The Great Equalizer (1/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In a realm of superheroes and villains, one was seeking to go beyond all of that and become the true king of the castle. But first... he needed a proper rival to be created at the same time.

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There was nothing that Sebastian wanted to do more than do then head back home after a long day on the job, but that was not going to be the case for him in another few hours... or at least it was for Sunfire. His superhero moniker continued to glide through the city using the heat he created as a way to fill the wingsuit that he wore, creating his own thermals to keep himself aloft. Life wasn't easy as a superhero, when people started to get powers some people decided to use them for good while others abused them. It quickly created two factions that rivaled one another, with the german shepard being on the side of good which meant that he had to patrol his area during the night due to his drawing the short straw. It was the last week that he would have to do this though, then it would be back to the local hero's guild in order to receive a new assignment.

As he passed overhead he saw a couple of late night pedestrians walking out of what he assumed was the bar, the two supporting one another as they stumbled into the street in order to cross it. As they did Sunfire saw a truck turning the corner, heading straight for the two drunken furs direction as the canine let out a gasp. He glided down to street level as quickly as he could and with a flick of his wrist sent a blast of heat that knocked both of them back. It wasn't hot enough to harm them and it knocked them out of the path of the truck as it let out a loud honk.

"You two alright?" Sunfire asked as the two got back up to their feet.

"Nothing broken I think," the drunkard slurred once they had brushed themselves off, looking at him up and down for a few seconds before a grin appeared on their muzzles. "Ay, did we just get saved by Nova? The leader of the hero squad in this city?"

Sunfire sighed and tried not to indulge in the urge to rub his temples as he looked at the two. "No... I'm not him," he said as he shook his hand in the air. "Nova is a wolf, I'm Sunfire." When it was clear that the two had no idea what he was talking about he sighed and just guided them back to the bus stop that they were originally heading towards. "Maybe next time make sure you two have a designated driver or not drink so much, alright?"

The two nodded and once the german shepard was sure that the two got on the bus he looked at his watch, seeing what the time was before he began to ran down the sidewalk. Gathering up his energy he held out his hand and used his power to create a thermal in the concrete, then jumped and activated his wingsuit. Almost immediately he was rushed up into the air by the superheated air flowing across his specialized costume and through his fur as the made his way through the cool air. He knew that it was about time for his shift to end, part of him wanting to turn in early so that he could get a chance to get some sleep before the sun began to rise into the air.

Just as he was about to turn back and head back towards his building he noticed a plume of electric blue smoke coming up from a nearby park. It was a common sign of a superhero summon, the smoke sticks given to law enforcement and other agencies to get their attention. He banked left and drifted his way towards the column of smoke which came out from the middle of the park. Once he got the field where the smoke stick had been lit he landed and looked around to see if he could find the one who lit it in the first place.

"Look at what we have here," a voice called out as a shadow came out from behind a nearby tree, the masked jaguar materializing as soon as the dark form stepped into the light. "A little puppy that got led in with a pull from their master's leash. You heroes are all the same, you know that?"

"And I see that that I can always count on a feline to try and break things," Sunfire said as he got into his full superhero persona. "What do you want Shadowstrike? I thought you'd still be laid up after Falkanor paid an entire symphony on your ribcage last week when you tried to steal classified information from the FCC."

"I was very motivated to heal myself," Shadowstrike replied as he moved forward. "And what I wanted was a little puppy superhero to see the sign of distress I had created so that I could have a lovely little chat with him. Well, me and my friends..."

As Sunfire began to back away from the feline others began to appear from their respective hiding spots to walk towards him, a look of confusion on the hero's face. "What are you doing Shadowstrike," Sunfire said as he continued to back away from the line of advancing villains. "Strong arm isn't you style... you're the cloak and dagger type. What's going on here?"

"What's going on is that you're about to enter an entirely new realm of pain," Shadowstrike said with an evil grin before he made a motion with his hand. Though they were all lower level of the villain spectrum, which was no doubt the only ones that would take such a crazed scheme like jumping a hero in the park, it was still a lot of power that was being leveled against him. He was no weakling himself though and Sunfire demonstrated that as he generated a concussive wave of heat that blew back several of them into the nearby bushes.

