Hypnovember Day 11: Summon

Story by JelDragon on SoFurry

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#10 of Hypnovember 2020

A moth named Jasper finds an odd book!

It was quite a cliche circumstance. Jasper'd found an old sort-of-grimoire, stashed away in the attic. It was nearly falling apart, and he had to glue some pages together to make sure it didn't disintegrate in his hands. He tenderly handled it, making sure not to turn the pages too quickly or hold it in a precarious position. He'd called up a friend, who told him to be careful with it.

"That kind of shit is mad dangerous! You've gotta put it away in a safe place or something!"

He laughed, flipping through the pages with it open on the counter. His friend did not like that.

"I'm serious, man! My mom fucked with something like that and now she has a ghost following her everywhere!"

"Yeah bro, I'm sure I'd have to worry about a 2-year-old house's ghosts. You got me."

After some grumbling, he promised he would treat it seriously and carefully, before hanging up. As if.

He flipped through more of the pages, trying to decide on what he would 'try' first. He was mostly a little bored, and didn't believe in this stuff anyway so he figured he may as well.

Eventually, he found what seemed to be a spell to summon a demon or something. It was hard to tell, given how worn all of it was. But he could make out the inscriptions or the chants or whatever they were; the words necessary to go through with the spell. All the others had ingredients or were too worn out to completely read. He could make it through this one fine, and he didn't want to waste anything on something this dumb.

He chuckled a little, before beginning to read out the words in the book. They appeared to be Latin, or another dead language (not that he knew of any), but he sounded them out fairly well, if he did say so himself. He went through it without missing any of them, and was quite proud of himself by the end.

The buff moth waited a few moments, not expecting anything to happen. But in the next half a minute, there was a sudden amount of smoke that appeared in the room with him, like a smoke bomb had gone off. He coughed, waving his hands to clear it away from around him. Peculiarly, the smoke alarm did not go off, even as his eyes watered with all the smoke that was around him.

In a few more seconds, the smoke started to clear from the area, and what he saw startled him. There was a very red, very large man in front of him, appearing out of the smoke. He was a little bit taller than the moth, a bit more muscular, and had large horns that protruded from his head. He was also completely naked. Jasper gulped.

"Wh-who are you?" he stuttered, looking up at him. The demon seemed to actually notice him then, looking down at the moth and chuckling.

"Verrrry interesting," he started, coming forward. Jasper backed away. "Drawn like to a lamp for lust, I assume?"

"Lust?" he frowned, a hand of his grabbing behind him to hold onto the counter. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

The demon brought a hand to his chin, scratching it in thought. "Ah, so you did not know what you were doing, then? You were just saying the incantation for shits and giggles?"

Jasper hesitated, nodding slowly. The demon laughed again, bending down to look the moth in the eyes, the moth swallowing anxiously. "Big mistake."

His hand came up to the moth's head, who flinched. "L-listen, I don't know what's going on, I was only reading something from a joke spell book thing I found! This can't be-"


The moth stopped, his mouth frozen in mid sentence. What was... what happened? What was he saying? He looked at the person in front of him, who seemed to be some sort of demon. He had... did the spellbook work?

The demon chuckled, patting him on his head as he tried to figure it out. "There, there. A bit of play, to help you begin to relax and get into your new role."

"New role?" He cocked his head, trying to remember if they had said anything previous. If he had been talking.

"Yesss, as another incubus. Or succubus, if you prefer."

"I-incubus?! Succubus?! But wait, I-"


He blinked. Was he speaking? He was saying something, right? But... wait, where was he? He looked up at the demon before him.

"Who are you?"

"Master, of course." He put an hand on Jasper's shoulder; a warm hand that made him warm, and the warmth crept up to his head, making his mind nice and comfortable.

Master? Yeah, that sounded right. He nodded, no longer feeling nervous or anxious. Feeling a little lightheaded, but Master would tell him if something was wrong. He smiled serenely.

He felt a hand on his other shoulder, and both hands started to push him down to his knees. He let it happen, a hard, long cock rising into his view. It was Master's, of course, and he smiled, beginning to drool as he thought about tasting it.

"You want to taste it, right?" Master asked, looking down at Jasper. The moth nodded.

"You want to suck it, don't you?"

He nodded again, licking his lips.

"There's just one thing."

He groaned, looking up at Master with a pleading face.

"Incubus or succubus?"

He took a moment, before smiling at Master. "Succubus."

Master pushed his head to his cock, and he took it into his mouth as he started to grow breasts where his pecs had been.