The Court Rouge

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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Noel was once a regular engineering student. Now, his life has taken a completely different turn, and not one he appreciates at all, but the otter has been given no choice. A glimpse of a few days of his routine shows exactly why he hates it so much.

Okay! This story is actually a bit different than the others. While this was the second reward for my top tier Patreon supporters, it's actually not written by me alone! My awesome supporter and the creative badger responsible for this idea, @BadgerInASuit, was inspired enough to write a bit of a... prelude to the story itself! Therefore, the first 'half' of the story is actually written by him! The second half, which contains some... heavier stuff, is written by me! I think that the story is at its best with both the context he provides and the smut I provide, so upon agreement, I joined them both together in one!

I hope you all enjoy it!Disclaimers:

  • This story contains non-consensual elements as well as several other heavier kinks! Check the tags before reading and read at your own risk!

  • As stated, this story was written as a Patreon reward commission to @BadgerInASuit. Thank you to @BadgerInASuit for supporting me and being so awesome to work with!

  • Also as stated, the first half of this story was written by @BadgerInASuit himself while the second half was written by me! Credit where it's due!

You can get the PDF VERSION here!

And finally, this story was posted on my Patreon a few weeks earlier! If you like this and would like to see more earlier, as well as get other perks, consider taking a look and supporting me!

Night came faster than Noel would have liked it. The otter stood in front of the large glass window overlooking the city. It was beautiful, really. From the top of the high building he was in, the big city's lights made a black sea of shining yellow that went as far as the eye could see. The highways leading out of the city, all so far away, were well lit and busy even though the sun had already set quite a while ago as the evening became night.

It was a privileged view Noel never thought he'd get to see, especially this young, yet there he was.

The presidential suite around him that provided such beauty was the kind one sees in movies and still think it's a tad too much. The luxury was out of this world. Each painting, each decorative object, so detailed and probably so expensive. The carpets made it feel like he was walking on a cloud from how soft they were and yet they were of a bright red with intricate golden patterns all over it.

Yep. There Noel was, standing- no, living in a suite more luxurious than anything his low-budget college self could have imagined just a year ago, and yet he would give anything, anything, to be back in his little dorm room...

Nervous about the evening, the otter walked to the large full-size mirror near the bathroom entrance. Noel barely recognized the otter staring back at him.

His young features were still the same. The mix of white and brown on his short fur, the protruding, whiskered snout... from the tip of his small, round ears all the way to the end of his long tail, he was the same, but he didn't look the same anymore.

The suit and tie Noel wore were a request. Apparently that was the... 'preference' for the night. The otter adjusted and aligned the red tie with the white shirt button shirt underneath, then made sure his black suit had no wrinkles in neither jacket nor pants. Even the shoes were bright and lustrous, fitting on his forepaws as if they had been tailored especially for him. Maybe they were, he didn't quite know.

The only thing that didn't quite fit was the collar around his neck. It was kind of hidden under the collar of his shirt, and Noel tucked it down so it would be less visible. It helped keep his own peace of mind to pretend it wasn't there. It was made of smooth, black... something. He couldn't quite tell. It was like leather, but softer, more malleable... comfortable, even. It didn't bother him, but it was just tight enough for Noel to always feel it there around his neck. Constricting him. Reminding him.

Still, the otter staring back at him looked absolutely dashing. It was something that would make most people happy, but not Noel. Not in the situation he was in. Attractive was not exactly the vibe he wanted to give off, but he had no choice.

Noel took his phone out of his pocket to check it. 9:14 pm.

He's late.

It couldn't quite be called a phone. For all purposes, it looked- no, it was one, but was the device really a phone if he couldn't make calls with it? Or do much of anything, really. He could receive calls though. Sometimes they would call him to give him very specific instructions or tell him things, but Noel never even knew who was on the other side and they wouldn't let him ask it. The otter sighed again.

Maybe he won't come.

Did he even dare hope? He probably shouldn't, but he couldn't help it. His free nights weren't pleasant at all, but he would pick that over having to be with an actual person any day, any night. The otter stared at the door leading out of the suite...

A sudden noise startled the otter. His heart sank. He already knew what the notification coming from his phone meant: he was coming up. He had arrived.

With his hopes that he wouldn't come crushed, Noel swiped the notification away from his phone and headed towards the bedroom. The otter let out an audible groan of dread and looked around.

Should he sit on the little bench by the bed's foot and wait? Maybe just standing would be nicer? The otter looked at the fresh bucket full of ice with a high-grade bottle of champagne sitting on the nightstand by the bed's side. Maybe he should pour some of that?

In the end, Noel decided that his best bet was the bed itself. He laid on his elbow over it facing the doorway with a heavy heart, adjusted his clothes, and waited. It wasn't long before the sound of the main door opening and closing could be heard, and then there were steps. Noel didn't know really know what to expect. All they told him was that he had an appointment for that night, but they hadn't told him who or what they were until they opened the bedroom door.

With the swipe of a keycard from outside, the door opened. Looking at the newcomer, a new wave of dread fell over Noel.

"Well, well. Look at that. My entertainment for the night." The wolf Noel found staring at him licked his chops. His grin let an array of sharp teeth and fangs on full display to give the tall predator a very intimidating look by itself.

Noel did not know the lupine, though he looked somewhat familiar. He was a new customer. The wolf was large, as was regular for his species, standing at what must be definitely over six feet tall... maybe six and a half? His broad shoulders only added to his stature, those also outlined by the perfect black suit he wore. Coupled with a red tie and white shirt underneath that went well with his dark gray fur, the wolf had a complete 'business' look. Or maybe the most accurate word would be rich.

