Symptoms of Lycanthropy

Story by aethelfox on SoFurry

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Wow, a werewolf story in October? ImAgInE mY sHoCk.

Symptoms of Lycanthropy

by aethelfox

nsfw | 17/2 [17 minutes long, 2 minutes to the good stuff]

gay | furry | fox | wolf | werewolf | oral | anal


Terror painted Conner's face as he fled headlong into the woods. His vulpine legs moved as fast as they could carry him, black paws flinging dirt into the dark night. The bright moon lit all, preventing any hiding place and making escape the only option. His orange fur lit nearly fluorescent compared to the darkness around. It wasn't the first time he'd wished to have been silver instead of red.

Thunderous stomps and the snaping of branches echoed all around. His ears couldn't discern the direction, but he knew that the beast was still behind. It was bigger than him. Stronger. Faster. No no no no no. Can't outrun and can't outfight, but what was there to do? Adrenaline surged to keep the fox moving, pushing deeper into the trees. But he was a well-broadcasted will-o-wisp for the monster to follow.

The woods were becoming thick, overgrown with lack of care. Conner had to slow down to hurdle obstacles, but the snapping behind declared that the creature didn't. This wouldn't work. He needed a better plan. But before he could think, slippy dew and grippy plants attacked the fox's legs, and his wet paws lost their hold of the world. He fell to the earth, landing with surprising grace upon his shoulder.

He sprang back up after a moment's pause, only to be wrapped with furious fur. He cried aloud, begging for help from the universe. But in the woods, no one can hear you scream. The monster handled the fox as he pleased, bowing his body to drive the vulpine back into the dirt. Conner gasped again, air forced from his lungs, and tried to claw away. But the beast would not have that. He pressed his full weight down to keep the vulpine's chest compressed. Conner's struggle began to wane as his consciousness slipped.

The beast took the opportunity. He stood quickly, holding the fox against his chest. Conner was too busy gasping for air to provide any fight. With a quick push, the monster turned the fox onto his shoulder, leaving the limp vulpine to dangle behind. Now with full control, the beast grabbed the supple rear before him with a conquering squeeze and trudged off into the dark.

Conner panting soon renewed his grip on the world. He came to the slow realization that he wasn't dead. Yet. He was just face down over a monster's shoulder. Rough, unkempt fur dug into his face as he bounced into the beast's back. He moved his arms to brace better, pushing on the monster. His hands felt a solid mass, so strong to the touch: a wall with no resistance under the matted fur. The hand on his body conveyed ownership, and the muscular body ensure that ownership would stay.

Soon the monster stopped and his hands under the fox's hips. With a quick push, Conner was thrust into the air. Just a bit of manhandling further and the fox was back on the ground, staring the beast in the face. 8 feet tall. Dark fur, probably grey, but impossible to discern in the dark. Round, solid muscles everywhere they should be. Legs bent with feral prowess, long and thin. A thick tail of matted fur danced behind. A head with wide, pointed ears and a hefty muzzle. Its back curved down to crowd the fox, and to draw the vulpine's attention to the most important parts of all. A massive sheath, long and thick, with a red protrusion poking out. Down below hung a duo of hefty balls, chock full of angry cum.

This was a werewolf all right, which came to slight relief to the fox. There were plenty of more horrible creatures in the night. All of those devoured their prey, but this creature only wanted to spread his seed. Too contained with lust were they, unable to think of much else as testosterone pumped.

A clawed hand behind the head forced the fox forward. The tip ground rough and offensive against his lips before he could part them to capitulate. And capitulate he would. Such a thing was much better than being eaten. Just a quick succ and be on your way. He was a fox, of course: built for the big wolf cock. This would be easy.

But before he could show to the world how simple a task it was, the wolf humped forward with a deep aggression. The hot, red violation scraped against the fox's maw as it dove inside, spraying the area with pre. And there were undertones in the taste. It tasted of iron and aggression, and it was filled with powerful spikes of testosterone. This animal was in rut, and he wanted a bit more than to just release his seed.

