Easy Overnight (Commission)

Story by The Brain of Lazarus on SoFurry

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#28 of Commissions

A commission! Two effeminate lads going at it and all is right with the world.

Easy Overnight

This wasn't a typical date night.

Sebastian had a lot of experiences when it came to "winging" it with a spontaneous date born from the sultry conversations of hookup apps. Most of the time they were one shots. They panned out with some soggy steak-fries dinner and almost-sex. In the rare instances almost became a thing, the sex wasn't great either. A lot of dudes sometimes got the wrong message or idea.

Hard to blame them, he guessed. Sebastian was certainly a "type." Fairly short, even by rabbit standards with a shock of medium length blonde hair that rain to his shoulders, complimenting his blue eyes while matching his wheat-hued coat. He maintained effeminate features, whether that was tight fitting clothes or a "pretty" demeanor, not to much he could get flustered easily.

Oh, and he did have a huge, fat ass. In part because of his rabbit biology, given his species was all in the legs. Also part because he worked on it, diet and squats and all. Meant that your typical seat might struggle to hold all the butt he was packing. The unprepared seat might whine at his arrival. It was an aspect of pride, to be sure. However, because of his jiggly rear, it made him a target for "that guy," that hole-hungry chudster who wanted his prick pumped and assumed Sebastian was an easy lay because of his physicality.

So, one might understand his surprise when his date opposite side of him was, well, the entire opposite of his typical experience.

From the side, you couldn't be faulted for thinking Alexi was a girl. Or Alexei. Alexis? He liked to play around with it. Indeed, in leather choker and spiked bracers with tight fitting attire - all black, all goth - a smile on his black-lipstick lips and a swish to his puffy tail, Alexi wasn't like the other guys. At all.

Similar to Sebastian, Alexi was quite effeminate, to put it mildly. Everything from his lithe frame to curvy hips and generous bottom accented the skunk's exotic "goth" look, providing an aura of exciting mystique. Naturally, he was a catch, and every dick and john wanted a piece, desiring to fulfill their "goth" fetish without investing in the philosophy, lifestyle, or person behind the look. For one reason or the other, Alexi found Sebastian enticing enough, and here they were.

At a split diner under a coat of evening rain, where city neon lights painted the ground in blitz of multiple colors, Sebastian and Alexi feasted on their items of choice. Seb always went vegetarian given his biology, so had a veg-burger with fresh fries and his favorite soda. Alexi nabbed the chef special soup and onion rings, though kept his meal quite light. Girls had to watch their figures and all.

Or, maybe it was because he had his eyes set on a _different_kind of meal. Skunk's weren't known for their diets of rabbit ass, but with Sebastian, Alexi would make an exception.

"I'm almost jealous," Alexi said as he finished off his food. "You get it all naturally, you know?"

Sebastian squeaked with a laugh, rubbing his head. "H-heh, what do you mean?"

The goth skunk pushed back in his diner seat, glancing out the window. "Oh, come on now. All the legs, hips, and ass. I get it like, you're a bun, and that's the territory, but you really pull it off."

The rabbit flushed. "Oh."

Alexi smirked. "Look, I mean, I work dick most of the time. Not often I find a guy I wanna' be over, ya' know. But you, Sebby? Sheesh. You know what they say, thick thighs save lives."

The skunk continued. "Guess ya' hear it all the time. Seriously, with that one pic from your profile, the ass one? How many thirsty guys send you messages for that?"

Again, Sebastian was flustered. However, he could maintain the conversation at least, sighing. "Mm. A lot."

Alexi laughed. "I bet."

"Like," Sebastian went on, "It's almost fifty different dudes by the week's end."

"Shit, what? No way!"

"Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's so many."

Alexi clicked his tongue. "Can you blame them?"


Another giggle. "Fair. I get a lot too. So many desperate dicks looking for an easy lay. Guess they figure just cause I'm a twink I'll swallow anything I see. Lotsa fellas that wanna' 'experiment' too, haha."

Sebastian, a bit more comfortable, nodded. "H-heh. Right? They just think we're a free lay."

"Give us a little credit. But they don't. Half my nights out is the guy making shitty conversation, trying some bad moves, and wondering why my hand isn't on his balls yet. Ugh. Sucks to be this beautiful."