The otter didn't need the wolf's appearance to know that he was wealthy. Anyone that had enough money to spend what Noel knew they charged for a night was on the high ends of society.

"C'me here," the wolf said, signaling for him to approach with a clawed finger. "I wanna get a good look at you."

Noel did his best not to let the dread he was feeling show on his face when he obediently got up from the bed, straightened his clothes again real quick and walked towards the wolf. He stopped right in front of the lupine, whose grin only grew wider. There was a rumble coming from his throat akin to a growl, but it was one of pleasure as the wolf pretty much devoured Noel with his eyes alone.

"Hrrhmmm... not bad. A little shorter than I thought, but I like that." The wolf pointing it out made Noel feel the height difference between them even more. Five feet was a decent height for an otter, but the wolf... he was not only broader and more stocky than Noel, but he was definitely well over a foot taller. Noel found himself staring straight at the wolf's chest.

His eyes, however, were directed upwards when the wolf's paw came to grab at his chin. It was a rough hold to which Noel's first reflex was to pull away. The wolf held him tight despite his grunt of discomfort and forced the otter to look up at him. Staring right at those predatory yellow eyes just made Noel's dread for the night multiply. Then, the wolf turned the otter's muzzle left and right to get a better look at it from all angles.

"Hmm... quite handsome, though. I guess you wouldn't be in your profession if you weren't, huh?" The wolf laughed at that, but Noel? The otter felt a rush of heat coming up to his face, stumbling back as the wolf let go of his chin to finally let him pull away. Noel's eyes went straight down to the floor.

"Now, let's get started. Let's see... The guy on the phone said I ought to start up the app..."

While the wolf messed with his phone, Noel's gaze remained low. The otter felt... outraged. Angry at the injustice of his existence. He had done that kind of thing so many times by now and yet he could never quite find peace in it...

Before, if he had met this wolf on the streets, he would tell the guy to fuck off, rich or not, just from the aura of arrogance that the lupine radiated. Now, he had no choice but to stand there and worse yet, do whatever the hell the wolf wanted.

Such was the life of a prostitute. A whore...

That's what they had made him into, the life he had been forced upon in the most unfair, unjust, revolting kind of ways!

"Oh," the wolf finally said again, even if his eyes didn't leave his phone and nor did his finger stop scrolling and tapping on it. "I thought you had some kind of mute setting on, but I see it's off." The wolf then raised his eyes up from his phone to look at Noel and smirked. "What's wrong? Too scared of the big bad wolf to speak?"

Noel's eyes narrowed towards the wolf. Cocky as hell. The otter shook his head. "No, sir."

"Ahh, there we go. That's the young little twink voice I wanted to hear. And hey, 'sir', very nice. I like that. You keep doing that."

Noel's eye twitched. His hands clenched into fists by his side, but he lowered his gaze and nodded as he knew he was supposed to. "Yes, sir."

Just gotta get through another night...

The wolf's tapping on his phone grew a little more constant. Soon, a small growl could be heard coming from the larger male's throat and, with a last violent tap, he growled out loud and finally lowered his phone.

"All the options are disabled! I can't fuckin' access your settings. It says here I'm supposed to tell you to 'present your code'?" The frustrated wolf looked at Noel who, in turn, felt the heat rushing right back to his face. He hated that part.

Without saying anything, the otter walked towards the bed. Before climbing on it, he lowered his pants just enough to reach his knees, then he got up on the bed on all fours with his face burning up, turned his rear towards the wolf, lowered his head towards the bed so that his ass would be sticking up in the air... and raised his tail.

"Niiiice..." the wolf said while getting closer.

Noel felt an itch to move. He felt vulnerable and terribly ashamed of being there exposing his ass towards the wolf, but that's what he was supposed to do. There was no use fighting it...

"What's this?" the wolf said and, of course, the damned lupine downright grabbed at Noel's balls to pull them back between his legs. Most people weren't that daring! It made the otter deeply uncomfortable, his limbs trembling to do something about it, but Noel forced himself to remain still while the wolf looked at what was at the back of his balls and taint... and laughed out loud.

"Holy shit! I see! That's amazing!"

Noel didn't need to look back to see what was going on. He heard the sound of the wolf unlocking his phone and felt even more embarrassed to know that the lupine would be pointing it at his ass given that the barcode to access his app settings had been branded on the back of his balls and taint, right beneath his... The otter grit his teeth in outrage just remembering how much it had hurt to put that there... and how insulting it was that it WAS there in the first place.

The telltale sign of a picture being taken came, telling Noel that the fucking wolf was taking pictures of his ass before scanning the code as he was supposed to. After three or four of those, the 'beep' of the company's app recognizing his code in the app that Noel knew all too well came. It was his cue to finally be able to get out of that humiliating position and pull his pants back up. The wolf didn't seem to mind. He was too busy being satisfied that he finally got into that damned app.

"Look at all the things this thing can do! Does this really work?" The wolf scrolled through the options, but he stopped for a moment to glance at Noel. Again, he licked his lips. Noel could see how his eyes didn't focus on him for too long, but rather down at his body, no doubt imagining all the things he wanted to do to it. All the things he could do...

"Yes, sir..." Noel responded through his gritting teeth. It became harder and harder to bear his place in that whole thing... He was forced to watch the wolf from the side while the large lupine's tail just swished back and forth across the bed as he smirked, scrolling through the options.

"What's 'neck punishment'? Why does it have five different levels?" the wolf asked and, when he did, Noel saw as if in slow motion how his finger went straight towards pressing the button.

"Wait, no don't- AAAHH!"

