The Tournament of Change - Chapter Thirteen, Villainous Vines

Story by ScribblingSerpent on SoFurry

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#13 of Tournament of Change Adventure One

The team follows the directions the draconic tricksters delivered to them, and finds what looks to be an easy way to reach the surface. However, due to a surprise attack from some unusually aggressive plantlife, Karla finds herself at the whim of some strange vines...

This story had a Patron-only poll! Check out my Patreon at

Every story in the Tournament of Change series has a poll attached to control the outcome of the story, with every odd numbered story being a Patron-only poll! Please keep an eye on me either on Patreon or Furaffinity if you're interested, I post polls to both places (though the polls on Patreon are all locked behind being a Patron, due to possible nsfw content).

The morning following the team's encounter with the two dragons was a little difficult. Karla and Ciera had adjusted to the fact that the changes the dragons had made permanent were now something they would be dealing with for the rest of their lives, or at least adjusted as much as they felt they had time to.

Vivian barely cared about her particular permanent change, she had already been living under the assumption that her recent...fantasies...were more or less a part of her. There was an elephant in the room though, after they had heard the changes affecting each of them.

"So," Vivian said, as they began to break camp, "You have to...'pay back' anyone you insult, Chester?"

"Well, yeah. It's only actually happened once, I've been trying pretty hard not to make that mistake again."

"When?" Karla asked, narrowing her eyes.

"The, uh...the lamia. I insulted her, and then walked over to her, and...look, I'm sorry. Not like I had a choice."

"We know, Chester," Vivian replied. "But that's a dangerous precedent. If the person you insult can basically ask you to do anything, and it seems like they can, all it takes is one mistake during the heat of battle and you're not just out of the fight, but possibly a threat. May I suggest we use one coin to remove that change?"

"Wait, really?" Chester said, surprised at the suggestion.

"I believe it's the most dangerous of the changes we have at the moment, at least immediately. I think we need to keep at least four coins on hand for emergencies, if we lose a fight against someone looking to severely punish us, but that leaves us two coins right now that we can use. Including the one Leila gave us. Leila asked us not to use her coin on you, but...well, we don't have to anymore, do we? We have others."

"Let's do it then! A good chance to test out how the coins work as well, I guess..."

Chester pulled out one of the coins, glancing at the runes embedded into it. They formed a circle around a central symbol, and the design was impossibly detailed and intricate. Chester didn't know how to use the coin, so she just focused on that particular change, trying to think about removing it...and nothing really happened.

"Try...saying it out loud?" Ciera suggested.

"Saying what? I guess, uh...I want the change that forces me to do things for anyone I insult to be removed?"

At that point, the coin glimmered, and then disappeared in a brief flash of light. Chester glanced around, a little surprised. "I...think it worked?"

"Try it, Chester. God knows you want to."

"I...actually don't really want to, hah...I'm not about to just randomly insult you guys, we've been through a lot together. I mean, it clearly worked. At least now we know we have to speak what we want out loud with the coins."

Vivian nodded, and said "Now, we need to focus on getting to that shortcut the dragons mentioned. I won't feel safe until we're back on the surface. Before we finish breaking camp, we'll take care of our...unique needs. I'm sure Ciera is feeling a little full, and while I can apparently go an entire day without, er...without my particular need, I'd rather not. Chester?"

"Well, who am I to say no?"

With that, Vivian and Chester headed off into Chester's tent, and just as before Ciera went into hers. Karla, a little ashamed, did ask if she could watch. Ciera made her promise not to get too...involved, Karla's breasts were not quite as big as Ciera's or Vivian's yet, but they were getting there, and that meant that Karla was growing a little too quickly if they planned to make it out of the Tournament with her being at any reasonable size. Ciera hoped she could help Karla by letting her indulge herself, without _indulging_herself, so to speak. Either way, the team managed to fumble through the morning, adjusting a little more to their new normal, before setting off for the day.

The tunnels and pathways were more chaotic now, branching more frequently, and changing themes and decor often. They knew to follow the left hand side, but after several dozen branches and almost two hours of walking, the team was getting a bit concerned they had been misled.