That caused the floodgates to open and suddenly Sunfire was beset with a number of villains that came at him with all manner of powers, from lightning strikes to plant vines, and though Sunfire was well trained he took more than his fair share of licks and eventually ended up falling bloody against the side of a fountain. As his back was set up against the side of the cool stone he suddenly saw Shadowstrike materialize in front of him from the shadows, the jaguar leaning forward with a grin. "Poor little puppy has a boo boo," he said as their eyes grew close to one another. "Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"

Before Sunfire could say anything his eyes widened as he suddenly felt the jaguar press his lips against his own and immediately felt the feline's tongue press into his maw. This was the villain that had just gotten a bunch of others to beat him up in order to... make out with him? The others seemed to be just as confused as he was, though that was short-lived as a sonic boom caused several of the feline villains to be tossed into the air like rag dolls. The others quickly began to scatter from the park, except for Shadowstrike that continued to push his tongue so far into his muzzle that he swore he could feel it wiggling in his throat. It seemed to last for an eternity before the jaguar was finally pulled off of him by an arctic wolf dressed almost head to toe in spandex and tossed into the fountain itself.

It was Nova... one of the most powerful heroes in their guild, one of the greatest heroes in the city and clearly powerful enough that he could easily take care of himself and an injured teammate. In a matter of minutes the park was cleared and the wolf helped the canine to his feet. Though he had taken a number of blows he still found himself able to stand, though every step gave him a jolt of pain as he was brought to a nearby bench to sit down. "You look like hell," Nova said as he took a small first aid kit from a pocket of his suit to start bandaging up the more severe wounds. "I have Regen coming in to help you with some of the more serious stuff and I'll try and mitigate the damage until then, you were just lucky that I happen to be in the area and saw the smoke column myself."

"I just can't believe that Shadowstrike would do something like this," Sunfire sighed, wincing slightly as the other hero used a medkit on him. "I mean he knows this is my area and though we have opposing powers I didn't think that he would stoop so low as to attack me out in the open like this."

"There is an unspoken rule among people with abilities that choose to do things like we do," Nova explained as he put a patch on a particularly large gash on Sunfire's side. "We may by on different sides of the coin but we don't attack one another like this, otherwise it would be chaos in the streets and a war between our kind. They may pilfer and we protect, and the two of us may fight when those goals clash... but we never attack one another purely out of conflict."

Though the two continued to talk Sunfire couldn't help but be in awe of the lupine that was talking to him was actually Nova. One of the most powerful and popular heroes in the city and he was actually able to have a face to face with him. Even though he was beat up and it was because he had to be rescued he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in that Nova came to help him and was providing such care. Eventually Regen showed up and took over on his healing abilities, which meant that Nova took his leave after he gave Sunfire one last pat on the shoulder.

It took a while before Regen finally gave him a full dose of his treatment powers, the husky's hands glowing with a pale lavender light as he went over all his wounds. Once he was done the german shephard was given a clean bill of health and helped up to his feet. Though he wasn't in any medical danger anymore he could still feel the pain of his wounds as they made their way over to a nearby alley so that they could both get changed into street clothes. Once he was back into his normal persona Regen, who was now Allen the EMT, gave him one more look over before sending him back home for the rest of the night.

For Sebastian it was a double pain to walk to the bus stop, then again to his apartment building as the sun just started to rise up in the air. Normally when that happened he could start to ride on the still forming thermals and glide back to his building, but even if he could use his powers there was no way he could fly home in his state. Instead he had to do it like everyone else and walk up the seven flights of stairs until he finally got to his own door. By this point he was practically wheezing as he opened his door and stepped inside, closing it behind him before finally letting out a loud grimace of pain.

"Could have been worse I suppose..." Sebastian muttered to himself as he put his costume down on the couch before heading towards his bedroom. "Got to meet Nova too, that was a treat even if it meant getting my ass kicked." He took some pain relievers that he had in his bedroom before flopping down on his bed, wincing in pain at his mistake for the sudden movement. Slowly the medication kicked in as he lazily pushed his shoes off of his feet and closed his eyes, not even caring that he was still in the majority of his clothes as he fell asleep...