The shock that coursed through Noel originated from the collar around his neck, or at least it felt like it did. The otter grabbed at it reflexively, as if he could somehow pry it off his neck, while the pain of it rippled through him, making his muscles cramp in the most uncomfortable, awful way. Noel was reduced to whimpering and writhing on the bed for several seconds until, as abruptly as it had started, the shock ended. Noel was left panting and grunting. He had felt those shocks countless times since he had been put in that predicament, but he could never get used to it.

The wolf stared at him for a few moments, seemingly surprised... and then he burst out laughing.

"Holy crap, it really works! And that was only level one? If you whimper and cry so much from that, I wonder how level five must feel?"

Noel didn't even bother answering. He sat back up on the bed, recomposing himself as the effects of the shock slowly receded. They were bad, but they did no lasting damage as far as he could tell. Probably by design...

"What's 'cage shock'?" the wolf then asked. Noel's eyes went wide. This time, when he saw the wolf's finger going straight from it, he at least tensed up and prepared for what was coming, but it didn't make it any easier.

With a yowl of pain, the otter's paws flew towards his crotch. The same intense, rippling shock came, but this time originated from his groin rather than his neck. His balls, the most sensitive part of the otter's body, were shocked continuously for the same long, slow-moving seconds while the otter whimpered and teared up.

When his vision focused again from the blurred mess it became through the pain, the wolf was laughing once more.

"Hah! Wait, when it says 'cage', does that mean you're wearing one of those faggy..." The wolf's muzzle opened up a toothy grin of amusement and realization. Then, he snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor in front of the bed. "Stand over there, get those pants off. I want to see it."

Noel, still with remnants of lingering pain, gave the wolf a hateful glare. Huffing and fighting to control his outrage, the otter weighed his options. His desire was to jump at that damn wolf and punch him for what he had done, but Noel had done things like that before, or tried to, and he knew it wouldn't be possible. Not to mention the fallout...

The otter shuddered just thinking about it. With rage bubbling inside him, Noel crawled out of the bed to stand in front of the jerk of a wolf, which seemed to please him. Then, reluctantly, he grabbed the waistband of his pants and underwear... and tugged it down.

"Damn!" the wolf exclaimed, "that's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen."

The otter felt his face heating in a heavy blush. The wolf, of course, was referring to the metal cage encircling Noel's sheath. The smooth metal kept it closed and out of bounds save for a tiny hole at the tip, unable to be accessed by anyone, including himself. It had a ring going around the base of his balls to keep it firm against his sheath, but that also pulled his furry orbs forward leaving them more exposed, especially when standing as he was. The cage was not uncomfortable; it seemed to fit him perfectly, but the metal was just heavy enough for him to always feel it there. A constant reminder that it was there, and that it had been there for far too long...

"Come here. I want to touch it." The wolf, disregarding Noel's opinion as if it didn't exist, didn't actually wait for the otter to respond, but rather grabbed him by the tie and pulled him forward so that the otter would stumble towards him. When he was close enough, the wolf's invasive paw grabbed his balls again, rolling them between his rough fingers with enough force to make Noel grunt and cringe. He trailed his fingers through the ring enveloping their base, then poked at the cage itself a few times.

Noel hated it. He absolutely hated it, but at the same time, it had been so long since the last time he had gotten to feel any sexual satisfaction that his sheath started swelling within the cage, even for the jackass of a wolf's touch. The otter felt ashamed of it, especially when he felt the tip of his cock touch the familiar blockade of metal that kept it from leaving its confines even in the slightest.

"That's pathetic. I mean, it makes sense that a toy like you would have his little dicklet trapped. Bet it wasn't very useful to begin with, huh?"

The wolf sneered, flickering the metal of his cage with his claw before finally letting him go. Noel stumbled back from him, glaring at the wolf and unable to believe he'd insult him like that. As if the wolf knew anything about what he had been through! It took all of his willpower to swallow the words he wanted to say to the lupine and continue to play the well-behaved part.

"Is that why there's a bunch of disabled options in the app?" the wolf asked, picking up his phone to fiddle with it again. "No orgasm options, no arousal... all disabled. Pity, but not like I need 'em anyway. Oh, wait! Here's one."

The wolf tapped it, and immediately, Noel's legs pressed together as he groaned. The otter's paw went down to his cage to tug at it, but there was nothing he could do as the metal, or maybe something inside it? He didn't know, but something within it started a quiet, subtle vibration straight against his sheath and cock that felt... extremely pleasant. Far too pleasant. It was like a slow, constant tease against Noel's cock, which caused it to instantly try to harden again and, of course, fail. The feeling of his member pressing against the metal was uncomfortable to say the least.

"Aww. Looks like you enjoy it. That's only level one, too." The wolf smirked, obviously enjoying watching Noel squirm. The otter wanted to ask him to turn it off... or did he want to ask him to turn it higher? Either way, Noel at least had enough dignity not to beg that bastard to do anything, so he endured, trying his best to pretend it wasn't as bad as it was... but a droplet of pre-cum soon came from the tip of his cage.

"I think it's about time you ditch those clothes. It's not like you need to pretend you're a man around me anyway. I chose the suit for you, but now that I've met you, I think these clothes are definitely too good." The wolf waved a paw towards Noel as if what he was saying was just an obvious statement. "Strip for me."

Noel, however, just frowned at him. "Aren't you going to turn this thing off?!"

"Nah," the wolf shrugged. "It's funny. Maybe if you behave and beg I'll see about that. Now shut up and strip, I'm horny."

The wolf went back to messing with his phone as he waited. The big lupine's tail still wagged as if he were an excited puppy playing with a new toy, which in a way, perhaps he was, but the sheer thought of it enraged Noel even further. Feeling as trapped as he always did, the other started taking out the jacket of his suit. The buttons of his shirt were next, exposing his bare, brown-furred chest. He felt a little better over the fact that the wolf was so entertained scrolling and tapping on his phone that he wasn't even looking at him.