It wasn't long though, until they finally happened upon the chamber the dragons had mentioned. It was, genuinely, beautiful. Peaceful. The walls were covered in vines and moss, with a small lake filling the entire chamber. There weren't any pathways to walk, the path they had followed stopped abruptly at the water's edge. There was a skylight of some kind, casting a small spotlight of light on the center of the lake, somehow bright enough that the entire room was dimly visible.

"So," Karla said as they examined the room, "Which one of you magic-types has a way to block off that skylight?"

"Nothing from me, unless it has a mind of some kind. Mind affecting magic is almost exclusively what I do, with a few small utility spells mixed in, but nothing that could help here," Vivian said.

Ciera spoke next, saying "I think I have something, but it won't last forever, so we need to hope it's just like a switch you flip or something. If it the light has to _stay_obscured, we might be in trouble if we don't hurry."

With that, Ciera stepped forward, holding her staff in front of her as she focused on casting a spell. It didn't take very long, a half minute or so, before a small cloud of shadow seemed to form in the air. It was thick, almost inky, and just about big enough to do what was needed. Ciera traced odd movements in the air with her hands, and the cloud gently drifted towards the skylight, casting the chamber in darkness as it eclipsed the light.

And then, quite quickly, the ground began to rumble slightly. Lights began appearing underneath the surface of the small lake, crystals glowing at the bottom of the body of water. A stone bridge, smooth and featureless, rose out of the water. It formed a perfect path from where the team was standing to the far wall, where there was a new grinding sound as the ceiling shifted. Light poured in across the far wall, suggesting that the wall lead further upwards, now that a path was open...

"Do we...have to climb it?" Ciera asked.

"Let's go check it out." Chester replied, walking across the slippery path. Thankfully, it wasn't wet enough to be dangerous, and the team kept their wits about them. Once they reached the other side, they could look up and see that the wall rose further and further up, covered in more vines, moss, and plant life. Looking up, they could see a distant pinpoint of light, presumably an exit to the surface.

"Yeah, looks like we're supposed to climb. Thankfully, all this stuff on the walls seems pretty sturdy, definitely not normal vines and such. We should be able to use them to safely scale the wall. Everyone think they can handle that?" Karla asked.

The rest of the team nodded, as they began to scale the wall.

For quite some time, nothing seemed to be particularly amiss, and Karla was thankful for the dragons' assistance in finding this path. She suspected that the water below had been the trap, that if they had slipped in something would have happened.

"Umm...guys, we have a-Ah!" Ciera shrieked, as the team glanced over at her. A few of the odd looking plants on the wall had begun moving, trying to snake around her arms. They had a vaguely purple tint to them, unlike the vines the team had seen in the forest at the beginning of the tournament.

"Ciera, keep moving! They look slow, just don't hesitate!" Vivian shouted at her, as she continued moving.

The team began to notice several other patches of vines beginning to slowly move, snaking over the walls towards them. Karla pulled out her sword, and Chester her daggers, as they furiously cut at the approaching vines, ushering Vivian and Ciera further upwards.

"We'll distract them, god only knows what they're trying to do. Both of you try to keep climbing!" Karla shouted at them, swinging her sword against the vines. It was haphazard at best, with the blade clinking against the wall as often as it cut anything. Chester was having similar success, but at least the vines appeared to be focusing on them at the moment.

Ciera and Vivian still had a few to deal with, however, and no weapons with which to do so. The vines managed to get within inches of them, and began trying to snake their way underneath clothing, wrapping around bands and straps, trying to rip at anything they could grasp.

Neither Vivian nor Ciera had clothing that was particularly robust, and it didn't take much for both of them to soon be half-naked, ripped cloth hanging from them as they tried not to lose their grip.

Karla glanced upwards, concerned, losing her focus a moment upon seeing them both exposed. She could see their breasts, pressed up against the wall, the vines-

"Get a hold of yourself Karla!" Chester shouted, a dagger pinning a vine to the wall next to Karla. Karla shook her head, and redoubled her efforts to climb while fending off the vines. Chester was now slightly ahead of her, doing her best to keep the vines off of Vivian and Ciera.

Then, intermingled with the purple-tinted vines, a few larger vines seemed to appear. They were a deeper red shade, almost rose colored, and out of the tip a cloudy, viscous pink fluid dripped slowly. Ciera was the first to notice, her eyes going wide as she shouted "Watch out, some of them are different! They're, um...leaking something!"