Meanwhile on the roof of the opposite building a pair of eyes looked out from the shadows cast by the nearby electrical unit, the jaguar watching in rapt fascination at the window where he knew the canine slept. "What are we going to do now Shadowstrike?" a snow leopard said as he peaked his head out from the other side of the box, causing the other feline to frown. "I know you have a plan and all but the others are starting to get worried that we may have gone too far attacking another gifted in the open without provocation. They're worried the other villains may punish us in order to smooth things over with the heroes so that things could go back to the status quo."

"They are just going to have to trust me as much as you do Firo," the jaguar said as his gaze narrowed, his eye twitching as he felt something there for the briefest of seconds. "When my plan comes to fruition there will be no such thing as the status quo anymore. But for now we wait and let it do its job... if they catch on too quickly than this will all be for nothing."

Firo looked at the pensive jaguar for a second but said nothing of the concern he was feeling, merely nodding instead before ducking back on the other side of the unit to head downstairs with the rest of them. Shadowstrike didn't even glance once over in his direction, he could sense that the other felines had reservations about what they were doing even though it didn't matter to him. They could all abandon him right now, he thought as he leaned back and continued to watch, now that they had performed what he needed them to do and now it was just the waiting game. Though it didn't make sense to any of the other villains why they wouldn't finish the job they had started in the park Shadowstrike had told them they needed patience, something that he needed as well as red veins began to appear in his eyes.

"Rest well little pup," Shadowstrike said with a smirk as he watched the window in anticipation. "You're going to need it..."


That night Sebastian tossed and turned in his bed, his sweaty body rolling over the covers as the canine began to dream vividly. At first it had started as a replay of the ambush in the park, the feline villains that Shadowstrike had amassed pummeling him as he attempted to beat them back to no avail. The pain he felt on his body seemed to correspond directly to what he received in the dream fight right up to where he got thrown backwards and his the side of the fountain in the park. That was when Shadowstrike came up and kissed him... and once more he had nothing he could do as he felt those soft lips press against his own.

This time however there was no Nova to save him and after what felt like a minute the other villains had disappeared from sight as well, leaving just him and the jaguar as they continued to make out. Those hands pressed against his spandex-covered chest and quickly ripped it apart, leaving the fur of his chest exposed as Shadowstrike's tongue continued to play in his mouth. As the passion grew between the two the german shepherd felt his heart race and began to feel an intense pleasure that radiated throughout his body. He knew that he shouldn't feel that way, that this villainous feline was doing this against his will, but the longer it went on he suddenly found his own lips and tongue starting to reciprocate the gesture.

Soon both of their bodies were rubbing and grinding against one another, the remains of their costumes on the cobblestone as their cocks slid against their furry abs. Sunfire didn't know what was happening and at the moment he didn't care, especially when Shadowstrike reached down and began to stroke his cock. Their muzzles never broke apart as the feline continued to jerk him off and soon the german shepherd began to reciprocate the favor. The canine's breathing quickened as they both seemed to move in time with one another, his toes curling and his feet scraping against the stone as their bodies began to rub even more passionately against one another.

It was then that the kiss was suddenly broken and Sunfire suddenly found himself staring directly onto the face of the jaguar... except that it wasn't Shadowstrike's face anymore. What he saw caused him to gasp as the creature that he had been making out had transformed into that of a monster. The fangs dripped with saliva as it looked down at him with glowing red eyes, the longer tongue slithering out of his mouth like a snake ready to strike. Just as Sunfire was about to scream the thing that had once been Shadowstrike lunged down at him, filing his vision with that demonic visage before everything suddenly went black.

In the next second Sebastian awoke with a loud gasp, his chest heaving as he struggled to suck in the cool air of his air-conditioned room. Despite his power being related to heat he didn't like sleeping in the warmth, especially when he was trying to continue to heal after a particularly hard beat down. As the german shepard continued to try and get a hold of himself while he pulled himself out of his bed. He hadn't realized how much his fur had been soaked in sweat as well as his bedsheets.