The fox froze at the power, allowing the wild lupine to take control. Both hands grasped the head, holding the fox still as the wolf's hips activated. Red meat dove inside the waiting maw, railing against the tongue inside before being yanked away. The second jab was instant, driving the rod back inside and finding a dominating rhythm. Conner blinked and squinted his eyes at the attack. It was already happening before he could realize. He lashed with his tongue and tried to close his mouth, but the member dove inside with impunity. He raised his arms to brace, but his strength was nothing compared to the monster above. The werewolf simply plowed away, forcing the ever-growing meat into the maw-turned-lovetunnel.

Conner gulped desperately at the gushing pre. At first, he was just trying to keep his throat clear for his nose to breathe. But as more settled in his stomach, his mood began to shift. Drinking down another man's juices caused a stir in the fox. The domineering feral musk didn't help either, emanating from the unwashed hide and giving the air a tingly scent. All combined with the less-than-optional scenario coaxed his pink prick to raise in the night. His resistance began to wane, letting the monster claim his maw.

The monster seemed to take notice, allowing glimpses of freedom for the fox to find creativity. A lolling tongue to blunt the teeth. A nod at an angle to drag the tip along the way. A grippy paw to hold the lovely orbs. A sucking kiss at the bulging knot. And it was bulging incredibly fast too. The freedom given soon disappeared as the wolf took back over, thrusting wild to finish the assault with a bang. Feral balls twitched in the fox's hand, ready to unload their goods. A flicking tail struggled for balance. Sloppy, grunting werewolf noises echoed all around.

Then with a slam and a howl, the beast unloaded his first shot into the vulpine maw. Thick, goopy mess splattered against the fox's throat, easily slipping down it with the swallowing pride of the fox. Conner's vison blurred as he focused all his energy on sucking down that glorious spunk. It was a heavenly feeling of complete domination, forced to take it all under the monster's paw. Sharp claws bit into the fox's head, keeping him pinned down as more ropes were unleashed.

Too much it was for the unprepared fox. Conner began to struggle at the immensity provided. And it didn't stop: more batter flooded his vulpine maw. It began to back up into his mouth. The sweaty, powerful taste of the animal cock was replaced with a more evil flavor. It tasted of demonic possession and returned fear to the fox's eyes. Sharp, stabbing pain filled his maw, backed up by cum's natural domineering. Conner closed his throat to prevent any more from slipping inside, instead letting it leak from his open muzzle. Thick droplets formed at his lips, before dripping, wasted, to the dirt below.

The werewolf growled at his toy, demanding full capitulation. But the fox knew only fear, a remained frozen on his knees. The monster cock was withdrawn, only to grind against the vulpine muzzle to fire off its remaining ammo. Thick, evil spunk splattered on the fox's face, bathing the vulpine in the better animal's essence.

The beast sneered in anger, orgasm ruined by the fox's negligence. He had offered the fox a dignified escape, and the vulpine refused. Such things needed punishment. Powerful paws gripped and turned the fox onto all fours. He yanked the fox's hips high, forcing the crooked legs to stretch.

Sticky cum drooled across his chin as Conner stared, wide-eyed. Perhaps if he would have drank it all down, he would be free by now. But that was no longer an option. Powerful paws held him high. Strength enough to handle his body so was not to be trifled with. Then came a poking at his raised and exposed ring. His lips drew back in a terrified grin, conceding to the beast above.

The wolf behind jammed his way forward, thrusting inside the vulpine's rear. Conner exhaled in shock as his ring made way for the conquering force. The fat cock was still fully engorged, and the turgid mass was just a touch bigger than what the vulpine's tightness could handle. The lupine yanked back and dove in again, underlining his absolute size to the vulpine below. He quickly found a rhythm, as sharp barks began slipping from the fox. The werewolf was no longer in the mood to address complaints and plowed away.