It made it easier for Noel to undo his belt and pull his pants down. He left the sleek-looking pair of black boxer brief underwear on, for the wolf hadn't been specific on how far he should strip. Noel kicked his discarded clothes to the side and found himself standing there naked in front of the wolf and yet the lupine still didn't pay him any attention yet.

The otter's hand went down to his crotch where the slow vibrations of the chastity cage were torturing his denied member. It pushed against the steel, begging to grow erect, stimulated to do so, and yet it couldn't. As the otter watched the lupine hum to himself so casually while playing with his phone, he had to grit his teeth in order to hold back from saying anything. There he was, standing semi-naked, against his will, with that awful cage torturing him, all because of that wolf, and yet he didn't even give a damn.

It also worried Noel. He knew all too well what that phone app could do to him and, every time the wolf opened a smile, let out a low chuckle or tapped on some check box, Noel felt dread rising within him.

The shocks coming from his collar and cage? Those were just a slight scratch on the surface of what Noel knew that thing could do. As a former engineering student, even he could create a collar or, if he wanted to (and he never would), a chastity cage that discharged a mild electrical shock. That was nothing. When Noel got forcefully captured by EverTech, the world famous technology company, he found out that neither him nor most of the world had even the faintest idea of how far technology had ever come.

It always filled Noel with dread to know that there were literally thousands upon thousands of tiny little nanobots running through his blood veins. They were inside his body, doing the work that his organism was supposed to do and, admittedly, doing it better than his old natural blood cells ever could, but at the same time...

Noel would give anything to get them out.

They ran his body, literally, and that meant they could do many so things to him that Noel had never, ever thought would ever be possible. His muscles, his nervous system, everything was within their control. EverTech had taken him, an unwilling student, infused him with their miraculous technology... and then sold him to a high-grade brothel, where the controller to his body was put on hands of extremely rich jerks and perverts such as that wolf, who licked his lips and rubbed the obscene bulge on his pants with the other hand as he tapped on yet another option within his app.

"Alright, I think this'll be fun. Let's test some of these out."

When the wolf finally bothered to look up at Noel, the otter still couldn't keep himself from getting at least a little flustered when the wolf eyed his body. He whistled in appreciation.

"Nice! Just like in the catalog."

The lupine stood up. Noel took a reflexive step backwards. The worst part of the night was about to come, he knew, and every instinct inside of him was telling him to get away, to fight back to do something, anything, to get away from what was coming. Noel already knew he couldn't, though.

The much larger and broader wolf closed the distance between them with a single large step. Then, a paw came to grab at the bulge of his underwear, gripping both the vibrating metal cage and Noel's balls in a rough manner that made the otter gasp and wince.

"Ow!" Noel complained, but the wolf seemed completely unfazed by his display of pain. If anything, he squeezed Noel's balls even harder, rolling them between his fingers and licking his chops like a predator about to devour his prey.

"Aww, does your little faggy balls hurt when I squeeze 'em?" The wolf laughed. He took hold of Noel's balls well within his paws and squeezed them even harder, making the other see stars for a few seconds as he buckled forward. His legs trembled, growing weak as pain shot through him from his bruised balls. He let out a silent gasp, even his voice faltering through the pain.

"S- sstop!" Noel gasped. He brought his fist up and pounded at the wolf's chest, but the large lupine merely chuckled. Through his tearing up eyes, Noel saw the wolf grinning, his perfectly white fangs gleaming against the fancy room's indirect lighting while those amber eyes watched him squirm. The wolf didn't seem like he even felt Noel's fist against his chest.

"You're gonna wrinkle my suit," the wolf said, quite casually. His grip on Noel's balls tightened yet a little more. The otter felt like his poor, sensitive orbs were being crushed within the lupine's powerful paw. Through the whole ordeal, the vibration on his cage didn't stop either, making Noel's cock throb with little confusing tingles of pleasure amidst the sea of pain he was getting put through.

"Say you're sorry," the wolf playfully said. His grip on Noel's balls lightened for a moment only to tighten again a second after giving his sack powerful squeezes. Though outrage still coursed high in Noel's mind, getting rid of the pain was his first priority.

"S-ssorry!" Noel gasped.

"That's a good little otter toy." The wolf laughed, giving Noel's sack one last sadistic, extra-hard squeeze before finally letting go. The moment he did, Noel fell forward on his knees, both paws clutching at his clothed crotch while he panted.

"Looks like that nut sensitivity slider works. I wasn't even squeezing all that hard and you already look like you're fuckin' dying! Hah!" The wolf sat down on the bed. His laughter only echoed in Noel's ears, seeming far away as he recovered from the pain.

The nanobots inside him usually helped with that since they had full control of pretty much anything he felt, but either they weren't doing a very good job this time or the wolf had disabled something in regard of that as well...

"Fuck, ottertoy, playing with you is making me all hard and horny. I think it's about time I bury my knot into your faggy ass."

With Noel's vision still slightly blurred, he only caught glimpses of the wolf's black suit coming off to reveal more and more of his gray fur. The otter remained there, kneeling on the ground and clutching his aching balls for a while. He blinked some wetness from his eyes away and took a deep breath. Little by little, the pain started receding, but his balls felt sore and bruised. Through it all, the godamned cage didn't stop, either. When the pain started subsiding, the arousal that had been overshadowed by it returned, leaving Noel in a very uncomfortable in-between of his aching nuts and teased, locked member.

The snap of clawed fingers in front of his face took Noel's attention back to the wolf.

"Hey, fag. You okay? C'mon, don't start cryin' on me now. We're only just starting."