"Leaking something? What, some kind of - Argh, damn it!" Chester shouted, a vine having managed to snap the strap on her leather top, only barely catching it as it slipped off to prevent it from falling to the ground below.

Karla was now the only one without damage to her clothing, and it appeared as if the vines were aware of that fact, many of the slightly smaller purplish vines now clearly headed in her direction. She shouted at the rest of them "Hurry, they're charging for me! Ignore the reddish ones, just climb!"

The other three heeded her advice, climbing upwards as quickly as they could manage. The reddish vines still managed to assault them, somewhat, gushing the odd pink liquid as they attempted to make contact with specific portions of Vivian, Ciera, and Chester's bodies. Since the purplish vines had been sent to attack Karla before finishing their wanton destruction of all of their clothing, the reddish vines were only really able to make contact with the upper bodies of the three, leaking the odd liquid wherever they touched.

Karla, on the other hand, was determined to draw the vine's focus to her, certain that if Ciera and Vivian could make it to the top, together they were skilled enough spell casters to assist her and deal with the vines. She slashed at the vines, trying to make herself as much of a threat as possible, as more and more seemed to congregate around her. Eventually, they started to slip past her defenses, slowly taking apart her light armor, breaking straps and twisting pieces of her clothing until it fell off, landing on the ground below. Karla cursed slightly, noticing the reddish vines beginning to head her way as well.

The rest of the team were beginning to struggle slightly, everywhere the odd liquid had touched they felt a strange heat, arousal blossoming at the slightest touch. The feel of the mossy earth as they climbed, the friction of scraps of clothing, even the slight wind against their all went from light sensation to erotic sensation as the liquid soaked in.

"D-don't let the liquid...gah...don't let it touch you, Karla!" Chester shouted back down at her, a concerned look as she noticed how far away Karla was now. The rest of the team was approaching the surface, less than ten feet away now, but Karla had actually slipped slightly, and if anything was slightly further down than she had been last time Chester had looked.

Karla looked up at them, seeing how close they were to escape. Her clothing was in tatters, leaving her fully exposed, but she was smart enough to target the red-tinted vines to keep them away. She just had to hold out a bit longer, just a bit...

And then one of the purplish vines managed to get a grip around her wrist, slamming it against the wall. It didn't hurt, but she felt the Tournament's magic exhaust her slightly to compensate. It was going to be impossible to climb if she couldn't attack the vines, so she struggle against the vine binding her wrist, even as another grabbed her ankle, one coiling around her leg...

Vivian, Chester, and Ciera meanwhile had managed to crest the top of the climb, leaving them sitting on top of a bed of overgrown grass. The vines seemed unwilling to follow them up this far, but the effect of that odd fluid was only getting worse. The three of them had been coated in it, at least their top halves, and it felt like an incessant need for touch, getting more and more intense. Ciera was already fumbling through her things, nearly dropping her milk pump as she attached it, eyes fluttering as it began to work. Chester and Vivian glanced at each other, each aware that the other was suffering the same intense sensitivity, before Chester said "Ah, fuck it, we need to deal with this..." and pulled Vivian in for a kiss.

Their hands went to each other's breasts, where the vines had been especially generous with the sensitizing fluid, massaging and kneading each other's tits as they moaned into their shared kiss...

Karla, meanwhile, was struggling to break free from the vines, desperately waiting for the help she was sure was coming any second. She hadn't dropped her sword yet, despite the vine attached to her wrist attempting to wrest it from her, but the vines were pulling_her along the wall, as though trying to get her somewhere. She didn't attempt to resist, as she believed at first they were just carrying her up the wall...maybe actually being _helpful, she thought for a moment...before she realized that a part of the vine covered wall was actually open, leading into a cave inside. Her eyes went wide with panic, struggling violently as she was pulled towards it, but unable to escape as she was dragged inside...

The inside of the cave was incredibly dark, but Karla's cat-like eyes adjusted fairly quickly...although she soon wished she _hadn't_been able to see. The place was filled with these tentacle-like vines, which were even now pinning her to the ground. She knew she wasn't going to be able to fight, she just had to wait for her companions...

And she hoped they would act quickly, as the vines began to become more active...

