The Lesson, Part Two

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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The Lesson, Part Two.

(In part one, Linda I pretty snow leopard single mom sets out to teach her daughter Tiffany, a hermaphrodite about male sexuality. Things get out of hand, and Tifffany mates her mother, who is in heat.)

It is about six weeks later. Linda is reading in bed after a long day. Tiffany sticks her head in the door.

"Night, Momma!"

"Tiff? Come here a moment......"

Linda motions for her daughter to sit on the bed next to her, which she does.

"I went to the doctor today."


"I'm pregnant. I'm having twins."

In a moment, the reality hits her.

"Momma! Are they....ours?" she asks with obvious excitement

"Uh huh. You're the 'father'.

Tiffany squeaks with excitement. She tackles her mother in a bear hug.

"Momma! I'm so happy! "

Tiffany pulls back the covers, and lays her head on her belly.

"A little early for that. They're not doing much yet." She smiled.

"They? Twins?"

She listens even more intently.

"Didn't I just tell you that? I guess you weren't listening beyond 'pregnant'"

Tiffany pulls her mothers night gown up, and her panties down, still listening.

"It's going to be a long wait, dear....."

Tiffany goes to hug her mother, clinging tight to her side. Soon, mom notice something.

"Getting a bit 'pokey' there...can mom help you?"

"Momma....can I mate you again?"

Linda thinks for a moment.

"Well, I guess there's no harm now.....OK; go ahead dear......"

Tiffany pulls her little baby doll nightgown over her head. Not even waiting to remove the matching panties, she shoves them to her knees. In moments, she is poking at her mother's sex.....

"Hey! Slow down, there! This is supposed to be fun for BOTH of us....."

Tiffany looks guilty.

"Yes, Momma!"

She begins to go in and out more slowly.

"Nice....that's mommy's girl....."

Tiffany lay on her mother's chest humping gently. She was learning to make love in a gentle caring way. Linda held her, a hand on her waist, the other gently stroking her head.

"You are so pretty; such a beautiful, gentle lover. You make mommy feel so good...."

It wasn't long before Tiffany came, pumping her mother's vagina full of thick warm cum. They spent the night together, warm and happy, falling asleep while they were still knotted together.

It is now several months later. Tiffany and her mother spend many nights together. But, things have changed. With babies coming, Linda works as many hours as she can. This means Tiffany is alone many evenings. Linda is also tired a lot. Even though she is at six months, she has changed. Her belly hangs down to her crotch. Her breasts are sore and drooping. She is tired all the time. And Tiffany had her first heat while she was away.

It wasn't that mother didn't want to help; she was just stretched too thin. One night, soon after she got her heat, Tiffany got an idea. Going to her mother's medicine cabinet, she empties a prescription bottle. Then she found an eye dropper. Laying on her bed, she wiggled out of her snug jeans. Pushing her little underpants down, she began to stroke her sheath. In no time, her pink maleness popped out. Tiff smiled. She liked to look at it. Just seeing it aroused her. Her heat had been bad. Worse for her, because her female side aroused her male side. She had missed a lot of school, since she was aroused constantly. Masturbating only provided so much relief. But tonight would be different.

Tiffany lay there stroking her cock. Her fingers encircled it, running up and down the lubricated shaft, until she was breathing heavily, eyes closed. But, just as she came, she ejaculated into the medicine bottle. Once she had caught all of her cum in it. She took the medicine dropper. Flat on her back, she spread her legs. Placing the dropper in the medicine bottle, she pulled the warm cum into the dropper. Then she placed the dropper deep in her vagina, and squeezed. Time and again, she filled the dropper, and put in deep in her sex. She smiled. Feeling her vagina fill with warm semen felt good. She kept at it until the vial was empty. Then, she went into a headstand, until she felt the warm stickiness deep inside her.

Tiffany developed a routine. Every morning g when she woke, she would masturbate, and put her sperm inside her. She did it again each night. Tiffany was very diligent. She did this each day, without fail., For weeks on end, she performed her secret ritual.