Fox bodies are built for abuse, and Conner's was no different. The unique shape of the canine dick allowed for a moment's rest as the knot bashed against his vulpine ring. His butt stretched quick, yielding to the invading member.

He felt each impact of the hard tip inside. His face was painted with fear and used spunk, and he knew that the beast was edging closer to filling him with the evil seed. It still stang in his maw, leaving his foxtongue numb. He was poised to take the injection of spunk however the wolf willed. He had no way to stop it; the wolf would find pleasure however he desired.

Control was gone: taken by the monster. And that feeling twisted its way into the fox. So powerless to stop it was he. His mind knew the joys of a fat rod stretching his foxhole. More than just his body began to yield. The throbbing inside his walls felt right at home, like a key belongs in a lock. The grip and pull on his tail echoed tender wonder into his brain. His body doubled over and rear raised high were a joyous chorus. And his fluffy white balls, dangling ignored below, were righteously contained fury.

Poor, innocent vulpine. Just feeling what came natural.

The beast payed no attention to the fox's thoughts and instead pounded at the rear. It was now his, and he intended to fill it with lupine seed. He humped with anger and aggression, wanting to teach the fox his place: bent below a stronger male, just as God intended. And more was needed. The wolf pressed his still-inflated knot against the fox's ring. Conner's emerging joy turned to pain as his body struggled to compensate. But the wolf wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. He pulled hard at the vulpine hips and slipped inside the precious territory. The red of pain flashed in Conner's eyes. He cried out, and the knot deployed further inside, keeping his body stretched for the eternal invasion. Violent thrusts began to slam at the vulpine. The mass of meat was a bludgeon, forcing his tunnel to constantly contort as it assaulted his body.

He really was just another animal in the woods then. A prey taken by a violent predator, with no way to stop the inevitable. Normally the prey ends up inside the predator, but this time the reverse was true. The feral cock was teaching him his place. Now locked inside, it was going to paint his insides white with its dirty cum. Conner was the smartest animal in the forest, pinned beneath a dumb creature. His position atop the food chain meant nothing now. Such a thing was humiliating in such a tantalizing way. His own cock continued to inflate, not knowing that the joy was unrelated to it. It didn't help at all that the wolf's knot was now grinding against his love button, sending in waves of pleasure to demean the fox. His face grew red, enjoying the fact that he was being assfucked by an animal in the woods.

A sloppy thrust marked the home stretch. The wolf was beginning to lose focus. The time was drawing close. The cock pounded against a rear. Twin balls smacked with force. Angry, domineering growls invaded ears and kept them pinned passive on a skull. Two tails bounced and wagged, searching for balance as the thrusts grew faster and sloppier. Painful claws dug into the fox's hide, keeping him lifted and cowed. The fox's ring clenched in the fervor, keeping the wolf well-buried and providing a delicious pressure.

Growls turned to a snarl as the wolf bucked with a powerful ferocity. The cock pulsed against the tunnel as it unleashed its proper batch. Thick goo flew from the tip, becoming a deep injection to poison the vulpine from within. The known stabbing pain and sense of possession slapped the fox again. This time it was more dull, but much more strong. Feral spunk was being injected deep within his bowels, placed in a way which could never be removed.

The fox released a surprised exhale as pleasure slipped from his grasp and evil replaced it. The cock in his ass fired again, injecting more hot spunk inside the vulpine. Conner's eyes held the story. A creature of the night had stolen control. His ass was to be bred by this evil beast. The seed was a violation to his body.

More ropes quickly spawned to reinforce the first two. Fat balls churned and liquid filled the vulpine. He could feel the cock spraying each new serving directly into his waiting body. A pulsing knot sealed the exit, leaving his deepness the only available path. The cream dove in with glee, glad to be within a warm body. Conner could feel it flowing inside. Growing. Churning. An eerie fullness began to grow at the fox's core.