"Not going to deal with that right now," he said with a sigh as realized that it wasn't just sweat that was on his bed... despite what would have been classified as a nightmare he had somehow still climaxed. Though the dream was inherently sexual in nature... and he was apparently enjoying himself after Shadowstrike had cornered him... the more he thought about it the more he shook his head to try and clear his mind of such things. He decided that it was better not to think about it and went into his living room in order to distract himself with some sort of television program. After he had grabbed himself a bottle of water and a small slice of pie he sat down on his couch and began to flip through his streaming video account.

Nothing seemed to interest Sebastian all that much until he flipped over towards the anime section and found himself flipping through the shows with growing interest. While it wasn't normally something that would have interested him he found himself hankering for something in the this section, finally stopping on a series that involved demon spirits taking over people's bodies and turning them into monsters. All he wanted was something to distract him and this seemed to do the trick, though for some reason he kept getting flashes of Shadowstrike as a demon. Even though it was just a flash it felt familiar, the canine no longer connecting his most recent dream to the content he was about to watch as he settled in.

At first It looked like a typical anime, Sebastian's eyes drooping slightly as they went through the exposition and typical introductions that happened in this kind of show. Eventually though they got to where the demon spirits first began to take over someone's body, and when it did the canine suddenly found himself very interesting in what was happening. He could almost feel his pupils dilate as he watched the spirit enter into the character on the screen, and as his eyes were fixated on the screen one of his hands moved down towards his groin and began to rub against it. As the scene went on his breathing intensified, his hand fishing out his cock from his pants in order to begin to stroke it.

Eventually Sebastian found himself stripping off his sweaty clothing, wondering why he hadn't done that in the first place as he gave his nipple a tweak while peeling his shirt off. The amount of pleasure was enough to pull his attention away from the screen, which no longer seemed to interest him anyway since the anime had shifted back towards the stupid protagonists. That quickly became alright with him though as he managed to shimmy off of his pants, leaving him with just his boxers half around his thighs as his hand continue to rub and tweak his chest. As he ran his free hand down towards his groin to join the other one on his cock when something around his abdomen caused him to pause.

At first he thought it was nothing, but as Sebastian continued to watch he saw what he had felt as his eyes widened. It was only a slight swell but when he pressed his fingers against it he gasped when it not only slithered to another part of his abs but the movement caused a surge of pleasure to cascade through his body. It was like a momentary orgasm, and even though he knew it wasn't right it felt so good... and then it began to spread. The fur was pushed out as the bulges on top of his muscles began to grow and tendril out while he once more began to stroke his cock, unable to control himself. Even though his brain was screaming at him that something very real was wrong with him the lust continued to build in him and drown his rational thought.

Soon Sebastian was writhing on his couch as his entire body was nothing but a quivering mass of pleasure while the thing that was inside him had made even more progress spreading through his chest and groin. His eyes opened wide and darkness began to creep into the whites of them as the corruption quickly began to seep into his mind. Just as he was really getting into it though there was a knock at the door that caused him to stop, and though normally he cursed such an interruption he felt strangely excited to see who was at the door. After putting his still hard cock back into his boxers he threw on the t-shirt that he tossed to the floor and went to the door to open it.

"Hey Sebastian," the African wild dog, whom Sebastian knew as Ronald or by his superhero name of said with a sheepish grin as he held out a brown bag of food. "Regen told me and a few others that you got the snot pounded out of you by a bunch of those feline jerks and I thought that you might be hungry." As the other canine's eyes darted down they immediately went back up and he chuckled nervously despite himself. "If this is a bad time I can just drop this off, maybe come by later-"

The rest of Ronald's statement was lost as the german shepard reached forward and wrapped his hand around the other canine's head before pulling him in for a kiss. It apparently caught them both by surprise as they saw each other's eyes widen, though for Sebastian that shock was quickly tempered back as he felt his tongue push inside the maw of the other male. As their kiss continued Sebastian found himself growing more aggressive with his kiss as he took the food that Ronald had gotten for them and tossed it onto the table before pushing him back against the wall. By this point if the African wild dog still had any objection about their embrace it was no longer seen on his face as his tongue began to swirl around the one planted heavily in his muzzle.