Vivian and Chester were lost in the sensation of each other's touch, and Ciera had inserted herself fairly soon after her pump finished it's task. She had perhaps thought it would just keep going, providing her with the sensation she now craved, but it stopped as soon as she was done being milked. She had dropped it a few times in her hurry to get it out, and then to put it away, but it seemed unbroken.

The three of them were quite focused on the raw, impossible heights of pleasure just a simple touch was giving them. Orgasm had come and gone several times between them, but it was difficult to care when the pleasure just kept building, building...

They focused especially on each other's breasts, the vines having focused their payload there more than anywhere, and Ciera especially seemed almost drugged by the increased sensation. The three increasingly lacked any finesse or dignity in their movements, lost in the pleasure as they were. None of them even thought to notice their companion was missing, and if they had, they were not in any position to offer her the assistance she needed, not yet...

Karla was anxious, and understandably so. The vines had all shifted into position, clearing a space on the floor of the cave, and suspending her gently above it. She was being held up by a multitude of the vines, and had been for almost a minute or so, but nothing had happened during that time...

And then, she noticed a vine that stood out a bit among the others. It had been covered by the other vines before, but as they slowly, almost _sleepily_untangled, this one stood out with a dim pink glow to it's verdant flesh. It moved sinuously, snaking across the ground towards her, the sole source of light in the dark cavern. The fluid it leaked was pink as well, just like the red vines, but it was also far more clear, almost crystalline. It glittered, even in the dim light, and Karla could actually _smell_the fruity, intoxicating aroma of whatever this substance was. It wavered in front of her for a moment, a few feet away, as though staring at her. The fluid dripped a few times, from the tip of the vine, landing on the cave floor below. It was actually far less viscous than the reddish vines, now that Karla examined it. Almost...oily looking.

Karla only started to struggle once more when it began to approach closer, it's intentions suddenly _very_clear as the other vines spread her legs wider. If anything, the vines sudden constriction made it more difficult for her to move, each movement she made being matched with equal force.

The glowing vine hesitated a moment, inches from her pussy. Karla couldn't even adjust her body so she could see why it was hesitating, her only hint being the sudden increase in frequency of the quiet 'drip,' 'drip,' of the strange substance leaking from the vine. Was it producing more? Possibly trying to-

The sudden penetration stunned her, interrupting her thoughts. A thought that would remain incomplete, as she felt a raw, primal bolt_of pleasure hit her body like lightning. Unlike a bolt of lightning, however, it _didn't fade. It was like her nerves had been connected directly to the pleasure centers of her brain, and then left on. She couldn't even feel the vine's movements yet, the sensation so intense it eclipsed all other thoughts and ideas.

She kept expecting it to weaken, to give her a moment of respite, a moment to gather her thoughts, but instead that feeling seemed to penetrate her more deeply, she could feel the electrifying sensation concentrated on her though every nerve there was being directly and relentlessly stimulated. She wasn't able to control her gasps, moans, or even her muscles as they twitched and jerked. The vines at least seemed to recognize the sudden lack of resistance, and allowed her more freedom of movement as she shuddered uncontrollably.

And the glowing vine continued. She could hear the wet sounds at it hammered her, gushes of that strange fluid hitting the ground beneath her. She felt the thrusting, and a part of her was grateful just for the stimulation, dimly aware that this pleasure only existed so long as that movement persisted. The feeling was so intense that she could barely keep track of the individual thrusts, the pleasure bleeding together moment to moment, as her thoughts seemed to drip onto the ground with each gush of fluid.

Somewhere, in the depths of her mind, she no longer wanted this to end. Just to continue, forever, more and more pleasure, forever and ever...

Vivian, Chester, and Ciera were finally starting to shake off the effects of the strange fluid, though their thoughts were still sluggish. Their hands, kneading and playing with each other's breasts, had begun to slow as they came to their senses, and each looked around with a vague sense of embarrasment at their loss of control. It was, eventually, Ciera who glanced around and said "Wait, where's Karla, she-"

Chester suddenly jumped up, saying "Shit! She was struggling down there! How long have we been out of it!"

Vivian glanced over the edge of the vine wall, looking down and seeing nothing...except a bit of Karla's clothing laying on the ground at the bottom. She sighed and said "They must have gotten a hold of her. We need some way to fight back against these vines, there's no telling where they took her, we might have to search the whole wall. Our rings will help, at least..."

