The hack: Chapter 8 (Trent)

Story by Tsociety on SoFurry

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#8 of The hack: book 1

This is the 8th installment and I will be changing the uploads schedule to nearly daily as the story is almost complete. Anyways, enough of my ramble, enjoy!

"And now you just type in the name of the .txt file and hit enter" I said teaching Aron how to use the password cracking tool called hashcat while leaning on his shoulder.

"Well that was tiring" he said as He spend over three hours trying to learn hacking.

"Yep, wait-that fucking asshole!" I said as I checked Instagram to find my sister taking apart my laptop and leaving it there.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, just need some time to call Kit" I said.

"You can use the bedroom, I will just wait outside" Aron said.

"Thanks" I replied.

When Aron closed the door I called Kit and began to shout my lungs out as my call was sent straight to voicemail.

"Hey Kit when you receive this message remember this, Fuck you! You are the worst sister on earth! I don't like saying I hate you but I hate you! I hate you so fucking much that if I show up in your room and your laying on the goddamn floor with a slit at your throat. That's cool, in fact that's my fucking preference, so to sum it all, fuck off and die!" I shouted leaving my voice hoarse.

"You ok now?" Aron asked as he entered the room.

"Yeah, just needed to take som of my anger out" I replied.

"Well, you can stay for a few more hours to cuddle, right?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied as I we went on his bed and cuddled.

"You boys ok? I heard some sho-" Aron's mother had walked in the door and seen us cuddling. She asked me to leave since it was getting dark. I took my stuff and left, leaving a small transmitter in the room so that I could listen to what she was going to say. When I was leaving I heard that Aron's father was coming later and that he would decide what was going to happen. When I arrived home I was unfortunately out of range so I had to just wait and hoped that nothing bad would happen.

I arrived home to find Kit listening to my message and laughing when she replayed it.

"Why are you laughing?" I said, trying to hold back my anger.

"Your reaction is priceless and I never actually took apart your computer" she said laughing.

"What?" I said shocked.

"Yeah it was photoshopped if you look closely" she said. I looked at the photo and zoomed in which showed a perfectly clean cut of where my computer was taken apart which was obvious evidence that it was photoshopped.

"Oh" I said and realized that Jane was sitting beside Kit with an arm around her shoulder.

"Hi Jane, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Hanging out with my gf" she said.

"Wait, Kit I thought you told me you weren't lesbian" I said.

"I said I wasn't lesbian end quote, I never said I wasn't into girls" she said clearly implying that she was bi like me.

"Ok then" I said as I made my way up my room and found it to be the same as always.

I turned on my laptop and chatted with everyone on Kit's bitchX server. I chatted with them about Kit's new relationship and then watched some YouTube videos on hacking. I heard the doorbell ring and went downstairs to find Aron at the door carrying a large bag.

"What happened?" I asked concerned.

"My father kicked me out because I he found out was gay" he said almost in tears.

"You can stay here if you want to" mom said.

"Thanks Vanny" Aron as I brought him upstairs and helped him get settled in my room. I felt bad for him since if I hadn't brought him into this he would've been completely safe from everything that had happened. I cuddled him to try and comfort him since he obviously as hurt if not more than I was.

'Alright we are going to kill that rat bastard' Sine said as she wanted vengeance for what Aron's parents had done.

'Hold on Sine, we shouldn't just hack someone because they kicked Aron out yes I agree that it is wrong but it's best to not interfere' Scient said.

'Fine, but we should at least get some info on them for safety reasons' Sine said.

'Ok then' I said as I wanted to get back at them but knew that fighting back would only cause trouble.

I brought him downstairs where we had dinner. Dad who didn't know that he was kicked out asked him how he was doing.

"Ok right now since you all let me stay" Aron said. He was about to ask him why he was staying but mom shot him a look that told him not to ask.

'Gosh I'm gonna kill him' Sine said.

'No you are not since A he is my Darth Vader and B is that it won't solve anything' I told her.

'Fine, by the way you're eating air' she said as I stopped eating and went in my room with Aron following suit.

I just cuddled with him to try and comfort him since he was hurt and was there when I was hurt, which is why I will be here when he is hurt.

'How can people be so ignorant' Sine said.

'It is what it is, there will always be people who are ignorant and do what they want' Scient said.

'Well either way I hope they all die' Sine said.

'We all will die eventually Sine, no one is immortal' I reminded her.

'Oh right' she said and stayed quiet.

Aron begun to cry and hold me tighter which made me feel sad and I held him even tighter. He eventually stopped crying and calmed down.

"Thanks Trent" he said with my fur wet from tears.

"It's ok, you were there for me when I had that nightmare so I will be here for you" I said.

"Thanks" he said as he begun to fall asleep.