But the feeling faded quick with the halt of release.

The wolf had spent his load.

The wolf leaned slightly into the fox, keeping him pinned below. The command was obvious: 'Don't even try and run.' Conner was in no position to argue. The weight from above and the tying knot inside kept him still. The wolf panted with haggard breaths, clearly exhausted from exertion. Conner panted too, body stretched wide and holding up a massive weight.

The evil feeling began to spread inside the fox. The spunk was migrating though his body, becoming a caked layer on his insides. He could feel it inching along, swimming deeper and grinding against his muscles. He didn't know what exactly it was doing, and that frightened him. He'd had heard enough tales throughout the years to guess what might happen but knew not the truth.

For the werewolf's part, while he had felt pleasure, he had no interest in remaining tied. The night was still too short for his liking, and much had to be done before the sunrise. He knew the wait would only be a few minute's time: the fox had taken the knot at full bloom; he could pull it out at full bloom too.

"Relax." came the deep, booming voice. It was not the embrace of a caring lover, but instead a command. Conner had barely realized his body's reaction. While his mind knew horror, his body loved every moment. His cock twitched, leaking pre in slow shots to the dirt. His knot had fully deployed in his sheath. And his rear had clenched down, keeping the wolf inside and pressed against the internal joy. He obeyed the order though and released his tension.

The wolf yanked his softening knot from the fox with a slorp. Conner grimaced from the pain. The werewolf let the fox fall to the ground and trudged off into the darkness.

It was over. Conner breathed heavy for a few moments, then rolled onto his back to recover. Cum leaked slow from his ravaged hole, painting his orange tail white. The sticky offense in his maw could now be spat out. The residue on his face could be wiped away. But the spunk injected inside could not be removed. He was marked eternally by the wolf: prey for a predator to hunt.

His body tingled where the fluids had been. Some had seemed to have soaked into him, and the rest writhed its way within. And it still flowed inside, clearly trying to get to a target. Thankfully enough was wrong for any such activity to cause issues. He was glad to be male in the moment. A nine-month burden from a walk in the woods would be true devastation.

He slowly gained strength to stand in the night. His body seethed, uncomfortable and sore, but Conner knew better than to stay prone. Other werewolfs would be able to smell the breeding scent and could easily track him down. The smell was powerful and evil to the fox's nose, with slices of pleasantry budding from inside. It caused again a stir within him. It was a pure shot of masculinity, and his body craved more. He lifted his tail in the night, leaving his used rear unguarded to the world around.

But real monsters lurk in the dark. Hungry ones. Violent ones. More than just aroused wolfpeople. He forced his legs to locomote and wandered back to his home for the night.

'But I didn't get bit.'

He'd thought it enough times that he was almost mocking himself now. Too many symptoms had trickled into consciousness to allow for any more dismissal. He had to know. Was "a bite" simply a prudish claim by mythology? Would the 'bite' of a pointed cock jammed inside a helpless body do just fine?

While the woods were not tame, they were tame enough that people had begun to ignore the myths of old, just as he had some nights ago. Knowledge had slipped from the common consciousness and ignorance had taken hold.

He had but one source of information: and old book, forgotten in his possession:_Lycanthropy Trials_by Karl Adelson. Deeply scientific it was, pages filled with medical chronicles over the condition. It was intended for professionals in the field, not a lowly fox to read. He'd stolen it from an abandoned hospital; taken for its ancient novelty.

He began to read the book, page by page thought the days, looking for some hard statement for him to hold on to. He was hoping for the confirmation of the old knowledge: that bites conveyed the poison. But instead he found a terrible case study.

Patient presented with irritability, restlessness, and desire for red flesh. These three are the classic symptoms of Lycanthropy. Of note were absent the yielding secondaries: heavy fur growth and growing fangs and claws. When prodded about encounters with a wild animal, he became distant, and only confirmed that "Some weeks ago" he had an encounter. When asked to show the 'bite, scratch, or wound', he claimed there was none. Flore Mira Borealis was administered, and he was cured and discharged within three days.