When Noel looked up, his heart sank even more. The large wolf was now completely and entirely naked. His fur was well-groomed and trimmed, as expected from someone of his social class. The trimming left a fair amount of muscle on display, which wasn't surprising, but it showed that the wolf played some kind of sport at the very least. The wolf's cock, red and canine-shaped, was well out of the hefty sheath between his legs with the wolf's paw idly stroking it as it hardened even more. It glistened against the light, wet with pre-cum already just from the sadistic things the wolf had been doing.

Looking at him from below, staring at the cocky smirk the wolf opened, the way he brought his biceps up to flex...

"Like what you see, ottertoy?"

A spark of recognition went through Noel's brain. He had seen that same smirk and flex earlier that day when going through the news, except that that wolf had been wearing a basketball shirt in the photo.

"You're... you're Harrison Duke...! The star player who just signed that multi-millionaire contract or something!" Noel exclaimed.

The wolf's ears twitched. Some measure of surprise went through his face, but vanity and cockiness still prevailed in his expression by far. "Oh! So you know me? I don't know if I should be flattered or embarrassed that a faggy little slut-whore like you knows who I am."

The lupine put a paw over Noel's head and ruffled his headfur. Noel shook his head and pulled away. He moved to stand up, but his nuts felt so sore that he flinched once or twice before he managed, all because of that wolf. Some jackass of a basketball player that had too much money and had decided to spend it torturing someone else. When Noel's eyes looked up at the wolf, they were filled with all the hatred he felt for the rich bastard.

"Aaawww, what's wrong? Does the fag not like to hear what he re-"

"SHUT UP!" Noel yelled.

The wolf looked mildly surprised, some of his smirk vanishing even if he still didn't look worried. Noel could barely stand looking at his face anymore.

"You keep calling ME a 'fag'?! I like girls! Women! YOU are the one that paid thousands and thousands of dollars to come up here and fuck a GUY! Not only fuck, but take advantage, let out some fucking pent-up whatever-you-have-in-there! Do whatever you want, but don't you dare call ME that!"

The wolf's smile faded completely. Noel took way more pleasure in seeing that than even he could have expected. The wolf, Harrison Duke, however, stood up from the bed with his phone in hand.

"Oh, so you think I'm a fag?" the wolf asked in a surprisingly calm tone. There was a certain level of coldness in his voice that sent a chill up Noel's spine. "You, some little slut-toy that sits here and gets fucked in the ass every night thinks I am a fag? You think I'd ever bend over and let some dude have his way with me?" The wolf's expression grew darker and darker.

"You just made a big mistake, ottertoy. There's a huge difference between you and me, a difference so large that scientists cannot measure it." A smile started growing on the wolf's muzzle. A sinister, dark smile. "I was gonna play nice, just have some fun with you, but if you're gonna call ME a fag... I guess I'll just have to prove who the alpha male is here."

A growl erupted from his throat, his muzzle showing some teeth at the front. He took a step towards Noel, then another, and the otter simply stumbled backwards away from him. The wolf was so much larger than him! Noel had snapped at customers before, he had done many things to displease them, but that was the first time he felt like he was about to be beaten up. Would the brothel people even care if he got beaten? He had never thought about that before, but...

"Come here."

The wolf's paw came up to grab him. Noel tried to duck away from it, but the lupine was faster. The otter felt it grab the back of his neck in a hurtful grip to pull him back with ease.

"Ow! Wait! Let go!" Noel tried to pull away, to twist, anything, but the wolf only pulled him closer, gripping and twisting his fur in a painful way. "OW! I ca-"

"SHUT UP!" the wolf yelled right at his face. When Noel looked up, all he saw was an array of sharp teeth right against his face.

"I'm tired of your squealing. I think it's about time we shut you up for good."

The wolf dragged Noel towards the bed. The otter struggled and thrashed. He knew that whatever was coming couldn't be good and, while he didn't really have a choice, he wasn't about to just lay there and take it. His flight instincts were screaming 'danger' at him!

Still, the otter tried to pull away, but couldn't. Then, he grabbed at the wolf's arm while he was being dragged towards the bed to try to pry it away, but he couldn't even make it budge. It was as if the wolf didn't even feel his efforts! Then realization hit, and Noel's heart sank.

He had seen it happen before. His 'strength level' was one of the many settings in that app the wolf had been messing with. When reduced, the nanobots coursing through his body would prevent his muscles from making any real effort, making any struggling from him harmless and pathetic no matter how much he tried. Judging by the way the wolf glanced back at him with a victorious smirk, that must be what had happened. It was all Noel saw right before he got tossed over the bed.

"You know, there's that muting setting in that app. I could just not allow you to talk at all during the whole thing, but I have a better idea given the other settings I've seen."

Before Noel could sit up or crawl away from the wolf, the large lupine was upon him again. Duke bent over to grab something from his pile of removed clothes, then came over him on the bed. A hand on Noel's neck pressed him down hard against the bed and, while the otter clawed at it to try to dislodge it from blocking his air pipe, a black piece of cloth was shoved into his muzzle right as he gasped and tried to yell.

"Yeah, taste it..." the wolf said, looking at him from above. His sinister smile only grew larger. Noel tried to push the cloth out with his tongue, but as soon as he did, the indisputable taste of musk gave away that the cloth must have been the boxer briefs the wolf had been using. It only prompted Noel to shake his head and try even harder to push the disgusting piece out of his muzzle. He made some progress, but just as some of it popped out, the wolf's other paw came to press it in again.

