Damn it, I need this! Chapter 4

Story by Faller on SoFurry

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#5 of Damn it, I need this!

Hey. Its been a few days since the last installment. This may not hit with some furs. I just felt it would be nice to try a slightly different situation. You will understand what I'm trying to hint at soon. Eva has just woken up and has to work. But this is not a simple Nine to Five day. I hope you enjoy.

Eva woke up in the bed. She didn't open her eyes though. Sensing the lack of her horse, she didn't have much of a reason to wake yet. Then it hit her. "Uggg... I have to work today... from Ten until..." Her eyes snapped open as she felt the clock staring down at her. She slowly turned her head, hoping that she had set the alarm and she hadn't slept through it. She closed her eyes and quickly turned her head to the clock. Her eyes flicked open. With a sigh of relief, she saw the alarm was on and she didn't miss it.

Then her eyes widened again as she realized that the time was seconds away from the alarm. Eva considered her alarm the most irritating and loud noise she has ever heard. But it is the only one that wakes her from her deep sleeps. With seconds left to react, she lunged for the alarm off button. But she missed and tumbled onto the floor with a painful thud. She laid in pain, before snapping out of it reaching her hand, blindly fumbling for the button. Only after knocking over a lamp and a glass of water did she finally find the button. With a sigh of relief, she laid on the floor. Closing her eyes in peace, she accidentally fumbled back to sleep.

Suddenly, Eva's ears were pierced by the dreadful alarm. She rose quickly realizing she must have hit the snooze instead. In her rush, she managed to hit her head on the bed frame. She clasped her head, throbbing form the horrible sound coupled with the bash to her head. She shimmied out from under the bed and slammed her paw down on the alarm button, now sure of its location. She stood up, exhausted from her adventure as she leaned on the bed.

After the pain settled and the humor of the scene floated through her head, she started to giggle softly, then chuckle. In no time, she was rolling on the floor in laughter, tears stinging at her eyes. She got up slowly, still naked, and she chuckled herself into the shower. She didn't bother closing the bathroom door. She knew that Steven wouldn't be back for another hour and a half.

Eva turned on the hot water. However, Steven had used enough previously that it was a little colder than she would have liked. She frowned and then sighed as she reached down to fur around her pussy, caked and matted from the night before.

"I really wish we could spend more time together." Eva confided in her mind. "We only occasionally see each other in the evening, and he can only work out during the morning. That stupid construction job takes up so much of his time." She thought as she lathered her body. She attempted to forget her thoughts by starting to hum a song that was constantly blaring on the radio.

She rinsed off with the movable shower head. She moaned when she turned the jetting water at her pussy lips. The water pulsed through her lips, cleaning Steven's pre out of her pussy and its surrounding fur enjoyably. She wanted to push in more but thought of the time.

"I better stop or I'm going to be late." She said to herself as she put the shower head back and turned off the water. She stepped out of the shower. She reached for a clean towel from under the sink and soaped off some of the water. Then she plugged in the hair-dryer and finished off her black coat, giving it a healthy shine.

While she dried, she looked at how her fur changed from black to off-white as it approached her hands and feet and even the tips of her ears. She folded her ears back, emphasising the gray crest across her forehead that faded into black up her head and white as it went down to her chin. Her chest had a similar gray crest but it quickly changed back to black as her fur flowed over her breasts, with pink nipples highlighted in the dark fur. A white patch also framed her pussy up to her pucker and blending into her gray tail. Eva stepped out of the bathroom shimmering beautifully.

She approached her dresser and pulled out a simple, dark blue short-sleeved top, some low heel shoes, a pair of fresh, tight jeans, and a blue thong, speckled with white. She slipped everything on and grabbed her keys, wallet, and cell phone. And she headed out the door, locking the bottom and dead locks. She descended two flights of stairs to reach the parking garage. She stepped into a gray Honda civic, and pulled out of the garage, driving towards work.

Eva arrived, parked, and walked into the employee entrance. Eva worked at Public Relation's office that handled public events and speeches. She took the elevator up to the third floor. She stepped out to she her supervisor, a chubby Ram, the very one she caught getting sucked off by Violet, the office slut. She glared at him and he sulked into his cubicle. She walked over to her station and sat in her chair. She booted up her computer and opened her files on the team's current project.

Eva looked up from her seat and rolled her eyes as Violet came walking towards her. She pretended to do something important. Violet and was tall dalmatian, who's hips waved with her tail with every step. She was wearing black high-heels, a small gray mini-skirt, and a tight gray jacket that pushed her impressive breasts. Eva doubted she was wearing underwear of any kind.