The passage noted one touch of an issue: Flore Mira had been banned a good number of years ago due to its terrible and random effects on the sick. Why the word 'Borealis' was appended to the plant was unknown to the fox. He continued reading.

Logic dictates that the patient must have sustained an injury to be infected with Lycanthropy. However, he'd clearly distinguished that there was none. There must be another infection route. And given with his cagey nature, I conclude that it must have been something personally embarrassing: inevitably a sexual encounter. I wonder deep if the lack of the yielding secondaries was somehow related.

Tension gripped the vulpine's stomach. There before him was confirmation: Cum--not spit--was an animal's essence. Though it was clear that either would do. And one of which he had taken a load of. He remembered the night, sucking down the fat load that plastered his maw, then stopping in fear of its poisoning taste. Poison indeed it was, but maybe he was wrong to stop. Would the infection have taken root if he'd have been a good little fox and swallowed down all the goo? His mind couldn't help but think it so.

The next few days held odd sensations for the vulpine. It started with a wave of an odd tingling deep within his core. It would pass, only to return stronger some hours later, keeping him wary of its presence. Soon it shifted from tingle to dull pain, doing work inside his body. The waves of pain became stronger over the days, becoming debilitating as they washed over him. Something was amiss. But about the time he decided to risk help, the pain ceased. His belly was left somewhat tender, flinching at touches but otherwise seemed fine.

The full moon was drawing close by then. Glimpses of the rounding orb began to wash up emotions. The first was a primal state, not quite angry, but surely uncontained wild. The second was a deep lust, pulsing though his body from his achy rear. He realized that he hadn't partaken in any "self-help" since before the incident, and his duo pair were heavy and swollen. But attempts at direct stimulation left him frustrated hours into his sessions. Something more than just a hand was needed for his unreleased body.

He could feel himself being dragging in two different directions. One wanted to chase down his own prey and stuff it full of vulpine seed. The other wanted to be pinned against the earth as a daddy werewolf violated his body again. His emotions surged between the two. They were competitors. Opposites. They battled within his weak mind, neither yielding their ground. Both were abhorrent to him; one immoral and the other harmful. The days drew past with no winner, and a lack of control by the fox. The war would not be won in time for the full moon. He'd have to keep himself isolated.

Conner had a plan that night. He locked himself in a room, an assortment of keys in hand to get him out once his mind knew logic again. All the keys he could find, in fact. So many that he wasn't sure himself in his still sane mind which would get him out. Such a thing was good, as him not knowing meant the beast inside knew not either.

The effect was a gradual grip on his mind, starting with images of wild fancy. First of running through the woods, care-free and naked, in the dead of night. Then of delicious food, strawberries, tomatoes, cherries... red meat. Raw. Fresh. He tried to push it away, but his body was too strong. Meat had a source: Murder. And he wanted to kill.

He gasped, terrified of the shocking thoughts within his brain. The domineering force was powerful and overwhelming. The moonlight gave it strength. It was poised to overwhelm him. It would make him do terrible things in the world.

But he was too sensitive of a soul. The last thing he wanted was to hurt other creatures. He wanted to help them instead. Like the werewolf he... saw... the last time. Maybe he needed more. Conner knew his own body had no ability to release on its own, so perhaps the wolf suffered as well. That poor creature with fat, pent-up balls and a red cock that never seemed to relax. Oh, and he remembered the taste. Evil he thought it was at the time, but now he realized it was just anger. Anger to be released into a vulpine maw... or rear...

A howl from the world outside made him snap out of his enamored state. His ears perked for a moment, letting him find its source. Walls were no match for his keen hearing. He pinpointed it to an inch. And he knew who it was. The howl was distinct.