"Nuh uh. You're gonna taste it. It's a fag's favorite thing." The wolf pushed the underwear into Noel's muzzle, deeper at first, then making sure every single bit of it was inside all while still holding down on Noel's neck without allowing him to breathe. At first, the otter's paws came up to pull the underwear out, but as the lack of air grew more and more dire, Noel desperately tried to pry that hand on his neck away, push the wolf off, anything to breathe again!

Those golden eyes and gleaming white teeth only watched him with an evil expression of delight as he suffered. When the wolf was done shoving every bit of his underwear into Noel's muzzle, he still calmly picked up his phone while the otter's lungs burned with need and started tapping on options.

"Let me see... jaws... here." With a final tap, Noel felt his jaws clench down and bite into the underwear hard. When he tried to open them, he found that he couldn't. It was as if his body didn't obey!

Much to his relief, at least the wolf finally let go of his neck, allowing the otter to draw in a large intake of air from his nose and breathe properly again. After a few seconds of wheezing to fill his lungs, Noel's paws came up to his own muzzle. He tried to open it again so he could spit that disgusting underwear out, but it wouldn't obey! The otter tried prying his own jaws open with his paws, but that too didn't work. His teeth were sank into the musky fabric stuck inside his muzzle, biting down on it, and wouldn't let go.

"Isn't it amazing? What this thing can do? I think that's a much more creative way of shutting you up." The wolf opened up a grin from above.

"HMMFGH!" Noel complained. Frustrated, the otter could only glare up at the lupine with deep hatred, his eyes tearing up from having to taste the wolf's used underwear every time he swallowed his own damn saliva.

"What's that? I couldn't quite understand," the wolf mused. "You're trying to thank me? Yeah, I figured that'll give you something to chew while I put you in your place."

Giving Noel no time to rest, the wolf started coming at him again. This time, instead of trying to helplessly fight, Noel turned around to crawl away towards the other side of the bed and run from the wolf. He didn't even make it to the edge before a grab on his tail hurtfully pulled him back. Then, the wolf's paw came to the back of his neck, pressing Noel's face against the expensive sheets of the king-sized bed.

"HMMGH!" Noel tried to scream. He felt something hard rubbing against his backside, something he was now, much to his dismay, familiar with. The wolf made a point of grinding his cock against the underside of his tail while the otter thrashed and struggled under him.

"Aww, what's wrong? Where's all that confidence? That smugness? All I'm seeing now is a little bitch trying to beg and get away. You're not enjoying it? Lemme help."

Noel's eyes shifted to the side and he only panicked more when he saw the wolf grabbing his phone again. The sound of tapping came from above and then the otter's eyes went wide when the vibrations in his cage that were subtle and annoying multiplied tenfold. The cage around his trapped cock started buzzing, making his whole sheath vibrate in the most pleasant of ways. With all the choking and the disgust of having a man's underwear inside his muzzle, Noel had managed to soften a little, but all of that got reversed in a matter of seconds as the cage worked hard to make him achieve an impossible erection.

"HMMMGFHHFF!" Noel tried to yell again.

"You like it? That's level-fucking-five. I hope you do, you little faggy brat." Some of the aggressiveness returned to the wolf's voice. He moved above Noel, repositioning himself to get on all fours above the otter pressed down against the bed, then pulling on Noel's tail to force him to raise his ass up.

The wolf had no idea how it felt. After weeks and weeks of being pent-up, edged, and completely and utterly denied, Noel's balls were churning with unspent seed. The cage's high-level vibrations were bursts of pleasure that made his cock just beg to grow hard, only to be denied by the ever so frustrating metal keeping it blocked. Small tears of sheer need ran down Noel's eyes. Need and humiliation. He was straining in his cage, begging to get hard, despite the fact that that wolf, someone he had just met but already hated with all of his guts, was about to...

The wolf's paw suddenly came to his cage. "Aww, look at that!" Noel could feel the wolf rubbing the vibrating metal. Much to his shame, he let out a groan that was very much muffled by the wolf's boxers. "You come with your own lube dispenser too!"

The otter felt his face burn hot. He was well aware that he was dripping pre-cum. How could he not? Somehow, however, having the wolf acknowledge that made the whole experience all the more humiliating. Noel attempted a pathetic, desperate last-minute struggle to get away from under the wolf who, in turn, held him at bay with ease using only the paw pressing harder against the back of Noel's neck.

His other paw? It kept toying with Noel's cage, taking in the pre-cum he was leaking profusely and bringing it back to spread it against his own large, throbbing erection. The otter knew from unfortunate experience that pre-cum didn't make for very good lube. There was a large complimentary dispenser of it sitting right there by the nightstand. Good, industrial lube that made these things much more bearable. Yet Noel couldn't even tell the wolf that, he could only lay there shouting muffled complaints while the lupine had his way with him.

When the wolf had enough, he gave Noel's balls a painful flick before repositioning himself. His paw aided in lining up his cock, but the lupine still pressed his tip against Noel's entrance, teasing at it playfully to increase the otter's dread.

"You ready?" the wolf asked as if Noel could reply. As if it mattered.

Then, he thrust in.

The wolf was not gentle. Not in the least. Noel had had his fill of rough, rude customers, but when the wolf started to fuck him, he did it as if he was doing it with hate. The otter clawed at the bedsheets, squealing and squirming every time the wolf buried the whole of his sizable cock all the way in, way too fast, way too hard, but the wolf did not seem to care in the least.

Pants and groans of pleasure came from above, the wolf's paw still keeping Noel pinned down against the bed no matter how much he yelled. No sounds the otter made really made it past his forcefully clamped jaws and the bundle of fabric trapped within it.

"Oh yeah... how come a slut like you can still feel so fucking tight? The wonders of technology..."