The bun laughed now, much to Alexi's delight. "I knew a guy I kinda liked. I remember I sent him a recording where I kinda' bounced my ass. I wasn't that good. We didn't work out but I couldn't get rid of him for _months._Sent me so many desperate texts."

"Ew, stalkers."

"Maybe he wasn't a stalker, but he never got the hint. . ."

Alexi took a finger, his black painted nails shimmering, pushing away his plate. "Well, you've had some rough patches then. Soooo, Sebby, what made you give me a chance?"

Seb, taken a little off guard, flushed again. "Er. W-well."

Alexi just laughed. "I mean, take it from another pro, you _definitely_like to ride it. You just want to for the right guy, don't ya?"

Sebastian went quiet.

Again, the effete skunk chuckled. "Thought so."

Looking around, Alexi trained his eyes out the window. "Mm. Looks like the rain let off. Wanna' take a walk?"

Seb gave a quick nod, feeling his temperature rise. "Yeah, sure." Maybe that would cool him down, because already his mind started to wander.

Well, Alexi wasn't about to let up. As they paid their tab and tips, Alexi led Sebastian out the diner to walk along the streets. The barrage of colors washed over his black and white features, even causing his black lipstick to sparkle. The rabbit took a refreshed breath, as the hint of rain hit his nostrils. . . and the skunk's perfume. He didn't realize Alexi was wearing any at first, it was so subtle, but once it did it only added to the boy's alluring presence.

"Nice night huh?" said Alexi, taking the lead. He let his hips sway in gentle sways, giving an exaggerated toss of the hips, his tight attire revealing the shape of his lithe but curvy frame.

Didn't take Sebastian long to notice, his eyes locking right to Alexi's fat rump. Granted, as a bun his was much bigger, but Alexi could give him some competition if he did the right diet and exercise. Just as well, Alexi was in heels, the footwear clicking on the sidewalk like a provocative orchestra. You didn't wear heels just for a regular date, after all.

"It is," Sebastian offered, mind a little absent. "I um, like the city at night."

Alexi didn't hear him, rather, as they continued to walk, feigned a stumble. "Woops. . ."

At once, Sebastian bumped into the lithe skunk, his groin coming into contact with the supple rear. Granted, Sebastian was a good bit shorter, but there was still similar size that he "accidentally" rubbed his groin into Alexi's haunches. His features immediately went hot, wheat color cheeks shifting to a heavy tint of rose.

"Uh!" Sebastian sputtered. "S-s-sorry!"

Alexi didn't mind, clearly having done it on purpose. "Mmm. . ."

In fact, the split of his rear caught Seb's hidden inches perfectly. Alexi, in a raunchy display, proceeded to wiggle and shake his pert ass in quick motions, jostling it over the rabbit's loins. This caused Seb to squeak as he watched the display in awe, frame frozen. He thought someone might see, though the effete skunk clearly didn't care.

"Gah, I'm such a clutz," he remarked, glancing back at Sebastian as he bounced his fat bottom. "But you don't seem to mind, right?"

This was moving so quick, a lot faster than Sebastian expected. But given Alexi's alluring nature, he didn't know that he cared. His mind wandered as his cock twitched to life, fighting within the tight hold of his pants as Alexi continued to tease him.

"W-w-well. . ."

The skunk chuckled, his long, fluffy tail flipping to the side. "Oh, I bet it's nice, that fat ass just grinding on you. I get it, I mean, how many guys looked at your butt and wanted to drain their nuts inta' you?"

"Jeeze," continued Alexi, "even I'm gettin' hard thinking about it. Ever thought about double teaming some poor dick? Our asses would be a miracle together. . ."

He paused, tapping his chin. "Mm, well I'm getting off track." Alexi straight, dusting himself off. He turned to glance down at the flustered rabbit, gently petting the long wheat-colored ears as the blushing bun looked at the sidewalk.

"Wow, you're rock hard, huh?" said Alexi, giggling. "Mm, speaking of nuts. . . wonder what's been running through your head. You need loving too, right?"

Like an innocent boy, Sebastian glanced back at the skunk, blinking. "W-what? I don't. . ."

"Hah! Come on now. The minute you saw me bet you wanted my lips to do all sorts of things. Wrapped around your little buncock, right? Drawing my tongue all over those bun balls. Or, maybe that's more your speed, champ."

