The hack: chapter 1( Aron)

Story by Tsociety on SoFurry

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#1 of The hack: book 1

When a kid named Aron transfers into his new school, he meets a kid wearing a hoodie and goes down the path of a hacker in training.

Chapter 1 (Aron)

"Shit, we're screwed," I said as me and Trent was staring at the screen on the school's computer. The screen said a few words that had a simple message that would almost guarantee us either being locked up or hunted down.

" Do not mess with us

We will not hesitate to attack you should you not cease your activities

We are always prepared, we are

The Dark Web


"They found out," said Trent in fear.

3 days ago...

School was starting this Friday for me and I did not like it one bit. I made my way downstairs as I got my bag and went to the new school I had transferred to hoping that I would not be picked on like my old school because I am a wolf/fox hybrid.

"Bye mom!"

"Bye Aron! have a good day," my mother had shouted from the kitchen.

Walking to school I arrived and made my way to class, entering with the teacher ready to introduce me as usual.

"Morning class! This is our new student who has transferred here from Australia, please make him feel welcome" said the teacher whom I later learned was called Mrs Anderson.

She told me to sit beside this boy who is a Golden Labrador, he was around 5 feet tall and wearing a black jacket with the hood on and was all zipped up despite it being the middle of summer. I took a seat next to him and tried to greet him but was interrupted.

"Your an exchange student who has been to three different schools, had two girlfriends, a boyfriend, has been to Australia, Arizona, New York, London and if I'm not mistaken Brazil," the boy said without even looking at me.

"How did-?"

"Your Instagram says a lot more about you than you think," he said flashing his phone under the table.

'Okay either this kid knows be before and has been stalking me or he is really quick at searching Instagram' I told myself.

"Anyway my name is Trent, wanna be friends?"

"Umm, ok" I said confused at what just transpired.

He later explained that he was a hacker and that he already knew me transferring into this school three days ago as he had hacked the vice principals' computer.

"Strange how the school has so many safety measures and yet can be brought down to it's knees by a kid," said Trent.

"Also I know about your father's job," he whispered in my ear.

"Please don't tell anyone, I will be blamed," I pleaded.

"Dude calm down, I have no reason to tell anyone about your dad's job and besides you seem really nice," said Trent.

"Oh, thanks," I said clearly relieved that he won't tell anyone about my dad's job.

I asked him how he found out my dad's job and he said that he doesn't know what it is.

"It is obviously something that is very important or embarrassing judging by your reaction and that he never appeared in your photos even when your mother was present, this along with the fact that in the school's files on you there was your father and mother which means that your mother is not divorced or widowed and your father hence has an important job" said Trent.

"Can you do this with other people?" I asked quickly trying to change the subject.

"I can tell you are trying to change the subject but to answer your question yes I can do it to mast people as most also post their Instagram regularly like you, and those who don't can be easily social engineered to tell me everything about them"

"Social engineered?" I asked.

"It's a was of hacking the human mind and using its weaknesses, I don't even need to use my computer to do this" he replied.

"Oh" I replied.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming our way, and it sounds like a group of people.

"Oh hey there Tren I see that you have found a new student, why don't we take him off your hands?" Said a grey wolf smiling with two other wolves and a black Labrador.

"First of all my name is Trent I don't see why you like to call me Tren, second of all he is my friend so I don't need him off my hands" said Trent clearly annoyed.

"Oh then maybe we should take you off his hands then" said the wolf motioning the others to try and grab Trent.

When they tried to grab Trent's arm he swiftly grabbed their arm and swung it into the others and was left untouched.

Frustrated the grey wolf tried to land a punch on him but his arm was grabbed before he could hit Trent and was pulled in the direction he was punching in and fell over.

"What the-?" The wolf said in confusion.

"That was for trying to beat him up," said Trent with his arms folded and his hoodie down so that he could see. He turned to face me with a near emotionless face.

"Well that was annoying, wanna hang out after school?" Said Trent with a nonchalant voice.

"How are you so calm?" I asked, afraid of what he is capable of.

"This stuff is normal, almost everyone in this school gets bullied by them and I just can't stand it, so I stand up to them," he said.

"Oh, well I do want to hang out with you after school" I said realising that he looks cute, I blush a little.

"Oh good, follow me then" he said as if this had never happened.

"What should we do about them though?" I said pointing towards the four furs laying on the ground in pain.

"I suggest we leave them be that will need some time to stand upright, especially after I sprained Eric's ankle" said Trent pointing to the wolf's ankle.

"Okay," I said blushing a little after seeing his face without the hoodie that he unfortunately started to wear again.

We walked to Trent's house and opened the door to find the strangest thing I have ever seen.

"Well if you don't want me to get your cookies then play the stupid game better!" Shouted a tabby cat who seemed to be in his mid thirties.

"I played the game as good as I can! I am not giving any of my cookies to you!" Shouted a smaller tabby cat who sounded like a girl.

