."

"You try getting rubbed down and see if it doesn't arouse you despite the situation," Akai shot back, though secretly he couldn't believe his body had betrayed him like that. Despite everything that was going on the knowledge that he wasn't going to get killed by the bounty hunter, at least not yet, combined with the liquid rubber goo had caused his skin to tingle pleasurably had resulted in a reaction he had not intended on having. "I don't suppose you can ignore that."

"Nope, but I can take care of it for you," the rhino said, the jackal's eyes widening slightly that caused Duncan to bust out laughing. "Not that way, though if you give me the information I want I would be more than happy to release you in more ways than one. Since I doubt that you'll just give up that easily though I'll have to make sure that it... stays out of the way."

The jackal jumped as more of the liquid rubber was poured over it, the combination of the sensations from the goo and the fact that the synthetic flesh there was far more sensitive than the rest of his skin causing it to throb hard. Once it was almost completely coated in the substance Duncan gave Akai a smirk before grabbing the member and pushing it into the goo that had already coated the jackal's abs. The rubber creature wiggled and squirmed as the sensitive flesh suffered a similar fate to his arms as it stuck to his stomach and remained there. Akai glared at Duncan, but the rhino had moved on to coat his thighs and legs with the stuff which removed the bindings around them but caused them to stick to each other.

As Duncan neared completion on his work Akai could feel the substance starting to dry, and as it did it became even harder for him to do anything but wiggle slightly like a worm. He wondered if he was about to be encased completely by the stuff but once the rhino had coated his feet and stuck them together, pushing them against one another despite the jackal's best efforts to keep them apart, he turned off the machine and put the hose away. But just when Akai thought that he would be left there to cure the bounty hunter went over and got another box, setting it down on the table next to the jackal before pulling out a hood.

"I hope this fits," Duncan said as he pulled out a full rubber jackal hood, complete with lenses over the eyes that would have looked almost like Akai save for the hoses that came out from the muzzle area. "I had the computer run some modeling over your face from pictures when you got captured by that surveillance camera you didn't see as you ran through that hyrdo plant. Luckily it's made of rubber, so we're going to have a little bit of wiggle room here."

Next to that Duncan put out several rolls of what looked like tape, though Akai knew from the shine and wide width that it wasn't anything for fixing ships. His bigger concern however was that the rubber mask had been lifted up and was now hovering over his head where he could see the shiny interior was covered in a similar substance as what had just been poured on him. Though he couldn't imagine how he would have gotten it off anyway it didn't matter as it was pulled over his head until his snout flopped into the one in the mask. Once he felt the thick rubber of the mask press against his neck the rhino adjusted the lenses until they were over the eyes of the jackal.

When Akai attempted to speak he found that the muzzle gave him only an inch or so of movement as something tickled against his nostrils, which turned out to be tubes as the thick fingers of the rhino shifted them into position from the outside of the mask. If he could have he would have gasped in surprise when his nostrils were suddenly plugged for a second only to find his nostrils open a few seconds later from the passages that had slid into his nasal cavity. It was clear the hoses were not just for show as he felt them get tugged on a bit before the pressure in his snout shifted from the other ends being plugged into something. This was an extremely ornate set up, he thought to himself as he watched the rhino move back into his field of vision and undo the edge of the first roll of latex tape.

There was gentle pressure against the jackal's neck as he could feel the tape go over the seam in the hood, Akai once more wondering just what the purpose was of reinforcing the seam of the mask he couldn't take off even if he had working limbs. Of course there was the fact that he had slipped out of similar situations before, he thought with a smirk that was hidden by the mask, which may attribute to the sealing of the rubber against the semi-solid goo that covered nearly his entire body. As though the rhino knew what he was thinking he felt the bindings around his neck and shoulders tighten with another layer before it started to go lower. It soon became clear the rubberized tape wasn't just to keep the mask on as Duncan looped a rope over the midsection of the restrained jackal and hoisted him slightly in the air from a pully to allow him to easily start wrapping up the lithe chest and arms as well.

The entire body of the jackal shuddered slightly as Duncan continued his work, knowing that he was taking every precaution to make sure his prey didn't escape during the initial phase of the process. Though everything he had been using up to this point was quite expensive to procure it was definitely having the desired effect he wanted, though there was something else he hadn't realized would happen as he saw the groin of the other male still throbbing with every wrap of the black rubber bands around the jackal's form. He hadn't expected to be greeted with a hard-on when he started this process but then again had Akai been looking at the pants of the rhino he might have noticed a twitch or two himself. But the one thing he didn't do was mix business with pleasure as he shifted the loop suspending the jackal's body after smoothing down the tape over the abs... though he did press his palm against the bulge and snorted slightly when the jackal's hips wiggled.