Was it alarming or enticing that Alexi was going from zero to one hundred here? Sebastian had been with guys like this before. Heck, it was what the two were talking about a moment ago. But this was different. Sebastian simultaneously wanted the skunk on his knees, draining the rabbit's cock like it was the last one on earth. . . while also wanting the effete male to pound him silly.

Arousal worked its hot magic, seeping into Sebastian's mind as things revved. "S-sometimes. . ."

"Sometimes? I prefer the now time," chided Alexi, putting a hand to slender hip as he eyed the street opposite of them.

"I picked this diner for a reason," he continued, tossing a thumb at a building opposite to the pair. "There's a nice little 'love' hotel just on the other side. Makes it easy to top off the night."

Sebastian followed the skunk's gesture. Sure enough, there was a small but comfortably sized building with a bright pink sign crowning its front. Easy Overnight it read, and while it certainly maintained the _look_of a regular place, no doubt it was precisely as Alexi indicated. In short, a quick stop for a couple to fuck each other senseless.

"Oh," Sebastian uttered, his pants growing yet more uncomfortable. "Er. Y-yeah."

"Heh," Alexi said with a lick of his lips. "Something tells me you're interested. Right?"

He didn't wait for a response, rather leaned into the bun's ear and whispered. "You want me to play with that cock of yours, yeah?"

Sebastian gulped. "Y-yes."

Alexi swished his striped tail again in satisfaction. "Mm, thought so. C'mon. I'll pay the tab since it was my idea."

Wordless, the effeminate male lead his equally girlish counterpart across the road and into the hotel. Within was a comfortably lit interior with a single, quiet clerk, a man in a suit who appeared to recognize Alexi at approach. So much so that they exchanged information and payment without a peep, and soon, the bun and skunk were headed to their overnight room.

"It's been a while since I got to do this," intoned Alexi, leading Sebastian through the hall. "Most guys aren't worth the time, but you, Sebby, are special. Mmm, could just be that unbelievable ass of yours."

Sebastian blushed again, both excited and flattered. He _did_have a good ass, and he worked hard for it. It was an underappreciated art, in fact, keeping your haunches in a shapely but generous form.

"Thanks," squeaked Sebastian as they reached a scarlet, numberless door frame.

"Don't mention it," intoned Alexi, sliding the door open. He glanced to the rabbit, silently indicating for him to follow.

"Actually," he added, "do mention it. Guys get wiled up when you talk about what you'll do to em'."

Sebastian gulped when the two entered. "Erm. I-I'm not really good at that."

The door slipped shut and Alexi centered himself in the small but cozy overnight room. "No, really?" joked the effeminate skunk.

"Guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure you make up for it with all the moaning, eh?"

Gah, this was getting out of hand for Seb. The other boy was really good with tempting talk, putting wild ideas through the rabbit's mind. Yeah, Sebastian was all sorts of conflicted. Most of the time he preferred guys taking the leash, so to speak, making him whine and moan for them. And yet, even he couldn't help but imagine Alexi's silky black lips doing more than mouthing some sordid ideas. No wonder guys chased boys like he and Alexi around!

"Let's see here. . ."

Sebastian's mind found itself yanked back to reality as the skunk had slipped over and unbuckled the bun's tight denim pants. Said rabbit squeaked, whole face glowing hot red as his pants were shimmied and yanked away.

"God, Sebby, your hips just keep going!" commented the skunk, who had slid to his knees, if only to angle himself better for removing said pants. Sebastian, in the meantime, fiddled with his digits as he watched the male undo him.

"U-uh, erm. . ."

"Shhhh," hushed Alexi. "You're not so good at words, are you? So lemme' help you. . ."

As the pants slid to knees, Alexi allowed his silky palms to roam along the bun's generous thighs while Alexi eyed Sebastian's panties, which hid his small, but defiant, package.

"Cute," giggled Alexi.

The skunk dawned a predatory expression, flashing a grin, his piercings catching the room light. "I will fuck you silly tonight, bun. But_first. . ."_

He continued his attentions until yanking the panties down, allowing Sebastian's pert package to flicker out. All in all the bun wasn't too large, even as his length continued to harden. Perhaps, at most, four inches, but it hardly mattered to Alexi. Dick was dick and the size only made Seb cute. Besides, the bun more than made up for it with his fat, wobbly ass.