As their make-out session grew to an increased fervor Sebastian found himself growing needier by the second, but it wasn't for those heavy lips pressed against his. There was an increased desire to... spread, though spread what remained a foreign concept to him as his hands slipped under Ronald's shirt and began to stroke up and down that well-toned chest. Whatever he needed to do he wasn't getting it from this, his mind rang out as he began to feel his cock throb in his pants, what he needed in order to finally satiate this new instinct of his was to bring to bring that muzzle he was pushing into a little deeper. When the alien realization dawned on him he immediately broke the kiss but didn't give the wild dog much of a chance to cool down as Sebastian took both hands and pushed the other male lower.

Sebastian's erection had already pushed its way through the flimsy fabric so that the tip greeted Ronald once he had slid down. The other canine hardly had time to prepare himself, the second that he opened his maw it was filled with the thick cock of the german shepherd that now leaned above him. The second that the head of that throbbing maleness was inside Ronald's maw Sebastian nearly collapsed form the pleasure, not only from that slick tongue and lips against his shaft but from satiating that increasingly burning need that had been gnawing at the back of his mind. He felt the hands of the other canine quickly grip onto his hips as they thrusted forward, pushing Ronald's head against the wall as he needed to fill that hot maw even more.

There was nothing that Sebastian could do but give in to those base desires, feeling the reward of lust for feeding into it. Beneath him Ronald let out a muffled moan as it pushed out his throat, going deeper than the wild dog had ever taken before. Ronald's hands dug into those meaty thighs as Sebastian continued to pound into him, his throat muscles getting stretched around the cock that seemed to grow longer with every second. Finally after a few minutes Sebastian gripped the other canine by the head and gave one last thrust before he came,

The climax was unlike anything Sebastian had ever experienced and as his face was locked in an expression of pure bliss his mind went blank, the whites of his eyes growing brighter as it began to leak into his iris. As the canine beneath him continued to swallowed down the jizz the fleshy tendrils underneath the german shepherd's skin pulsed, throbbing just like the cock that stretched Ronald's jaw. "Yessss..." Sebastian hissed, though his voice was not his own as his tongue began to stretch to an inhuman length. "Sssspread..."

Whether it was the sound of his own voice or the fact that he had finished cumming into his friend Sebastian's eyes blinked several times rapidly as they returned to normal, his senses returning to normal as his mouth opened slightly in shock. A sudden suckle at his still sensitive flesh made him realize that his member was still buried in the muzzle of the male beneath him and he pulled out quickly. Roland continued to sit there with a dazed look on his face as Sebastian realized that something was wrong, the echoing of the words that he had come unbidden out of his own muzzle. Even though his body still hummed with pleasure something was gnawing at him... a need that despite just being satiated began to gnaw at his rational thoughts once more.

Sebastian knew what he had to do, whatever Shadowstrike had done to him had to be reversed and he knew just where to go to do it. As he took his cock and put it back into his boxers he paused, the girth of it bigger than he remembered and with a slightly altered head. Though it was strange he figured it was an effect of whatever the devious leopard had down to him and continued to get dressed in his superhero suit. When he got out of his room he saw that Ronald was at his table eating the food that had been brought, realizing that he had left his friend against the wall after the impromptu blow job.

"Oh.. Sorry about that Ronald," Sebastian apologized as he adjusted his wingsuit while climbing out of his window. "I need to go talk to Telken about... something. Once I'm back I can reheat my food and we can talk about it. Feel free to stick around until I get back."

The german shepherd didn't even wait for a response as he hopped off his fire escape and stretched out wide, using his heat ability to catch the early morning thermals to drift towards his destination. Had he looked back he would have seen the wild dog slowly turn towards him, tendrils of white leaking into his iris. As Ronald mindlessly brought the fork to his mouth his tongue extended outwards and wrapped around the morsel of food, drawing it in and bringing it to his maw, fleshy tendrils throbbing under the fur of his head and muzzle as it curled into a small smile...