"I have an idea..." Ciera said, standing at the edge of top of the wall, as she begun to cast something.

Vivian watched curiously, as a glimmering red energy seemed to coalesce around Ciera's staff...Vivian could feel the heat coming off of it. "I can take care of any vines we meet. Um, the problem is, we'll have to climb down and find her..."

Chester sighed and said "Look, this isn't the _best_idea, but...I think I can handle it. Climb onto my back, I'll climb down the wall and you focus on any vines. We'll find her."

"I can try to cast something that might lull them to sleep, or at least some of them. You should hurry, we have no idea what might be happening to Karla!"

Ciera and Chester nodded as Ciera climbed on to Chester's back, who struggle a little under the weight. They began to descend down the wall, coming to Karla's aid.

Karla noticed that some of the vines began to slow, a few that restrained her beginning to weaken and go limp. Karla could hear something, an echoing familiar voice, soothing and calming...but whatever effect it was having, it spared her. The glowing vine was still pumping away however, and Karla had long since succumb to the pleasure. As the vines supporting her weakened, she halfheartedly twisted her body so she could look down, and saw that her entire pussy was _coated_in the strange glowing fluid, and a huge puddle of it was on the ground beneath her. She moaned, lazily, her energy exhausted, as the glowing vine suddenly increased it's speed and force, the fluid gushing considerable more. Somewhere, deep inside Karla, she could feel her nerves being hot-wired, twisting and changing, glowing inside her like the pink substance the vine was leaking. She collapsed, exhausted, as the vine slowly withdrew, and the last thing she saw was a gush of flame lighting up the entrance to the small cave, before her eyes closed.

When she awoke, she was lying on soft grass, the sun hanging ever so slightly low in the sky. She blinked a little, her memories of the what just happened foggy and vague, as she heard Ciera shout "She's waking up! I think she's fine!"

Vivian and Chester rushed over, helping her to sit up as she blinked slowly, still exhausted...

"Karla? Everything alright? When we found you, you were, uh...well, you're still naked, actually, but you were _also_unconscious." Chester said.

"We weren't able to recover your armor, unfortunately," Vivian said, examining Karla's eyes closely as she spoke, "But Ciera has an idea. She says she might be able to modify her clothing repair spell to duplicate Chester's armor, and then resize it appropriately. It's not...well, let's be honest, Chester's clothing is the skimpiest of any of us here, but it's better than wearing nothing, right?"

Karla struggled to take in this information, shifting slightly as - "Oooh, ah..." she moaned, taking everyone, including herself by surprise. She had just shifted her legs slightly, it wasn't - "Ah!" she moaned again, glancing down at herself. Nothing seemed different, but her pussy was...she could feel_it. More than she had ever felt it before. Like every touch, even the smallest, lightest sensation was pure _ecstasy.

"Is...everything alright Karla? We were all...I mean, we all apologize. We're aware that...all of the Tournaments traps have a tendency to leave a lasting you have any idea what it might be for you? Or, maybe we were lucky, and -"

"No, no...we were _not_lucky, not...whew, um, have Ciera work on those clothes. I'd rather not be naked, thank you. Chester, help me s-stand...ah! Oh, f-fuck..." Karla said, staggering to her feet, adjusting to a sudden, intense sensitivity between her legs. The effect actually extended as far as her thighs, if somewhat weakened that far. She was immediately concerned about how difficult walking was going to be...but a part of her was also wondering about how just much she might learn to enjoy this new sensation.

Chester helped her up, and Ciera got to work on her clothing duplication spell. It took almost half an hour, and Karla spent that time explaining what happened to her. She was beyond trying to hide it, that had never worked out for them before. Everyone seemed apologetic, but Karla didn't believe it was _really_their fault. She knew if they had been in their right minds at the time, she would have probably gotten help sooner.

Eventually, Ciera had managed to produce a copy of Chester's clothing, which at least functioned as _some_kind of armor. She had to adjust the sizing a little, which took a few minutes more and some careful measuring, but soon Karla was wearing her matching set of armor.

"You know, you both look pretty cute together like that," Vivian said with a playful smirk, "Cats and dogs, getting along at last, haha!"