Indeed, Alexi snuck his hands around Seb's waist and took handfuls of the generous bottom, squeezing hard and granting a series of vicious shakes. It forced a surprised, blushing squeak from Sebastian, who bit his lip, watching as his full rump jiggled and bounced in reciprocation.

"Gh, I don't usually say this to guys," commented Alexi, impressed with the soft, bouncing bottom filling his palms, "but I can't _wait_for you to ride me, cutie."

Alexi licked his lips now, taking the rabbit's cock in fingers, stroking it as his lips neared the tip. "But of course, what's a date without a kiss, right?"

Sebastian's heart raced, realizing what Alexi meant. Though, the skunk was eager to torment the little bun a bit longer, sticking out his pierced tongue and letting it hang. Alexi wobbled the cock, teasing its approaching, allowing it to near his soft lips and awaiting tongue, but not touching with either. He laughed in dark fashion as Sebastian squirmed who so dearly wanted some kind of attention.

"C-c-come on Alexi, don't d-do that!" whined the bun, wanting to thrust himself. Fortunately, the goth skunk was merciful.

Alexi pushed forward and took a long slow lick of the bun's cocktip, then kissed it. He gave a series of long, slow smooches, black sticky lipstick leaving traces and smears where he touched. "Oh, don't get too excited just yet, Sebby."

Indeed, were it a different night, Alexi figured he'd probably worship's Sebastian's cute dick, among things. Though the bun had the surprising effect of getting him horny in ways he'd forgotten about, so it'd have to wait. For now, he continued to tease the rabbit. He licked at the pink length a few more times, incurring a series of long, pleased moans from Seb. Then, while on knees, he ran his lips against Sebastian's pert pair of smooth testes, suckling and mouthing each stone with lavish attention.

Loud pops and smacks emitted from the oral coupling, presex dribbling from Sebastian's tip while the goth skunk worked him over. Alexi's long striped tail wiggled this and that way, like a perverse metronome, getting the rabbit suitably "prepared," much like marinating a good piece of meat.

"Mwah," he chuffed with one more kiss, leaving Sebastian's cock a dripping, dribbling mess. "Liking that, huh?"

Sebastian couldn't really fashion words together, only nod his head in feverish fashion as Alexi stroked his inches a few more times. "Don't lose it just yet though, fun's only starting. . ."

Here, Alexi stood, heels clicking as he took them off. He gently took Seb by the hand and guided him towards the bed (after the bun shuffled out of his panties and shirt). Before pushing him into the soft sheets, Alexi took a moment to lick and nibble at Seb's sensitive nips, giving them tiny bites and squeezes. Much like before, Sebastian responded with sighs and muffled moans, his whole frame shivering from excitement now.

"Nmf," commented Alexi as he nudged Seb into the covers. "I know I want you to bounce on me like I was the last dick on earth, but. . ."

He smacked Alexi's fat haunches. "Well, butt."

Sebastian gave a sharp 'ah' while his bottom wiggled, a timid pang of red left over from where Alexi had struck. It was strange, though exciting, that even an effeminate fella' like Alexi could strike with such force. Relatively speaking, at least. It only made the goth skunk more attractive, because for the first time in a long while, Sebastian wasn't with "that guy." Indeed, their kernel of understanding and similar experiences made him interesting, and that was enough to push Sebastian over the edge.

"Ah, A-Alexi. . ." murmured the bun, hips wiggling. He wanted to say the rest, demand the skunk "fuck him silly," as he'd put it, but couldn't muster the words. Fortunately, Alexi understood. You didn't breathe steam for a casual chat, after all.

"Oh, don't worry," Alexi purred. "I'll take real good care of you."

Of that, Sebastian had little doubt.

In a series of brisk motions, Sebastian found himself prone upon the bed while Alexi dispensed with his goth attire (save for the choker and piercings of course). Here, Seb got a brief moment to appreciate Alexi's slender yet curvy frame. He took good care of himself but paid attention to where things counted, like his perky rear and taut thighs. Indeed, his black and white fur carried an attentive sheen, indicating he doted on his body to look both alluring and individual. Most guys Seb "dated" tossed on a generic outfit, threw on some cologne, and maybe trimmed some face fur. It was refreshing to be with someone that cared like the bun did.