The wolf growled as he fucked. He snarled, going as far as drooling on top of Noel's head. Every time the otter thought he might be getting used to the wolf's cock, the lupine switched positions. He drilled in deeper, faster, and midway through the fucking, he also started using the knot. The first times it popped into Noel, the otter screamed through his gag. The large bulb of flesh at the base spread him open wider, allowed the wolf to go in that much deeper. Soon enough, however, the knot started inflating more and more, making it harder for the lupine to shove it in and then nigh impossible, but it didn't stop the lupine from still trying.

Noel had been fucked by enough canines to know that the worst part was the final tie, but every second of being fucked by that wolf felt just as awful for him. In one way, Noel wished he could say it was only pain, but though the wolf's roughness did hurt sometimes, the worst part for the otter was... the pleasure.

The pleasure...

He was a straight otter. He liked girls, had always been attracted only to the feminine side, and yet... yet because of what they did to him, there he was. Stuck under a much larger male, getting fucked relentlessly and all the while, his cock continued to dribble pre-cum, to make a freaking pool of it on the sheets below, while his cock just begged to grow... and couldn't.

Though the humiliation of being fucked burned within Noel, the ramming of his prostate, the cruel, constant vibrations of his cage... he would do anything, anything to be able to grow an erection right there and then, to reach down, to feel his hand upon his hard length, to cum. His balls felt swollen with need, his loins burning with shameful arousal, yet that too was out of his reach.

Noel's mind was stuck in-between the torture of both pain and pleasure when Harrison Duke snarled above him.

"Fucking... TAKE it, you FAGGOT!" the wolf growled as, instead of the fast fucking he had been going at, he instead started thrusting with less speed and more force.

Noel closed his eyes shut. The feeling of the wolf's large knot spreading him open teared through him, but as the large base went in, both Noel and the wolf above him groaned.

"Fuck YEAH!" the wolf pretty much howled. His fucking became frantic again, ramming deep into Noel. It was rough, intense, the wolf's cock and knot grinding against all of his buttons, sending jolts of unwanted pleasure through Noel's body, making his cock strain so hard against its prison, until finally...

Noel felt himself tearing up from the sheer shame of it. The wolf above him gasped and moaned in deep relief, surely enjoying the feeling of an incredible orgasm, while Noel was reduced to feeling and imagining how incredibly pleasure it must have been. Each throb of the wolf's large cock was felt deeply within him, then the warmth of his seed, a man's seed, deposited deep within his rear as if he was indeed some bitch.

The wolf's hold at the back of his neck lightened as he rode his orgasm. The lupine sighed as it ebbed, letting himself fall to the side and awkwardly pulling Noel with him in a painful tug of his stuck knot. All the otter could do was grunt in discomfort. With the wolf laying on his side, Noel was forced to shift to his side as well. That left his cage out in the open and, though it shamed Noel greatly, he just could not help but bring his hands down to paw at it. He tugged at the tortuous metal as he had done a million times during his imprisonment as if this time, somehow, it would open, go away, allow him to touch his cock that throbbed and pulsed with deep need within it, denied all of it.

The wolf's arms came under Noel's enveloping his chest and pulling him closer. The otter felt the wolf's broad, furred chest against his back as the lupine sighed in relief again. That cock still throbbed inside him, large and uncomfortable, just as the cage still buzzed relentlessly against Noel's sheath keeping him extremely aroused.

"Fuck... that was nice... you were made for this..."

The truth of the wolf's words stung. Indeed, they had made Noel for that, to be something pleasant to fuck, and he hated it.

"Might as well get comfortable, fag. We're gonna be here a while."

Noel barely listened. The buzzing in his cage was driving him crazy. It was a high stimulation, just enough to make him feel like he was close to the fucking edge of orgasm, but he couldn't reach his cock, he couldn't feel anything else that might stimulate him more to push him past the edge, caged or not.

He would give the world for the ability to at least grow hard right there and then.

The wolf reached for his phone and started messing with it. Nothing in particular happened to Noel, so he just assumed the wolf must be reading something or texting while Noel continued to pant, stuck to him, each minute an agony of denied pleasure for the otter. The wolf didn't turn the vibrations off either and, though Noel tried grunting and groaning to complain about it a few times, he was thoroughly ignored. Judging by the throbs of the wolf's cock stuck within him, he seemed to like the way Noel involuntarily clenched against his dick.

The otter didn't know how much time passed. Not enough, he judged, because when the wolf placed a paw against his shoulder to try to pull his knot out, it felt way too big to come out. Still, the lupine pushed him down against the bed again, used a paw to keep him still, and then continued to pull. By the end of it, Noel was yelling through his gag for him to stop, but finally the wolf's knot popped out of his ass. Cum came out with it, sipping down the back of the otter's balls as Noel let himself fall limp against the bed. His ass felt sore, incredibly so, but he knew the nanobots would fix it soon so that he would soon be nice and tight again...

"That was fun," the wolf said, getting up. His dark-red, still hard cock still hung between his legs, bouncing as he stood. He looked down at Noel with a triumphant smirk. "What's wrong? Where's all that sass you gave me earlier now?"

The otter just laid there, exhausted, but that didn't stop Noel from giving him a hateful glare.

"Awww. Does your ass hurt from taking the big bad wolf's dick? You know, I picked you exactly because your profile said you had a 'rebellious' nature. It just isn't fun if the fag just takes it, you know? Sluts are easy to find, but this... this has been a prime experience. I am a very satisfied customer."

The wolf was putting his clothes back on. He didn't take his underwear from Noel's muzzle, instead choosing to go without, which left a visible tent on his pants, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"That being said, don't think I forgot what you said. I hope you learned that no one, no one, calls me a fag and gets away with it. Especially not some high-level little otter slut."