"Go to hell, Vivian," Chester snipped back.

"Really leaves you feeling exposed, doesn't it Chester..." Karla commented, looking down at herself. She could still feel that sensitivity, she wondered if the others could tell how it was affecting her. The worst part was that it didn't even feel..._overly_sensitive, it wasn't that each movement was necessarily intense, just that every touch felt erotic, sensual, like her nerves had been hard-wired to feel every sensation as pleasure...

"Yeah, tell me about it. You get used to it. It's light, at least, and uh...well, it comes off easily. Not a feature I thought I'd appreciate, but here we are."

"By the way," Vivian said, looking over at Chester, "How are you feeling in regards to your...well, let's say your trigger problem?"

"Ugh, I hate having to just talk about this stuff. But I guess if we're going to make it through the Tournament, we have to communicate. I'm...fine, right now. I can feel the arousal building, but it's been slower. Might have something to do with, uh, how we're dealing with your problem."

"We shouldn't be beating around the bush, Chester," Vivian said, taking a deep breath as though steeling herself, "Call it what it is. Cum addiction. It's embarrassing, but that's the problem. If we keep blushing and talking around issues, it will just leave us all confused. We have to confront our problems directly."

"Noted, Vivian," Karla said with a sigh. "Look, I'm fine. It will take some getting used to, but...I'll learn. We should get moving, staying still will do us no favors. I hate to say this, but...we should be looking for suspicious things. Traps, obvious bait, other's clear the Tournament is going to very nearly_reward_ us for taking those risks. Never let your guard down, but...never forget what the dragons said, either."

Chester nodded, and replied "Alright. I've been experimenting a bit when we've had downtime, and...well, I can still shapeshift. It's not easy, it takes more focus, and I can only do it with the shapes I'm most familiar with, which is a few small birds, rodents, things like that. Point is, I can still scout safely ahead, and stay hidden. We should pick a direction to travel in, let me scout the area, and then if I find anything I'll lead us to it and we'll figure out how to approach whatever it might be. Sound good to everyone?"

Everyone nodded. Ciera spoke up, and said "We might want to consider taking a few things from anyone we encounter from now on. We've only won one fight, but...well, if we had stolen their armor, we'd have some backup sets to use. I know we've packed some extra clothing, but not extra armor..."

"Yeah," Karla said, "That's because armor is expensive. And heavy. Takes up a lot of space. Even with some magical storage, it's still a hassle. But I get your point, we should keep an eye out for replacements. I would _love_to not look like someone's fantasy of a sexy, scantily clad rogue. You got this armor from Leila, right Chester?"

"Yes..." Chester answered, begrudgingly.

"Yeah, well, if we ever see her again I'm going to punch her in the face. I don't care if it doesn't hurt, it will make me feel better. Alright, let's get moving."

With that, the team started traveling once more. Karla's concentration was basically nonexistent, between the new sensitivity, the new clothing, and her sudden realization that even looking at her _own_breasts in this new getup distracted her, she spent basically the entire time they traveled with her thoughts bouncing from one distraction to another.

The rest of the team at least recognized this, and tried as best as possible to keep up some light conversation to keep her mind off of things. Chester frequently left to scan the area, but at least for today, they didn't find anything.

That night, as they made camp, taking care of their individual needs with a little less hesitation as they got used to things, Karla sat in her tent...thinking. She needed release, it had been a _difficult_day, she had felt like she was being teased just walking around the entire time. But...looking down at herself, brain soaked in the pleasure of just thinking about breasts, tits, boobs...even her own...She knew that if she reached her hands down, and let her instincts take hold, she would not be able to control how far she went. She was pretty certain that even a single touch would push her over the edge right now, sensitive as she felt.

But, well...Ciera could always adjust her clothes, they still had a few coins left, and it wasn't as if she didn't _want_bigger tits...the excuses kept flowing in her mind, her eyes practically glazing over as she considered them.

She knew it was the wrong choice. felt like the right choice. She would deal with the consequences in the morning...for right now, she leaned back, took a deep breath, and covered her mouth so that she wouldn't make too much noise.

When she began to touch herself, she realized it was stupid to have even thought she could control herself. The entire camp, and probably half the Tournament was going to hear her tonight...and through the impossibly intense pleasure, she couldn't even care.