I let him lay on my bed and checked my computer which had shown Kit telling everyone in tsociety about what his parents had done. We decided to DOX them to show them not to just kick their own child out because they are gay. I opened Firefox which is my browser and turned on private browsing, I begun to check for any people who have Aron's parent's username and found a few social media accounts, I checked each one and found his mother, I was unable to find his father's social media account though which I suspected was due to his job. I checked Aron's mother's social media account to see if there was any clues to what his job was but found nothing besides her relationship status. I told the rest of tsociety of what i found which made them just as confused as i was and decided that we would have to try and get some video or photo to identify him.

I used a techniqe called Google hacking to try and find any available security cameras in Aron's house as I had seen some cameras in his house most likely in case of a burglar. I checked the ones that had a nearby address and eventually found a camera that was recording the living room in his house and also caught part of the door. I opened the terminal and fired up a program I had coded to record the video and send the feed to my server, this will allow us to see what is going on even if we are asleep and will most likely catch Aron's father and could get some info on him. I then checked on the news about Furon and they have been able to get their servers back up and apparently even get the data back into people's accounts.

'Those rat bastards' Sine said as the plan has failed and people have still not found out about the truth about Furon and they are still profiting off people's data.

'Well, now we are even further back then where we started' Scient said as all our effort was for nothing and we couldn't try to do that again since they have made their security even more fortified and made it next to impossible to get in, let alone hack them. Along with that Aron had lost his parents which would slow down our planning even further with us having to help him with a difficult task of doxing his parents.

'Great, now there is no way of bringing justice to Furon' Sine said as we were out of options on how to bring them to justice' Sine said.

'There should be a vulnerability, there are always vulnerabilities in a system which can be exploited' Scient said.

'True, but how can we find them when all of our data on the servers are most likely outdated and the servers now updated to not be affected by these attacks and to top it off they have started to copy the data to other backup servers so even if we take down the nearby main server we have to do the same for over 12 other places across the globe' Sine said.

'What about a rootkit?' Felix asked.

'What?' Sine asked as she was confused.

'A rootkit, code that can stay hidden in a system and do anything we want, install programs, copy data, delete files and even spread itself' Felix said.

'That could work since the rootkit will not be detected by any antivirus programs and can spread to even all the other backup servers since they all are connected by the internet and can be taken down in fifteen minutes' Scient said as he considered the option.

'Ok, but how are we going to get the rootkit in their servers?' Sine asked.

'Simple, we can just get the rootkit in by transferring it on via an account and get someone on the inside to activate it' Felix said.

'And how are we going to get someone on the inside to activate it? Most of the people there are tech savy enough to not click on random stuff, especially people with access to the servers' Sine challenged Felix.

'Does anyone know what is the CEO of Furon's name?' Felix asked.

'Raymond Smith, why?' Sine said.

'And what is Aron's last name?' Felix asked.

'There is no way in hell that Aron's father is the CEO of Furon' Sine said.

'It would only make sense since he would have tried to hide all connections to his family for their safety and is why Aron is so afraid of anyone saying about it since everyone knew that if he was a son of someone who did something like that then he would have his life ruined' Scient said.

'And the chances of Aron and him being related?' Sine asked.

'Quite high since the place we hacked was also one of the newest and biggest with the last three servers being in New York, Arizona and Australia. Along with that the CEO would try to let his son have a normal life and build his way up since he himself had a hard life and worked hard to get to his position' Scient replied.

'But then why help to take him out? Especially if he would be shunned out about it' Sine asked.

'Because he wouldn't, no one knows about it and if his father is exposed now when he is not even known to be the son of the CEO of Furon then he would be perfectly safe. He knew this and wanted to take him down as soon as possible' Scient said.

'He's right Aron is really the son of Furon's CEO, so now we just need to have to get as much info about him from Aron' I said.

'We will have to ask him tomorrow though since he probable needs some rest, and we should start coding that rootkit' Felix said as I started to work on the rootkit and texted Kit on what I had found out with her most likely seeing it in the morning.

The hack: Chapter 9 (Aron)

I woke up in the middle of the night by myself on Trent's bed and saw him typing on his computer and looking stressed. "Trent, are you ok?" I asked. "Oh, your awake, yes I'm ok" he said as he turned off his...

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The hack: Chapter 7 (Kit)

"When is school gonna eeennnnnndddddddd" I groaned to my friend Kate who nearly fell asleep due to how boring algebra was. We weren't bad at the subject in fact we were best in the class but we were so far ahead that the teacher was just...

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The hack: Chapter 6 (Trent)

I hugged Aron as we were almost done with the episode and were going out for a date. I grabbed my light blue jacket, a light blue v neck shirt and blue shorts to change into. After I was done changing I went into the living room and see...

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