There might be something there he could use after all, the rhino thought to himself as he quickly made his way around the legs of the jackal to finish up the mummification process. When he put the last little bit over the feet of the other male to bind them fully together he took a step back and admired his handiwork, watching the jackal squirm slightly despite his body being completely stuck together and bound with rubber bands from neck to toe. "Let's see you get out of that..." Duncan huffed as he tossed the last of the rubber tape aside and went over to the computer that was hidden beneath the surgical table along with two canisters connected to the hoses of the mask. "Time to make you more comfortable."

Though Akai could hear the bounty hunter saying something it was almost impossible to hear with his ears stuck in the mask, especially since there was something pressed against his earholes that he guessed were plugs. He could still see out of the lenses but that did him little good when his entire body had been tightly wrapped from head to toe after getting rubber glue poured over him. Was this how the bounty hunter intended to keep him, stuck as some sort of wrapped up cargo while waiting for him to crack and give him the information he wanted? As he sat there and continued to mull over what little he could see as a potential escape route he began to hear something hissing in the tubes, the jackal mask shifting slightly as Akai tried to figure out what was happening.

Suddenly the air in his nostrils was replaced with something else, quickly filling his lungs as he began to hear something going on near his ears. At first he thought Duncan was doing something to him but then soothing words could be heard clearly telling him to relax as images started to appear on the lenses. Soften him up... Akai recognized what the bounty hunter was doing as he tried to escape with renewed vigor, only to find that it had gotten even harder to move as his muscles started to go limp. His bound body bounced on the metal table for a few minutes with decreasing intensity before the jackal finally stopped, the rhino doing a few last checks to make sure that his new guest was comfortable before heading into the cockpit.

Once he had gotten there and shut the door he gave himself a moment of silence before letting out a bellow of triumph. Finally, after all these months and lightyears of chasing he had finally caught the one that had eluded him for so long. He sat back in the chair and put his hand against his head as he felt his muscular chest heaving up and down, the excitement of his accomplishment all crashing down on him at once. The rubber jackal wasn't going anywhere, he thought to himself as he flicked on the surveillance camera to watch the creature before relegating the image to the corner of his screen and made a call he had been anticipating making for ages.

"This is Bounty Hunter Duncan," he said when the connection was made and he was met with a silhouette of a vague female form. "Please connect me with your receiving department, I have important news."

The voice on the other end told him to please wait for a moment, the rhino sitting back in his chair while he waited for the usual shift to a rather rotund man with a bright red face. "If it isn't my favorite rhino," the man said as he tapped his fingertips together. "Considering the smug look on your face I take it that you finally have some good news for me this time?"

"I sure do," Duncan replied, trying not to let his mood get soured by his contact mentioning the past times he had to call in and report his failures and to request more time. "Are you sure that you don't want me to deliver him somewhere and you take care of the interrogation part? I mean, I'm good at what I do but I'm sure that a megacorporation such as yourself can handle one synthetic creature."

"I assure you that the company would like to leave this entire thing in your capable hands," the man replied. "In fact in order to help you with your little task and to make sure that you recognize how serious we are with your indiscretion with this matter we have increased the bounty of the creature, a price well worth the silence that you are being made to keep."

Duncan watched as his computer opened his account, his eyes widening when he saw a considerable sum of money get deposited there. "More than generous," the rhino said. "Alright then, solo job it is, I'll have him broken and telling me everything you want to know before I end my hyperjump back to civilization."

"See that you do," the man replied. "I'm looking forward to what he has to say and I'm sure you're looking forward to the bulk of those credits finding their way to your account."

Duncan nodded and promptly ended the call, not wishing to talk with the man anymore now that he had gotten his payment. It wouldn't be the first time that he had gotten payed an extra sum beyond what was locked in by the Bounty Hunter guild he belonged too, especially when it was to keep his actions secret from any authority figures. He knew it was one of the reasons he got picked for the job in the first place, his reputation for making sure that the secrets of his clients remained secret was how he kept the interrogation bonuses rolling in.

Speaking of interrogation, he thought to himself as his eyes turned back to the camera trained on the jackal in his cargo bay, he still wasn't entirely sure on how to approach this creature. With a sniveling or cowardly creature he could just threaten violence while for touch, brutish bounties he would often find some way to trick them... but this rubber jackal was in an entirely new realm for him. While he had learned how to effectively capture the other being he now had to get inside its head, or figure out how to as he punched in a new set of coordinates and started to lift off from the surface of the planet.

As Duncan waited for his ship to input the pathway to get back to a civilized planet he did know a few things about Akai, one of which he discovered today. Even though he didn't like to use the sexual route when it came to things, often the interrogation got messy and using a creature's lust to get information was a pain because their mind becomes focused on one thing, it may be the trick to breaking this creature down. But that was a thought for when he was ready, the rhino stretching as he watched the blackness of space surround him, for the moment he just wanted to sleep. It was the end of a long, long chase, and the jackal wouldn't even be ready until the next day.