He looked down at his body, seeing his bothered bits. His knot was fully deployed in the sheath, making it useless and no threat to the larger male. And what harm would another injection do? He already had the disease. What would happen, he'd become a double werewolf?

He looked down at the keys. Lycanthropy made the mind sharp, not dull. Werewolfs were brutally smart, calculated creatures. He knew which would unlock the door. He smiled. *click*

He took a long sniff at the outside air. He could smell the many wolves around. Each had their own distinct flavor in his nose, and one stuck out. It was his werewolf. The one he had known the month prior. And he was close by. Conner moved toward the scent.

His belly began to tingle as he drew near. The same tingling that had started a month prior. And with it came a throbbing ache. He could feel emptiness within, and he hated the feeling. He needed a fat, lupine cock to seal his desire.

The faint glowing of a pair of yellow eyes caught his gaze. A spike of adrenaline cooled his lust. His normal fox brain was still active and feared monsters in the night. He froze. And from the darkness resolved the hulking figure of the beast again. The werewolf smiled. His prey had returned. That was a good sign. He marched at the frozen fox, much too quick for Conner to react. Duo paws gripped the vulpine's shoulders. The fox's mind screamed to get away, but his body denied the impulse. The wolf spoke. "How ya doing in there?"

Conner gasped at the unexpected noise, dropping his mouth in awe of the situation. The smells of a man so close reactivated his lusty body. This wolf could remedy his achy need. His heart fluttered for a moment as the scent took him over, quickly gripping him and twisting his mouth into a smile.

The wolf took notice and pressed his maw in close, bumping his nose against the fox's. Haggard breaths exchanged between the open mouths before the wolf committed to taking his prize. His tongue lashed out with a lift of his chin, matching the fox's lips and diving inside. Hot red violated the fox's maw, pressing away the vulpine muscle and enforcing its size within. Conner exhaled though is nose as he ground his tongue against the invading mass, eyes becoming weak from the tender taste inside. It was raw power, with the domineering of a wolf in rut laced between the notes.

The wolf wrapped his arms around the vulpine to hold him still, then hitched his body forward to close the distance. The hard point of his cock dug against the fox's fur, snuggling in close as the weighted sheath impacted. It was an imposing force, hiding away an angry rod that wanted only to get on with it. And last to hit were the massive duo of balls, slapping rough against the white hide.

Conner opened his eyes wide at the feeling. A massive weight was now pressed against his body, all of it hot and screaming to get inside. But the oral ministrations did not cease, and the wolf continued his claim of the fox body. Liquid wolf dripped from the lupine tongue, challenging the fox for control. Conner new better than to resist the strong creature. He let the bashing tongue take his maw and hold him ransom. He was fully taken by the wolf's grasp.

But the wolf had different flavors of invasion in mind. He released his hold to let both creatures gasp for breath, fluid dripping sloppy on quivering lips. Conner dropped his weary head, now freed from the lupine attack. And between their bodies he saw the red point, so eager for its own assault. His hand had its own mind and grasped the sheath with investigative wonder. He could feel the heavy object inside, massive and twitching to escape its hold. Such a touch triggered the beast, and it released a shot of pre into the air. It sailed high enough to grace the fox's lips, before falling down onto his chest. Conner's other hand was not idle, and reached below to fondle the orbs. But his paw failed the task. It was not near big enough to hold even one of the duo monster's below.

"Like what you see?" breathed the wolf above. The fox made an enamored noise in response, slightly tightening his grip on the sturdy rod. The wolf laughed in response, before speaking again. "You think you can take it?"

"I... I did before." reminded the fox, recalling his last experience and turning much more red than normal.

"Yes, but that was last time." replied the wolf. "Much smaller was I before. But now, with a month's anticipation, I've got more need to bury inside."