"Kit you were checkmated by your father and lost the bet just hand him the cookies," said a grey cat who seemed to me the mother.

"Um, mom what is going on?" Said Trent clearly just as confused as I am.

"Shut up Trent! Don't talk to me after getting my last gingerbread man!" Shouted the grey cat.

"Ahem, we are not the only ones here" said Trent motioning towards me.

"Oh! Sorry about that, kit, William keep the board" said woman who I believe is Trent's mother.

"It's ok, Mrs?" I asked.

"Schmidt" said Trent's mother.

"Alright, I assume we make our introductions" said the older tabby cat who I assume is the father.

"I am Trent's father though you can call me Will, this is his mother Vanessa" said will.

"Though you can call me Vanny" said Vanessa.

"And this is Kit, Trent's sister" said will

"Hi!" Shouted Kit.

"You two should go upstairs with Kit while William and I clean up the place," said Vanny.

"Alright," replied Trent.

He brought me into his room with his sister Kit and it looked like some sort of Hollywood depiction of a hacker's room. The computer had multiple screens with some words on it, there were no posters of anything on the walls, and there was some circuit boards disassembled on the table.

"Sorry that this place is in a mess," said Trent.

"It's fine, my bedroom is no better" I said blushing as he had his hood off and unzipped his jacket.

"Well looks like-"

"Kit don't you dare finish that sentence or you can say goodbye to your laptop's privacy" said Trent as he held a usb stick.

"Fine, but just so you know I am leaving you two alone, have fun lo-"

"Again, don't finish that sentence" said Trent as he began to look fustrated.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"My sister likes to ship me with anyone that comes over, and this includes boys"

"Wait, so your gay?" I asked a little excited that I might not be the only gay person here.

"Yes, I'm bi" he said as he searched his bag for something.

"Oh" I said wagging my tail in excitement as I would not to be ridiculed about being gay around someone.

"Were you ever in a relationship?" I asked.

"No, I never had a girlfriend or boyfriend" replied Trent.

"What's on your computer?" I said as it was showing a white rectangle with some words on it.

"That would be my chat group with some of my friends in it" replied Trent.

"Friends? I did not see you with anyone in school," I said.

"I actually met them by my father's friends, I meet up with them every week" replied Trent.

"Oh, how is it that your sister is a cat and your a Labrador?" I asked.

"I was adopted by them, I was around thirteen when that happened" replied Trent.

"Oh, what is that?" I said pointing to a small rectangular object that has a solar panel on its side which folds out to reveal a small keyboard and a small screen.

"That would be the device i use for most of my hacking" replied Trent.

"Wait, this small thing was what got you into the school's computers?" I asked shocked that something this small could be so powerful.

"Yes, that and a program i was able to install on the vice principal's computer allowed me access to the school's computer network" replied Trent who had shut down his laptop and pulled out his phone to message his friends.

"Oh wow" I said not sure on how to react.

"Dinner is ready!" shouted Vanny as we made our way to the table to see what She had cooked.

"Kit keep your knives! your scaring Aron," shouted Vanny.

"Um how do you know my name Vanny?" i asked unsure of how much this family knew about me.

"I asked Kit to try and find out your name as we never knew it so she did a quick check on Trent's Instagram browsing history and found your profile."

"You should really clean that profile of yours" said kit who was eating some pizza that Vanny seemed to have cooked.

"Yeah, my sister is a hacker too" said Trent who begin to eat at a slice of pizza.

"So is your boyfriend liking the pizza Trent?" said Will who sat beside me.

Trent choked on the pizza and drank some water before replying.

"Dad he is not my boyfriend, I have only known him for a day" replied Trent who seemed to be blushing a little.

"Knowing the four countries he has been to and knowing his previous ex girl and boyfriends speaks for itself" said Kit who was smiling.

"Kit I will DOX you if you keep shipping me and Aron" said Trent holding his phone.

"Whatever, just complete the R.W. by tonight we need it for the 5 11 tomorrow night" said Kit.



"Aron is still here" said Trent with an exasperated look on his face.

"Shit" said Kit.

"whats R.W. and the 5 11?" I asked afraid of what they were talking about.

"Umm... its-"

"Kit has a secret boyfriend she met on 5 11 and R.W. stands for Robotic Waffles as that was her boyfriend's nickname online" said Trent who grabbed me and begun to pull me to his room.

"Trent I'm gonna kill you!" shouted kit as she began to chase us and almost made it into the room if Trent did not close it fast enough.

"Well... think you can stay over tonight? Kit will kill us if we go out now," asked Trent.

" I think I will stay over, let me call my mom" I called my mom to ask if i could stay over as it was Friday and she said yes.

"She said yes" i replied.

"Oh, good"

"Though I would like you to explain the malware you have to complete for your friends on the chat" I said clearly seeing the messages in the group chat.