"Hey Eva, can I talk to you about something?" She said leaning on Eva's desk and projecting her ass out, to the notice of every male in the office.

"Actually I have a lot of work to do." Eva said trying to ignore her.

"Please Eva, I really need your help."

Eva rolled her eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"

The dalmatian turned and started walking, "Follow me." she said sharply. Eva was infuriated, but she knew that Violet would not get off her back unless she just followed her. Eva rose disdainfully and followed Violet's swaying hips.

After a minute or two of walking Eva sniffed the air to notice something curious. She smelled heat. She gasped as she realized it was Violet. It was stronger then most heat that she had ever smelled. She didn't even notice when Violet led her into the bathroom. In a daze, Eva wandered into the room, and Violet locked it behind her. Eva snapped back to reality and turned to Violet.

"Okay, what's the big idea Viol-" Violet cut off Eva when she stuffed her tongue into Eva's mouth. Eva was in utter shock as Violet pushed her up against the wall as she invaded Eva's mouth.

"I've been deprived, and none of the useless furs in this damn office can help me. I think I need a female touch." Violet said sensually as she started to unbutton Eva's shirt.

Eva was aghast, "But...why me?"

"We both know that your the only other sexy fur in this building aside from me. Trust me, from your reaction I think we are both going to enjoy this." Violet said passionately. She tossed Eva's shirt into the corner before attending to her bra and pushing her tongue back into Eva's mouth. Eva began to settle as her bra popped off. She pushed violet into the kiss and used her other hand to go for the zipper on Violet's shirt. Violet moaned and broke the kiss as her spotted tits bursted from her tiny shirt. The garment dropped down her shoulders.

Violet leaned down and started to suckle one Eva's nipples and pinching the other with her fingers, causing Eva to moan in pleasure. "Oh Violet. That is fantastic." Violet released her grip on the nipple and said, "Call me Vi." Eva gave a toothy grin as she latched onto Vi's pierced nipples, using her tongue to wiggle the metal bars. Vi grinded her teeth in bliss as she reached down to unzip Eva's Jeans. The jeans slid down followed soon by the thong. Eva leaned down and unzipped Vi's skirt as she tossed her clothes to the corner. Vi kicked her heels in the same direction as her skirt slid down her toned ass.

Eva looked into Vi's eyes and pushed her down to the ground, making her lean her back against the wall. Eva leaned down and took in Vi's heat from her dotted pussy. She soon pushed two or three fingers deep into the bitch's pussy. Vi groaned in ecstasy and she fondled her tits and pinched her nipples. Eva added another finger inside of Vi as she flicked her tongue at her clit. She continued and attempted squeeze the last of her fingers into the stretching pussy. Vi yelled as Eva's fist ripped her in half. Eva was amazed at how much she could fit in her.

"Damn it Vi, your pussy is huge, but so tight." Eva's fist popped into the pussy and she pumped her fist inside of Vi. Vi was screaming in agony induced pleasure, through clenched teeth approaching her limit. Eva wiggled her fingers around inside of Vi. She howled as she finally came and sprayed all over Eva's soaking fist. Eva leaned down to lap up the juices flowing out of Vi. She pulled her fist out of her, and stuck her fingers in her mouth, moaning and staring up at Vi.

"Lay down Eva, its your turn." Vi said seductively. Eva complied, surprised when Vi swung her legs over Eva's mouth and they stuffed each other's mouths with wet cunt. They went straight for it and stabbed each other with their tongues, deep in their assholes or pussies, all the while using fingers to fill any empty spaces. The bathroom was filled with a symphony of groans, whimpers, growls, and howls as each fur approached their respective climaxes. As Vi came she pushed her pelvis down on Eva's face, and Eva returned the favor as they both peaked, spraying juices all over their faces. Their mouths were plastered with each other's scent as they redressed. They washed off their faces and unlocked the doors. They walked out of the bathroom Eva a little behind Vi. Eva left work early for home, with help of Vi's leverage with the seats of power. She fought back biting her nails as she started up the car. She needed to talk with Steven about this little indiscretion. Eva drove home, wondering what would become of their relationship now. Little did she know her guilt trip did not only belong to her.

Well there it is. For those not a big fan of F/F, sorry. It just seemed like the next logical path in the story. The next chapter will be quite an interesting one. Stick around. Again, please comment, rate, and let loose if feel so inclined. It is always appreciated. Hope to see you soon.