One day, Linda had a doctor's appointment. Over the last few weeks, she had notice Tiffany getting listless tired, just seeming sick. She decided to take her with her to the doctor. Linda told her at breakfast. Tiffany rebelled.

"I don't WANT to! Why can't you leave me alone!"

"You're going, and that's final! Now, go get dressed!"

So she did. After she did, she realized that she hadn't masturbated this morning. Laying on the bed, she quickly pulled down her panties. Rubbing herself harshly, she quickly got her erection. She rubbed herself off, collecting the precious sperm. She filled the dropper, and placed the first vial in her womb. Just then the door opened.

"Tiff aren't you.........oh my GOD! WHAT are you doing?"

Her mother grabbed the dropper and the medicine bottle. She looked at it, and sniffed it.

"My GOD, Tiffany! Why?......."

Tiffany lay there, trembling.

"Uh...I uh.....I wanted to have a baby,, we could, you know, do it together..."

Linda pulled her underwear up, as she had when she was four. She stuffed the vial into her purse, with the dropper. Linda took Tiffany's hand. Her grip was hard, and pulled at her harshly.


When they got to the medical building, Linda pulled her from the car, and dragged her to the doctor's office upstairs. Tiffany didn't like it. Everything was cold and white, and smelled of medicine. When they got to the office. Linda turned to her daughter.


Then, Linda went to talk to the nurse. They whispered, so she couldn't hear what they were saying. Her mother sat back down next to her, and held her hand. They sat there like that for what seemed like hours. After an agonizing wait, the nurse summoned them in. She took them to an examining room. The nurse sat her on this big scary table. Tiffany was shaking with fear. The nurse handed her mother a gown, and a plastic container. Then she left. Taking her into the bathroom, Tiffany's mother took off all her clothes. Then she took out the container.

"You'll need to pee into this, Tiff."

Naked and shaking, she tried to pee in the cup. After a couple tries, she had half filled it with golden liquid. Her mother left it in the bathroom, put the gown around her, and sat her on the table. It would almost have seemed comical; Tiffany was tiny in the oversized gown. But it wasn't.

"Momma, I'm scared! What are they going to do to me?" she was shivering with fear.

Finally, her mother put an arm around her.

They're going to look at you. Down there. You'll lay down on this table. Your legs will be in these stirrups. Then, they'll open you up, and check your insides. It won't hurt. And it won't take long.

Minutes later, the doctor came in. She was a young Siamese. Tiffany was happy that the doctor was a girl. The doctor leaned over, and talked to her face to face.

"I'd like to take a look inside you. Would that be OK?"

Tiffany nodded.

"Ok, then, lay down, and get comfortable."

She placed her legs in the stirrups. Then the doctor took this awful looking thing, and spread her girl opening wide. Tiffany hated this most of all. The doctor then poked around in her insides. While she was being examined, the nurse came in with a folder. The doctor looked, nodded, and the nurse left. When the exam was over, the doctor pulled up a chair.

"Your daughter is about six weeks pregnant.'

"That's impossible!" Linda protested "She's never...."

"That's right." The doctor answered, calmly. "Her hymen is intact But what you described....the introduction of fertile sperm into her vagina is certainly capable...."

Tiffany had this strange mix of feelings. She hated how unhappy her mother, her best friend was. But she was pregnant! That was her fondest wish.

"We need to take care of this!" Linda exclaimed, angrily.

"NO!" Tiffany yelled, running for the door, when the nurse caught her.

"We....can have this discussion on her next visit. I feel that would be best. " the doctor declared, looking into Tiffany's eyes with kindness.

The ride home seemed endless . Neither one of them spoke. When they got there, Tiffany ran for her room, slamming the door. Minutes later, her mother appear. Her eyes were red from crying.


She could see the tears run down her cheeks.

Tiffany started to babble.

"I I..I...just wanted to do it too......I wanted us to have babies, and be happy together, and I'm sorry Momma, I wanted you to be happy to......"

Tiffany was sobbing, as her mother gathered her up in her arms.

"My poor have no idea what you've gotten yourself into...."

"Momma, don't let them take my babies! I can do it! You'll help me, won't you, momma?

Linda drew her daughter close, her tears falling on her face.