When the wolf was fully dressed again, he came to grab Noel by the back of the neck again. The otter tried to get away from it, but failed again. In the end, the naked otter was just dragged to the edge of the bed, then lifted up so that the wolf could look right against his eyes.

"So... did you learn your lesson? Who is the fag here? You, or me?"

Noel stared at the wolf's eyes. He looked so cocky dressed in his sharp suit while Noel remained there naked, with a steel cage around his dripping cock and cum leaking out of his ass. Still...

That deep hatred, that ever-living outrage that burned within Noel raged forth. If he complied with this wolf, with people like him, then he would truly be the slut they claimed he was. He refused to let them break him. All the things the wolf had done to him made his stomach turn in shame, yet he wouldn't give the fucker the satisfaction of seeing him bend over.

"Yyhhu," Noel said, as clearly as he could, right at the wolf's face.

Again, his smile diminished just a little.

"...What did you say? I'll ask again. Who is the fag here, me or you?"

Noel's eyes narrowed with defiance.

"Yyyouh," he repeated, as best as he could, through the disgusting pair of underwear inside his shut maw.

This time, however, the wolf's smile returned instead of fading. It grew larger, even.

"I thought you'd say that, ottertoy. You know what, I'm happy you did, 'cause that only lets me have more and more fun proving you wrong."

The grab on the back of Noel's neck twisted in a hurtful way and again, the wolf pulled him to start dragging him. Noel stumbled down from the bed following his hold, grunting and fighting in complaint.

The wolf nonchalantly yanked him towards the fancy table by the side of the bedroom. There, he grabbed the bottle of expensive champagne sitting in its bucket of ice and, much to Noel's surprise threw it against the wall. It shattered against the opposite corner of the room with a loud crack, scaring the otter, with the expensive beverage soaking the carpet below.

Before Noel could even recover from that, he saw the wolf setting the ice bucket on the ground. Noel didn't understand it until he felt his shoulders getting grabbed, the wolf easily manhandling him, turning him around, then pushing him back. Noel fell back, stumbling, and found himself falling sitting right inside of...

"HMMFGH!" Noel yelled when he felt the mix of ice and freezing water right against both his ass and, worse yet, his balls. The bucket was just wide enough for his lean frame to fit inside and, when he desperately tried to get up and out of it, the wolf instead pushed his shoulders down, making Noel yell again and tear up as he was pressed down until his balls sank between the ice cubes. Even his vibrating sheath-cage was submersed into the icy water. It didn't stop vibrations at all, but the ice flowing inside it, enveloping his sheath and straining cock, was one of the worst, most uncomfortable things Noel had ever felt.

"What? I just thought I'd help make sure your ass is gonna be okay after taking my knot!" the wolf said, laughing at the way Noel thrashed and squirmed to get out of the ice bucket. Ice and water spilled out from the sides onto the carpet as well, but every time Noel tried to get out, the wolf just pushed him right back in, keeping him in there.

"You know why I need to make sure your slutty ass is okay?" With a firm hold on his shoulder to keep Noel still, then the wolf brought his phone up right against Noel's face so he could see the screen. At first, Noel was too preoccupied trying to get out of the bucket to look, but when he caught a glimpse of what it was, his blood ran as cold as the ice surrounding his balls.

It was a schedule. In the Court Rouge's app... And for the rest of the week, every night looked the same.

When the wolf saw that Noel had caught on, he grinned, then hit confirm at the bottom of the screen. A loading circle popped up for just a moment, then the confirmation message appeared.

The wolf had just scheduled the entire rest of the week with to be with him. Every night.

The hold on his shoulder vanished. Noel didn't even try to stand up right away, the initial impact of the ice on his balls having turned into just a deeply uncomfortable cold.

"It was hell-a expensive to grab previously scheduled slots for a whole week, but I've got the cash to spare and I was just too eager to keep seeing you, ottertoy. I'm sure you and I are gonna have tons of fun! By the end of the week, we'll see what your answer to that question of mine is gonna be."

The wolf's grin of utter and complete victory made Noel's heart sink. He felt a deep, deep hatred burn within him. He finally started struggling to get out of the bucket again, which ended with him having to topple it over and falling to the floor with icy water running over him and the carpet. The wolf simply laughed at that too, but then turned to walk away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, slut! You can keep the underwear! Tomorrow I'll make sure to save the jockstrap from my daily practice just for you!"

By the time Noel got up, the wolf's lingering laughter was already out of the door. He was glad the jerk at least didn't choose to spend the night there. Noel rushed to the bathroom to soak his balls in some warm water, but the absolute jackass of a wolf hadn't even turned any of the options off. Noel knew his jaw would get unstuck and the cage would stop vibrating eventually, but he couldn't know for sure when and, until then, he was stuck squirming with unwanted pleasure and tasting the underwear of one of the men he now hated the most in the whole world while burning with humiliating shame.

When Noel returned from the bathroom whimpering and cursing that the fucking cage wasn't stopping its vibrations, he saw his 'phone' light up amidst his discarded clothes on the floor. When the otter picked it up, he saw a notification that made him want to yell out in rage.

"Appointment made for Thursday, 27th."

Noel scrolled down the usual and, while it didn't tell him the customer's name, it did say it was a wolf and he already knew who it was. Then, the otter reached the end of the appointment notification.

"Special requests: 'have underwear inside muzzle when I arrive'."

The otter felt like throwing his phone against the wall. He almost did, but in the end, it would only be worse for him. Instead, all Noel could do was continue squirming on his bed, pawing at his cage that kept vibrating and forced to feel the tortuous, unending pleasure while his mind went through the fact that he'd have to spend several other nights with that wolf... and there was nothing he could do about it. As always.