These thoughts were crudely pushed aside once Alexi got his palms on Seb's rump again. Indeed, the bun was presented like he were naught more than a breeding rabbit, while the skunk spread him to expose his winking pink hole. Alexi proceeded to wet his digits and nudge the ring, massaging and coaxing the sensitive entrance while Seb gasped, though relaxed. His timid rabbit cock shivered and dripped with presex while Alexi chuffed with approval, preparing the bun. Before anything, though, he retrieved a bottle of complimentary lubricant found in the hotel room dresser, appropriately slathering his ebon cock with the translucent liquid.

At this point, Sebastian was smoldering, and a pang of excitement rushed through him when he heard the subtle sounds of a hand applying liquid to a stiff, hungry cock. He hugged the bed pillow and watched, his teardrop tail fluttering while Alexi took position again, tip of his length nuzzling the pink hole.

"Oh god," mumbled Sebastian, more to himself. He was never good with clever talk, only capable of enunciating moans and whimpers. That was, for Alexi, plenty.

The skunk, too, was eager. It was fun toying with the bun but he was just as horny and goddamn that fat, unbelievable ass was enough to even turn the effete goth into a wild top. Thus, he pressed his slippery inches into the awaiting tunnel, savoring every moment as he shuttled his way inside the bun's hole until Seb had him wrapped nice and neat. The perfect kind of grip, actually, neither too tight or loose - he found one extreme either way denied a lot of potential sensation.

"Nnnn!" squeaked Sebastian, mouth agape and tongue hanging. It was nice to feel "full," comfortably so.

As for Alexi, holding off wasn't an option. Seb had been a cute tease - whether he realized or not - ever since they talked at the diner. The bun was shy, but he was smarter than he gave himself credit for, and all sorts of cute. Oh, and his butt, that part really helped.

"God, send me your fucking routine," commented Alexi through clenched teeth as he proceed to bury himself balls deep in the bun's rump. At this point, he was almost jealous of Sebastian's haunches.

He didn't let Sebastian answer, though, as quickly following Alexi's comment came a series of slow thrusts. The skunk mounted the bun, pushing his lithe chest to slender back, curling arms around the rabbit's waist as his hips went into overdrive. Too bad there was nobody to appreciate the sight, otherwise they'd get an eyeful of two bouncy rears - save one was dicking the other.

The only succinct, eloquent way to put it was pounding. That is to say, Alexi proceeded to hammer his hips and thighs into the bun, smashing his cock into the anal tunnel. Every strike and thrust sent a wave of lewd, loud smacks through the generous rump, bouncy bottom wiggling with fleshy ripples. Droplets of presex and lubricant splashed at the impact while Alexei's coinpurse battered the bun's taint, while Sebastian did little more than hold pillow and cry for more.


Sebastian's toes curled as the skunk used his hole, outright mating the rabbit. Suppose it was appropriate. However, with all the teasing, words, and buildup, both couldn't hold back. This wasn't a routine romp with a bored guy looking for easy ass. . . this was unique. Alexi trembled, his ebon inches shuddering to life, proceeding to explode and burst with hot ropes of white. Sebastian soon followed, his own timid rabbit cock quaking as thin jets of issues burst from his tip. Alexi pounded through orgasm and afterglow, his sensitive nerves overwhelming him with a mix of pleasure and pain while Sebastian felt his partner slow down.

Heavy pants followed after, along with the shivering motions of two post-orgasm effeminate boys. Alexi chuckled, slowly pulling out of Sebastian's tunnel, seed dripping free from the pink ring, a little 'pop' emitting from the coupling.

"Fuck, bunny," huffed Alexi, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "I can see why guys chase you. . ."

Sebastian flushed, his pucker tingling as the satisfying sensation of fulfillment overcame him. "But they never catch me," he managed to say.

He turned, glancing back with his wide, innocent eyes. ". . .don't I owe you a ride?"

Briefly, Alexi perched himself on the bed. His ears wiggled though, realizing what the bun was implying, and he could only offer a dark grin. "Haha. Slut. Guess we have that in common."

Didn't take long before Alexi was on his back and, as promised, the bun rode his cock til they were both sore, wide fat bottom tossing and crashing on Alexi's hard flank.

Both weren't used to it, because in their experience, they dealt with one-pumps who were a quick wam and bam.

But, this wasn't a typical date night, now was it?