The cock throbbed at the words, forcing the fox to concede to its power. Without a further word, the wolf squatted down, and pulled one vulpine leg from its footing. It wrapped his lupine hip in a heartbeat, wolf moving quick to capture his prey. His paws wrapped around the fox's rear. "Jump." he commanded. Conner conceded, pushing off the ground as the wolf hoisted him into the air. The fox grasped at the wolf with his hands and wrapped his legs, successfully climbing atop the mountain of a man. He gasped a little, happy, vulpine gasp. His own balls and sheath pressed against the wall of muscle, reminding him of his own needed release.

The wolf looked down and smirked. "You'll have to cum one last time for me, ok?" he said with his deep, gripping voice.

Connert felt the monster at his door.

"Ready?" asked the wolf.

The fox nodded.

With slow care, the wolf lowered the vulpine's rear, down into the pointed red. The fox's body capitulated to the poke, and let it slip into his body. The wolf smiled. And he pressed forward to commence the invasion, driving his whole length into the lithe creature. Conner gasped at the feeling, needy body now finally getting direct help. The wolf lifted his prey with a grunt and let him fall back onto the piercing rod. Meat pressed in again, forcing the vulpine to stretch and put pressure on needy parts.

Conner's sheath finally began to stir, blood flowing to fill the hidden pink. Another man inside made him whole, and his body couldn't help but show it. More thrusts attacked his rear as his pink flag expressed its joy. The power of the man beneath's lancing rod was enrapturing. But he could feel another emotion. Urgency. A man at work, driving toward a goal. A need for something more than a release. Conner felt it too. That cock_needed_ to unload inside a warm creature. He had to help in any way he could.

He began to pull himself away in synch with the wolf, then fall back down to meet the thrust. Each impact was a shot of pleasure for both animals, moans and grunts becoming one with the air. Hands tugged and tails flicked, keeping each creature in harmonic balance and letting that red rocket slam into the fox. The wolf's knot was getting harder by then. Yanking it free was becoming more difficult. Conner's ring strained against its mighty thickness before capitulating, letting it throb deep withing his vulpine figure. It was then pulled free by the combined strength and pressed against the hole again. Over and over, bathing both creatures in the grip of love, until the wolf had enough. He pressed in hard and held his assault, pinning himself against the fox. Conner could feel the knot as it swelled to life, thickening quick and sealing itself inside. He tried to clench to bring feeling to the mighty wolf, but his body was bullied away by the teeming size. How silyl vulpines are, thinking they have power.

Now fully knotted by the red menace, he could get a good read on the size of the twins below. His plump rear seemed to be the victor in area, but only barely. They seemed to squelch at presses, clearly mostly liquid amongst the working parts. He questioned in the moment if his body could contain it all, but knew the answer had to be 'yes'. Nothing would stop a deposit inside, and a deposit was coming. The wolfs face showed a relaxed anger, ready to bite, growl, lick and smile all at the same time. He continued to thrust, but tempo was lost. The cock danced in an erratic pattern as it reached its final size, ready to release inside the lusty vulpine.

A sharp bark punctuated the final thrust. The fat knot breathed in one last time and the rod twitched. Hands gripped and claws bit. A muzzle became a snarl. The air became gasps and hot wolf fired forth, rampaging into the ready vulpine. Conner joined the chorus as the thick liquid shot in, battering his insides with the terrifying seed.

The release and hard pressure on his nutt button was too much. His foxcock unloaded, painting the wolf's chest with the pent-up spunk. His body clenched and convulsed, clamping down on the rear invasion which was showing no signs of stopping. Wolf pumped in as fox pumped out, the lupine power forcing out any competitors.

Neither could stop their release amongst their entwined bodies, each trusting the other to be an anchor. The vulpine's spunk had begun to poison the air with its sinister scent, but the earthy smell of powerful lupine cum did not compete. It was all being pumped into the fox. Conner could feel it shooting inside to fill his lithe body. He could feel the mighty twins below churning as they unleashed their load. His body shook, swaying in the arms of the aggressive captor.

