The secret truth

Story by Engineer_Gaming on SoFurry

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second part

Chapter 2: The option

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in the forest "No.... no it can't it..." I couldn't even talk from how much shock I was in. One werewolf and told to him in a natural voice "Davide don't worry... we still are your friends we are not mad because you escaped from us, I was understandable, it's natural for a mentally healthy human to escape from a creature that existed only in stories, if you change your mind come back to the park and go deep down the forest we'll know your location via scent" I was feeling a bit ashamed and thought to myself "they are kind friends they won't hurt a fly if they don't have to" I woke up with a cold sweat "PORCO CANE" I yelled in Italian (my primary language). I didn't know what to do. I wanted to be in contact with my best friends but I don't want to become one of them. I put on my clothes and my hoodie and got out of my house, I looked at my watch and it was 10 am. I guess I have no choice to go and say sorry to Silvio and John. He felt a giant hole in his stomach; he felt super guilty for leaving his friends behind. He didn't know what to tell them, who was that wolf in his dreams he had black fur unlike John and Silvio, who was it? He arrived at Silvio's house he knocked gently at the door and after a couple of seconds the door opened with Silvio wearing only his shorts. "bella bro come va" he said it meant sup bro how you doing "i'm good" I said in english I lost my original language I've been in America for too long but I can still talk most of the time, he then cut to the chase and said "come in so we can talk about what happened tonight" I slowly got to the door and got in the house. The place where Silvio lived was pretty messy but I guess he wasn't expecting guests. Silvio then said with his original voice "So first of all, I'm sorry for keeping this secret to you I never wanted to tell you that because when you were a kid you believed all that lies adults told you so yeah that's the reason. I thought that now we were alone I could show you my true form." and then I said "and second of all?"

"yeah..." he murmured "I was asking if you wanted to join the pack." I thought to myself "shit, SHIT SHIT, what do I say now I..... god dammit. I have a life that I progressed to. What do I do? I've been working my ass off in university and then have a successful and a good life and then waste it over something that I thought only existed in stories?" then Silvio interrupted "look instead of being a werewolf would wanna be like us but you can change whenever you want? It exists" then I said "wait.... so I could choose that as an option?" "yeah" silvio said with excitement, then I yelled "THEN LETS FUCKING DO IT MATE" we both yelled at the same time and said "OH YEAH ''.

The secret truth part 1

Chapter 1: the discovery I was walking down the hood with the boys, my best friend if the group is Silvio. We have known each other since elementary school. Then there's Jonathan, a cool guy with a lot of survival skills and had many gadgets...

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The Odd place

this is a story inspired from the "peculiar furmeet" or should I say prequel to the Outlast franchise where Miles Upshur is going to witness something worse than an Asylum and a few variants

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