A bolt in his mind began to form. His eye's periphery was fuzzy, but the center was sharp. That knot driving into his love button was an almighty force. It coulnd't relax under the assault. It was stuck open like a valve, letting all his pent-up seed free to splash useless upon the lupine's chest. Each haggard pump of that round organ made the offending cock feel bigger and bigger, quickly becoming a solid rock inside his body.

And the wolf wasn't quiet either. His throbbing cock continued to launch its contents forth, turning the vulpine's innards from pink to white. And more was on the way. This was only the beginning. He moved his hips, just a touch in and out. His cock refused to move. The knot had made a solid seal. His mind lit at the resolution. His body bucked. And his throbbing shots turned to a steady stream, flowing into the vulpine with impunity.

Conner felt the change in volume. He could feel each sperm sing a quiet song, becoming an infinite chorus and growing still. He could feel them as they flowed in, twisting through the open corridors to settle deep inside. He heard his belly squish as the vanguard dove inside, making a hidden bulge grow under the contacting bodies. More troops quickly re-enforced the initial wave, flowing in and making the disturbance gain size.

Conner's cock was firing blanks by then, full load spent but body unable to stop its rhythm. His expanding tummy quickly bounced against the sticky rod, pressing against the wall of muscle. The wolf, in contrast, had more to pump, cock continuing to fire its load inside.

The bulging quickly took the space provided. The wolf tried to compensate by moving the fox away, but the locked-in knot allowed only a pivot. The lupine arms could only strain so much for so long, and he resolved to kneel. He slowly fell to his knees, body moving slightly awkward to pull of the difficult task, but upon the ground he finally rested. He lowered the vulpine to lay amongst the grasses, cum-filled tummy jiggling as he settled.

The fox looked at his bulging belly, love pounding in his eyes. What a good by he had been to let the wolf unload inside! How much he needed to release! He lifted his hands to land upon the filling whim, feeling the tenseness amongst his filling body. Such a good place for it all to be! His fiery eyes began to droop as the exhaustion of the ordeal overtook him.

He awoke to the sight of sunlight staining the canopy above. Existence was ephemeral to his ravaged mind, body able to rest little in the past hours. But dull aches kept him from returning to the lands of slumber. His lower body was tingling in the wake of the previous night, and flirting reminders poisoned the vulpine's mind. He tried to sit up, but something was blocking his progress. He instead rested for a few moments, before wiggling his hand to his hidden rear.

His ring stung to the touch, but he could feel it was undamaged, contracted back to its normal tight resting position. He sighed with relief, knowing that the night had not transformed him permanently. He only had to sit up and go home now. He tried again, still unable to lift his body to a sitting position. He looked down, trying to see what the issue was. He saw not much, only his cum-stuffed belly blocking his view. His hazy mind didn't connect the dots.

He rolled to his side, body bitching at his movement. The liquid in his tummy sloshed, drooping slightly. He pulled his torso toward his legs, pressing firmly on the bulging beast, then turned back to sit upon his rear.

He looked down to stare at the bulging protrusion, mind confused about what was before him. His tail flicked in contemplation. Realization slowly creeped into him. His belly had been stuffed full of werewolf cum. His brow furrowed. His eyes widened. His jaw dropped. And his hands placed gingerly upon it. He pawed at the swollen mass, trying to force it free from his lithe body. But that did no good. It flexed at his assaults and bounced right back at the release of a hand. He pressed on all faces, exploring it and problem solving how he could.

The snap of a twig stole his attention. He looked quick at its source. And there before him stood the hulking mass of the werewolf, lips twisted into a satisfied smile.

Conner looked quick around, only now realizing where he was: in a cavern, sunlight and sky bleeding down from a large cut on the wall. No escape was obvious, except through the stalking wolf. His eyes grew white as the lupine approached. Conner spoke to contest. "Eh... you've used me, sir. Can I go home now? I promise I'll be back for the next moon."

The wolf laughed, then spoke in a deep tone. "Oh no. Of course not. You're mine now."